Awesome, amazing, and a few ideas

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Jun 19, 2024, 5:09:07 PM (10 days ago) Jun 19
to Trac Development
(just read top, ignore the rest unless bored....expecting no answers to any of this. :) )
Been using track minimally for a bunch of years.  Great work all!
As a 50 year diabetic, I'm on an insulin pump.
Today, while trying to figure out how to get a list of tickets closed last week autopopulated on my KanBan/GTD scheduling page (read between the lines about how powerful Trac wiki is when I can use concepts(kb/gtd/pomodoro) and in a couple of minutes of page editing have a way to schedule my life to fight diabetes induced ADHA.  WOW!)
Anyway, I bumped into and what does it say on the example image... Tandem Diabetes...the company that make the pump.
8.5 billion people and countess such thing as coincidence.
Be proud that I will live longer because at one time, you helpd a company drive to market a revolutionary device that will extend my life.  My daughter thanks you, my unborn grand kids, ...

ideas, wants, ...
So, I am stuck on 1.2.3  (running on a 2core 2g machine WOW) but have played with 1.6.x in a VM.  It could be me, but someone should take all the plugins, determine a set of those that define a complete(ish) project management with multiple users, resource, cost, gantt charts, ... oh that looks good.
I struggle trying to decide which of the hundreds of plugins I should install, which are working, and if contribute to the system I want to the projects in life such as "buy a home for vrbo/retirement, build a detached adjacent dwelling unit, get my CCNA, ...".
Organizing all this into a tested Trac CookBook would be awesome!  Narrow down the bits to get to functionality without developer skills. 
(notice the ish and the "could be me".  I understand the above is personal preferences / features required)

Keep up the awesome work!
ps- mostly this was a THANK you for saving lives...but now that Im here:
separate page wiki controls into a separate themeable theme mobile nice, one desktop nice would be where I start themes, then page content again separated have have theme templates and I imagine that could be made for mobile+desk, or one or the other; or have even that be selectable (auto) to rearrange content on the fly, mobile+dark mode hits the content theme and it lays it out diff than if I hit via desktop and selected a diff color pallet.  This would change how the page is rendered not the actual content. 
Oh and keep it all super simple JS.  I am so happy with the speed of static pages where only a tiny bit of JS is used (wysiwyg, trac wiki controls, ...) Please please please avoid the temptation to make trac a "web application".  :)
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