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Berlin students - Trac from the developer's perspective

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Jul 8, 2022, 8:34:43 AM7/8/22
to Trac Development
Hi guys,
thanks for your support and help so far!
In the context of the mentioned university course we are supposed to introduce Trac. The main purpose is to describe it from the developer's point of view. Since we have only been in contact with Trac for a short time, we would like to know your opinion on a few points:

- What motivates you to work on Trac?
- How would you describe the developer culture around Trac (compared to other open source projects)?
- What do you like most about Trac?

we would be very happy to receive your answers!
Clemens, Maynard, Niklas


Feb 23, 2023, 5:44:04 AM2/23/23
to Trac Development
I realise it has been more than a semester since your request was posted, so is this still relevant? Happy to help with a few lines if that is the case.

-- figaro
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