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FLORIDA HB 621 Property Rights; Authorizes property owners or authorized agents to request assistance from sheriff for immediately removing unauthorized occupants from residential dwelling

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Harold Saive

Mar 22, 2024, 4:06:17 PM3/22/24
to TownSquareNews

FLORIDA HB 621 Property Rights; Authorizes property owners or authorized agents to request assistance from sheriff for immediately removing unauthorized occupants from residential dwelling

GENERAL BILL by Judiciary Committee ; Civil Justice Subcommittee ; Steele ; (CO-INTRODUCERS) Berfield ; Black ; Chamberlin ; Chaney ; Daniels ; Garcia ; López, J. ; Mooney ; Rudman ; Stark ; Tramont

Property Rights; Authorizes property owners or authorized agents to request assistance from sheriff for immediately removing unauthorized occupants from residential dwelling under certain conditions; requires specified complaint; provides requirements for sheriff; authorizes arrest of unauthorized occupant; provides that sheriff is not liable to any party for loss, destruction, or damage; provides that property owner or agent is not liable to any party for loss or destruction of, or damage to, personal property unless it was wrongfully removed; prohibits unlawfully detaining, or occupying or trespassing upon, residential dwelling intentionally & causing at least specified amount of damage; provides criminal penalties for any person who knowingly & willfully presents false document purporting to be valid lease agreement, deed, or other instrument conveying real property rights; prohibits listing or advertising for sale, or renting or leasing, residential real property.

Effective Date: 7/1/2024
Last Action: 3/21/2024 - Signed by Officers and presented to Governor

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