C19 VACCINES ARE CONTAGIOUS - Info provided to the court from a Finnish gov't and WHO vaccine expert Dr. Hanna Nohynek

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Harold Saive

Apr 14, 2024, 3:32:36 PMApr 14
to TownSquareNews

Dear Finnish Embassy Staff:

I am an ex-Peace Corps Volunteer (human propaganda).  I used to enjoy embassy events when I lived in DC... so I have fond place in my heart for the rest of the world that has been forced to endure our out-of-control US Dept of Defense & overbuilt "intelligence complex" for decades.

Below is an article to help you see the fight back that is forming all across the USA.  We are so poisoned and mind controlled, it might not seem like much just yet - but every day - more and more taxpayers are waking up to the fact that we have been used for all of our lives in a very extreme way.  No one is coming to save us.

For your survival, I have attached a working List/Summary of what has been found in the C19 injections.  It is not perfect, but it will help you understand that the C19 injections are contagious, and contain a myriad of substances that will self-assemble and connect the human body to the US Air Force's Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN).  

The WBAN runs on the 5G+ technology. It is dual purpose in the sense that it can both download control frequency information and upload energy from the human body using the embedded nano-tech.  This system is based on the intensely un-aesthetic ground masts, and the 20,000+ Starlink constellation satellites launched after 01/2020 into Near or Low Earth Orbit by technocratic showman and US Dept of Defense puppet - Elon Musk.  At the end of 2023, the US Federal Communications Commission (FCC) had another 440,000 satellites in the permitting process pipeline.  

For satellite updates go to:  5GSpaceAppeal.com and CellPhoneTaskForce.org and the new organization: RadiationEmergency.org.  For background on the US defense complex's activities, read:  Geoengineered Transhumanism by Elana Freeland.

Apparently, nobody in Finland's policy and control world got the memo about the C19 injections either... We the People of the United States of Amerika are witnessing a catastrophic level of cowardice from our elected and appointed leaders.  Books have been written about the blackmail-based and mind control systems that keep them from protecting the taxpayers, their children, the environment, or anything other than their bank accounts and personal fictions. [Read: One Nation Under Blackmail by Whitney Webb's two volume series]

Wishing you the best in these warring times and if you need back up, sources, or more info on how to detox the contagious C19 injections - please e-mail me.  

Best Regards,
Grayson Porter
Spindale, NC
828-429-9485 (burner; no v-mail)

PS  If all of this is new to you - start here:

#1  Documentary - "Died Suddenly:" rumble.com/v1wac7i-world-premier-died-suddenly.html #2 Short Video - "Heart Hydrogel Structure" (post-mortem): bitchute.com/video/3lPlUoJVa0Xj/ #3 Documentary - "Final Day:" rumble.com/v2r004k-final-days-worldwide-premiere.html?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email

* * *

Are you ready for personal "Bio-digital Convergence"  brought to you by the US Bio-Security State and it's for-profit bio-robots in the Medical Industrial Complex?  Dr. Ana Mihalcae, 2023  //   https://rumble.com/v42thih-uncensored-russian-study-finds-connection-with-nanotech-and-covid-dr.-ana-m.html?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email

The WHO is drawing up plans for the greatest real estate and asset steal the world has ever seen. If you want to continue to own your home or business, I suggest you make sure your country exits and defunds the WHO.”  ~ Catherine Austin Fitts

"Financial Transaction Control (FEDNOW / CBDC) is a marketing plan for the genocide program to force the next round of injections... it's a death and sterility experiment... for centralized control. Catherine Austin-Fitts

“If you catch an official—a professional—lying about something straight to the public, what else are they lying about?”  Sasha Latypova

Are you ready to be a docile, sterile, "Transhuman 2.0" w/a short, expensive, disease-ridden life-span?  How many injected people do you know who can still work a 40 hour week, or are even still in this dimension?

FRIENDLY REMINDER:  It was the government that maimed and killed your friends and family with the C19 bio-weapon injection, stole your freedoms, destroyed your businesses, and killed your kids or just ruined your children's future - All  to hide 5G+ radiation - NOT - un-injected people.  So who do you think is going into Ronald Reagan's DOD-FEMA project Readiness Exercise 84 that are now Covid Internment Shielding Camps ("CIC's")? Exactly how do you think this is going to end if we the people do not stop it There ARE fates worse than death and nobody is coming to save us.  We have change the US government ourselves.

Sign:  "The only reason the people controlling the US government would want to disarm you after 243 years, is because they plan to do something you would shoot them for."

"I will not sit down. I will not shut up. I will not comply.  I am an American."   Colorado Julie
"Discipline is choosing between what you want now and what you want most." Abraham Lincoln
"Silence in the face of evil is itself evil; God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act." Dietrich Bonhoeffer
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------- Forwarded Message -------
From: Meryl Nass from Meryl’s COVID Newsletter <mery...@substack.com>
Date: On Saturday, April 13th, 2024 at 1:15 AM
Subject: Important information provided to the court from a Finnish gov't and WHO vaccine expert

After governments knew (by 8/1/21) that COVID vaccines did not prevent transmission, there was no reason to require them or the vax passports, which perhaps were the real reason to push the vaccines
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Important information provided to the court from a Finnish gov't and WHO vaccine expert

After governments knew (by 8/1/21) that COVID vaccines did not prevent transmission, there was no reason to require them or the vax passports, which perhaps were the real reason to push the vaccines


The DisInformation Chronicle
4 minute read The World Health Organization’s Dr. Hanna Nohynek testified in court that she advised her government that vaccine passports were not needed but was ignored, despite explaining that the COVID vaccines did not stop virus transmission and the passports gave a false sense of security. The stunning revelations came to light…
18 hours ago · 114 likes · 4 comments · Paul D. Thacker

Why did the Finnish government toss aside its own experts to follow the crowd on vaccines and vax passports?

The man bringing this case is really determined and he is making amazing progress. All because his usual restaurant for breakfast refused to serve him without a vax passport, and he knew this type of discrimination was not allowed under Finnish law.

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548 Market Street PMB 72296, San Francisco, CA 94104

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