Florida. SB222 is dead. DeSanis Replaces SB 222
with SB 252 SB 200 was a powerful freedom bill that deserved
passage into law.
DeSantis suddenly in the pocket of Big Pharma
-- SB252 forces employees to follow federal government
mandates and opens the door to the World Health Organization
to control our health policies
Floridians created the bill and it was gaining great support! It protected people’s vaccination and immunity status, ended all vaccine discrimination, stopped the federal government from getting our medical data, protected our children from EUA vaccines, protected all public and private employees from all vaccine mandates and vaccine passports.
killed the bill.And now, Floridians are about to have their
freedom stripped away this coming week as legislators prepare to
pass a #fakefreedomflorida bill
SB252 that forces employees to follow federal government
mandates and opens the door to the World Health Organization to
control our health policies.
And, while it claims to prevent MRNA vaccine
mandates that’s not permanent and runs 20 months. It’s all a
game to create a false narrative to sell to the public. You were
warned by many of us trying to get the message to the masses.
Doomsday comes as DeSantis manipulates the media.
This is not a freedom blueprint but a path toward one world
governing control. We the people created SB222 because this is
what we wanted legislators to pass on behalf of Floridians.
Big Pharma & Governor DeSantis created SB252. Remember that when your children are dragged and forced to line up and be jabbed during the next “pandemic.” Because they are planning another one and we are being set up to fall.