Iridium in Haiti - The reason for the racist liberal/conservative/gay/straight bi-partisan occupation of Haiti

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zili danto

Nov 6, 2017, 5:07:47 AM11/6/17
to Ezili Dantò
Haiti Riches (oil, iridium, uranium, et al) are hidden so the white plutocrats may gorge on poverty porn and fake aid that's mere money laundering... The Haiti earth itself has saved Haitians from the evils of the white genocidaires and eugenicists. Now they're realizing it more and more. (Researchers say metal from dinosaur-killing asteroid can kill cancer cells. See our usual iridium photo below)

Iridium in Haiti
Haiti, as we've shown, has the purest iridium. Iridium alone makes each of Haiti's 13 million people multi-millionaires. Except, Haiti is getting robbed blind behind a depraved and greedy U.S.-Eurasian occupation hidden behind the mercenary UN/NGhoe-humanitarian front. The U.S. military has been carting it out for over 20-years...intensified behind the fake United Nations peacekeepers - (See photo below.) 

Besides in Beloc, Professor Henry VIXAMAR, says there is iridium also in Benet, Haiti. One ton of iridium, Vixamar says, is worth $45 BILLION dollars. Iridium alone would economically modernize all of Haiti, making its 13 million people more than comfortable. Except for South Africa, Haiti has more iridium than any other country in the world -And now comes this news:

Researchers say metal from dinosaur-killing asteroid can kill cancer cells

The asteroid that crashed into our planet about 66 million years ago and led to the mass extinction of the dinosaurs appears to have life-saving abilities as well. 
Researchers in the U.K. and China have found that one of its metals, iridium, can kill cancer cells. 
According to a release from the University Of Warwick, it does so, “by filling them with deadly version of oxygen.” 
The researchers developed an activated organic-iridium compound and used a laser to send it through the skin and all layers of a model lung cancer cell tumor. 
After determining it had killed the harmful cells, the team moved on to testing the treatment’s impact on non-cancerous cells and found it did no damage to healthy tissue.

“This project is a leap forward in understanding how these new iridium-based anti-cancer compounds are attacking cancer cells, introducing different mechanisms of action, to get around the resistance issue and tackle cancer from a different angle,” Cookson Chiu, one of the study’s authors, commented.

Cancer cells destroyed with dense metal found in asteroids

Inline image

From LE POINT 3 Fevrier 2017 

Henry VIXAMAR at
Dr. Henry Vixamar is 94 yrs old. He was born in Port De Paix on April 2, 1922. He lives in Haiti, is retired, blind for 10 years, a professor in Haiti who still teaches Latin and was the former economic development advisor to the President of Chad. He was in exile for 24 years under Francois Duvalier (13 years in Africa and 11 years in France).

Dr Henry Vixamax spoke, on February 3, 2017 with Metropole Tele on Le Point about Haiti riches. His main point is that the mineral wealth that Haiti possesses is more than sufficient to achieve the industrialization of Haiti. According to Dr Vixamar, Haiti possesses the most and best gold than any other country in the world ...

Iridium alone will economically develop Haiti. Besides the iridium in Beloc, Dr Henry VIXAMAR says there is Iridium also in Benet, Haiti. One (1) ton of iridium goes for $45billion dollars.

Except for South Africa, Haiti has more iridium than any other country in the world. Dr. Vixamar says Haiti has massive oil and gas reserves in the Gulf of Port au Prince, at La Gonave, at l'habitation Caradeux and the oil reserves at the Cayemites islands are enormous... There are already 27 oil wells in Haiti which the US forbid both the Dumasais Estime and Francois Duvalier governments from exploring. He points out that Haiti oil reserves, located in the area from the airport all the way to Petionville are nature's sacred gift to Haiti that would give at least one million barrel per day...
Listing other Haiti mining resource, the elder Dr. Vixamar, points out that except for Czechoslovakia, Haiti has the most mercury in the world. Part of this cache of mercury is at Mole St. Nicolas. Haiti also has the purest copper, aluminum, manganese...

He says Haiti's asphalt is superior to that of Venezuela. Deep into the asphalt is petrol. No one is sure the amount of petrol that's at Pik Makaya in Grand Anse below the asphalt.

At 48.29 into broadcast Dr Vixamar -- talks for Haiti to establish a new relationship under President Donald Trump. He thinks under Trump, Haiti could have more sovereignty...because he says each country should take care of his domestic-- LE POINT 3 Fevrier 2017 Henry VIXAMAR
The three questions Haitians ask world citizens to consider are:

QUESTION: What’s so important in Haiti that the U.S. would build its fourth largest embassy in the world there, and the largest U.S. embassy in the Western Hemisphere in Haiti while funding a UN proxy occupation force, behind fake aid and fake elections, since 2004?

Haiti homicide rate is 10.2 per 100,000. It was lower in 2006 at 5.6 per 100,000. Haiti has one of the lowest crime rates and the lowest prison population rate in the Caribbean if not the entire Western Hemisphere.

The Dominican Republic has four times more violence than Haiti. Brazil's has 54 per 100,000 times more violence than Haiti. Until the 2016 ramping up of the covert US war to bring down the Dilma Rousseff government for allowing Chinese and Indian oil companies from BRICS dibs on its massive subsalt oil reserve find, Brazil was the commander of the UN-MINUSTAH troops in Haiti.

Why is the UN not bringing stability to the more violent DR? Brazil, Mexico, Bahamas, Jamaica, Columbia, etc..? Or, in Detroit, Washington DC, Jamaica, Mexico, Bahamas, Columbia – all with greater violence than Haiti?

2. QUESTION: Why is there a U.N. Chapter 7, shoot-to-kill, “peace enforcement” mission in Haiti since 2004 renamed MINUJUSTH without the shoot-to-kill mandate on Oct 15, 2017)? A country not at war, 
without a peace agreement to enforce and with less violence than most countries in the Western Hemisphere? A country with one of the lowest crime rates in the Caribbean? The U.N. has never unleashed a war battalion in a country not at war and without a peace agreement to enforce in all its existence. Why the double standard for Haiti?

3. QUESTION: Haiti has trillions of dollars in natural resources - billions in gold, massive oil reserves, natural gas, the purest iridium in the world, marble, copper, et al--

Why does Haiti need Obama/Bush/Clinton's meager 61cent an hour sweatshop jobs or US charity (false aid) with so much of its own resources to develop the local economy? The U.S. occupation has brought Haiti not only dictatorship with Michel Martelly ruling without a Parliament and then the fake election of the incriminated money launderer, Jovenel Moise, but reckless transmission of a contagious disease similar to the diseases brought by Columbus' men when they first landed in Haiti over 500 years ago.



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