Any thoughts on using Twitter Bootstrap?

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Nate Hunzaker

Mar 7, 2012, 9:01:53 AM3/7/12
I'm somewhat up for creating a Twitter Boostrap-esque theme for Mulberry, is anyone else working on this?

Daniel Imal

Mar 7, 2012, 10:29:05 AM3/7/12
to Toura Mulberry
That would be awesome. I'd be willing to help in any way possible. We
had discussed doing something like similar, but haven't started yet. I
have a pull request which significantly changes how themes work, and I
think it *should* make this more straightforward than it would be
currently. It'll land on master very soon -- possibly within a few

Nate Hunzaker

Mar 7, 2012, 10:40:18 AM3/7/12
to Toura Mulberry
Okay cool. I look forward to it!

Daniel Imal

Mar 7, 2012, 10:57:52 AM3/7/12
to Toura Mulberry
Actually, I just re-read the title to your post and I'm a little
unclear on the question now. Are you considering using Bootstrap
itself or creating a similar theme for Mulberry? Since Bootstrap is in
Less and Mulberry uses Sass, using Bootstrap itself could be a
problem. It could be handled as a separate stylesheet, but it would be
pretty confusing to have some styles in Less and some in Sass. If
you're talking about creating a Sass Bootstrap-esqe theme for Mulberry
in Sass, then by all means, my previous response stands. That would be
sweet. There are some existing Sass implementations of Bootstrap on
github, but I haven't used any so I don't know what their quality is
or whether they'd be helpful.

On Mar 7, 10:29 am, Daniel Imal <> wrote:

Nate Hunzaker

Mar 7, 2012, 11:17:27 AM3/7/12
to Toura Mulberry
Oh not at all, I'm thinking about a Sass Bootstrap-esque theme
completely, and I was going to build upon some existing attempts
(there are so many already)
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