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SQLAjqGridWidget refresh

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Gary Cowell

Mar 22, 2014, 8:25:26 PM3/22/14

I have a SQLAjqGridWidget where the data comes from a model containing rows of the current state of tasks in a web service

What this basically means is, I must invoke


before the grid loads, to make sure it shows the current data.

Currently I'm doing this in my forms class before I instantiate the grid into the form.

Firstly, is there a better way/place to call this?  My helper class deletes all the rows from the model source, and re-populates them with current data. 

Is there a better place to do this so my helper class gets called every time the grid is reloaded?

I'm using the pager_options to set the 'Reload' on, but this just reloads from the current set of model data, and I can't work out how to make it call my helper first, so the data is always stale.

I'm fully aware that there's lots I don't know about Turbogears (2.3.2) and ToscaWidgets2 , we all have to start somewhere :)

To be fair, my little app actually does what it's supposed to do, with the exception of being stuck with stale grid data.

Appreciate any assistance anyone can give, thank you.

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