I've just been playing with AngularJS and it is amazing! It is based on the idea of templates in JavaScript, but takes it further than the likes of mustache.js. I think it's now becoming clear that this approach is the future of web apps. There's even a fix for the major concern - what if the user has disabled javascript - by server-side javascript rendering, e.g. using node.js
Now, I wondered if we'd want a tw2.angular but on reflection this would be a bad idea. It would get in the way without adding value. It's better to just write Angular directly. And there are tools in that ecosystem (e.g. grunt) that do some of the things tw2 does.
The server-side of an AngularJS app is pretty much just a REST service. It serves up JSON; the client does all the rendering. Now, the likes of Pyramid, Django, etc. can do this. But their REST support is not optimised for this kind of usage. Flask has an interesting plugin flask-restless which is a thin layer to serve an SQLAlchemy class as a REST service.
Now what I'm getting to here, is that tw2 doesn't have much of a role in the AngularJS world, but that there is an opportunity for a REST framework to gain significant traction.
I've not much time to work on this, but wanted to share my thoughts.