How to remove local files without affecting repository

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Roger Montague

Apr 1, 2009, 8:48:36 PM4/1/09

Hello All:


I have (hopefully) a simple question, but I don’t want to experiment on this.


I have several versioned projects on my local computer that I want to delete locally, but I DON’T want them changed in the repository.  How would I go about this, safely?



Thanks in Advance,




Roger Montague

Principal Systems Engineer

Prometric Systems, Inc.

7125 Washington Avenue South

Edina, MN  55439

Cell: 952-807-2246


Simon Large

Apr 2, 2009, 4:28:16 AM4/2/09
2009/4/2 Roger Montague <>:

> Hello All:
> I have (hopefully) a simple question, but I don’t want to experiment on
> this.
> I have several versioned projects on my local computer that I want to delete
> locally, but I DON’T want them changed in the repository.  How would I go
> about this, safely?

If they are standalone working copies, i.e. not inside a parent
working copy, then just delete the entire working copy folder in
explorer (NOT using the TSVN->delete).


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Ronni Rosenberg

May 1, 2009, 2:57:03 PM5/1/09
I want to do the same thing. But if I delete my local, versioned copy
(via Windows Explorer), the next time I do an SVN Update at the top of
the directory, the files will be put back on my local machine. Please

On Apr 2, 4:28 am, Simon Large <>
> 2009/4/2 Roger Montague <>:

> > Hello All:
> > I have (hopefully) a simple question, but I don’t want to experiment on
> > this.
> > I have several versioned projects on my local computer that I want to delete
> > locally, but I DON’T want them changed in the repository.  How would I go
> > about this, safely?
> If they are standalone working copies, i.e. not inside a parent
> working copy, then just delete the entire working copy folder in
> explorer (NOT using the TSVN->delete).
> Simon
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Simon Large

May 1, 2009, 4:39:46 PM5/1/09
2009/5/1 Ronni Rosenberg <>:

> I want to do the same thing.  But if I delete my local, versioned copy
> (via Windows Explorer), the next time I do an SVN Update at the top of
> the directory, the files will be put back on my local machine.  Please
> advise.

That's not the same thing at all. I was talking about deleting an
entire working copy. If you are keeping the versioned parent you are
just clearing out part of your working copy.

Try using Update-to-revision on the directory you want to drop and
select depth=Exclude.


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: oo // \\ "De Chelonian Mobile"
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Ronni Rosenberg

May 2, 2009, 2:38:03 PM5/2/09
to, Simon Large,
Let me be more specific. I have the following structure:


(The subdirectories have their own subdirectories in turn.)

I want to delete my working copy of Subdirectory2. Then, when I do
future updates at the level of MyHeadDirectory, I want to get only
Subdirectory1 and Subdirectory3. Is this doable?

I tried what you suggested -- doing an Update To Revision on
Subdirectory2, but Exclude isn't one of the options under Revision

On May 1, 4:39 pm, Simon Large <>

> 2009/5/1 Ronni Rosenberg <>:
> > I want to do the same thing.  But if I delete my local, versioned copy
> > (via Windows Explorer), the next time I do an SVN Update at the top of
> > the directory, the files will be put back on my local machine.  Please
> > advise.
> That's not the same thing at all. I was talking about deleting an
> entire working copy. If you are keeping the versioned parent you are
> just clearing out part of your working copy.
> Try using Update-to-revision on the directory you want to drop and
> select depth=Exclude.
> Simon
> --
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Stefan Küng

May 3, 2009, 2:53:10 AM5/3/09
Ronni Rosenberg wrote:
> Let me be more specific. I have the following structure:
> MyHeadDirectory
> Subdirectory1
> Subdirectory2
> Subdirectory3
> (The subdirectories have their own subdirectories in turn.)
> I want to delete my working copy of Subdirectory2. Then, when I do
> future updates at the level of MyHeadDirectory, I want to get only
> Subdirectory1 and Subdirectory3. Is this doable?

* checkout MyHeadDirectory with depth "only file children"
* open repository browser on checked out working copy
* browse to Subdirectory1, right-click, "update item to revision",
select depth "fully recursive"
* repeat for Subdirectory2


oo // \\ "De Chelonian Mobile"
(_,\/ \_/ \ TortoiseSVN
\ \_/_\_/> The coolest Interface to (Sub)Version Control
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Simon Large

May 3, 2009, 3:39:21 AM5/3/09
to Ronni Rosenberg,
Please keep replies on the mailing list so everyone can benefit from them.

2009/5/2 Ronni Rosenberg <>:
> OK, I installed the latest version of TortoiseSVN, and it worked.  Thanks
> very much for your help.
> FYI, after excluding Subdirectory2, I tried adding it back (just to make
> sure I could, if desired later), by doing Update To Revision from
> MyHeadDirectory and specifying Fully Recursive.  That seemed to be working,
> so I cancelled out of it.  Evidently cancellations aren't handled gracefully
> and things were left in an unstable state, because when I tried to Exclude
> it again, I got an error.  After some messing around, I was able to fix
> things manually.  Sheesh.  This is the most error-prone version-control
> system I've ever used.

I have found it to be pretty reliable myself. But the handling of the
working copy is all done by the subversion library so you need to
report failures like that on the subversion mailing list, preferably
with a reproduction recipe using the command line client.


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: oo // \\ "De Chelonian Mobile"
: (_,\/ \_/ \ TortoiseSVN
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May 3, 2009, 1:30:58 PM5/3/09
Re: This recipe:

* checkout MyHeadDirectory with depth "only file children"
* open repository browser on checked out working copy
* browse to Subdirectory1, right-click, "update item to revision",
select depth "fully recursive"
* repeat for Subdirectory3


The bug is: In the Repo Browser the same logic for staging Checkouts
on multiple selected subdirectories isn't used when all the subdirs
selected are also Update To Revision candidates. Also, the menu item
for Update To is active when you select multiples in the Explorer file
pane, including a mix of dirs and files, so this is inconsistent
behavior between the two. If the logic for the staging is in there, it
could be simply the checks needed to undisable the menu item for this
case aren't there.

Fixing this, you'd only need one TortoiseProc session to grab multiple
tags or branches of interest, and they'd all have the same rev number.
On some large repositories you can have 3 or 4 commits to various
parts of it in the time it takes to do a relatively small checkout, so
it takes a final Update To Revision/ Working Copy from Explorer to get
all the individual checkouts to the same Rev level.

This would change the recipe to:

* checkout MyHeadDirectory with depth "only file children"
* open repository browser on checked out working copy

* browse to Parent of Subdirectory1 in dir tree, select Subdirectory1
in file pane
* Ctrl-Click Subdirectory3, 6, 15, 137, etc.
* right-click on a selected item, "update item to revision", select
depth other than Working Copy
* Wait for TortoiseProc to run once

Also, since Working Copy does only apply to items already checked out,
for sparse checkouts like this, the option should be removed from the
depth choices combo box, as it's a no-op. At the least, it should not
be the default selection there; Dirs Only or Fully Recursive should
be. Since there aren't that many selections anyways, changing the
combo box to a radio button group wouldn't expand the dialog's
dimensions significantly, and it would both save the extra click on
the drop down arrow and let you disable choices individually.

A simple scenario for multiple disables being desirable is: when you
only have a file or files selected in the browser the only depth that
makes sense is Files Only, and the rest can be grayed out. This
provides immediate visual feedback on the possibilities appropriate to
what has been selected. That's the feature request. It also applies to
the Checkout dialog, I'd think. :-) I also think there are some
missing depth choices, related to working copy state from prior sparse
checkouts and not just this simple case, but that's a whole other
kettle of fish to stew over as a BIG bug report on the SVN list, most


On May 3, 2:53 am, Stefan Küng <> wrote:
> Ronni Rosenberg wrote:
> > Let me be more specific.  I have the following structure:
> > MyHeadDirectory
> >     Subdirectory1
> >     Subdirectory2
> >     Subdirectory3
> > (The subdirectories have their own subdirectories in turn.)
> > I want to delete my working copy of Subdirectory2.  Then, when I do
> > future updates at the level of MyHeadDirectory, I want to get only
> > Subdirectory1 and Subdirectory3.  Is this doable?


Stefan Küng

May 3, 2009, 1:35:17 PM5/3/09
M_Z wrote:
> Re: This recipe:
> * checkout MyHeadDirectory with depth "only file children"
> * open repository browser on checked out working copy
> * browse to Subdirectory1, right-click, "update item to revision",
> select depth "fully recursive"
> * repeat for Subdirectory3
> Stefan
> The bug is: In the Repo Browser the same logic for staging Checkouts
> on multiple selected subdirectories isn't used when all the subdirs
> selected are also Update To Revision candidates. Also, the menu item
> for Update To is active when you select multiples in the Explorer file
> pane, including a mix of dirs and files, so this is inconsistent
> behavior between the two. If the logic for the staging is in there, it
> could be simply the checks needed to undisable the menu item for this
> case aren't there.

What you don't seem to understand: checking out different folders
doesn't result in a sparse checkout. Please read the subversion book first.


oo // \\ "De Chelonian Mobile"
(_,\/ \_/ \ TortoiseSVN
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May 4, 2009, 11:56:57 AM5/4/09
Call it cherry picking of directories then... I'm not confusing the
effective difference between types of operations; but to my mind the
first time you grab a file from the repository into a working copy,
that's its "initial checkout", regardless of which command is used to
perform the transfer. The point is "Update To Revision..." is active
when you select multiple dirs and files in the Explorer files view of
a working copy but not in the Repo Browser's files view, for the case
where when each item is selected individually it does show up. If it's
active when one dir is selected, in other words, it should still be
active when more then one dir is selected. The interface appearances
are unwarrantedly inconsistent, and makes for more work on the users
part than necessary.

"Checkout..." in this context is just the example of a menu item that
does show up in Repo-Browser on multiple selections and has the logic
to stage what transferring it does in one TortoiseProc session using a
for...each loop on the selected items list, not force you to run
multiple sessions. I could have used "Copy to Working Copy..."
instead, but that's more letters to type.

Hope this is clearer,

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Stefan Küng

May 4, 2009, 12:04:39 PM5/4/09
M_Z wrote:
> Call it cherry picking of directories then... I'm not confusing the
> effective difference between types of operations; but to my mind the
> first time you grab a file from the repository into a working copy,
> that's its "initial checkout", regardless of which command is used to
> perform the transfer. The point is "Update To Revision..." is active
> when you select multiple dirs and files in the Explorer files view of
> a working copy but not in the Repo Browser's files view, for the case
> where when each item is selected individually it does show up. If it's
> active when one dir is selected, in other words, it should still be
> active when more then one dir is selected. The interface appearances
> are unwarrantedly inconsistent, and makes for more work on the users
> part than necessary.

It's active in 1.6.x when multiple items are selected, but only if the
first selected one refers to a directory that's not present locally.


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