[Suggestion] TortoiseMerge - go to to next/previous file

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2018年2月21日 11:25:202018/2/21
收件人 TortoiseSVN
Could you consider adding an option to TortoiseMerge to allow to go to next/previous file?

* commit changes and review them fast => you simply click svn commit, see all changes, click the first file and select compare with base and now you want to do this with all changed files, therefore a button "next file" would be nice
* compare urls in repo browser => again, going to next/previous file in TortoiseMerge would be really useful


2018年2月22日 13:37:402018/2/22
收件人 TortoiseSVN
TMerge does not have the means to fetch files from a working copy, especially not from a repository.
To make this work, we'd have to fetch and save all the possible files to a temp location and then pass the full list to TMerge. Now imagine a commit dialog with 200 changed files...

So no, that feature won't be implemented in the near future. Sorry.

Niemann, Hartmut

2018年2月23日 03:04:232018/2/23
收件人 TortoiseSVN on behalf of Stefan

Hello Stefan!


This could be implemented by reserving a return code for “finished without error, go to next” and one for “finished without error, go to previous”

and the calling application could react by starting a new TMerge instance for the previous / next file. Then there would be no need for

storing the temp files for TMerge.


I have no opinion (yet) whether or not this function would be a good idea, though.


My commits often consist of a mix of all kinds file types, including office and special XML files with custom diff tools registered (a GREAT thing, by the way).

“Next” would be really useful only if all those diff tools including the office diff tools would implement it -- hardly possible.


Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Dr. Hartmut Niemann

Siemens AG


2018年2月23日 13:23:442018/2/23
收件人 TortoiseSVN

On Friday, February 23, 2018 at 9:04:23 AM UTC+1, H. Niemann wrote:

Hello Stefan!


This could be implemented by reserving a return code for “finished without error, go to next” and one for “finished without error, go to previous”

and the calling application could react by starting a new TMerge instance for the previous / next file. Then there would be no need for

storing the temp files for TMerge.

That would require inter-process communications, which is of course doable but a lot of work to get it right.
And while your description looks easy, there are a lot of edge cases:
* what happens if more than one TMerge instance is running? Does TortoiseProc have to keep a tag on each one so it knows that "prev/next" means?
* what happens if you close the commit dialog?
* what happens if you refresh the commit dialog and the file list changes?
* what happens if the 'next' file is not text but e.g. an image file? Or a binary file? If you want to skip it, how would TProc know which ones to skip?

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