TortoiseMerge: Possible bug

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Jul 19, 2009, 3:23:54 PM7/19/09
Today I tried to range a of revisions from a branch back to the trunk, but I had already done so with a few other revisions before (same branch, also back to the trunk).

The merge worked fine as long as I didn't use TortoiseMerge to edit the conflicts. What happened:
There were about 4 or 5 ranges of revisions to be merged in the third or so a conflict occurred. The resulting text files (with "<<<<" and ">>>>") showed both versions correctly. However by editing the conflict with TortoiseMerge the working copy version was simply wrong (right side). It probably showed the last version from the range that was being merged when the conflict occurred.

As a result the whole file got kind of busted because it missed about the latest 15 revisions. Manual merge then got me the right results.

I'm using the latest 1.6.3 TortoiseSVN version and server side I believe we still have 1.4.x. The repository is at:
It has public access so it is possible to make a checkout and merging (without commit of course) should work as well.

The exact steps were:
svn up trunk -r3316
Then I merged revisions 3270, 3272-3276,3279,3281,3285-3286,3288,3290-3295,3306,3310-3311 from branches/core4 back to the trunk.
The interesting conflict occurred with src/core/input/ When you compare the version generated by SVN (with <<<< and >>>>) with the one shown in TortoiseMerge on the right hand side, you'll notice a difference.

I hope I haven't forgotten anything important, or else just ask. If merging doesn't work with anonymous access I could also get an account.


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Stefan Küng

Jul 21, 2009, 8:21:18 AM7/21/09

I've tried to reproduce this, but I can't figure out what's wrong with
the merge (if it really is).

If I edit the conflict *during* the merge, everything seems ok.
If I edit the conflict after the merge (i.e., click on "resolve later"),
it too looks ok to me. TMerge shows the conflicted lines correctly, I
can't see any difference between what TMerge shows and the conflicted
lines in the file.

Can you maybe provide more information on what you see and what you
would expect? Maybe some screenshots of TMerge?


oo // \\ "De Chelonian Mobile"
(_,\/ \_/ \ TortoiseSVN
\ \_/_\_/> The coolest Interface to (Sub)Version Control
/_/ \_\



Jul 21, 2009, 9:34:18 AM7/21/09

I merged again and made some screenshots:
So I make the checkout (http instead of https to do it like you) and
then merge with "Merge a range of revisions", copy&paste my list from
the mail (and remove the white space) and do it as non-interactive
merge, so I can do something else in the meantime.
The merge then looks like this:

Now I go to that file and hit "edit conflicts" and merge
the conflict like this:
After that I hit "save" and "resolved" in TortoiseMerge (or should I not
hit save and that's my problem in the first place?). Anyway have a look
a the class's constructor arguments (while merging):
Checking the changes with "Diff" shows:

Now, I do the same steps but resolve the conflict manually with vim and
then the InputManager constructor arguments look as they should:
Notice the difference (it's more than just the arguments).

The c'tor argument change happened in r3291 which was after the conflict
occurred (from an svn history point of view).

I hope you reproduce this.



Stefan Küng

Jul 23, 2009, 4:15:31 PM7/23/09

Small update:
I can reproduce the problem and you're right, something is completely
wrong here. TSVN tries to solve the conflict with TMerge using the files
the svn lib produces during the merge (filename.rXXX, filename.rYYY,
filename.working), and the filename.working file is the one that's IMHO
not right and causes the wrong result.

I have to investigate this further, but I may have to report this on the
svn list since it really seems to me that the .working file is wrong.

oo // \\ "De Chelonian Mobile"
(_,\/ \_/ \ TortoiseSVN
\ \_/_\_/> The coolest Interface to (Sub)Version Control
/_/ \_\


will vuong

Aug 20, 2009, 5:11:41 PM8/20/09
i ran into this bug in 1.6.4 yesterday. has this been fixed yet?


On Jul 23, 12:15 pm, Stefan Küng <> wrote:
> Reto wrote:
> > Stefan Küng wrote:
> >> Reto wrote:
> >>> Today I tried to range a of revisions from a branch back to the
> >>> trunk, but I had already done so with a few other revisions before
> >>> (same branch, also back to the trunk).
> >>> The merge worked fine as long as I didn't use TortoiseMerge to edit
> >>> the conflicts. What happened: There were about 4 or 5 ranges of
> >>> revisions to be merged in the third or so a conflict occurred. The
> >>> resulting text files (with "<<<<" and ">>>>") showed both versions
> >>> correctly. However by editing the conflict with TortoiseMerge the
> >>> working copy version was simply wrong (right side). It probably
> >>> showed the last version from the range that was being merged when the
> >>> conflict occurred.
> >>> As a result the whole file got kind of busted because it missed about
> >>> the latest 15 revisions. Manual merge then got me the right results.
> >>> I'm using the latest 1.6.3 TortoiseSVN version and server side I
> >>> believe we still have 1.4.x. The repository is at:

> >>> has public access so it is possible

> ------------------------------------------------------
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Stefan Küng

Aug 21, 2009, 5:16:50 AM8/21/09
On 20.08.2009 19:11, will vuong wrote:
> i ran into this bug in 1.6.4 yesterday. has this been fixed yet?

I doubt it. There wasn't even a response to my report:

Maybe you can send a reply to my message on the svn dev list and try to
give this a higher priority?


oo // \\ "De Chelonian Mobile"
(_,\/ \_/ \ TortoiseSVN
\ \_/_\_/> The coolest Interface to (Sub)Version Control
/_/ \_\


will vuong

Aug 24, 2009, 2:49:00 PM8/24/09
done, or at least i think i did!

On Aug 21, 1:16 am, Stefan Küng <> wrote:
> On 20.08.2009 19:11, will vuong wrote:
> > i ran into this bug in 1.6.4 yesterday.  has this been fixed yet?

> I doubt it. There wasn't even a response to my report:

> Maybe you can send a reply to my message on the svn dev list and try to
> give this a higher priority?
> Stefan
> --
>         ___
>    oo  // \\      "De Chelonian Mobile"
>   (_,\/ \_/ \     TortoiseSVN
>     \ \_/_\_/>    The coolest Interface to (Sub)Version Control
>     /_/   \_\

> ------------------------------------------------------
> To unsubscribe from this discussion, e-mail: [].


will vuong

Aug 24, 2009, 6:53:37 PM8/24/09
i forwarded this thread to dev but it hasn't shown up yet on the dev
list. can somebody else confirm this issue and help too with the
issue bump?


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