osdn.net longterm stability

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Daniel Sahlberg

Jun 2, 2023, 5:33:15 AM6/2/23
to TortoiseSVN-dev

osdn.net seems to have issues [1] and I'd like to bring it up to make sure that we don't end up in a situation where it starts affecting TortoiseSVN.

* Nobody seems to monitor the issue tracker [1] anymore - it is full of spam and no-one seems to respond to issues. It is mentioned in one of the issues [2] that "there is no more support here".
* Several different errors occur throughout the site: Accessing the source code through the web interface [3] only report an error message.
* The commit notify e-mail contain a link [4] to the web page, however the link give the same error message as elsewhere in the web interface.

As far as I know we use osdn.net for the source code repository and for hosting release artifacts (installers and documentation).

So far I've seen no negative effects on development and/or distribution workflows but as the support is not there anymore I think we need to think about a backup plan.

I've personally configured an svnsync mirroring of the repository to have a backup in place - I know there is also a mirror in Github so we should not risk loosing source or history. The release artifacts also seem easy enough to mirror, but I havn't done that yet.

- Does anyone know more about what is going on with osdn.net?
- Did I miss any useage of osdn.net above?
- Does it make sense to make a contingency plan or even migrate away from osdn.net? The list of free hosting is rather thin (except Github, but migrating the repository to git would be.. should I say against the spirit of the project).

Kind regards,
Daniel Sahlberg


Jun 2, 2023, 5:44:15 AM6/2/23
to TortoiseSVN-dev
I'm aware of the problems with osdn.net for quite a while now. But unfortunately there are not many other options available anymore.
Osdn.net was sold to a mobile app gaming company called Appirits, but since then it seems that osdn.net has been abandoned.
Logan Abbott who owns sourceforge reached out to me a few times already, suggesting that I move TSVN back to sourceforge. But I haven't forgotten the desaster SF had when they moved everything to new servers. All data was lost, no backups available for most repositories! I was lucky I had a local svnsync of the TSVN repo, or we had lost everything. So while SF now seems better than osdn.net, I'm reluctant to move back there.
Also, moving the repo also means a lot of work, that's not just done in a day...

are there other options available besides sourceforge.net?


Daniel Sahlberg

Jun 2, 2023, 6:08:34 AM6/2/23
to TortoiseSVN-dev
I'm also aware of the story of SourceForge and I feel reluctant suggesting to go back there.
Github seems like a solid choice if it wasn't for the Git part (I'm not against Git as such but using Git for TortoiseSVN seems wrong). I've heard about some interesting build automation workflows but I'm also not aware of their features and exact terms.
Otherwise there are a few companies making business based on Subversion hosting / products that might be interested in sponsoring at least the source code hosting.

Maybe a combination of repository hosting at some "closely related company" and website / release artifacts on Github.

Kind regards,

Johan Corveleyn

Jun 3, 2023, 11:32:46 AM6/3/23
to TortoiseSVN-dev
I have recently learned about sourcehut.org, which seems to gain some
traction as an alternative to GH. It's not as polished, but it seems
to cover the basics, and it is itself a FOSS project

Unfortunately, it only offers Git and Mercurial hosting at this time.
However I've been wondering lately if I / we / someone might contact
the sr.ht community and ask if there would be an interest for adding
SVN support (provided there would be enough volunteers to work on it).

I have no idea whether this is realistic / would be accepted by the
current sr.ht community / how hard it would be ... so far this is just
a thought, which I wanted to share :-).


Ivan Zhakov

Jun 7, 2023, 6:41:40 AM6/7/23
to TortoiseSVN-dev
Just in case, our proposal from 2015 ("Where shall we go?" @ tsvn-dev) still holds.

We are ready to set up a virtual machine on AWS with VisualSVN Server and provide it for hosting the TortoiseSVN repository.

The web interface is going to look like this:

This VM can be mapped to the svn.tortoisesvn.net domain or any other convenient tortoisesvn.* domain name.

Since it's going to be a dedicated VM, it can be expected to work fast, reliably and without any limitations when it comes to setting up hooks, fine-tuning the configuration or synchronizing the repository to any other place. If at some point there's a better option of hosting the repository, it could be exported and migrated there without any issues.
Ivan Zhakov


Jul 21, 2023, 12:41:06 PM7/21/23
to TortoiseSVN-dev
So we all know that osdn.net is basically dying, some parts are already dead. So we have to move somewhere else.
I've tried contacting Ian at Wandisco several times, and I got no answer at all. Sure, it's holiday time, but it's been six weeks now without any answer. That means we won't get any help from Wandisco - considering the state of that company it maybe isn't a good bet either to move anything there.

So that leaves sourceforge.

I suggest to move both the repo and the downloads there, and then adjust the links on the website.

But no rush: I don't expect another svn release for the next few years anyway, if ever.



Jul 25, 2023, 1:54:36 PM7/25/23
to TortoiseSVN-dev
So no objections to move everything (back) to sourceforge?
If not, I'll first mark the osdn.net repo as readonly, then get the sf repo working and finally adjust all links of the website and everywhere else to sf.
I think all people who have commit access to the osdn.net repo also have commit access to the sf.net repo? If not, give me a shout.


Daniel Sahlberg

Jul 26, 2023, 3:42:27 PM7/26/23
to TortoiseSVN-dev
The offer from VisualSVN is very generous, however considering the recent development of the EU CRA regulations, see for example [1], and the uncertainty of wether accepting recurring donations from a commercial entity would would make the whole project "commercial" (=> ie, bringing in a significant bit of paperwork for each release), I would kindly say "no" at the moment.

That leaves Sourceforge as the only reasonable alternative at the moment. I'm fine with that (and I already have an account).

Daniel Sahlberg

Jul 28, 2023, 10:24:21 AM7/28/23
to TortoiseSVN-dev
Now even the OSDN Subversion repository seems to be offline (don't know if that was intentional or not).

$ svn ls https://svn.osdn.net/svnroot/tortoisesvn/trunk
svn: E170013: Unable to connect to a repository at URL 'https://svn.osdn.net/svnroot/tortoisesvn/trunk'
svn: E000002: Could not find the requested SVN filesystem

It seems that the repository on Sourceforge is already up to date:

$ svn info https://svn.code.sf.net/p/tortoisesvn/code
Path: code
URL: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/tortoisesvn/code
Relative URL: ^/
Repository Root: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/tortoisesvn/code
Repository UUID: cc8e0003-5e82-43e2-9771-63201f7d8d9c
Revision: 29592
Node Kind: directory
Last Changed Author: danielsahlberg
Last Changed Rev: 29592
Last Changed Date: 2023-07-07 12:24:13 +0200 (Fri, 07 Jul 2023)

Shall we announce that all commits from now go to SourceForge? (Sorry for being explicit about that but I wanted to make sure we are all on the same page). I noticed that the repository UUID is different on SourceForge so some manual work is required to connect an existing WC to the new repository (delete .svn, checkout again).

We then also need to switch the project status from "moved to" to "active".

I can prepare to write something on the website. Shall we also in the same time look at migrating the website to SourceForge?

Kind regards,


Jul 28, 2023, 11:56:07 AM7/28/23
to TortoiseSVN-dev
On Friday, July 28, 2023 at 4:24:21 PM UTC+2 daniel.l...@gmail.com wrote:
Now even the OSDN Subversion repository seems to be offline (don't know if that was intentional or not).

$ svn ls https://svn.osdn.net/svnroot/tortoisesvn/trunk
svn: E170013: Unable to connect to a repository at URL 'https://svn.osdn.net/svnroot/tortoisesvn/trunk'
svn: E000002: Could not find the requested SVN filesystem

yup, that was me. It seems you can't make the repo read-only without removing it from access completely.

It seems that the repository on Sourceforge is already up to date:

$ svn info https://svn.code.sf.net/p/tortoisesvn/code
Path: code
URL: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/tortoisesvn/code
Relative URL: ^/
Repository Root: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/tortoisesvn/code
Repository UUID: cc8e0003-5e82-43e2-9771-63201f7d8d9c
Revision: 29592
Node Kind: directory
Last Changed Author: danielsahlberg
Last Changed Rev: 29592
Last Changed Date: 2023-07-07 12:24:13 +0200 (Fri, 07 Jul 2023)

Shall we announce that all commits from now go to SourceForge? (Sorry for being explicit about that but I wanted to make sure we are all on the same page). I noticed that the repository UUID is different on SourceForge so some manual work is required to connect an existing WC to the new repository (delete .svn, checkout again).

Yes, soon. I'm currently going through all html and code files to change osdn to sf where necessary and needed, then I'll update the website.
Then we can announce the move.

We then also need to switch the project status from "moved to" to "active".

Will do.
I can prepare to write something on the website. Shall we also in the same time look at migrating the website to SourceForge?

Do you think it's necessary to announce this on the website? Just updating all links should be enough I think?


Jul 28, 2023, 12:34:06 PM7/28/23
to TortoiseSVN-dev
website is updated, changes committed to the sf repository.
sourceforge project also set active.

If there's anything I missed, just shout.


Daniel Sahlberg

Jul 28, 2023, 4:43:06 PM7/28/23
to TortoiseSVN-dev
If there's anything I missed, just shout.

 Looks good I think.

I saw that the issue tracker is active. I have mixed feelings about issue trackers, they often tend to be a dump of things which no-one care about enough to fix. Maybe hide it in the menu?



Jul 29, 2023, 1:27:47 AM7/29/23
to TortoiseSVN-dev
On Friday, July 28, 2023 at 10:43:06 PM UTC+2 daniel.l...@gmail.com wrote:
If there's anything I missed, just shout.

 Looks good I think.

updated the url yesterday, but the status is still "Step 1 of 3: Downloading source code history (Waiting in queue)". Well, the stability of openhub is almost as bad as osdn.net :(
I saw that the issue tracker is active. I have mixed feelings about issue trackers, they often tend to be a dump of things which no-one care about enough to fix. Maybe hide it in the menu?



Daniel Sahlberg

Jul 31, 2023, 3:11:34 PM7/31/23
to TortoiseSVN-dev
lördag 29 juli 2023 kl. 07:27:47 UTC+2 skrev Stefan:
On Friday, July 28, 2023 at 10:43:06 PM UTC+2 daniel.l...@gmail.com wrote:
If there's anything I missed, just shout.

 Looks good I think.

updated the url yesterday, but the status is still "Step 1 of 3: Downloading source code history (Waiting in queue)". Well, the stability of openhub is almost as bad as osdn.net :(

The job was subsequently flagged as "do not fetch". I sent a mail to them and they say they restarted the sync job so now it is back in queue. Let's hope for the best.

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