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Tortoise Git Log BranchNames / Tags not Shown

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Sep 28, 2016, 10:40:10 AM9/28/16
to tortoisegit-users

for some days now Tortoise Git Log does not show several Branch and Tag Names in the Log.
Even when I switch to one of that branches and last Commit is on top the BranchName is not shown at that commit in Log.
Also some Tags are never shown, but I have seen it pulled in the logs.
I've tried git gc but doesn't help.I suspect there is something corrupt.
Are the more ways to consolidate my local git repo.
I'm afraid there is more wrong and my code base gets corrupted.
I have a lot of branches ~ 100 with remotes.
I also found that in .git/refs/heads there are only 4 of my much more local branches,
same for .git/refs/remotes and ..tags is all empty.
I also tried to delete my master branch and refetched it from my server - does not help.

Sven Strickroth

Sep 28, 2016, 10:43:57 AM9/28/16

Am 28.09.2016 um 16:40 schrieb iwl:
> Also some Tags are never shown, but I have seen it pulled in the logs.
> I've tried git gc but doesn't help.I suspect there is something corrupt.

For checking use "git fsck".

> Are the more ways to consolidate my local git repo.
> I'm afraid there is more wrong and my code base gets corrupted.
> I have a lot of branches ~ 100 with remotes.
> I also found that in .git/refs/heads there are only 4 of my much more
> local branches,
> same for .git/refs/remotes and ..tags is all empty.

There is also another option that all branches/tags are packed into a
single file. See .git/packed-refs.

Do all branches show up when you issue "git branch" or "git tag" on the
cli? If yes, please keep a copy of the current state your repo so that
we can debug. Have you tested our latest preview release?

Best regards,
Sven Strickroth
PGP key id F5A9D4C4 @ any key-server

Ingo Wolf

Sep 28, 2016, 3:20:06 PM9/28/16

Am 28.09.2016 4:43 nachm. schrieb "Sven Strickroth" <sven@c

> Do all branches show up when you issue "git branch" or "git tag" on the
> cli? If yes, please keep a copy of the current state your repo so that
> we can debug. Have you tested our latest preview release?

All show up with git branch / tag
Tried packrefs / fsck - no better
Pushed the Subbranch to BitBucked -may be got a new base branch - will check tomorrow, such things I was afraid. Git is 2.8...latest.
I run into this issues last days first time.
Is it possible to loose link to base branch, aren't commits sorted together with SHAs? I tried pulling master was telling everything up to date...

Ingo Wolf

Sep 28, 2016, 3:29:28 PM9/28/16

Are issues known with latest Release/Git showing Branch / Tag Names in Log.
I don't wanne use the beta not sure changes rely to my issue.
Is may be an older release better for me?
Of Git may be?


Sep 29, 2016, 9:23:09 AM9/29/16
to tortoisegit-users

Am Mittwoch, 28. September 2016 16:43:57 UTC+2 schrieb Sven Strickroth:
Do all branches show up when you issue "git branch" or "git tag" on the
cli? If yes, please keep a copy of the current state your repo so that
we can debug. Have you tested our latest preview release?
I have updated  to git version and TortoiseGit now.
No improvement several Branch and Tag names does not show up in TortoiseGit Show Log, even when the active one.
Missing Branch Name is especially master, Tags are several.


Sep 29, 2016, 11:00:21 AM9/29/16
to tortoisegit-users
I checked something into my local master branch and then it appears again in TortoiseGit Show Log.
Then I reseted it to the commit before to remove the Test-Commit at it remains visible in the Log.

I not yet know how to do something similar to the remote (origin) master branch to make it visible again without touching anything on server.
Looks like there are several ways how the branches are saved and are not consistent in my local git repo.

Deleting the branch and recreating it from the remote alone seems not to help.
When I try to delete the remote branch in Browse References it says it will be deleted on server, don't like to try it -).
I think when I deleted an remote Branch in Show Log I was asked if remote or local

Sven Strickroth

Sep 30, 2016, 5:28:42 AM9/30/16
Am 29.09.2016 um 15:23 schrieb iwl:
> I have updated to git version and TortoiseGit now.
> No improvement several Branch and Tag names does not show up in
> TortoiseGit Show Log, even when the active one.
> Missing Branch Name is especially master, Tags are several.

What does git cli say as I asked in my previous mail? Have you tried to
enable "Show all branches" on log dialog?


Sep 30, 2016, 10:47:39 AM9/30/16
to tortoisegit-users
I have to enable "Show Whole Project" since I'm in Sub-Dir and the last commit of branch I like to see name is in another tree of parent.
While this makes sense it would also if the last commit of a branch in current is shown with Branchname somehow in LogView a little grayed or so if the very last is not shown.

Message has been deleted

Mykhaylo Adamovych

Oct 21, 2022, 7:36:46 AM10/21/22
to tortoisegit-users
There are two checkboxes on the bottom of the 'Git Log' screen.
  • Show Whole Project
  • All Branches

пʼятниця, 30 вересня 2016 р. о 17:47:39 UTC+3 iwl пише:
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