How to find Not Versioned Files in TortoiseGit?

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Jeff Dege

Apr 11, 2019, 10:39:22 AM4/11/19
to tortoisegit-users

I'm experimenting with Git and TortoiseGit, after many years of working in SVN.

I have a fairly large project that I'm using as a testbed (48,139 files in 10,505 directories).

I have successfully created a Git repository, added and committed the files, pushed them to a second bare repository, pulled them to a third repository from that bare repository, etc., and everything is working fine.

Except - when I make changes to the project that include adding new files.

I can easily see files that have been deleted and files that have been modified, using "TortoiseGit->Check for modifications", but I don't see how to fine new unversioned and not ignored files.

When I go down into a directory that has a new file and use "TortoiseGit->Check for modifications" I clearly see the file listed with status unknown.

But when I do the same from the root directory of the project the files are there, but they're buried a list of tens of thousands of ignored files and are impossible to find.

That is, in the "Check for modifications" dialog if I check the "Show unversioned files" and uncheck the "Show ignored files", I still see the ignored files.

The summary at the bottom right shows "files: normal=0, non-versioned=25485, modified=0, added=0, deleted=0, conflicted=0".

If I uncheck both "show unversioned" and "show ignored" I see no files in the list.

If I uncheck "show unversioned" and check "show ignored" I see 25,485 files in the list.

But if I check "show unversioned" and uncheck "show ignored" I still see 25,485 files in the list.

And I'd expect to see only the unversioned files that had not been ignored.

What am I doing wrong? Am I simply using the wrong tool?

What I am used to doing, before a commit, is to review my changes.

If a file has been modified I review its changes and decide whether they are changes I want to make, or simply changes I made in passing that I don't want to commit.

If a file is missing I decide whether I want to remove it from version control, or if it's deleting was an accident.

For a file that is not versioned, I decide whether to add it or to ignore it.

Even if I had made a practice of adding new files to git as I created them, I'd still want to review any unversioned files prior to every commit. And I don't see an easy way to do that in TortoiseGit.

Jeff Dege

Apr 12, 2019, 2:16:04 PM4/12/19
to tortoisegit-users
OK, this is stupid.

The problem is that the rules I had configured into .gitignore had been removed.

With them restored, the files I'd wanted to be ignored were being ignored, and "Check for Modifications" shows what I wanted.

IOW: never mind...
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