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we're pround to announce TortoiseGit
We thank all bug reporters, testers and translators for their help!
You can download the release here:
If possible please use the automatic update for updating (that's load balanced)!
You can check for updates using the settings or the about dialog.
Changes since (release notes):
== Features ==
* Improved auto update
Version checks will use SSL (on Vista or newer systems)
New version.txt file format with more options
* Fixed issue #2243: Submodule red-icon doesn't propagate to higher folders (configurable now)
* Improved overlay icon accuracy
You might need to kill TGitCache.exe once using the TaskManager in order to reset its cache
* Fixed issue #2388: See the exact time when the Relative time in log enabled
* Fixed issue #2346: Add drag'n'drop to "Apply patches" window
* Fixed issue #2357: Save the state of Search criteria checkboxes in Log dialog
* Fixed issue #2420: Make push available in log for arbitrary commits (when pressing the shift key)
* Fixed issue #2351: Allow upstream to be separate from onto in rebase
* Fixed issue #1400: Allow the use of tags within the Git Rebase dialog
* Fixes issue #2417: Resolving a conflict forces refresh of Commit Dialog
A new advanced option (RefreshFileListAfterResolvingConflict) was added which controls
whether file lists are refreshed after resolving conflicts. By default this is set to
true, but can be disabled in cases where refreshing the list takes lots of time or
people don't want the list to automatically scroll to the top (this also mitigates
issue #1949 until we have a cleaner fix). F5 for manual refresh is needed if enabled.
* Fixed issue #56: Ability to use Cygwin's git instead of msysGit
Check out the manual (keyword "Cygwin git") regarding Cygwin Git support and configuration hints.
Please note that Cygwin Git is not officially supported by TortoiseGit as the developers only
use Git for Windows. Bugreports, however, are welcome.
== Bug Fixes ==
* Fixed issue #2359: Selected files counter not updated after revert
* Fixed issue #2362: git.exe get stuck on Win XP
* Fixed issue #2372: Remote Config Tags Dropdown doesn't enable Apply-Button when switching to Reachable
* Updated libgit2 in order to fix CVE-2014-9390.
TortoiseGit is not affected in its default configuration (libgit2 has to be manually enabled for cloning).
Git for Windows and mSysGit < 1.9.5 are affected, so an update highly recommended.
* Fixed issue #2385: 'Mail' - 'Use configured server' & 'none'... seems can not be localized
* Fixed issue #2356: Rebase dialog should also auto-link to issue tracker
* Fixed issue #2390: /command:log /outfile not written
* Fixed issue #2391: Cannot clear "Load Putty Key" in clone dialog persistently
* Fixed issue #1789: Tooltips not properly displayed in Log List if that commit has refs
* Fixed issue #2353: Link to bug tracker not available in Show Log dialog on Win8+
* Fixed issue #2368: CTRL+ENTER locks up GUI on Updating Index...
* Fixed issue #2414: SendMail doesn't correctly place the mail in to list
* Fixed several issues in libgit2 regarding SafeCrLf and AutoCrlf
- --
Best regards,
Sven Strickroth
PGP key id F5A9D4C4 @ any key-server
Version: GnuPG v1