Announcement: TortoiseGit 2.7 released

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Sven Strickroth

Aug 19, 2018, 10:20:10 AM8/19/18

we're pround to announce TortoiseGit 2.7.

We thank all bug reporters, testers and translators for their help!

You can check for updates using the settings or the about dialog
(recommended) - or you can download the release here:

Git >= 2.11 is required now, however, you should (always) use the latest
version as up to Git 2.17 there are known security issues.

Changes since 2.6:
== Features ==
* Fixed issue #3186: Bisect skip missing on dialogs and in automation
and bisect docs
* Fixed issue #3188: Add progress support for submodule clone
* Fixed issue #3212: With Detached Head, Push Dialog has Local Branch
filled with HEAD or Commit Hash
* Fixed issue #3223: Format Patch: Set From and To for single commits
* Lots of high DPI improvements
* Fixes issue #2635: The font of git log is too small
* Fixed issue #3240: Allow changing the similarity index threshold
(using the advanced option "DiffSimilarityIndexThreshold")
* Fixed issue #3227: Add support to git describe option --first-parent
* Fixed issue #3187: Assume unchanged for submodule directory can't be
undone in TGit
* SyncDlg: Allow to open the separate dialog boxes for fetch, pull,
push, stash changes and submodule update/sync when holding the shift
key when clicking on the buttons

== Bug Fixes ==
* Fixed issue #3167: Crash when aborting cherry-picks
* Fixed issue #3164: TortoiseGit crashing on commit (with racy git
situation and git lfs)
* Fixed issue #2035: Can not un-check the menu item "Abort Merge" in
Settings dialog
* Fixed issue #3078: Faulty behaviour of "Commit" feature in "check for
* Fixed issue #3184: Committing asks for user data although they are
set via includeif
* Fixed issue #3193: Not able to set alternative editor
* Fixed issue #3195: TGitMerge tool is not saving color to correct
Windows registry location
* Fixed issue #3194: Commit message control launches links on selection
* Fixed issue #3202: Deletion of inactive branch inside not main
working copy fails
* Fixed issue #3200: Problem when adding files to a worktree which is
based on a bare repo
* Fixed issue #3201: Frequent TGitCache crashes
* Fixed issue #3197: Bad generated path while renaming file with
changing folder
* Fixed issue #3211: Push from detached head not possible when no local
branch exists
* Fixed issue #3210: index.lock left behind after refreshing working
tree changes when using Git LFS
* Fixed issue #3234: Shortcuts for Up/Down still work while rebasing
* Fixed issue #3239: Properly indicate processing in diff dialog
* Fixed an regression which caused a major slowdown in TGitCache in
repos with lots of unversioned files

Best regards,
Sven Strickroth
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