Announcement: TortoiseGit 2.2 released

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Sven Strickroth

Jul 1, 2016, 9:31:12 PM7/1/16

we're pround to announce TortoiseGit 2.2.

We thank all bug reporters, testers and translators for their help!

You can check for updates using the settings or the about dialog
(recommended) - or you can download the release here:

Changes since 2.1:
== Features ==
* Updated libgit to 2.8.3
* Fixed issue #2773: Directory renames should be displayed shorter
* GitStatusList now automatically adjusts the width of columns. This
can be disabled by manually sizing it.
* Fixed issue #2705: TGIT should allow cloning and/or creating from
within a non-empty repository
* Update Scintilla to 3.6.6
* Fixed issue #2271: "Check For Updates" dialog should be resizable
* Add drag handler to Repository Browser
* Fixed issue #2770: Include complete relative path in TortoiseGitMerge

== Bug Fixes ==
* Fixed issue #2745: TortoiseGit 2.1 crashes on broken git config or
libgit emits warnings, also fixed various other possible crashes
* Fixed issue #2759: Swapped THEIRS and MINE in cherry-pick conflict
dialogs and context menus
* Fixed issue #2767: The online help of Settings->Git->Remote should
explain the "Push Default" checkbox
* Fixed issue #2772: Comparing with added file might result in
comparison with empty file
* Fixed issue #2774: Pull dialog with Russian LangPack has three
* Fixed issue #2783: "Delete and add to ignore list" does not work
when more than 16 files are selected
* Fixed issue #2740: Order of compared references in revision graph is
labelled inverted
* Fixed issue #2785: Rebase/Cherry-pick with conflict in renamed file
* Fixed issue #2714: TortoiseGitMerge should redraw if font is changed
* Fixed issue #2756: TortoiseGitMerge: Regex Filter doesn't filter
from "Previous diff", "Next diff" operation
* Fixed issue #2736: stash list/pop missing when refs are packed
* /revision1: and /revision2: parameters of /command:showcompare are
no longer mixed up

Best regards,
Sven Strickroth
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