Black Creek Community Farm is having a Seedling Sale - Online orders open now!

瀏覽次數:17 次

Rachael Chong

2022年5月4日 清晨6:48:292022/5/4
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Black Creek Community Farm is having a Seedling Sale! 

Our online store is open! Reserve your seedlings online and pick up at the farm on the following Saturdays (May 7th, May 14, and May 21). 

We will be adding more plants and varieties as they become available. Typically we will add new products on the weekend for orders to be placed during the week and picked up the following Saturday. Order quick and keep checking back in the coming weeks to fill your garden! 

You have the option to pay online (preferred) or cash when you arrive for pick-up. For cash sales please bring exact change in an envelope labeled with your order number or name. 

Pick-up location: 4929 Jane Street, Toronto, ON, M3N 2K8

Seedling Sale Poster for Print.jpg

4929 Jane St. | Toronto, ON  M3N 2K8

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FoodShare is located on the traditional territories of the Wendat, Haudenosaunee, Anishnabeg, and the Mississaugas of the Credit. This territory is covered by the Dish With One Spoon Wampum Belt Covenant, an agreement between the Anishinabeg and Haudenosaunee allied nations to peaceably share and care for the lands around the Great Lakes.
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