October 21st Planning Meeting

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Chantale Spencer

Oct 24, 2013, 1:28:54 AM10/24/13
to toron...@googlegroups.com

Present: Kevin, Tamara, Chantale, Milan, Margrit Eichler (President of Scientists for Right to Know), Pieter Basedow (from Scientists for Right to Know), Kyle, Nenad, Stu (online)

1. Wi Fi antenna missing from the Do the Math event
- Possible Pure and Simple may have it?
- No one here has it

2. Brief Endorsements
- Currently have 150- online
- Acceptable versions of signatures online form, paper sheets, email sent to us stating that they have read the brief and attest to it (as long as they have a phone number or email- way to contact them)
- Many have incorrectly listed them as teaching staff (TA's do notcount as teaching staff)
- We will need someone to contact everyone who has listed as teaching staff to see if they are listed correctly
- Need to inquire if retired faculty count as faculty or not (Milan will look into this)
- Nenad sent out information to Science Education Listerserve
- Wanted to send it out to the larger listserve but was stopped by the department head
- Would like to have a list of which professors/ everyone have signed the brief in the excel document- share internally
- Stu to make a thermometer for the website about how many students, faculty etc. have attested
- Pieter and Fiona were at and environmental meeting and David Powell was impressed and on board
- Pieter will follow up with contacting Prof. Douglas MacDonald
- Fiona will digitalize paper sheets and Milan will merge them so we can have an entire list- google docs that will be shared internally with the group
- Tasks have been assigned regarding the Brief
- Should focus less on getting student signatures
- Wikipedia page for People from UofT is a good resource
- Seeing some concern for profs about using their name beyond the brief
- Nenad will contact Kerri Deli
- Many people have checked multiple categories on the brief (will count them for what will help us the most)- will check the directory (Tamara will do so) and then we will contact the rest

3. Beyond Green Workshop
- Our session is Sunday 1130-1230 room number TBA
- We have two more days to nominate presenters (so they can get more tickets)
- Cam Fenton can also give us more tickets
- Presentation will be similar to the Disorientation Divestment workshop
- Kevin will make it
- Tamara will call them tomorrow
- Once we have the room number will post to facebook and twitter

4. All Candidates Debate for Toronto Center
- Kevin bringing the issue if we are willing to host an all candidates debate (between the conservatives, liberals, green and NDP)in the byelection surrounding climate change (would like to do a vote on it)
- Pros:
    Potential to build goodwill
    Development of political contacts
    Increase of organizational profile
    Expanded community presence
    Media coverage
    Good practise
- Cons:
    Associated costs as hosts/ organizers
    Goodwill may not be sufficient
    Failure may hurt reputation
    Event may be hijacked by agendas
Discussion surrounding the project
- Provide the questions in advance
- Have a moderator
- Have it online and can encourage people to post their own youtube responses
- Who would we identify as our community partners- Scientists for the Right to Know, Tri-campus Aboriginal representative, Kyle has contacts with the Aboriginal center on Spadina, Native Fellowship Center, First Nations House at UofT, University of Toronto Debates Club,
- Issues to talk about- Climate Change, Aboriginal Issues, Line 9, Electoral Reform May strike electoral reform (Kevin will speak to John Deverll- Green Party Candidate who suggested the topic) Striking Line 9 because it is currently in the media
- Left with- Science policy, climate change, aboriginal issue
- Time may be an issue- there may be too many questions/ issues
- Venue- Hart House Debates Room
    Issue is that UofT doesn't fall within the riding- most candidates want to be seen campaigning in their riding
    Other possible venues- St. Luke's United Church, Center for Social Innovation (will cost us), 519 Church St.(offers free space to non-for profit groups- Scientists for the Right to Know are willing to use
their status with them to book the space for free)- this may
- Date- November 13th- predates two townhalls
- Are we inviting independent/ other parties?
    Decided to invite the four parties and then if we are contacted by anyone else we will consider them
- Kevin and Fiona have film backgrounds and would be willing to help out with taping the event
- We need a strong moderator- maybe Deran which moderated Do the Math?
- Considering the first hour being a debate and the second hour being a public question period
- Issues concerning question period- should we allow people to ask questions by mic, write them down, do we choose questions- will figure out later

5. United Nations Canada Rally- we missed it

6. Seminar at the Living Convergence- will send email to the executive

7. Queens Divestment
- Has anyone reached out to Queen's divestment?
- Concordia also asked and Milan will follow up with them
- Unsure who has their contact information- Flavius will follow up with Monica about who has the contact information and Milan will forward them information

8. Meet with Cam Fenton after the Beyond Green Summit
- Monica may have more information- Flavius will ask Monica
- Milan is willing to meet with him

9.Larger Group Meeting
- Having meetings outside of UofT because some people have expressed concern that we are too focused on UofT
- Difficult logistically and having a second meeting a week is not possible

10. Line 9 Debrief
- Jim O'Reilly was flying a Canadian flag at the rally and affiliated himself with us
- One of the keynote speakers a
- Kevin asked him put the flag away and he was not happy about it
- Should we say the for future events people should not be able to bring national or political symbols?
    Should decide before the events- may cause more problems
- Future rallies it would be good to have a group of people that will participate in direct action (Kevin will coordinate)

11. Next Week's Meeting
- WILL BE A POTLUK Tuesday 7-9pm
- Harvest Noon???
- Can't bring our own beer this time :(
- Person who books it has to leave a $50 deposit
- Fiona will book
- Kevin will chair and Milan will take minutes


Oct 24, 2013, 1:27:23 PM10/24/13
to toron...@googlegroups.com
It's probably easier to put all the minutes in one thread, instead of having one per meeting. Before every Termly General Meeting, someone needs to make a list of everyone who has been to at least two meetings
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