2016 planning meeting minutes

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Jan 13, 2016, 5:47:04 PM1/13/16
to Toronto 350.org
=== 2016-01-12 Toronto350.org Decision-making Meeting minutes ===

Chair: Brian
Minutes: Milan
Present: Katie, Tresanne, Jesse, Robert, Jennifer, Dan, Snow Cubb, Laura

1. Introductions
2. Land recognition
3. Decision-making (major proposal on conflict resolution, pipeline campaign lead election)
4. Other items
5. Upcoming events
6. Volunteer opportunities

== 1. Introductions ==

Climate news
* BC rejected the Kinder Morgan proposal
* Cam Fenton "groundhog day" piece
* Good Jobs for All Coalition - Green print for Toronto, promote green jobs (bringing equity and climate solutions together)
* Toronto350 doing more indigenous solidarity - trip to Ottawa before April
* Chippewa of the Thames are taking a case against Enbridge Line 9 to the Supreme Court
* Community Response in the works to the report of the U of T fossil fuel divestment committee
* United Church just decided to divest as a denomination

== 2. Land recognition ==

We acknowledge that we are all treaty people on colonized land which is the traditional territory of the Anishinaabe, Haudenosaunee, and Mi'kmaq nations and decolonization is part of everything.

== 3. Decision-making ==

The member survey has apparently become so long that it is hard to complete
* Innovation Committee should consider amending the portion of the constitution which currently provides that anyone who has ever filled out the membership survey remains a member indefinitely

Purpose of decision-making meetings: principally to deal with major proposals

= Major proposal: regarding paying ~$500 to St. Stephen's =

To hold a conflict resolution process with a group of core members that had a conflict this past August/September regarding paying a small salary to the president of the group (Anna)
* This is considered a major proposal because of the amount of money
* Process has already begun
* Proposal lists some potential alternative uses for funds - but there is no reason we can't do both
* If someone has a proposal to do team/community building or hiring professional facilitators, we will consider that too
* Quite a few people involved in the conflict want to take part in the process

Some people present have not completed the membership survey
* Hence, we only have eight voting members now

* "Quorum at Innovation Meetings is half (rounded up) of the quorum of Electoral Meetings, which is defined in the By-laws in Section 21.B (Quorum at Meetings)."
* But this is not an innovation meeting

* "21. b.    Unless a greater number of Delegate Members are required to be present by the Act, a quorum at Electoral Meetings is the lesser of ten (10) people or 20% (rounded up) of Delegate Members."
* We do intend to elect a pipelines lead

The constitution also says: "Major Proposals may only be brought forward for a vote at Innovation Meetings."
* This is wrong and should be removed

Does this need to be decided tonight?
* Otherwise, in a month

[We returned to this item at 8:26pm]

Any further discussion required?
* How many people are attending?
* There is still a strong interest - probably 8-10 choosing to participate

Would contribute to the group's internal conflict management capability and experience
* It's not a conflict management workshop, but people likely would pick up skills

What does the money go toward?
* Essentially an honorarium for the two facilitators
* One-on-one meetings, then a 2-3 hour group session
* 11-15 hours of labour

Are the people who think the money should be spent other ways parties to the conflict who don't want to participate in this, or people who were not involved in the conflict?
* This was discussed at an Innovation Committee meeting
* Probably a mix of both - pros and cons were discussed
* We can spend money on all of these purposes

Would it be open to people who weren't members at the time?
* It's for people who were affected by the conflict
* At least one person wasn't directly involved, but was nonetheless affected by the conflict
* There is no reason for people who were not at all involved to attend
* More people who were involved at the time may be brought in as the process goes on

People are of the view that the conflict still has a painful and divisive effect within the group
* May remain as an undercurrent unless efforts are made to deal with it

Will we have a spokesperson report back on the process?
* A very general report back is possible
* They have strong rules on confidentiality

In the past we have tried to do conflict resolution for free with people we know, and it hasn't really worked
* "This is after a long process of trying other things"

Rather than a full report back, we could have some general recommendations about avoiding future conflict
* "Lessons learned"
* St. Stephen's may help us develop this to report back to the group

Should this be added to the major proposal?

Motion: "To hold a conflict resolution process with a group of core members that had a conflict this past August and September regarding paying a small salary to the president of the group. With the assistance of the mediators, participants shall report back to the group on lessons learned."

Will the mediators be able to provide a resolution process if another conflict arises?
* This process is to deal with a very specific set of circumstances, and to get us through it in a positive way
* The suggestion about a report back is partly motivated by a desire to avoid future conflict, but it's not clear how specific our requirements should be for any report back
* If the report is agreed upon by the members who participate in the mediation, it seems likely that the report back will have relevance for avoiding future conflicts

The money for this proposal is for 11-15 hours of dealing with this conflict, not for developing a conflict management system going forward

Report-back not meant to deal with the details of this specific conflict, but more on strategies for avoiding conflict going forward
* Deciding whether or not to pay people or not in the future is not the purpose of this

Motion: "To commit approximately $500 to a conflict resolution process with a group of core members that had a conflict this past August and September regarding paying a small salary to the president of the group. With the assistance of the mediators, participants shall report back to the group on lessons learned."
* Moved by Brian
* Seconded by Tresanne
* 8 in favour
* None opposed
* 1 abstention
* Motion passes

= Vote: Pipelines Campaign Lead (Katie) =


Campaign leads take charge of campaigns, report back to the wider group, managing strategic plans and budgets for campaigns, talking with the rest of the executive, etc

Katie has already been acting in this capacity for about six months

Does anyone else want to run? No

Motion to elect Katie as Pipelines Campaign Lead
* Moved by Brian
* Milan seconds
* 8 in favour
* None opposed
* None abstaining
* Motion carries

== 4. Other items ==

= We need a quartermaster (Tresanne) =

Nobody is doing this now
* Brian has a lot of the stuff already, but isn't able to deliver it
* Quartermaster not expected to deliver things
* Brian will do it

= Stop paying Bullfrog (Tresanne) =

Jean said she would sponsor events for us. 350 Mothership also will give us money for certain projects (ie marches). We haven't benefited at all from paying it for the past year. (Tresanne)

We signed up because an employee of theirs was working with us, and we thought it would lead to funding

Total cost about $110 per year

We were late on payments for seven months, so we don't have a good relationship

Tried to get support for the Toronto version of COP21, but they were only willing to provide carbon offsets

May not be the most effective organization to donate to, but we may want to consider an alternative way to contribute to the renewable economy
* Solar shares, Zoo shares?
* Part of the motivation for donating was concern about the appearance of hypocrisy

Tresanne: "We're not as financially stable as we thought we were"
* Went over the figures with Ellery over the break
* We are not getting the donation from Jean

Motion: "We stop paying for Bullfrog Power"
* Moved by Tresanne
* Seconded by Jesse
* 7 in favour
* None opposed
* None abstaining
* Motion carries

Tresanne will talk with Ellery about actually doing this

= Support to frontline communities (Tresanne) =

Support frontlines by helping them fundraise when they put a call out for financial support instead of giving monthly. We would have to discuss at the time (I'm not proposing we do it every time there's a call out for financial support). Sometime last year we had voted on donating 10% of incoming donations to frontline communities. But I'm not sure we did this on a monthly basis as the treasurers either didn't know about it or we didn't discuss where to give it. This past summer we gave money to Unist'ot'en by matching donations of up to $500. People are more likely to give if their donation is going to be matched.

We did fundraising for the Toxic Tour, and raised about $1,000 for Grassy Narrows

Today, Amelia Rose contacted Katie - the Pipelines Campaign has been asked to help the Chippewa of the Thames fundraise $50,000 for their court case
* Line 9 groups are taking this on, and they want someone from Toronto350 to help
* This will be on the agenda of the next Pipeline Campaign meeting

We could choose new fundraising targets every 6 months or so
* People more likely to donate for a specific purpose
* We raised about $1,500 in two weeks for Unist'ot'en

Would it be preferable to donate 10% of donations monthly, or support individual funding requests when they come up?
* The Chippewa are challenging a pipeline that runs right through Toronto
* Total legal costs are expected to be $400,000
* They need the $50,000 as soon as possible

Several Line 9 groups may come together for a joint fundraising event

Existing policy is to donate 10% monthly, but we were meant to re-assess it after six months

Alternatively, we could look at what we get on average and use about 10% of that to match donations from others, or to set up a fundraising event

Whichever option is simplest to implement may be best

We could keep track of what 10% of donations has been, then use that sum whenever a big funding request comes up, in order to match donations
* This doesn't add up to very much money
* Purpose "is more of a signal to people who are looking to donate to us that indigenous solidarity is part of our agenda"
* The small size of these donations should be prominently noted
* We may want to encourage our donors to give directly to frontline communities

We can undertake additional fundraising, over and above donating any share of our revenues

We could choose to support the Chippewa of the Thames specifically
* We could include a link to their fundraising campaign on our website
* Some Toronto350 people can work with Line 9 groups on a fundraising event specifically for this

There seems to be general agreement that 10% is a good commitment

We have a donation page on our website for the Line 9 land defenders
* How many such pages can we usefully have at some point?
* When do we decide to give up on one campaign and move on to another?
* Do the land defenders have a specific timeline or fundraising goal?
* They are going back to court around January 24th

Donation page on site just shows how to donate to us

Should this be left to the pipelines campaign?
* "It seems really important to support this action"

"The 10% concept is not something we want to revisit"
* We want the pipelines campaign to look into some sort of supplementary fundraising to support the Supreme Court challenge
* We can keep track of 10% of each month, then use it to match donations when a fundraising request comes up
* Present policy is to actually give 10% each month
* Do we need a motion to change to earmarking it?

Motion: "We will earmark 10% of donations every month. When there is a fundraising request, we will use that pot of funding to provide support to frontline communities."
* Moved by Jesse

Should people need to vote on which campaigns we help fund?

Motion: "We will earmark 10% of donations every month. When there is a fundraising request, we will use that pot of funding to provide support to frontline communities. Before funds are provided, a proposal must be approved by a vote by the delegate membership."
* Seconded by Katie
* 9 in favour
* None opposed
* No abstentions
* Motion passes

Do we want to keep using Paypal for donations?
* May exclude some potential donors

= Report and request for reimbursement for organizing committee of COP21 Toronto event: Parade of Lights, Queen's Park. Nov. 29 (Brian) =

Brian and Katie were involved
* Worked together with other organizations including Avaaz, Greenpeace, and the Catholic education organization Peace and Development
* They spent about $450
* They have discussed splitting that money between us, Development and Peace, and Greenpeace - would be $150 each
* Brian has not heard back from Greenpeace, but he is optimistic
* Brian will provide a detailed list of expenses

No funds from Toronto350.org have already been approved for this
* It's generally better to seek funding beforehand
* We could double check the minutes
* We could have a motion saying that if funds have not already been provided, we will provide them now
* Brian will look through the minutes, with the assistance of Tresanne if necessary

Motion: "We accept the principle of sharing the expenses for the COP21 Toronto event. We will contribute up to $150."
* Moved by Brian
* Katie seconds
* 9 in favour
* None opposed
* None abstaining
* Motion passes

= New campaign ideas? (Tresanne) =

Labour solidarity
* Leap Manifesto, March for Jobs, Justice, and the Climate
* Easier: bring climate change up at existing anti-austerity events
* The Ontario government is holding pre-budget consultations
* Protests are planned - we could bring banners, placards, etc
* "Cut carbon, not jobs"
* Build more alliances, support green job initiatives
* Green Jobs for All Conference - increasing interest in outreach to environmental organizations
* Dan is willing to bottom-line this or coordinate others

Reading group, to go through the Truth and Reconciliation Committee report (Katie)
* Could be internal to the group, or in collaboration with a study group working on this and documents on political economy
* Katie will circulate it as a volunteer opportunity

= Policy simplification and consolidation (held over from the last decision-making agenda) =

Are the number of policies or their complexity causing problems? Are there policies we can simplify or do without? Can we replace any with general guidelines? Which policies do we really need?

Arguably the bigger problem is errors and inconsistencies in policies (membership definition in the constitution, major proposals can only be voted on at innovation meeting error)

What can we do about this? Have a committee for people who want to look into this, to make recommendations to the group

This could be listed as a volunteer opportunity in the email with the minutes

The executive can amend the constitution unilaterally, but ultimately only the board can alter the by-laws (they need to fix their own problematic election text)
* People can make recommendations

Is there a sexy name possible for the group working on fixing policy documents?
* "Policy Hot Tub"?

Are there any alternative approaches to this proposed?

= New Partner Groups Policy (Lila) =

Milan has circulated draft text for comment
* Brian has not seen the document yet

Perhaps something to talk about at the next Innovation Committee meeting
* They should bring a recommendation to the group

Purpose: to formalize what has already happened and solve corporate governance problems

= Fundraising =

Presently up to the President and the board
* There used to be a Fundraising Coordinator, but is not now active

Snow Cub is working on "concept appropriate fundraising ideas"
* Are there any other ideas for fundraising?
* He would like to take on the responsibility, and forward fundraising proposals to the group

So far, nobody has shown much interest
* Maybe Robin and Stu, on the board
* If anyone is interested, they can contact Tresanne
* People who are interested can be added to the email conversation

Could fundraising be part of the forthcoming visioning session?
* Having discussion in a specific time and place may be more effective than saying "anyone who wants to do this can do so"

Some of the new volunteers may be interested in helping

We could create a new executive position for fundraising

== 5. Upcoming events ==

Wednesday, January 13th at 5 pm PT/8 pm ET: Monthly group leaders’ call – Fundraising Skill-Sharing Session
* Maeve McBride (350VT) and Valerie Costa (350 Seattle and a fundraising consultant) have graciously offered to host this skill-sharing session. We’ll cover the cycle of fundraising (cultivating, thanking, asking, etc), where your $ is likely to come from, the psychology of giving (getting past our barriers to asking, why people want to give), and prospecting (identifying leads). This is a 101 type workshop, mainly for groups getting started with or in the initial phases of fundraising. We will focus mainly on fundraising from individuals. (Tresanne)
* Katie will be on this

Friday, January15 at 5-6:30pm at OISE 5th floor lounge: Divest Ontario Teachers Pension Plan
* Getting a start on our goals for 2015 (Amelia Rose)
* Should be finalized on Friday

Friday, January15 6:30-8:30pm at Katie's House - 187 Margueretta Ave: Pipelines Meeting - New people welcome!
1. 350 People's Injunction--Demanding pipeline freeze/NEB reform
2. Brainstorming potential targets
3. Designing banners/other materials
4. Planning street outreach/MP outreach (Katie)
* Should be finalizing their strategy for the next few months, and cool things coming up soon

Saturday January 16, 6PM at Tyndale University College 3377 Bayview Ave.
* A Climate for Change: Paris & Beyond with Climate Scientist Katherine Hayhoe (Katie)
* We will be seeking signatures for a new pipeline petition - freeze pipeline approvals until after a total reform of the NEB

Saturday, January 23rd at 1-5:30 pm at Friends House, 60 Lowther Follow up to Paris Event
* What does the agreement mean, and what happens next? How will be bring our carbon emissions down and how quickly does that need to happen?  How can civil society best support the transition to 100% renewables?
* With Paul Beckwith, climate scientist; Joy Kennedy, Fast for the Climate; Alice Zhu; Ben Donato-Woodger;  Jim Baxter from the City of Toronto; and Jose Etcheverry from York University. Sponsored by Climate Fast (Lyn, Katie)
* Event focused on the Christian community
* $5 or pay what you can

Tuesday, Feb 16 at 7:30-9:30 pm (doors open at 7:00): Hot Stuff Fundraiser at Supermarket, 268 Augusta. Tix: $10 advance; $15 at door. (Tresanne)
* This is our fundraising event, so everybody should help promote it and attend
* If you want to help do outreach, Liz is helping us organize this
* Tali collected a VolOp sheet for this

== 6. Volunteer opportunities ==

Jan 16 at Tyndale University College (see below) Would be great to have people go with Pipelines petition (Katie)

Jan 23 at Friends House 1-5:30 pm. Follow up to Paris Event - would be great to have volunteers for tablers/petition outreach (Katie)

Before Feb 16. Fundraising event (need people to help promote it). Hot Stuff at Supermaket. See events below or: https://www.facebook.com/events/806916219413262/  (Tresanne)


Jan 21, 2016, 5:08:46 PM1/21/16
to Toronto 350.org
2016-01-19 Toronto350.org working meeting minutes

Chair: Bryan
Minutes: Milan
Present: Snow Cubb, Tresanne, Amelia Rose, Ellery, Jennifer, Matt (first time), Dan, Robert, Katie, Anna

=== 1. Land recognition ===

We acknowledge that we are all treaty people on colonized land which is the traditional territory of the Anishinaabe, Haudenosaunee, and Mi'kmaq nations and decolonization is part of everything.

=== 2. Introductions ===

Climate news:
* For Our Grandchildren competition for high school students, trying to write about what a carbon neutral world will look like (Brian)
* Substantial Kinder Morgan protests in Burnaby
* 7 people arrested yesterday in Vancouver for being on a Kinder Morgan barge (further follow-on actions), now released
* Buying local as a silver lining to the reduced value of the Canadian dollar
* Five people arrested for blocking trains in the U.S. were able to refer to climate change in their trial (Delta 5 trial)
* $10+ billion being spent to refurbish four reactors at Darlington; Pickering to operate partially until 2024

=== 3. Items for consideration / Updates ===

== a. Brief Financial Update (Tresanne) ==

Finances are better than Tresanne's assessment last week, particularly if we can find a grant to keep paying a salary

Ellery strongly advises that we do more fundraising or increase our donor base
* For budgeting they had to make a lot of assumptions about the year ahead (doesn't consider all possible work which could be done)
* Having more funds available will let us do more for many projects

== b. Feb 13 Cross-provincial meeting on Line 9 (Katie) ==

All-day event in Montreal
* Ontario-Quebec strategy meeting on Line 9
* We have been invited to send people to participate
* Is anyone interested in going?
* Includes numerous non-350 groups
* Katie will probably go, Brian may also

== c. Website update (Katie, Tresanne, et al.) ==

There is a page on the website for providing feedback to improve how it functions
* https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wQmp4ssXZyUs-ZpfTzqY3E1khI6jYjHWLzBM4NeKI0g/edit

== d. Volunteer Hub (Katie, Tresanne et al.) ==

How to more effectively make use of the energy and talents of volunteers?

Streamline volunteer participation process

== e. Learning Meetings: ideas (all) ==

How many have there been so far?
* Just the first one on mental health, activism
* We also previously offered IT security and secure communication training
* Potential topic: the legality of being an activist and facing situations which may result in legal consequences
* Non-violent direct action training
* Different degrees of legal risk associated with different protest actions
* Collaborative leadership and knowledge translation - achieving evidence-based forms of decision-making
* Dealing with the media (serving as an effective spokesperson)

Bring in a collaborative workshop provider like Tools for Change
* Or have people who have attended their training share it with other group members

== f. Social Events Ideas (all) ==

416 Dating event upcoming

Pub crawl?
* Maybe when it's warmer

Last year's block parties
* Served a purpose: talking about pipelines outside two MP offices
* Drum band, brownie pipeline

Open mic night (music, live artwork, poetry slam)

Social events, learning meetings, and the website update are all being worked on by the Volunteer Hub and discussed on their mailing list

The members@ list only gets minutes and meeting announcements
* Is that boring? Does it fail to engage people?
* We have discussed this before
* Maybe worth sending a callout about possible social events to the whole list
* We do send event invitations to the members@ list

Members@: 185 people
active@: 35 people
volunteer@: 10 people

== g. Meeting with Caroline Bennett (Katie, Brian) ==

Involved in a cross-country tour on murdered and missing indigenous women
* Won't be available for several months after this, but we could meet with her assistant on Friday or another date and time
* He suggests we bring a written statements about why we wanted to meet, what we're looking for, a statement about the group, etc
* He will pass it on and get back to us about a potential meeting with her

Purpose is to ask her to present our petition in parliament
* Bennett is in town on Monday
* Katie has checked that the language is compatible with parliamentary language
* Minimum to get it read is 25
* We would ask her to present it once we had reached a certain level of signatures
* Dan and Laura collected signatures at an event the other day
* It is going on our website
* There are more actions in the next few days to get signatures
* The petition calls for all pipeline applications to be frozen until the NEB process is revamped
* One online option: petitions.parl.gc.ca (needs an MP sponsor)

Big Kinder Morgan protest on the west coast this Saturday
* The Canada350 group is quite active on this

=== 4. Volunteer opportunities ===

Sat. Jan 23 – tabling for Pipeline Petition at Friends’ House (see below)


416 Dating Event promotion

Fundraising Team

=== 5. Breakout Groups ===

== a. Campaign Breakouts ==

What are breakouts?
* At a working meeting, we try to devote 30-40 minutes to let people discuss specific ideas in smaller groups
* For instance, there were breakouts early in the process of preparing for the People's Climate March in New York

Planning the visioning session (Tresanne)
* Tresanne, Amelia Rose, Katie, Anna, Milan discussing via email
* We will be having an in-person meeting to plan
* Likely to happen in a few weeks (specific date not set)
* There is also likely to be an in-person meeting about partner groups (Lila requested)
* Document and email thread are ongoing
* If you want help plan, email Tresanne or Anna

Pipelines Action – This Monday! (Katie)
* Primary goal: get a good photo or visual to share via social media
* Show solidarity with people protesting in Burnaby
* Launch a campaign which will probably be long
* Big B.C. event on Saturday
* Likely during the day, in a high-traffic area which would facilitate petition-signing
* Also get a photo outside the office
* Large novelty letter or note
* Try to talk to Carolyn Bennett at U of T
* Broad social media dispersal after
* Facebook event will be created

Climate Justice Planning (Tresanne)
* Deferred for this meeting

U of T Divestment Community Response
* No breakout, but if anyone is interested in helping as an author, proofreader, or otherwise contact Milan (mi...@toronto350.org)

== b. Other Breakout groups ==

* Page for recommending changes: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wQmp4ssXZyUs-ZpfTzqY3E1khI6jYjHWLzBM4NeKI0g/edit
* Deferred for this meeting

=== 6. More Volops ===

350Canada is trying to get people to call Jim Carr this week, re: the Kinder Morgan hearings and lack of NEB reform

Tresanne spends a lot of time making sure meetings happen, making sure we have a chair, making sure minutes are circulated, etc
* It would be good to delegate this to a volunteer meeting manager
* Tasks, send reminder to chair, follow-up if minute taker doesn't circulate minutes within a few days, verify with Anna that space is booked
* Any volunteers?
* Have we ever designated someone specifically to work out what kind of meeting each will be?
* Who decides what the learning meetings will be?
* Has it fallen to Katie by default because she and Alex set it up
* There is now a Google Doc shared with the volunteer hub that lists the type of upcoming meetings
* Dan will try it for a few weeks (but is away next week)

Another task that takes a lot of Tresanne's time (keeping her from working on the visioning session and so forth) is following up with people on the urgent tasks in her Google Doc "list of things that need to get done"
* Backing up the website, etc
* Would involve getting in touch with people, and updating Tresanne once a week (or immediately if there is a problem)
* Isn't this a set of tasks for the Administrative Coordinator (AC) (we need to elect a new one)
* Would this be temporary? Until we have a new AC?
* Anna will do this

416 Dating Fundraiser
* Liz is helping to organize it, we only need to do promotion
* Needs a point person (has been Tresanne or Tali)
* We also need people to do outreach for this event (there is a Facebook page and a poster that Tali made)
* $10 early bird tickets by January 31st, $15 later
* Amelia Rose set up ticketing in NationBuilder
* Volunteers will get a free ticket for the event
* If you get five people to go and confirm it with Tresanne she will give you a free ticket

=== 7. Upcoming events ===

* January 23 at 1-5:30 pm at Friends House, 60 Lowther (Sat.) Follow up to Paris Event – as noted in last week’s minutes (Lyn, Katie)
* Feb 2, 2:00-5:00 pm (Tuesday), York U Students’ Centre – Anti-Oppression 101 [*]
* Feb 6, 1:00-4:00 pm (Saturday), OISE 242 Bloor St. W. – Alliances and Coalition Building [*]
* Feb 13 all day Saturday in Montreal: Cross-provincial meeting on Line 9 (Katie)
* Feb 16 at 7:30-9:30 pm (Tuesday): Hot Stuff Fundraiser at Supermarket, 268 Augusta. Tix: $10 advance; $15 at door. (Tresanne)
* Feb 24 3:00-6:00 (Wednesday) at OISE. How to Facilitate Great Meetings*
* Feb 29 (Monday) LEAP Day Events
* March 31, Deadline for submissions to Speak Up for the Planet! Proposals from high school students and groups aimed at preparing for and living in a carbon-free future.

[*] - From Tools for Change

=== 8. Next meeting (Learning) ===

Nicki and Maya may be talking about solidarity

Katie may also do a meeting on campaign planning

Chair: Ellery
Minutes: Brian


Feb 9, 2016, 10:45:46 PM2/9/16
to Toronto 350.org
=== 2016-02-09 Toronto350.org Decision-making meeting ===

Chair: Dan
Present: Milan
Present: Amanda, Tali, Ben, Lila, Tresanne, Katie, Dan, Amelia Rose, Anne, Dennis, Michael, Brad, Snowcubb

== 1. Introductions ==

== 2. Land recognition ==

We acknowledge that we are all treaty people on colonized land which is the traditional territory of the Anishinaabe, Haudenosaunee, and Mi'kmaq nations and decolonization is part of everything.

== 3. Items for consideration / Updates ==

= 3a Divest Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan (OTPP) Campaign: (Amelia Rose) — 5 min =

Update: a lot has been happening
* There are a number of AGMs happening over the next two months and we are going to be at them
* If you want to get involved, we will be tabling or doing something related
* Catholic, public elementary, English secondary schools, French schools
* In April, we will be at the OTPP AGM
* If you are interested contact Amelia Rose

Corporate Knights in November said that OTPP had already divested its portfolio
* Another report said they are invested and lost money (Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives)
* As far as the campaign knows, the OTPP still has big investments in oil and gas

= 3b Grassy Narrows: (Amelia Rose) — 5 min =

Background: Grassy Narrows is a First Nations community north of Kenora which has been dealing with environmental problems on their land for 50 years
* In recent years they have started blockading logging trucks due to disagreements with the government about how much logging should happen and where
* They have been bringing people to Toronto to lobby the provincial government
* They need to fundraise to support this

Would we like to donate to them?
* We did two years ago when they last tried to raise funds

This year they are coming in May by walking from Grassy Narrows (a river walk)
* Objective: petition Kathleen Wynne to clean up mercury from their water
* Logging is still a big issue
* They also need help with childcare, lodging, and food

Should we donate? How much?
* Alternatives? Chippewa of the Thames, Unistoten?

Perhaps the Climate Justice Committee should consider this?

Should we put this off?

We should have an overall strategy for funding frontline communities
* Katie will work on this

= 3c Election of Administrative Coordinator =

Do people need to announce their candidacy in advance?
* No, we haven't required this in the past

No nominations

= 3d Election of Communications Coordinator =

No nominations

Hopefully someone will run soon

Tali is continuing with this role, but she wants to focus on her position on the board

= 3e Major Proposal: Major Proposal: Partner Groups Policy: (Lila) — 15 min =

* Circulated the draft text a week ago
* A few of us have been working on this
* She feels it's very important to get it formalized and adopted now, before the visioning session that Toronto350 is undertaking and the UofT350 retreat

* It's inappropriate to put this forward for approval in this premature way
* I wrote this draft text to start the discussion about how our relationship with independent campaigns should operate
* It wasn't meant to be used immediately as a policy
* Three of us had one meeting, where we decided that we had very different ideas about how this should work: https://www.sindark.com/350/2016-01-24PartnerGroupsMeeting.txt
* We agreed that we should definitely run this by our treasurer, accountant, and board
* My understanding is that the people proposing this don't want Toronto350 organizers to also be working on these supposedly shared campaigns and want to be able to change their objectives, strategies, and tactics unilaterally
* Tali and I have been looking into how other organizations manage this
* As a matter of due diligence, it would be good to finish this research before going forward
* I think it's a mistake to rush forward with a policy which has received so little scrutiny, and where the people who ended up looking at it really disagreed

* 2/3 of the people at the meeting did agree
* Unilateral decision-making by campaigns is "how campaigns work"
* This is why the U of T divestment group makes decisions about their campaign
* This would formalize the relationship and let that campaign do what they are now

* I assume the purpose of this is for campaigns that are not run by 350, so you would expect the policy to say that it's up to campaigns to make their own decisions
* This is intended for campaigns that are independent organizations
* The policy text describes in detail that they are independent organizations
* One exceptional thing: the line about dispute resolution mechanism, since this presumes to state that Toronto350 can bind the other organization
* He thinks this should be removed

Amanda HS
* A lot of this is describing the way things already run, and she thinks that's pretty good
* We could rename it
* Divestment is the example case, and they don't come for approval to Toronto350 for their decisions

* Agrees with how Michael interprets this document
* The divestment campaign is already a separate organization
* They are not really a Toronto350 campaign because they have conflicting obligations under U of T rules
* The hope is to formalize the relationship and make it explicit that UofT350 is separate from us, but an affiliate or partner
* We should do due diligence by looking at how other NGOs structure these relationships, from a fiduciary duty and legal perspective
* We want to be able to provide financial and other support without being liable for their decisions and how they spend their money
* Currently we are liable, but we don't have the information. This would make us fail an audit.
* They should have to come to us for approval to do things.

* Agrees with Michael and everyone else about how this document is intended to separate Toronto350 and UofT350
* One issue is the name: in the real world, Toronto350 and UofT350 are synonymous and often used interchangeably
* So this isn't the same as partnering with Climate Fast
* Climate Fast doesn't use our NationBuilder, Facebook lists, website list - these are our biggest asset
* If UofT350 wants to separate completely, they cannot have access to our lists
* At a minimum, there has to be a way of managing it - otherwise we will be spamming the same people at the same time
* There is a risk of having conflicting communication strategies
* Thirdly, if we take divestment as a case study, we know they plan to move on from divestment to pipelines and other campaigns which may clash with ours

* UofT350 may not be planning to do this

* This is what I've heard at meetings I attended
* Having two different pipeline strategies between two groups which people are at risk of confusing is a problem
* Perhaps this agreement could automatically end when the divestment campaign does

* I think proprietary issues are a big concern, including our database
* Access control should be part of the agreement
* Re: using the dispute resolution mechanism, he imagines it would be for Toronto350 people who are experiencing a dispute with an external group

* The policy document describes a partner agreement separate from the policy
* There would be a negotiation process with each partner groups where each sees what it can get from the other
* This would include access to proprietary content, use of names, etc
* Those specific finer points would vary depending on the partner group
* Perhaps they could be given NationBuilder access only to people who have opted into that campaign
* A different partner group might have an entirely different arrangement
* Perhaps the dispute resolution clause should be cut for now and revised at a later time

* Divest Ryerson created a separate Facebook group which let things be screened and scheduled
* They also have a style guide and communication plan
* There would need to be an agreement on email and NationBuilder
* U of T clubs have distinct legal responsibilities
* Toronto350 also needs to legally protect peoples' privacy

* If this is the general policy, and then there will be more specific agreements with other groups, the general policy should not allow access to our NationBuilder database
* This isn't in any way a case for the creation of this sort of policy
* If anything, our relationship with UofT350 should be sorted out as its own thing
* It's not a partnership in the sense of this document
* Would this policy work for any other partner groups?

* Step Up?

* They don't use our NationBuilder

* The idea is to use UofT350 as a baseline

* But it's not a baseline, it's a very unique situation

* Other universities will be similar: Ryerson, York, etc
* They would also be external organizations that we're super tight with

* They are also a partner group - the Toronto350 name and logo are part of their materials
* UofT350 is the worst case scenario: the most complex, interactive, and overlapping
* Each campaign strategy agreement can include a unique dispute resolution mechanism, broadly compatible with the Toronto350 system
* The liaison requirement could help get people engaged with Toronto350.org
* I don't see too many big problems with it, if you focus on the fact that you're trying to get an agreement on it
* Toronto350 is not a charity, so there is no way the government can come after you for spending money through external groups
* You owe it to stakeholders to make sure funds given to external organizations will achieve your ends

* Once again, this was meant as a first draft, written in about 15 minutes
* It's not the case that campaigns are able to make all decisions unilaterally
* They have to follow the major proposal process
* They have to follow the financial procedures in the by-laws
* The fact that the divestment campaign hasn't been is a problem, and one of the reasons why we need a policy of this source
* Also, this draft UofT350 partner agreement wasn't negotiated, it was just written up by the proponents from UofT350
* The actual agreement also wasn't circulated electronically beforehand
* It's also not clear what the status of Toronto350.org's divestment campaign would be after this

* It was circulated electronically
* This circulation was meant to be the negotiation with Toronto350

* That really isn't the same thing

* The way it's written is as a partner groups policy, so the name should not be changed
* Do we want to do something for university groups in general? How should we deal with groups that have practically the same name?
* How would we deal with these two cases
* You need to decide whether it is an independent group or not
* If they are independent, we can't tell them what pipelines policy to have
* The policy does allow Toronto350 to break off partner group relationships
* We should keep this as the partner group policy, and let UofT350 be an independent group that follows the proposed agreement
* If Toronto350 wants to be able to veto their campaigns, there should be a different policy to do this

Are we going to vote on this tonight?

* This is a draft and it's obviously incomplete
* It's well formulated but a lot more could be added
* Some more subclauses could be added to a lot of sections
* OK as a draft, but needs to be more fleshed out

Can we decide by consensus whether this should be voted on tonight?

Do we need to have a vote on it because it was proposed?

We will pause on this and come back and vote on it later

= 3d Major Proposal: Pay for a Facilitator for the Visioning Session: (Tresanne) — 15 min =

Visioning session February 27th / 28th
* Proposal to pay an outside facilitator
* It would be $1,000 for the whole weekend
* Now it looks like we may be able to internally facilitate some of the lighter discussions
* We would be spending $500 - 600 on it

Is the visioning session just a discussion, or is it for decision-making?
* Yes, we expect there to be some decision-making

Will the facilitator be familiar with our decision-making procedures, by-laws, constitution, etc?

What we want is a clearer and more specific vision and mandate for the group going forward
* Also, a clearer way for campaigns to work with the group
* It won't be about voting, but about coming up with text for these things that everyone gets input on
* The text would then go to a vote at a later meeting

Is there a specific person in mind?
* A friend of a friend of Tresanne
* She was 10 years experience

How many people have confirmed attendance?
* About nine people complete the Doodle

What's our bank balance after all outgoing payments?
* We had about $7,000, aside from Tresanne's pay, as of early January
* Trinity St. Paul may also be supporting us with another $1,000 or so, but this isn't guaranteed

Motion to approve $600 for this purpose
* Moved by Tresanne

We need to know exactly how much we will be paying and how much facilitation we will get for it

So can we vote on this now?

One person quoted $50 an hour, someone else said $125 an hour but offered us a 50% discount
* The second person is available February 27th and 28th

Motion to allocate a maximum of $600 for a facilitator for one day
* Otherwise, we won't hire one
* Moved by Katie
* Tresanne seconds

* 9 in favour
* None opposed
* Two abstentions
* Motion carries

Tresanne is bottom-lining this
* Has an email thread with Amelia Rose and Anna
* Anyone else who wants to join can

== 4. Upcoming events ==

Next week the dating stories fundraiser is happening during our normal meeting time, so there will be no meeting
* The event is comedy, people telling dating stories
* Happening at the Supermarket in Kensington Market

If people want to tell a dating story they still can

Tresanne has printed materials to post

Update on the president's role, grants, and accessibility training
* Stu is probably coming back in September, but maybe not
* Tresanne doesn't know if she will be running at the next election, in early April
* She is undecided
* The board voted to continue to pay the president, so Tresanne is looking into various grants including the Tar Sands Solutions Network
* She will be talking to the board about this

Tali has been looking into accessibility training
* She went to a workshop at Volunteer Toronto that teaches NGOs which legislation they have to follow
* Since we have one employee we must meet a number of obligations under the OADA
* We would be in the easiest category, but we would need to train every one of our volunteers about how to interact with people at all levels of ability
* We would need to create volunteer training for this purpose and keep records
* It would need to be redone every year
* We also need to meet in accessible places
* Our website also needs to be compliant with systems for the blind
* Technically we are already out of compliance
* We need to keep this in mind if we choose to pay anybody in the future
* Will require a lot of work by the Volunteer Coordinator

Most non-profits don't do this
* The legislation was passed in 2012
* Then they are non-compliant
* What are the penalties for non-compliance?
* Probably a warning, then fines
* Of what magnitude?
* Environmental Defence is a charitable non-profit which has been audited several times, and they don't do this
* This is Ontario legislation, not monitored by the Canada Revenue Agency
* There is a big difference between small, medium, and large businesses
* The kind of training required at our level is very minimal
* With the amount of volunteer churn we have here, we could make a minimal effort
* At a bare minimum, we would need an orientation document to distribute to every new volunteer
* We would need to prove that we do that

How is a volunteer defined?
* Anyone who volunteers any amount of time with us

Green Toronto had a two hour presentation on this and everyone had to sign to confirm it
* Employers are also doing this

The board should follow up and see if we actually need to do this
* Tali has done the research and we do need to do this
* The board knows about this
* Should it be up to the board to deal with this?
* There are no legal experts on the board

People can provide input to the board on this subject

The board should recognize that this is a big job

Snowcubb may be able to take this on
* He's not clear on how to go about it
* He can talk it over with Tali

The fundraising team and solidarity squad are both looking for new people

What does a solidarity squad do?
* Indigenous solidarity, along the lines of the recent learning meeting
* Working out how to provide financial support to communities
* Also an email list for events which we want to support

Opportunity to shadow the Treasurer or the President

== 5. Volunteer opportunities ==

Next Wednesday at U of T, U of T Environmental Action is having a conference for 100 high school students
* There is an opportunity to table during the lunch period

Scarborough Green Fair - Saturday April 2nd
* Usually a big event

There is a Doodle for going to Home Fires Burning, near Ottawa
* A woman had a vision a year ago of holding a sacred fire for missing and murdered aboriginal women
* Started on April 25th and planning to continue until April 28th
* Some non-Toronto350 are also going
* It will be for a few days, and somewhat flexible based on peoples' schedules

== 6. Volunteer opportunities ==

* We should set this aside until we have seen what other groups do
* At a minimum, the agreement with the partner group actually needs to be negotiated, not presented as a fait accompli by one party

* This was circulated, which is a proper procedure

* Has the U of T group approved this

* I have circulated it to all the U of T students

* Was this actually approved at a meeting?

* No, but everyone except for Milan is OK with it

* Doesn't it need to be formally approved by UofT350 for this to be a formal agreement between groups

* They will approve this

* They won't approve the agreement unless the overall partner group policy is in force

* The agreement won't take effect until both groups have approved it

* Toronto350 needs to decide whether to go forward with the partner group policy, and separately if we should accept this specific strategy agreement

* The partner group policy doesn't say anything controversial, but we might not want this to be the policy for UofT350
* It sounds like some people want to add a line to the strategy agreement saying that UofT350 needs to get new campaigns approved by Toronto350
* This would make them subject to Toronto350
* UofT350 would need to agree to any such requirement

* How about we have a vote about whether to make a final decision now for each of these documents?
* Should we vote on the partner group policy now?
* Dan moves that we do
* Lila seconds
* 4 in favour
* 1 opposed
* 6 abstaining
* Motion passes

Motion to adopt the partner group policy
* Moved by Lila, subject to further review by the board
* Is this with any amendment to the text on dispute resolution?
* This would mean removing "Dispute Resolution Mechanism: If necessary, the Dispute Resolution Mechanism set out in the by-laws of Toronto350.org shall be employed to adjudicate any conflict." from the policy, but requiring that any campaign strategy agreement include one
* Replacement text: "The campaign strategy agreement will state which dispute resolution mechanism will be used in the event of a conflict between Toronto350.org and a partner group."

* The section on Delegate (voting) membership is confusing

* In order to be a member of either Toronto350 or a partner group, you need to meet the membership requirement of the group in question

* My concern is that a lot of UofT350 members only come to Toronto350 meetings that relate to their group, and then use their voting power to do things that they want to do

* They are still Toronto350 members
* This is an issue with the qualifications for being a Toronto350

Motion to adopt the partner group policy
* Moved by Lila, subject to further review by the board
* This is with the amendment to the dispute resolution mechanism
* In favour 9
* 2 opposed

* 1 abstention
* Motion passes

Do we want to decide today on the UofT350 campaign strategy agreement?
* Dan proposes that we vote on this today
* Lila seconds
* 3 in favour
* 6 opposed
* 3 abstention
* Motion fails, so we will not decide on the campaign strategy agreement today

When will we decide on it?
* Perhaps at the visioning session?
* Would it fit there? UofT350 is its own group, not a campaign but an external organization

* Now that we have passed this policy, we need to come up with an agreement to define our relationship
* Tali is happy to go through the proposed document
* She and Milan are looking at what other NGOs do
* We are hoping 350.org will provide information on what they do
* If people have contact with other NGOs that work with university groups, please let Tali know about it
* Engineers Without Borders does this

* The campaign strategy agreement should be negotiated between UofT350.org and someone from Toronto350.org who hasn't been part of the divestment campaign
* That way, it's an actual agreement between two parties and not a case of just one party writing their own agreement

* It would be better to use a document of our own than any sort of template from 350.org
* Toronto350.org will need to decide if there should be restrictions about starting new campaigns without approval
* He thinks this is a bad idea, but he thinks other people want it

* He doesn't have a problem with the partner group policy
* In addition to the campaign strategy agreement, we need to have a general ally policy agreement
* If we're going to have a campaign strategy agreement, don't both groups need to have a nearly identical campaign in operation
* Doesn't Toronto350.org need to have it's own campaign to make U of T divest? Otherwise this isn't an agreement, it's just a way of supporting an ally

* This is why this policy is incoherent and shouldn't have been passed so hastily
* The policy was written based on the idea that Toronto350 would also have a campaign running with the same objective

* We have adopted the partner group policy, but not agreed that UofT350.org should be a partner group

== 7. Next meeting ==

What kind of meeting is it?
* A working meeting

Chair: Katie
Minute-taker: Katie will find someone


Mar 8, 2016, 9:09:02 PM3/8/16
to Toronto 350.org
=== 2016-03-08 Toronto350.org working meeting ===

Chair: Katie
Minutes: Milan
Present: Amelia Rose, Jennifer, Ellery, Brian, Anne, Dennis, Milan, Tali, Tresanne, Rosemary, Michael, Snowcubb

* Introductions
* Land acknowledgment
* Debriefs
* Upcoming events
* Volunteer opportunities
* People's Climate Plan
* Breakouts
* Next meeting

== Introductions ==

== Land acknowledgment ==

We are all settlers on indigenous land, and we keep that in mind with everything we do.

== Debriefs ==

Fundraising support from the 350.org mothership
* The 350 mothership offered fundraising mentorship to local groups (classes)
* Tresanne sent a message to the act...@toronto350.org list
* Amelia Rose is going to be on a related call
* Calls happen at a time that conflicts with the last hour of our weekly meetings
* Classes and mentoring on fundraising are being offered to 12 people across North America, and Tresanne is included
* Targeted toward helping organizations break out into achieving higher levels of funding than in the past
* Should we change our meeting time to avoid the conflict?
* Could people come from 6-8pm instead?
* Starts on April 5th
* We could also adjust the structure of meeting to make sure anything Tresanne ought to attend is in the first hour
* When are the next executive elections happening? April 5th is the closest date to the end of Tresanne's contract

Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan divestment (Brian)
* They are getting ready for the annual members' meeting, at the beginning of April
* Last year they had modest success in bringing this organization to acknowledge and discuss fossil fuel divestment
* Previously they had dismissed it
* They have heavily invested in Cenovus Energy ($3.3 billion) - discussed in This Changes Everything documentary
* Legally, the plan is run by the Ontario Teachers' Federation and the Ministry of Education
* Similar to OMERS, the municipal employee pension fund
* In order to get them to change formally, action needs to come through the grass roots and individual teachers' federations (elementary, secondary, Catholic)
* They can present motions to divest to the Ontario Teachers' Federation
* It would be good to support this with a letter writing campaign
* There is room for political action
* The Catholics are fired up by the Pope and the Laudato si' encyclical
* Their AGM is on Saturday and Sunday (same time as secondary school teachers)
* The OTPP divestment team will be down at the meetings talking to people and distributing materials between 8am and 9am, when people will be entering the meeting (Harbour Castle and Sheraton Centre)
* We can't be inside the meeting, which is for delegates only
* It's possible to supplement the ethical case for divestment with a financial case
* CCPA report on fossil fuels and pension funds (p. 35-6): https://www.policyalternatives.ca/sites/default/files/uploads/publications/National%20Office%2C%20BC%20Office/2015/11/Pension_Funds_and_Fossil_Fuels.pdf
* We can send an email to our mem...@toronto350.org list
* Would it be helpful to issue a press release?
* Perhaps alongside a demonstration next year
* Trinity St. Paul's investments earned 8.8% last year, after fossil fuel divestment (significantly better than the Toronto Stock Exchange as a whole)
* A press release could help us start building a story before the April meeting
* Brian will write a draft release and will coordinate with Tali
* We can also post it as an event on our Facebook page
* We could number the pamphlets and offer a Starbucks gift certificate to a winning number, as a way of collecting contact information

Pipelines group
* Hasn't met in a while, trying to regroup since the federal government's announcement of a climate test for pipelines
* At the premiers' meeting this week, Trudeau said that pipelines would finance the transition to clean energy
* These new pipelines are incompatible with the 1.5 ˚C warming limit
* They are working on messaging, images, and memes
* Re: Line 9, they are working on a fundraiser for the Chippewa of the Thames court case against Enbridge (likely to happen in late April)
* This may include a silent art auction (contact artists who may wish to donate)
* Taylor (from the board) has a Sustainers Club, of people who will contribute monthly toward land protection
* We are looking to have awareness- and money-raising events on a monthly basis
* Ecology Ottawa is making anti-Energy East stickers for loonies

Fossil Fools Day (April 1st)
* Do we want to do anything?
* Previously, it has been tied to divestment campaigns
* This time, it could alternatively be tied to the pipelines campaign

Nickie Young, who has made anti-Harper videos, wants to do a media workshop with Toronto350.org
* It will be at his house
* First is likely to be about building a narrative, how to be interviewed

Hot Stuff Fundraiser
* The place was packed and we made a bit over $750
* They normally allow each group to do this only once
* Perhaps we could incorporate another into our Chippewa of the Thames fundraising
* Maybe we can set up some kind of recurring fundraising event of our own
* It may be worthwhile to use NationBuilder to try to assess how many people we brought out and how many were brought out by Liz
* We could have used more people promoting, as Tresanne feels she did most of it (Amelia Rose helped with the website, Katie helped at the door)
* Did we get any photos or videos from the event?
* Tresanne got some, but in a format which she cannot use

Good Green Jobs for All Leap Day meeting (Jesse?)
* February 29th
* Did anybody go? No

Home Fires Burning
* Sacred fire that a woman named Sue had a vision to establish for a year, for healing of families of missing and murdered loved ones
* Running until April 29th, when Sue is leaving - others might continue it
* Near Ottawa, on unceded native land on Victoria Island
* 10 people went with Tresanne, 4 from Toronto350
* Trip came out from learning meeting a few weeks ago, about building solidarity with land defenders
* First visit to a place held by land defenders
* Tresanne is going back in April
* Going to spaces where land defence is happening is a learning project for all of us
* There is also a solidarity squad email list

== Upcoming events ==

Power Shift (Amelia Rose)
* 3 day conference, mostly for youth
* 4 have happened so far: BC, Halifax
* The next is in Alberta in April
* Organized by the Canadian Youth Climate Coalition and their partners
* Registration fee is $35, but transport is obviously much more
* April 1st - 3rd

Learning meeting - Debunking Growth: Economics for Activists (Katie)
* Happening in April
* Likely to be a 3 hour workshop
* A 101 on critiquing capitalist economics for activists
* There will be several presenters, including a Marxist economics teacher, an economist who worked with the Occupy movement (who will talk about real-life examples of de-growth economics), and a performance art group (De-growth Collective)

Learning meeting - Lubicon Cree Documentary showing
* Called one of the greatest human rights violations in the world by the UN
* Has been trying to negotiate a treaty with Canada since the 70s or 80s
* Katie has a documentary about it

New supporters event - end of March (Katie)
* 1-1.5 hours of introduction to the group for new people

Spring (not April) - Ecology for Activists! (Katie)
* aka Nature Nerds Run Free
* Walks in High Park and other natural places

== Volunteer opportunities ==

Divest Ryerson film screening - March 30th
* Does someone want to reach out to Ben about Toronto350 being involved in the event?
* Tali will help

Katie wants someone to read over and report on the final Ontario Energy Board report on Energy East
* 96 pages
* Rosemary will help

Tali wants someone to take over the Communications executive role
* As of now, nobody is running
* Some people expressed interest in the comms hub, Tali has emailed them and not heard back

== The People's Climate Plan ==

From the 350 Canada team
* "In the works proposal" for their strategic plan over the next six months or so
* They have asked for feedback on it

Might we want to adopt any of this as part of our strategic plan?
* Arguably, our group has been lacking a plan since the last election
* 350 Canada has been having similar questions and this is their attempt at moving forward

There is a North American phone call about this plan tomorrow
* Katie will be on it, others can be too
* Happening at noon

We can't circulate an electronic version at this point, but Katie can send copies to individual people

If people want to be on tomorrow's call, they should talk to Katie

== Visioning session ==

We had a facilitator on the first day, which most people appreciated

Major topics: decision-making power, group structure
* Change takes a lot of effort

More people attended Saturday than Sunday

Tresanne will send around a longer written debrief

One good feature: conversations were framed around improving the efficiency and experience of Toronto350, encourage people to get involved
* Make people feel that they are doing the work they want to do
* We haven't always managed time, people, and resources well

Main topic Saturday: the structure of the group, and re-thinking what we want the board to do
* Re-naming positions, restructuring to be more in line with how things have actually worked
* Brainstorming internal tasks, redistributing work between the board, executive, and active members in a way that makes more sense

Some long-standing members attended, and some who joined in the last few months
* It seemed to go well for everyone, including in terms of helping new people understand the group

Main result was ideas for further discussion, more structure in ongoing discussions

Renaming types of members: core, supporters, active

== Breakouts ==

1) Discussing group structure (Tresanne)

Dan typed up some of what was discussed at the visioning session

We have been thinking about how the term "executive" sets up power differences
* The executive in this group doesn't mean very much anymore
* "Core", "active", and "supporters" may make more sense, and allow people more flexibility to move between

The core would work on mentoring members, retention, long-term vision, social events, liaison with staff, and finance
* Core people would be those involved for longer

Active people would be moderately active, willing to engage with medium-term tasks

Supporters would be new people, those only willing to take on immediate commitments

Core and active could be voting members, but not supporters
* How would that be implemented in the constitution and by-laws?

Advantages of this approach
* More clearly defined roles might help accountability
* Not presently clear who does what
* Especially since campaigns have become more independent and people stopped reporting back
* Decision-makers (core and active) would have more institutional knowledge - preventing people from spontaneously bringing up random ideas without context

Would involve more reporting back from campaign leads, including at U of T and Ryerson
* Have them come in to meetings, or communicate through some formalized system

* Would exclude some people from decision-making

One alternative we might consider is trying to revitalize the executive, edging out people not meeting their obligations, assembling a group that is willing to be reliable
* Relates to the question of how to sort people into these three groups
* Perhaps core could require a six month commitment, three month for active

Would this replace having executive positions?
* Would only the president be elected from now on, with others defined into groups by meeting requirements?
* How would we assign specific responsibility for things like communication, fundraising, etc?
* One risk of eliminating executive roles is it strips individual responsibility
* We can't just collectively assign a set of tasks to a large group of people, because that is a recipe for inaction
* Jobs like Volunteer Coordinator are too big for one person
* In the past, sometimes people have been elected to positions at their first meeting

350 has "a general activist feel" which isn't necessarily for everybody
* Early in the year, Katie made a big presentation on everything we have done and a lot of people were there
* A lot fewer have been around since
* Discussion of structure is important for people who have been around for a long time, but new people need to feel like there is a chance for them to do something

At the visioning session, the facilitator asked people to list the things Toronto350.org needs to do in order to run
* Day-to-day logistics, material production, etc
* Who is actually doing these things?
* Campaigns get things from the group, but don't often contribute to these tasks

Where did the energy from that big early meeting come from?
* Many participants had not previously been involved at all
* What can be offered for people to "latch on to", in terms of current activities
* Simple: be at Place X on Day Y

The treasurer now has a lot of quite specific and important work to do
* We need to have a plan in case we don't have someone willing to take over when one leaves

We might stop using the term "executive" without getting rid of individual areas of responsibility

We agreed that it would be ideal for campaign leads to be on the exec, but they haven't been showing up

If a new president is elected in April, how much power should we give them to make changes about structure?

2) Discussing the role of the board (Tali)

- Board to provide knowledge on compliance with Non Profit laws; would be interested in having some or all members attending a legal clinic to learn more as we have no legal experts on the board
- TO DO: 1) Need to clearly define what membership means, and 2) determine the clear roles board members will take on (ex. Fundraising, Finance/Legal, Management and Oversight, HR)

== Next meeting ==

Type: Similar to this week
Chair: Katie
Minutes: TBA


Mar 16, 2016, 4:25:02 PM3/16/16
to Toronto 350.org
2016-03-15 - Toronto350 Planning Meeting Minutes
Present: Milan, Dan, Brian, Ellery, Mike, Rosemary F., Michael, Snowcub

  1. Go Around/News
Milan - Check out Atlantic article on “Obama Doctrine” foreign policy by Jeffrey Goldberg: http://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2016/04/the-obama-doctrine/471525/  
Dan - Ont Conservatives acknowledge carbon pricing, but want it revenue neutral
Brian - Cost of wind is competitive with cost of refurbishing Darlington; the world’s current electricity needs could be met by a solar array about ½ the size of Ontario
Ellery - Chippewa of the Thames will get their Supreme Court hearing; will need help
Mike - new (Welcome!!!), has been interested in TO350 for a while.

  1. Land Acknowledgement - We are all settlers on indigenous land, and we keep that in mind with everything we do.

  1. Mindfulness Exercise (Dan) 3 mins

  1. Updates
a) Divest Ont. Teachers’ Pension Plan - Brian
Ont. English Catholic Teachers’ Aasoc. and Ont.Secondary School Teachers’ Federation Annual General Meetings last weekend. Flyering this weekend with 8 volunteers was generally sucessful in terms of communication and general awareness.
Union locals meet annually at this summit with a handful of motions for divesting the Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan of its fossil fuel holdings. One motion that made it through OECTA was a social justice plan which sought funds for a committee to deal with mass dislocation and migrations connected climate change.
There is a need for continuing awareness efforts.

b) Chippewa of the Thames legal challenge - Ellery
They will need for money to proceed before the Supreme Court. We will mount monthly activities related to this here at TO350 to include specifically focused fundraisers. Nicky will update on planning next week.

c) Divest Initiatives - Milan
A] Divest U of T
Decision possible by Gertler by end of month
Ctee is preparing for all eventualities pro or con
Amanda HS and Cricket are media contacts.
How will Toronto350 support this?

B] Ryerson - no news as yet

d) Energy East - Ellery
Big thanks to Rosemary Frei for her précis of the OEB report; it’s very readable and useful. See it at: https://docs.google.com/document/d/16XPm4aLZNP0dfHezZPeNvUDs7Rm3_Vv6EadfZbstenI/edit
Next meeting Pipelines Group on Sat, the 19th, from 6-8 pm. Please email katie@toronto350 for location and details.

4. Possible Discussion/Breakouts
  1. Katie was going to lead a presentation/discussion/brainstorming on the draft of the
“People’s Climate Plan” which has been developed by Canada 350.org  and LeadNow.  There was a national phone call this past week on the plan, Katie, Rosemary and Milan attended.  Unfortunately Katie is sick and won’t be able to present.  Here’s a link to the doc if folks want to read it over and think of a) any questions that come up, b) anything that doesn’t seem clear c) how we might be involved/use this framework: at Toronto350. https://docs.google.com/document/d/17sEKpFYUMzcKCLI4c5NXs2szlAwVS4MQCjxBOPLdurU/edit
Discussion: 350 seeking endorsement among all environmental organizations, especially “stong” one.
Milan - was present at the cross-country call; noted that there were elements and mechanisms that need to be added to doc. Sign-up on-line is for groups, not individuals.
Ellery - appreciated the high-level perspective; outline is good, but not easy to follow.
Brian - good idea to join all strong orgs, but need to differentiate each org’s core goal as supporting the actions of the coalition
Ellery - liaisons with other groups formal or informal
Mike - I don’t see politicians as the enemy. He is exploring what he can do to get off fossil fuel dependency, but even after a large investment he thinks he can only achieve 40% (a 60% reduction).
Brian and Dan - Need for system vs individual change to ease and support what will be a drastic transition
Milan - recommended “Sustainable energy without the hot air”. Available free at http://withouthotair.com  Very useful resource document.
  1. Visioning Session/Restructuring--Next Steps - Ellery
Ellery in discussion with Tresanne - how to structure TO350
I] Board role:  fundraising, finance, legal, strategy
Need for clearer decision-making process;
Ii} Membership: what constitutes being a member? Bar too low currently?
She and Tresanne discussed jobs, organized areas of involvement
by category: emphasis on how to become involved In an on-going, energizing way
Developing a sense of how much is needed and how much people are actually able to give. Refine our understanding of how our priorities help shape our roles
There’s also a need to maintain check-up process to encourage more accountability, but also to support individual members in what they do.
  1. Fossil Fools Day -- brainstorm possible targets/actions for fossil fools day
Example: Kathleen Wynne for Supporting Energy East/Enbridge/OTPP
Possibility for action: outside her constituency office or at Queen’s Park?
Dinosaur; carbon bubbles; oil barrel challenge modelled on ice-bucket
challenge; or oil barrel dunk (Michael)
Call out for people to plan and organize event. (email)
5. Volops
a] Tabling, April 2 , Joe Cressy Community Environment Day
The event will be held on:
Saturday, April 2nd from 10am to 2pm
Central Technical School, 725 Bathurst St, Toronto
Email (find  point person)

b] River Run 2016 is on its way again! From May 30th to June 3rd we will be joining with Grassy Narrows community members, elders and youth to call on the Ontario government to recognize and compensate those affected by mercury, to clean up the river system, and to end clearcut logging.
The details are:
We'd love for you to be involved! Many of you have helped out with the River Run in the past, and we are having our first official volunteers meeting to give people more information about River Run 2016 and discuss big and little ways for everyone to get involved and help support Grassy Narrows!
When: Monday April 4th, 2016
Time: 6:00-8:00pm
Where: Steelworker's Hall, 25 Cecil Street

c] Home Fires. This weekend - 1-2 spaces left in Ellery’s car. Going on Friday night, coming back Saturday Night; including Tresanne, Ellery, Nate, Ariel.  if you want to attend contact: ell...@toronto350.org.

Next week: Decision making meeting (Quorum is 10 voting members).
Major Proposals requested before midnight tomorrow (Wed, the 16th): defined by spending more than $500, call to restructure, anything which may involve legal risks.
If no quorum or major proposals, a regular meeting would take place.

Next Chair: Brian
Next Minutes: Dan


Apr 16, 2016, 3:40:39 PM4/16/16
to Toronto 350.org

Toronto350 Agenda for April 12

Brandon Fenton, chair


Brian (scribe), Brandon (Chair), Roger, Amelia Rose, Dan C. , Ellery, Tresanne, Dan M., Tali, Anne, Katie, Neil, Snowcub, Milan, Kevin



1] Land Acknowledgement


2 a] Financial Statement (Ellery)

Yearly budget and recent monthly statement.

We’re in pretty good shape fiscally.

We’re making a general effort to get off subsidies while raising and bolstering donations.

We can afford pay for president’s stipend as well as donations we voted to support indigenous people and expenses incurred by campaigns if nothing major arises.

We should start trying to forecast expenses for large events like Break Free.


2 b] Motion to pay President/Coordinater

            Moved [by Ellery, seconded by Tali]: Pay President/Coordinator $1050 for the month of April.

Rationale: The role of coordinator is essentially the paid bottom liner who maintains the momentum of Toronto 350. This is a paid position and is structured so to acknowledge and make visible the often invisible labour that is associated with it.

Ellery as treasurer reports we have enough money from donations, cash position to do this. We also have several fundraising initiatives this month, specifically the Trinity-St. Paul’s Lysistrata partnership and the “Triple your Donation” initiative from the Board. Also there is an application for a grant to help pay for this position from 350.org.


There was some discussion about the actual title of the position. It was decided keep the title and change it later when we had time to fully discuss the question.


Motion was passed: 10 in favour, one abstention.  



3] Elections

Delegate members shall be given some token to indicate their status, such as a coloured sticker or self-identification: Quorum was achieved in time for vote.

Proposed amendments to the Constitution – none

3b] Proposal to create a new postion

      Moved [by Milan, seconded by Brian]: Create the position of Research Co-ordinator.


Role Description:

Providing research support on request to all Toronto350.org campaigns, including in the preparation of documents and media releases

• Collaborating with Toronto350.org members on researching and developing best practices for the operation of the organization

• Helping to curate and make available useful resources including best practices, policies currently in force, and other materials of ongoing importance to Toronto350.org operations and campaigns

• Leading periodic workshops to share relevant information with Toronto350.org members


Discussion about this position focussed on the need and usefulness for such a position, some terms (esp. “best practices”), the need for other existing positions to be filled, how the campaign leads and others would interact with this position, inter alia.


Motion passed: 6 in favour, 1 opposed, 6 abtentions


Election for this postion

Candidates: Milan, Snowcub

Vote by secret ballot: Milan 10, Snowcub 2


3c] Nomination and election of executive members

            • No new nominations

            • Election of president –

                        Tresanne (unopposed).

                        Not by secret ballot; unanimous in favour (11)


            • Election of treasurer - 

                        Ellery (unopposed)

                        Not by secret ballot; unanimous in favour (11)


            Election of Administrative Coordinator –

                        Dan (unopposed)

                        Not by secret ballot; unanimous in favour (11)


            Election of Communications Coordinator –

                        Tali not running; position vacant for now

                        No vote.


            Election of OTPP Coordinator 

                        Amelia Rose (unopposed)

                        Not by secret ballot; unanimous in favour (11)


            Volunteer Coordinator

                        Katie (unopposed)

                        Not by secret ballot; unanimous in favour (11)

4]  Other organizational business

            Meeting times: because two executive members (Tresanne and Amelia Rose) are involved in the 350 Fundraising coaching calls at 8pm  Tuesdays for the next 8 weeks, we need to consider what time we want to meet for the following 8 weeks as myself are doing the. Options for that: 6-8pm or 6:30-8:30pm or 7-9pm

            Informal vote: 12 in favour for 6pm-8pm for the next two weeks. Then revisit the issue. Dan to book with Steelworkers. (Hollis informed us there is a new manager of the facility.)




5] Campaign Updates


UofT, OTPP – Detailed divestment updates deferred till next meeting

       Divest OTPP [Brian, Amelia Rose] brief report on the Annual Meeting of last Thursday, April 7.

Fund Managers’ position: No to divestment; yes to “engagement”.

Strong similarities with Gertler’s statement. Next steps to be discussed at a later date.



Pipelines - [Katie] People’s Climate Plan/Coordinating with Line 9 groups on June 18th community consultation/workshops.  Need people to join pipelines committee!  

Meeting this weekend for this group to help formulate Toronto350 position.



Indigenous Solidarity - Grassy Narrow/Riverrun Donation – [Katie]

May 28 – Jun 2 (30-40 people from GN will be coming to TO)

Food and accomodations needed. Dinner, march and rally, Meetings with local TO groups on Mercury, deforestation, need for suitable infrastructure, inter alia

• Donation requested: RiverRun project has budgeted $30,000.

       Discussion on how much we can afford nn top of support for Chippewa of   Thames appeal to Supreme Court and Sustainers Club for Unist’ot’en.

                   Ellery says $432 is doable

                   Informal vote: unanimous (12)

• Also Train The Trainers Workshop on Thursday OISE re Grassy Narrows, 6pm on Thursday April 14th at OISE. Can anyone make it? Contact: (sschu...@gmail.com)

• To be discussed: Toronto350 doing a meal for Grassy visitors on June 1st.


6-Volops (volunteer opportunities)

a] Trinity St. Paul’s performance of Lysistrata – [Anne]

Getting the word out is essential in these last days before the event on the 24th.

Tali with Anne and Tresanne will send out emails to all members.

Please direct all your contacts to the FB page at: https://www.facebook.com/events/788177831283097/

Also help will be needed at the church for the performance on the 24th

Contact: Anne, Brian or Tresanne.

Sales of tickets and other income have been solid, but more sales will really help bolster the amount they are able to donate to their fund and to us. Their generosity will allow us to add up to $7000 to our donations for the month of April. Everyone please help.



b] SATEC high school - someone to speak about Climate + TO350 for 7min-10min on Monday, April 18th. 9 am – noon

            Brian to call Tresanne


c] Toronto Climate Action Network - delegate for TO350?

On Sat.May 7. 2-4. Details???

Tali and Roger (Ellery to continue as a Delegate but can’t) go.



d] Toronto350 Exec positions

If we don’t fill exec + shadow positions: write Volunteer Toronto posting for these positions with acknowledgement that potential candidates will need to join and run for their chosen positions.


e] Solidarity with Black Lives Matter.

Keep up support for this. (two week hiatus now) Future discussion of how we can support


f] Attawapiskat a drawing/letter campaign: from Sue-Lynn’s fb:  Let's start a drawing/letter campaign and send our love through letters and pictures to those in Attawapiskat... as well as other First Nations who are struggling for whatever reason... this initiative was inspired by one of my new family members from BLMTO's grade 2 class... what do you all think? I will compile all the information needed to make this happen and let's send our First Nations brothers, sisters and families a big "we love you and hear your voices and we are here for you" Thoughts, ideas and suggestions by all are always welcomed... this is a collective initiative so all input is needed and desired

Let's walk and work together to assist in co-creating the kind of world were going to be for all our relations and future generations.


g] West-End YIMBY (Sunday May 22nd, from 11am - 3:30pm) –

Tabling ($20 or $35) and fill out form.


6] - Future non - 350 meetings


a] May Day 2016: Invitation to Information and Planning Meeting [?]

This is a formal invitation to send a representative to the May Day 2016 Information and Planning meeting organized by the Latin American and Caribbean Solidarity Network, Black Lives Matter-Toronto, No One Is Illegal-Toronto and the Ontario Coalition Against Poverty. The next meeting is at the steelworkers union hall 25 Cecil Street on Thursday April 14 at 6:00 pm

Please invite anyone who is interested in helping bring May Day together

Many hands make for a lighter load :)


b] Training offerings [?]

Volunteer Toronto has a number of workshops coming up. The next meeting is Thursday April 21st from 9:30am to 4:00pm  “From Start to Finish: Building the Tools You Need to Evaluate your Volunteer Program” – Full Day Boot Camp! And then on April 27th from 9:30am to 4:00pm “Engaging Newcomers as Volunteers”

Both take place at Volunteer Toronto: volunteertoronto.site-ym.com

c] Building Accessible Movements


How can you help build a more accessible movement through your groups, organizations, activist organizing, or event/campaign planning? This workshop will be a space to reflect on thoughts, ideas and actions on accessibility, with a mix of practical scenarios to work through.

Date: Thursday April 14, Time: 6-9pm, Location: George Brown College, 200 King St. E., Trainers: Kayla Carter & Geoff


Meeting ends at 8:20 pm

Next week’s chair and minutes to be announced.


Apr 20, 2016, 11:44:29 AM4/20/16
to Toronto 350.org

2016-04-19 Toronto350.org minutes


1. Introductions

News that caught people’s attention

2. Land recognition

3. Unfilled executive positions and campaign leads

4. U of T divestment

5. YIMBY (“Yes In My Back Yard”) networking event

6. Possible “Dislocation” screening

7. Rail safety talk

8. Denver “Keep It In The Ground” climate action camp

9. Breakouts

a. Meeting agendas and minutes (Dan)

b. Lysistrata (Dennis)

c. Live streaming (Snowcub)

10. Next meeting

Chair: Dan

Minutes: Milan

Present: Amelia Rose, Kevin, Tresanne, Dennis, Ann, Neal, Snowcub, Michael

Meeting type: Working meeting

1. Introductions

News that caught people’s attention

2. Land recognition

We are meeting on the traditional territory of the Wendat, Anishinaabe, and Haudenosaunee peoples.

3. Unfilled executive positions and campaign leads

People may not have realized that last week’s meeting was an election for all positions

  • Currently vacant positions: Communications Coordinator, Divest U of T campaign lead, Divest Ryerson campaign lead, Step Up Canada campaign lead, Pipelines campaign lead

  • The website needs to be updated with newly elected exec members

  • We don’t know if campaign leads who missed the election intend to run

  • Ben may run again as Divest Ryerson lead

Tali and Katie are putting together an ad to post through Volunteer Toronto

4. U of T divestment

UofT350.org is not holding meetings during exam time

UTAM is meant to develop their ESG screening approach by July 1st

Does anybody want to work on this during the summer?

  • Milan will email the campus and active lists

  • He is also meeting with John Godfrey - Ontario’s climate change advisor

Yale partly divested

5. YIMBY (“Yes In My Back Yard”) networking event

May 22nd at Gladstone, 11am to 3:30pm

West end grassroots groups are participating

We can get a table for $35

Neal is willing to table, and will check with Brian (the quartermaster) about a suitable banner to hang from the table

6. Possible “Dislocation” screening

The film is meant to help get people excited about Break Free, like “Disruption” before the People’s Climate March

  • https://breakfree2016.org/

  • Break Free is happening May 4-15th and is concentrated in Vancouver on May 13th and 14th

  • Nothing is currently planned for Toronto

  • Dennis could inexpensively book a large auditorium for movie screeenings

  • Greenpeace reached out to ask if we are planning anything

Any updates on our involvement with the People’s Climate Plan?

  • No

  • The pipelines campaign is looking into it

7. Rail safety talk

Wednesday April 27th, Wallmer Baptist Church, 6:30-8:30pm

Carolyn Bennett, Chrystia Freeland, and Marc Garneau are taking part

8. Denver “Keep It In The Ground” climate action camp

Stu circulated an email on April 18th to the active list


9. Breakouts

a. Meeting agendas and minutes (Dan)

Brian circulated an email to some exec and board members on April 16th

  • He hasn’t been able to post minutes to the Google Group

  • https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups#!forum/toronto-350

  • Other issues: people providing “sloppy” input for the agenda, means other than the minutes for promoting events and items of interest, effectively taking part in the meeting while taking minutes, holding a workshop on effective minute-taking, how many people actually read the minutes?

People don’t all understand the Google Group

Current process

  • At each meeting, we choose a chair for the next one

  • A couple of days before the meeting, the chair emails the members list to ask people for agenda items

  • Each month, we hold one decision-making meeting, two working meetings, and a learning meeting

  • Some good learning meetings have already happened, including on mental health and indigenous allyship

  • Either at the previous meeting or at the start of the current meeting, someone volunteers to take minutes

  • The minute taker is meant to post the minutes to the Google Group

We haven’t really looked into the effect of having three meeting types

  • Attendance seems to be down in recent months

  • We have had trouble finding quorum at decision-making meetings

  • Perhaps in part because people stigmatize them as “boring” or “bureaucratic”

  • By-laws: “Unless a greater number of Delegate Members are required to be present by the Act, a quorum at Electoral Meetings is the lesser of ten (10) people or 20% (rounded up) of Delegate Members.”

  • The by-laws and constitution are both silent on quorum for decision-making meetings, though the constitution sets quorum for innovation meetings at half what is required for electoral meetings

  • By-laws: https://docs.google.com/document/d/19_sJUyGHabxtxgCEApWQVjuojEVM2qjAbxtTeQOIeeY/edit#

  • Constitution: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BzllhGmIFtnnYmlZZGxuZzA4R0U/view

When submitting events for the agenda people don’t format them consistently or include all necessary details (place and time, etc)

  • People also submit items at the last minute, shortly before the meeting, which some chairs dislike (others are fine with it)

  • We could create a template for submitting events

It would be desirable to go through all the minutes from the past four years and collect statistics on attendance

  • Can points of major change be identified? What effect has specialized meeting types had?

  • We have been talking about “growing pains” but lately we are shrinking

People have not been posting minutes to the Google Group

  • In previous years, people were consistent about doing so

  • Some people dislike the Group, preferring Google Drive

  • The group has two big advantages: once something is posted there it stays in place (people move and delete things on the Drive) and everyone has access without needing to log in (and without us needing to allow everyone to edit the Drive)

  • People need to be approved to post to the group, but many people can do this and it usually happens in less than a minute

  • We used to nag people more actively to post minutes to the group

  • Dan could track down minutes from previous meetings and post them after the fact

One suggestion: use the YEAR-MONTH-DAY standard date format

Milan is willing to lead a workshop on minute taking

  • People are more likely to attend if it is part of a meeting, rather than a standalone event

  • Practice may be more important than instruction

It’s not clear who decides which type of specialized meeting should happen each week, and the schedule isn’t posted in advance

  • Katie and Alex were deciding between themselves

  • Is Alex still actively involved? Maybe in the pipelines campaign

The board is pushing for the first meeting of each month to be an “overview” meeting where members of campaigns and campaign leads are strongly encouraged to attend

It would be nice if campaigns published minutes of their meetings

  • UofT350 distributes minutes by email, but only to their own email list, and store minutes on their own Google Drive

When taking minutes, our convention is not to attribute comments to specific individuals unless not doing so would be confusing

If the minute taker wants to participate actively in the meeting, it can be helpful for them to type up the minutes on their own comments right before saying them, rather than trying to catch up after

It might be useful to have a spreadsheet summarizing decisions taken at meetings, votes, etc

  • This could help avoid repetitive disagreements

  • Under Robert’s Rules of Order (which we do not use) there is a higher threshold to initiate discussion on a subject that has been covered before (required 2/3 vote in favour)

  • A lot of organizations put motions and votes in a separate document called a record of decision

  • The Toronto350 board did this during its first year

b. Lysistrata (Dennis)


Does Toronto350 want to take part in a 50:50 draw?

  • One ticket for $5, etc

  • Doing it requires visible volunteers to work the crowd

  • We could raise a few hundred dollars

  • The organizers don’t need volunteers for the event itself

  • No license is required to run this sort of draw

We need people to promote the event

We will do the 50:50 draw

The show is meant to be a lighthearted contrast to the often depressing conversation about climate change

It’s being held in a large concert hall style venue, with professional actors reading

  • Total expenses for putting it on were about $2000

  • Targeted promotion right before the play may bring in more people

  • There will be a magazine article about it after

  • If the play is a success it could be put on all over North America

The Trinity United mission is “faith, justice, and the arts”

Doors open at 1pm

  • There will be opening remarks at 2pm

  • The play is 75 minutes, with no intermission

  • At the end, Katie is giving a speech about Toronto350 and how the money we raised will be used

  • We will also sign people up for our email list and take donations

  • Project Neutral and Greenpeace Canada will be tabling at the event

  • It should be over between 4pm and 4:30

  • There will be a debrief and discussion at a pub after

c. Live streaming (Snowcub)

Snowcub will be presenting a proposal to the executive

10. Next meeting

Tuesday, April 26th

  • 6pm - 8pm

  • We will be screening a movie, which Tresanne and Dan will select


Apr 20, 2016, 10:24:24 PM4/20/16
to Toronto 350.org
2016 02 23 Meeting Minutes

Toronto350 Working Meeting

February 23, 2016 at 7:00 p.m.

Present: Dan, Laura, Matthew, Brenna, Ellery, Nicky, Snow Cubb, Taylor, Anna

Chair: Dan

Minutes: Laura

Land Recognition and Introductions

The meeting began with Ellery leading a land recognition of our presence on the colonised traditional territory of the Anishinaabe, Haudenosaunee, and Mi'kmaq nations. This was followed by a round of introductions.


Dan shared that there will be a climate change symposium on March 5 (with more details to come).

Dan also shared upcoming workshops offered through Tools for Change:

*Tomorrow (Feb. 24): How to Facilitate Great Meetings (OISE; 3 pm)

*Research Skills for Activists, Sat. Mar. 4 (OISE; 1-4 pm)

*How to Organise a Great Direct Action, Sat. Mar. 20 (OISE; 1-6 pm).

Fundraising Initiatives

Nicky and Taylor led a discussion about fundraising events and initiatives for front line, indigenous resistance to injustice.

Nicky spoke to having a dance party (possible name: "Natural Law") that would not be formally affiliated with any one organisation. This party would incorporate spoken word poetry, DJs, locally-sourced food, etc. Possibility to make it a monthly event that would engage a wide variety of people (youth and queer communities, prominent Torontonians, etc.) in climate justice and in supporting front line communities (and specifically the Chippewas of the Thames Supreme Court fight against Line 9).

Taylor spoke to her initiative, the Sustainers Club, in the context of having a Sustainers Club presence as part of these fundraising dance parties. With the Sustainers Club people can donate monthly and 100 percent of donations go to support front line communities for climate justice.

Home Fires Burning

Brenna spoke about the Home Fires Burning ceremony on Victoria Island. Some members will be carpooling to visit the ceremony on March 3. Ellery wondered if we could do a short-term call out for funds to support Sue Martin and the ceremony, especially for those of us who cannot be there in person.

Climate Justice

Brenna spoke to ideas and conceptions of climate justice. This led to insightful, informal discussion about engaging people with climate change and climate justice - how do we live more sustainable and just lives without becoming overwhelmed and how do we engage others to live more justly/sustainably without fostering guilt or overwhelmed feelings? How too, do we begin to provide a strong counter-narrative to our extremely consumer-oriented, extremely disposable society? This segued into a wide-ranging discussion of climate justice intersecting with food justice and indigenous justice and rights, especially in the context of remote northern communities.  

Following this discussion, Dan adjourned the meeting at 8:30.


May 5, 2016, 8:23:06 PM5/5/16
to Toronto 350.org

2016-05-03 Toronto350.org minutes


1. Introductions

a. News that caught our attention

2. Land recognition

3. Major proposal

4. Other decision-making

5. Status of campaigns

6. Check-ins from other executive members

7. Coordinating mass emails

8. Break Free actions

9. Next meeting

Chair: Milan

Minutes: Dan

Present: Amelia Rose, Dan, Dennis, Brian C, Katie, Kate, Neil, Allan, Kevin, Jesse, Brian Y

Late: Tresanne, Roger, Amanda HS

Meeting type: All-campaign meeting

1. Introductions

a. News that caught our attention

  • Bernie Sanders campaign

  • Climate children court case in Washington and Oregon

  • Multiple climate change documentaries at Hot Docs

  • Jeremy Leggett piece on the carbon bubble - Saudi move to reduce oil dependence

  • Coalition of indigenous people in Alberta: Indigenous Peoples’ Climate Plan, response to current federal callout for input

  • Influence of fossil fuel companies on museums

  • Methane release from fracking

  • Oil sands workers pushing for green jobs (Iron for Earth)

  • Pentagon reaction to the threat of climate change (claim military is 2-3% of global CO2 total)

2. Land recognition

I would like to acknowledge this sacred land where we are meeting. It has been a site of human activity for 15,000 years. This land is the territory of the Huron-Wendat and Petun First Nations, the Seneca, and most recently, the Mississaugas of the Credit River. The territory was the subject of the Dish With One Spoon Wampum Belt Covenant, an agreement between the Iroquois Confederacy and Confederacy of the Ojibwe and allied nations to peaceably share and care for the resources around the Great Lakes.

Today, the meeting place of Toronto is still the home to many Indigenous people from across Turtle Island and we are grateful to have the opportunity to work in the community, on this territory.

3. Major proposal

Tresanne: I propose we pay the president/coordinator up to $1,350 for 90 hours (average 20 hours/week) of work in May 2016.

Do we have quorum?

  • The constitution and by-laws only establish quorums for innovation and board meetings

  • 9 voting members are currently present

  • Currently we are paying the president month to month - we will wait to see if Tresanne wants to

How much money do we have that isn’t pledged to other purposes?

  • We raised about $7,000 in April, approximately doubling our available funds from  Lysistrata, donations, and matching


  • 9 in favour

  • 0 opposed

  • 1 abstaining

Motion passes

4. Other decision-making

Minor proposal: From Rosemary F for food for May 6th event Natural Law Party to support Chippewa of the Thames. Asking for $100


  • 8 in favour

  • 0 opposed

  • 1 abstention

Motion passes

5. Status of campaigns

Reports from campaign leads: Pipelines; Divest the OTPP; Step Up, Canada!;

Divest U of T; Divest Ryerson

Pipelines/People’s Climate Plan--Lead--Katie (I need to leave by 7, so would be good if I can give an update before that…) - recently adopted the people’s climate plan, with other orgs like Leadnow around the Federal climate consultations. MPs will hold town hall meeting up to Nov. Campaign is to mobilize people to pressure MPs to hold the townhalls and then dominate the discussion.

    • 3 key points - need to meet scientific limits (include pipelines)

    • A just transition - for workers

    • 100% renewables by 2050

    • Needs to respect the rights of indigenous

  • Have identified key MPs we can speak to (Carolyn Bennett, Crystia Freeland, Arif Virani -all Liberal)

  • Currently looking to hold meetings during the last week of May when MPs are around)

  • The online portion will close June 1st (it’s difficult to find) https://www.canada.ca/en/services/environment/weather/climatechange/climate-action.html

  • Involve reaching out to our supporters

  • Would involve a hosting a learning session

  • We may need to request a town hall from the MPs, it may be hard to get them to commit to a date.

  • There was another Town Hall in Winnipeg

  • Neil: how will the townhalls be structured? Katie: if we organize we can do it anyway we want. A concern: is that we are just giving their consultation process validity and they will not listen.

  • Brian C: Can we do a city wide consultation to call into Question the current plan of only investing in renewables? Could we have a bigger meeting for the city

  • Brian Y: We should be raising a big fuss about that we have no plan since the ratification of Paris

  • Katie:We would train people with talking points

  • Dan: The City of Toronto held their own climate consultations last week, and they have their own goal of reducing emissions by 80% by 2050

  • Denis would like to be involved in People`s Climate Plan

  • The Breakfree event is next week Friday the 13th  Katie has been getting an idea of capacity

  • Kevin: if there was as city wide meeting it would be hard to find a time for all to meet. Plus it dilutes the MP responsibilities.

  • Re: Lysistrata performance - Denis: we could present the check during break free. There will be another reading of the June 3rd at Taragon, it would be good to see TP350 people there

  • NEB released its timelines: it will be selecting who it can present in June. The plan was once the 300 applicants get rejected we can do another action (i.e. PCM, getting people to write a letter to the editor, get those people to pledge to act in some way when the hearings start in the Fall

  • Big pipeline focused meeting in June (date isn`t clear) to get different groups together

  • Jesse: if we can collect 50 names to say we want to have a meeting at the fundraiser on Friday

  • Milan: is the pipeline campaign looking for support from the group? Katie: yes, I will bring a proposal next meeting

  • Katie will get names of people interested.

  • Proposal for next week’s meeting : we could do phone banking to our members to get them to come to breakfree. A possibility of a grassy narrows info session :30 - 1 hour

Divest U of T

Gertler: said no, released Beyond Divestment.

Press release, direct action, Graham Henry spoke

Next step options (discussed in better detail in yesterday’s meeting minutes linked above):

  • Amend divestment policy

  • Trying to get governing body to enforce the policy

  • try to engage with Beyond Divestment

  • a lawsuit: we feel the actions are a break of fiduciary responsibilities

  • push at schools who have not decided

  • pressure on provincial parliament

The campaign has spent all the funds on art supplies would like more funds.

Currently working on analysis on what has been accomplished, what we can do, this will take place over the next two weeks

Neil: doesn’t the university have a responsibility to society?

Milan and Roger: the responsibility is only about the return of the money

Katie: In August There was money given before to the UofT with the understanding that we would get some back? It was almost $2000, with the understanding that most would be reimbursed. Amanda: Jennifer is the Treasurer she can speak to it.

Motion to allocate $250 to the campaign

  • 8 in favour

  • 1 opposed

  • 0 abstaining

Motion passes

Divest the OTPP

  • Amelia Rose: OTPP one of the biggest pension plans in the world. Recently invested 3 billion dollars in a company the Tar sands. In March April they have their AGM meetings. We handed out flyers. People were responsive. There was a motion to divest. It didn’t go through. They will have another meeting in August.

  • There is also a members meeting for teachers only. Teachers were very responsive. The funds position is that they will engage with the companies (i.e. shareholder activism)..

  • Brian Y: this year the TSP divested and got 8% return. The OTPP managers only have accountables to Ont Govt and the Ontario Teachers Federation ( some teachers) Elementary, Second, French, and Catholic Federations. Idea is if we can get motions to divest from the teachers federations is that they will be forced to bring it up. Donna wrote to Ontario government pointing out the government is investing in these funds contradict their climate fighting goals..

  • There was a coordinated effort to get the questions asked in the AGM. there are strong groups in other Ontario cities.

  • OTPP would like to hold a townhall specifically have a townhall about divestment and future. Getting Rotman, Walrus involved do publicly show the false logic.

  • Neil: how can the Tarsands still be profitable? Brian: They still see the potential for the stocks to rise. Brian: there is a report that says sovereign funds are divesting from fossil fuels

  • Bottom line: there are three main focuses: pressure the teacher's, pressure the government, public shaming. Nothing concrete at the moment

  • Brian Y: Feeling confused that there are a lot of things going on

  • Currently OTPP owe money but they made %13 more than last year

  • They are in slight debt in the fund as more people are taking out.

  • One retired teacher suggested a lawsuit no details

  • Neil: Can we use the students? Brian Y: Teachers as a rule don’t want to politicise their

Step Up, Canada!

  • No representative present

Divest Ryerson

  • No representative present

How should we handle unrepresented campaigns at future monthly overview meetings?

6. Check-ins from other executive members

President; Treasurer; Volunteer Coordinator; Administrative Coordinator; Research Coordinator

  • Absent: Treasurer, Volunteer Coordinator left early


  • Looking into grants, following up with one from 350.org, trying to collaborate with Greenpeace

  • Milan: is there going to be an executive meeting? Tesanne: any exec can call innovation meeting

  • The board worked last month on fundraising. They have been busy.

  • Brian: it would be nice if there were some board members here once and a while.

Administrative Coordinator

  • Dan has been working on updating the website, adding people to mailing lists, giving people permission to post minutes

  • The minutes were not as disorganized as he feared

  • There may be a few left that have not been posted - he will follow up with previous minute takers

  • Effort to curate governing documents - they are in various formats, not necessarily fully updated, not necessarily easy to update, etc

  • He will try to have this done by September

  • The website has been updated to show that our meetings are now starting at 6pm (4-5 different parts of the site reference the time)

  • We should advertise meeting times more clearly on Facebook

Research Coordinator:

    Setup initative on TO350 books

Finding active Canadian divestment groups.

Review the how divestment compaign went

Will setup workshop on DSL camera for activist purposes

Tool for change workshops

There is a changes.350 website

Roger: article Natural Gas is as bad as coal: in the Nation


Vacant positions: Communications Coordinator

  • Also, several people have just continued with positions where they didn’t stand for election on the 12th, which is problematic in terms of governance

  • Our by-laws and constitution set us up as an organization that elects people to certain positions, and it’s important to actually do it

7. Coordinating mass emails

Ongoing discussion among executives and campaign leads

  • We will let them handle this

8. Break Free actions

We’ve been asked to do phone banking (phoning our supporters) to encourage them to go to the Break Free event next Friday May 13th.

  • Katie would like to propose that we dedicate some of our next meeting to this (maybe half an hour-45 minutes).

  • She can print off a list of phone numbers and a script/talking points if we want to do this

  • We will present a cake to Denis at the breakfree event

9. Next meeting

Katie - Next week’s meeting - we should discuss phone banking

  • Could also partly be a working meeting on Grassy Narrows

  • She is willing to chair

Meeting type: Working / learning

Chair: Katie

Minutes: Brian Y


May 23, 2016, 7:03:25 PM5/23/16
to Toronto 350.org
2016 05 10 Toronto 350 Meeting Minutes

Present: Katie, Michael, Roger, Milan, Tresanne, Kevin, Larry (PCM), Denis, Anna

(LeadNow and TO350), Amelia Rose, John Sharkey (East End Against Line 9), Brian, Lyn

Opening statement of adherence to treaty lands we are on.

1] Break Free Demonstration, Friday, 4:30-5:45 – Lyn Adamson

Matt Cohen Square, SW corner of Spadina and Bloor.

Support for the Break Free event(s) especially the one in Vancouver on Sat.

Bring friends and family.

There will be speakers (Jason B., Lilly) and music (Bridgit Fry, Raging Grannies, etc).

Tresanne has sent out a full eblast about it to TO350 list.

Money collected will be donated to Red Cross for Ft McMurray (Climate Justice).

Help needed:

Please join on FB Event Page and share.

We need peacekeepers (marshals) – Brian will help, more needed

Signs and banners: meet Wednesday at Quakers House (Lowther west of Bedford) 5:00

pm. Stakes needed.

Tabling for 350 and others. Members needed to staff.

Asking for a donation of $100

Katie moves that Toronto350 donate $100 to this Break Free event

Seconded by Brian.

Motion passed: Yays = 8; Nays = 0; Abstentions = 2

2] Phone banking – Katie

Since TO350 emails sent out not necessary. Call your contacts anyway.

3] Pipelines and the People’s Climate Plan – Katie

Pipelines Group has endorsed this campaign.

LeadNow and 350.ca are our leads on this, with other organizations involved across


Focus is to present a concerted and forceful set of demands at the Government’s public

consultations on ratifying the Paris Accord (as discussed in the meeting before this).

Motion to Endorse this plan moved by Lyn Adamson, seconded by Roger.

Discussion on how the plan was developed more or less without our input.

Plan seems to be congruent, however, with Toronto350 goals and philosophy.

The fact that it unites a range of activist organizations across the country to press the

government for real action and not mere rhetoric positions all of us solidly behind the

goal of achieving a relatively quick transition off fossil fuels and into a green economy

with support for indigenous peoples and workers whose lives and livlihoods will be


Motion passed: Yes = 10; No = 0; Abs. = 1

4] UofT Divestment Meeting announced for Monday, May 16 - Milan

Agenda to focus on next steps. Details to follow.

Milan asked for those interested in receiving emails about this future steps to contact


5] Lysistrata – New reading at Tarragon on Friday, June 3 – Denis.

Perhaps we could plan a social event prior. Invite friends and fam.

More to come.

6] Break Free/PCP – Training and teach-in session; Saturday, June 4 – Lyn

Hoping for good turn-out. Details to follow

Meeting ended at 8:20 pm

Next week: Chair: tba

Minutes: tba


May 23, 2016, 7:08:20 PM5/23/16
to Toronto 350.org

 2016-05-17 Toronto 350 Meeting Minutes

Present: Ben, Neil, Emmay, Stephanie, Kevin, Brian Y., Dan, Lyn, Milan, Roger, Katie

Chair: Dan

Minutes: Brian

Introductions, Welcome, and Land recognition

Land acknowledgement: Dan

Breakout for People’s Climate Plan (Ben) 1 hour

Note: Map of Toronto ridings: http://www.elections.ca/res/cir/maps2/mapprov.asp?map=Toronto&b=n&prov=35&lang=e

1] Earliest Meeting Announced: York Region, 5 MPs to combine their meeting

Location: 17,250 Yonge St., York Region Admin Centre, in the Great Hall

Date: Tuesday, May 24th

Time: 7:00-8:30

Decision to attend is made (from later in discussion)


Emmay: need to strategize regarding what aspects of Trudeau’s stated actions will be less than required to meet Paris goals.

Ben: stress values vs specific policy, avoid getting lost in details

Lyn: i] stress on carbon reduction with annual reporting; accountability ongoing.

    ii] end to fossil fuel subsidies not happening yet

Milan: we need to be cognizant of differences within each approach (e.g., cap and trade varieties entail different kinds of responsibility with options for evasion)

Katie: this is one key reason why the indigenous rights component is so vital for all of us.


Amanda will organize a mini-teach-in beforehand, based on the three pillars of the PCP

Steph G. to do a chart of Federal responsibilities, as opposed to local or provincial, to help focus discussion in consultation

Dan to prepare an email about this meeting for LeadNow and 350 mail-lists of the region (also possibly Council of Cdns)

Emmay to link Ben to CofC contact in TO.

Brian and Steph to organize small signs: Ben and Brian to bring banners.

Roger and Neil can drive. Those going will meet at 5:00: with Roger at his apt lobby (388 Bloor St.E) and Neil at Steelworkers.

Ben has list of attendees w emails.

2] Regional team reports:

A] West:

Davenport: Katie attended MP Julie Dzerowicz’s pre-planning meeting arranged to sort out how to proceed. Evident divide between concern for local issues vs national policies (bikes and vinyl flooring in schools vs carbon tax and transition to fossil free. Katie pointed this out and while there was agreement the discussion seemed to vacillate between the two perspectives.

Katie on email list with rest of group. July slated for the meeting. Katie to lead.

HighPark-Parkdale: MP Arif Virani will hold a meeting. No details yet. He’s very new. Lead...

Etobicoke North: MP Kirsty Duncan. Lyn to lead.

Etobicoke-Lakeshore:  MP James Maloney will hold a meeting but nothing specific;

Ben to lead.

B] North

Toronto-St.Paul’s: Caroline Bennett’s PA says she’ll definitely hold a climate policy meeting. Brian to lead.

Don Valley West: MP Robert Oliphant. Lead...

Eglinton-Lawrence: MP Marco Mendicino; nothing concrete yet; strong LeadNow presence. Kevin to lead.

York Centre: MP Michael Levitt; no response; Kevin to lead.

York South-Weston: MP Ahmed Hussen; no response yet. Julia to lead.

Humber River-Black Creek: MP Judy Sgro contacted by Julia. No firm plans yet, but she’s on their email list to start. Julia to lead.

C] South:

Unversity-Rosedale: MP Chrystia Freeland indicates will hold a meeting; Roger to lead.

Spadina-Ft. York: MP Adam Vaughan. Lead...

Toronto Centre: MP Bill Morneau. Lead...

Beaches-East York: MP Nathanial Erskine-Smith. Lead...

D] East:

Toronto-Danforth: MP Julie Dabrusin. Lead...

Scarborough Centre: MP Salma Zahid, Lyn to lead.

E] Eastern suburbs:

Pickering-Uxbridge: MP Jennifer O’Connell. Steph to lead possibly.

3] Action Outline

MP contact and follow up (email/phone)

    Determine level of community consultation

Possibly offer help organizing

Outreach to contacts from our lists

Connect with other local organizations (including environmental,  youth groups, etc)

Materials/handouts  reflecting the 3 pillars

    350, LeadNow, (Council of Canadians, etc) group contact

    Break Free sign-up contacts

Ben to oversee Google doc for each of the Regional Teams to report ongoing developments and share ideas.

Other Business

  • Vote to put PCP and sign up on our main webpage

        Done already.

  • Discuss screening of Disobedience (350.org) - Dan

        Past screening didn’t happen; no time right now; encourage viewing on Youtube for now: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tdtc7ltYB8E

  • Discuss Cake decorating for Trinity-St.Paul’s Lysistrata donation to TO 350 - Tresanne

        Tresanne explained this activity as part of our reception for the donation from Trinity-St.Paul’s church. She will arrange a date by Doodle and we’ll have a better idea how to proceed once that’s been decided.


  • Discuss meeting times once fundraising calls end - Tresanne


Updates from campaigns

  • See above re: PCP


  • May 21 - Art builds this Saturday, May 21, 1-5PM, 10 Busy St. (Greenpeace warehouse)

  • Katie.

  • Invitation to speak at “The Social Change and Youth Leadership Conference” May 28th or May 29th (Saturday, Sunday) by Engineers without Borders U of T - Neil

Katie proposes we cancel our meeting and go to that instead

  • June 2 - Grassy Narrows/River Run rally (Thursday, June 2) Queen’s Park at Noon

  • June 3 - Next Reading of Lysistrata will be Friday, June 3rd at 7:30pm at the Tarragon Theatre (Admission is free! first come, first served)

        Tresanne to look into an informal gathering beforehand.

  • June 6 - Toronto 350 Volunteer Appreciation evening of performance art on June 6, 8PM, 10 Busy St. (Greenpeace workspace near Logan and Queen)


  • Transcanada finally filed its complete Energy East application today (May 16) so the NEB process is rolling again.  Accepted participants will be notified in early June, so the pipelines campaign will be re-engaging with our People's Climate Intervention participants very soon! Get involved in Pipelines Campaign--email Katie: ka...@toronto350.org

  • The "Natural Law" fundraiser for Chippewa of the Thames that we helped organize raised $1300 and featured some amazing spoken word artists as well as Myeegun Henry from Chippewa.  Look out for more fundraisers this summer, and for a field trip to the Chippewa lands!! - Katie

  • Fill out Survey!  We need another 20 ppl to get $250 to TO350 - Tresanne


    Mostly associated with the above actions. Please see specific entries.

Next meeting’s Chair:

Minute taker:


Jun 13, 2016, 7:27:02 AM6/13/16
to Toronto 350.org
2016 06 07

June 7th

Steph – Teach in for PCP. Steph was one of the facilitators. We’ll be debriefing that in a few weeks
Dan – Attended film screening thank-you. Sunday, United St. Paul Church. 2000 dollars were raised.
Kevin - Teach-in: took photos.
Amelia Rose - Butterfly Festival in Etobicoke
Jenn Green - First meeting, building up mentally for a long time. Looking for outlet to contribute. Checked out 350.org Toronto. Has a background in Marketing and Advertising
Yvonne - Marketing background as well. Living in Toronto with the time and desire to become engaged in more active way.
Ellery – Traveling and unpacked some environmental mental blockages in carbon footprint and working with climate movements.
Tresanne: Sunday attended St. Paul event. Baking adventures!
Brian: Teach-in on Saturday.

20 hrs/ 4 weeks. Stable donation revenue $600 month.
Ellery voices in order to keeo financial status quo we need 1-2 thousand at fundraising events
Ellery suggests to make this a contract position, to not bring it back to the group every week. More continuity more official.
Movement: contracted position. (+2 people agreed)

Detriments to contract position?
-Treasurer to submit Employment Insurance and Pension insurance. Contractor needs to follow through on those aspects. Because there are not benefits offered.
Background on President payments:
Approved 6 months for paying president: Grant from Tides Canada Oct-March. Tresanne as coordinator and plays vital role.
Ellery: Should members be voting on this or Board?
Brian: Politically talk to members, Board vote.

Timing of Meeting:
Doodle poll?
-6pm is a bit too early
-Make sure we update site with changed times (Dan Action Item)

People’s Climate Plan Teach-in Debrief
Jen: Composition of audience = Older generation. Missed opportunity for young people. Found the teach-in helpful: Opportunity to attend town halls, 3 pillars.
Brian: Good mix, East End Against Line 9. Happy with panel, props to Avi Lewis to tie things together.
Kevin: Panel will be posted online. 2 important things,
1. How we react to federal questions (they want soft ball answer, we need narratives). Most memorable have name and face. Strive to make personal connections to questions. Eg. A Syrian family moved down the block…
2. Absorbing the question in your response. Acknowledge Bridge Connect.

Dan: demographics, we need to engage mid-thirties that don’t know how to get engaged. Speakers were good, lesson were good.

Critique: More streamlined facilitators, setting group norms in break-out discussions.

Ellery: Follow-up: How can we personally blast that to our network. How do we stay in contact, leverage that larger network who are engaged and trained on the topic. Tough on media and documenting, tweeting, record, pressure, etc. Briefing on that.

Brian: Demographics point: Outreach prior to events, raising profile, face to face.

Media – NOW, Alternative outlets: establishing those relationships. Sit-down with you in advance. Building relationships with environmental journalists. Let them now opportunities and challenges. News story, feeding information at the right time.

Not a bunch of personal contacts. Used to have active media people.

Neil: More efforts on education for younger generation and model for COP lead by 350.org Toronto. Follow-up next week. Timeline is important for TDSB, something for September, align it with COP week.

Dan: Resource constraints in summer focus on People’s Climate Plan

Alternative: Use this as a way to build capacity internally, grow organization and align with 350.org mandate.

Dan: But the PCP is tangible and has immediate benefits. Focus on PCP and until Government releases their climate plan

Brian: When we’re engaging with people at consultations, this could be a good future event or follow-up.

Larger question raised: Is mandate and purpose up to date? New members have steep learning curve, we need to streamline new members.

Online Comments for Climate Consultations

Dan: No real opportunity for everyone to talk. We need to use our numbers to post and comment on the three main pillars.

Comments with most activity has most traction. Focus only on positive comments.

Toxic Tour
-Sarnia: Aamjiwnaang region has very toxic refineries. Annual tour from all across Ontario.
-Rising Tide Toronto usually supports this work.
-Do we provide financial support? Through fundraiser?
Tresanne: Point person on organizing from 350.org. Fundraiser, buses. August 20ththere will be a camp out, August 21st tour.
-Neil, Amelia Rose, Ellery would like to get more involved in this.

World Social Forum:
- Started in 2000, building off WTO Seattle. Normally in Global South. Will be held August 9-14. Registration fee is 40$. Bulk of participants from local area.
Are we organizing buses? Voice of Women may be already doing this, Tresanne to check-in.


Jun 22, 2016, 10:09:43 PM6/22/16
to Toronto 350.org

Toronto 350 meeting Agenda  2016 06 21

Chairing -- Yvonne

Minutes -- Dan


Neil - lose 10 pounds,

Brian - looking forward warm summer with lots of microbursts

Steph - plant in her garden

Kevin - gain 10 pounds; Philly - Democratic National Convention July 25-28

Dan - Osheaga Music Festival

Kolina - Vegetable garden

Yvonne - Sunday trips

Late arrivals: Lyn, Snowcub, Katie

Land recognition

Dan: remember Step up. Step Down - personal space awareness, raise hand, recognise the chair. Remember that the time of the meeting is divided into a pie.

Kevin - think carefully before you speak

Brian - suggestion and apology for last week.

Yvonne - informal discussion generally for outside meeting context


Social sharing and activism (20 min) Jenn (absent) will get into this topic next week.

Ways to communicate: Currently, email, FB, some phone and  twitter.

Now mostly email and phone lists organized by group (phone lists need updating).

Yvonne led a discussion about What’s App or slack tools.

Most people are open to trying it.

Greenpeace is giving a webinar on effective use of social media


  1. People’s Climate Plan (1 hour)

         Recap of Friday

         Next Steps

Lyn - it was well attended

It shows they understand the danger

It’s too bad Catherine Mckenna left. Word it she wasn't’ feeling well.

Very consistent strong message: Indigenous rights came up, as did pipelines

Steph - we were all really happy with how it went. There was some negative feedback with 350 as people RSVP’d but there who didn’t have a government ticket. Luckily they were let in.

Lyn - Glenn spoke about the challenge, they get money from the powers that be.. Wondering if she can speak with with government on how we can meet our targets and set new targets. We need both governments, but they need us too. Had a good discussion at the bar afterwards. People were down at Catherine McKenna and Glenn M. We have to be careful not be too hard on them and it would be important for us to not show up to another townhall.

Kevin - even the people who weren’t with us were speaking our same points

Brian - there was enough variety of opinion to add texture

Lyn - the psychology says people will shift in an environment that is nurturing. We can still be firm.

Yvonne - Jenn said Murray said we need to have people behind

Lyn - we need to have a meeting with his implementer Adam Schedletzky (Lyn will arrange it)

Roger - I think we need to have that anger, but not direct it at them

Lyn -yes anger, but not at them, it can be turned

Brian - noted the effective anger of the young woman who said it’s about the world we’re growing up into

Roger - It’s too early to be angry at the politicians

Lyn - if you’re too angry, you turn other people off.

Snowcub - at an event he got people fired up. He wants to fulfil his role as defender of the land. He helped change the tone of an event he attended.

Dan: congrats to the organizers of the teach in - it was clearly effective. We can use this current discussion on tone in future teach ins.

Neil - Is cap and trade better?  how can we establish what is better cap and trade or tax?

Lyn is going to meet with Adam first and then we can have an informed workshop and cap and trade

Brian - should we consider doing our own town hall? Branded as Toronto350 with a better format?

Steph -All the consultations need to be done by Sept. usually we want townhalls with with MPs but if they refuse them we get people to host their own; MPs to be invited.

Yvonne- is there a way to do one in the context as the fundraiser? Maybe not.

Kevin - have any Conservatives held any yet?

Steph- None. Alberta hasn’t had one yet. Some NDP MPs have held one, but it’s mostly Libs

Yvonne - what are we doing next steps with PCP?

Steph We are trying to spread the PCP plan. We still have more within the city.

Kevin took videos which he put on youtube and Milan put some stuff online.

Kevin posted it on the toronto 350 facebook events

Radio regent: tried to audio record the whole event. Not sure it would turn out. Brian will contact them.

Katie: Arif Virani, Parkdale-High Park, will be having one in Mid July; James Maloney, Etobicoke-Lakeshore - also mid July

Katie - didn’t like that Now article described it as students, the elderly, and activists. Thinks there is opportunity to spread out


Steph - this is our opportunity to to teach others

Yvonne - what are the asks for us?

Katie - if people want to help with training. Katie is looking to do outreach and pre-event. High Park has a lot of community groups we can tap into

Yvonne - would that be a teach in?

Katie - not as formal but similar

Steph - maybe this is an opportunity for us to step back and let the local group have their own branding

Lyn - is there a pre-meeting for this Fri in Julie Dabrusin’s riding?

Dan - Alexa is planning tomorrow

Brian - PCP was going to be an umbrella org to help people organize. There is a challenge in doing this.

Steph - will be creating a list of groups to speak to

Dan sent Steph and Katie an email on Alexa’s plan

Katie we should try not to spam people with too many requests

There are lots of lists - we need to coordinate

Yvonne - a CRM tool would help with communication

Brian - for this Friday will anything be send out from Leadnow?

Steph Leadnow: no, 350 - yes.

Katie: action send an email to those Postal Codes

Steph: Media: should we have a media advisory

Yvonne - I don’t understand what the role of this group and how media communications work

Steph - For Leadnow we can train local people

Katie - press releases generally we don’t get anyone reading them. One way we might get some press is tying this with the Government’s review of NEB

Steph - media is successful when we do it in advance. It would be stronger if an individual said it vs a group.

Yvonne - I think planning in advance is important

Dan - Tali (350 Comms person pro tem) is will willing to be a mentor

Yvonne - is interested

Katie - it’s not hard to put out a media advisory, we have a list of all the media outlets.

Yvonne - do we have something up coming that would benefit from planning.

Lyn - Catherine Porter - writes for the Star - we should reach out to her.

Neil - who gets the press?

Lyn: Globe and mail had a piece on the climate plan

Steph - CBC

Yvonne - media seems to be driven by government and businesses.

Lyn - carbon pricing definitely gets lots of attention

Steph - Say focus on Parkdale and other upcoming ones - this Friday is too tight.

Katie Pipelines update -

Big week - just this week NEB approved Transcanada’s application so now the timer is on. More than 1 year late. They will be contacting the interveners if they get approved. When we start to hear that we haven`t been accepted. People to join the pipelines campaign getting people to mail letters to the editor.

Solidarity with Chippewa of the Thames - if interested in going, email Katie.

Brian: wanted to thank Roger and Neil for helping with the carpool to the Brickworks.


  • Lyn, Wed 29th Michael Brothers will speak on this issue. Will TO350 like to be listed as a sponsor? Dan: yes

Next meeting chair and minute taker: Brian and Kolina

Next week’s agenda talking about media


Jun 22, 2016, 10:14:15 PM6/22/16
to Toronto 350.org

Reposting events part of minutes for 2016-06-21 as thy got cut off.


Jun 30, 2016, 6:37:40 AM6/30/16
to Toronto 350.org
Toronto350 Meeting Minutes 2016-06-28
Chairing - Dan
Minutes - Kalina
Present/Introductions: Amelia Rose, Jenn, Leod (new), Kevin, Kalina, Dan, Neil, Milan, Lyn, Snowcub
Land Recognition
PCP: (20min)
Toronto-Danforth Town Hall (Friday, June 24)
Kevin and Neil, Ben were there – vast majority not seen before, about 60 people there
message was relatively the same between everyone
90 year old man said willing to risk arrest if government ignores us
no pro-fossil fuels, only hearing from people who are against more pipelines, for renewable energy, etc.
really important to go back to making sure our message gets populated throughout people so it’s clear and strong because we’re their data pool they’re pulling from
very unified, consistent message
Parkdale-High Park (trying to get Catherine McKenna to come) town hall and Etobicoke-Lakeshore will be mid-July
July 26 for Eglinton riding - Catherine McKenna might be there, let’s get our voice out to her
NEB Applications
- got official rejections, Katie will be back to work through action plan
World Socialist Forum
Montreal August 9-14th
International Socialist Branch asked if anyone here was going to arrange buses (contact Kevin if interested)
Grassy Narrows News
government pledged $300 000 to test mercury levels of fish and sediment in area following meeting with two liberal cabinet ministers and leaders of Grassy Narrows
(article: http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/wynne-grassy-narrows-clean-up-1.3654533)
Whats App
smartphone app to help connect and communicate - get phone numbers to Yvonne and download the app
not everyone will be on it, but ppl on it will assume everyone is and everyone may not get the message, may be fragmented communication
email you can use from any server, whereas with WhatsApp we’re locked into one thing
older phones, lack of smartphones, etc.
Teacher’s Pension Plan divestment, a lot of people don’t have cellphones so some people coming to Toronto350 may be left out if they don’t have that accessibility
Maybe lay ground rules about usage (i.e. key communications should go out through email so everyone has access to them, sending out summaries of daily conversations, etc.)
instant communication to alert people about meeting room location, special events, impromptu meetings, etc.
quicker accessibility, more direct communication with a priority group
possible vote to see how the group feels about adopting a new method of communication, talk to communications coordinator
Decided not to vote. Phone numbers given to Jenn to give to Yvonne.
Social Media Training
Greenpeace Digital Activism Workshop (webinar) was at 2:00pm today, any participate?
can Toronto350 host things like this?
how can we bring these different environmental groups together?
Yvonne has an idea to call for questioning of how Canada wants to define itself for the next 100 or so years in honour of its 150th birthday in 2018. Opportunity for environmental groups to come together, coordinate efforts to be a force of power in forming the message we want to project.
go back the last 150 yrs and see what we’ve done, then look at where we want to go
need a platform to bring people together
it’s also a celebration, not just a rallying cry
chance to have a collective voice
bring more “normal” people into our world to define a new future
possible government funding?
Wednesday June 29, 6:30-8:30 information on carbon budget and carbon pricing, how to reach target, etc. 60 Lowther Ave.
Monthly Potluck and Chippewa of the Thames Presentation at Greenpeace Warehouse (10 Busy Street) June 30, 6:30-9:00pm
Next meeting chair and minute taker: Milan and Kalina.


Jun 30, 2016, 7:13:31 AM6/30/16
to Toronto 350.org
Missed update for 2016 06 28

Minutes from yesterday's divestment meeting: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1iFx-PqYr-wNduhrvWzCXmiHrjxFf8IvlVqUCELhI2c0/edit?usp=sharing


Jul 13, 2016, 5:55:38 PM7/13/16
to Toronto 350.org

2016-07-12 Toronto350.org Planning Meeting Agenda

Meeting officers

Chair: Milan

Co-chair: Tresanne

Minutes: Atiya

Present: Valerie - East End Against Line 9; Tyler Brown -- found out from TCE book; Jesse; Brian; Ellery Tresanne; Atiya; Fiona; Jen; Amelia; Dan; Liad, Amelia Rose, Dan, Brian, John Sharkey, Yvonne   

Relevant minutes

Minutes of previous meeting: https://groups.google.com/d/msg/toronto-350/aA2HT6rEkq0/znh9Mn-IBAAJ

Minutes from campaign meetings:



Meeting officers

Relevant minutes


1. Introductions (5 min)

2. Land recognition (5 min)

3. Rules of order at meetings (20 min)

4. Finding a summer project (45 min)

Next Steps:

5. Improving Toronto350.org’s website (30 min) -Yvonne and Jenn

6. 350 Manifesto (10 min) -Dan

7. (Time permitting) Reimburse Lyn Adamson for Peoples’ Climate Plan Teach-In Expenses (10 min) -Brian

8. Misc Announcements:

9. Task assignment

10. Next meeting

1. Introductions (5 min)

Who is here?


What do you hope to achieve through Toronto350 involvement?

  • World Social Forum in Montreal (August)

  • Toxic Tour in Aamjiwnaang -- organizing buses with Rising Tide

  • Liad wants to lead this? Many people disengaged with climate issues (complicated) -- possibility to do a documentary series with Mark Jacobson’s lectures etc

2. Land recognition (5 min)

I acknowledge the sacred land on which the United Steelworkers Hall and the University of Toronto operate. This land has been a site of human activity for 15,000 years. This land is the territory of the Huron-Wendat and Petun First Nations, the Seneca, and most recently, the Mississaugas of the Credit River. The territory was the subject of the Dish With One Spoon Wampum Belt Covenant, an agreement between the Iroquois Confederacy and Confederacy of the Ojibwe and allied nations to peaceably share and care for the resources around the Great Lakes. Today, the meeting place of Toronto is still the home to many Indigenous people from across Turtle Island and we are grateful to have the opportunity to work on this territory.

Why is having a land recognition important? What does climate advocacy have to do with indigenous reconciliation?

  • Symbolize that we understand history of this land (Toronto)

  • Ties us to communities and history

Suggestion: Have a Blanket Exercise done by KAIROS for an overview of the history of colonization in Canada, and where the Indigenous movement is at. Are people interested in that and if so how much money are we willing to contribute to it?

Blanket Exercise: interactive activity using blankets that provides overview of climate issues in Canada; Tresanne has done it three times; folks are interested in doing this with Toronto 350 -- passing around a sheet to collect names & emails of individual folks

3. Rules of order at meetings (20 min)

We have had one-on-one discussions with more than a few members about the importance of being respectful to the chair and other meeting participants.

  • For now, anyone wishing to speak should seek recognition from the chair before beginning to talk, and should keep their comments on topic.

    • In the future we might consider having a speakers list

      • Alternative: Chair prioritizing voices of  people that are not taking up too much space

    • Question about purpose of these meetings: central decisionmaking forum for Toronto 350; place where people can volunteer to take on tasks and report back on accomplished tasks; main purpose is to advance campaigns that prompt climate action; meetings also serve as educational discussion space; sometimes the meetings have ‘work time’; setting priorities

    • The Board & Exec make decisions about finance

    • Helpful point to bring a flipchart with Agenda items -- Brian will do this

    • There is a concern about these meetings becoming overly administrative

    • An issue with the group is that it’s been successful on various fronts and now it has become administrative in order to sustain itself -- not trying to do too much

    • Maybe we should re-introduce break-out groups: action oriented, gets people energy, gives a focus to the drive of the membership

  • Toronto350.org lives or dies by volunteer retention, and the character of many of our meetings has worked against that.

  • In particular, UofT350 people find Toronto350 to be alienating and inactive and have been unwilling to be involved as a result

One member has further suggested that we adopt a speakers’ list for each agenda item.

  • Anyone wishing to speak could indicate so and be added, and we would allow everyone interested to speak once before letting people who wish to speak again do so.

  • The objective would be to prevent the most assertive people from dominating conversations, and encouraging everyone to take part

Having an experienced co-chair could help prevent meetings from being hijacked by members who aren’t displaying self-awareness about the impact their long, aggressive, or irrelevant statements are having on others.

  • Tresanne is willing to do this for people chairing future meetings

  • The co-chair could also keep an eye on the amount of time assigned for agenda items and inform people when it is nearly exhausted

Meetings have come to involve mostly idle discussion between members, not progress toward group objectives.

  • Each participant in the meeting should take on at least one small task to complete before the next meeting

  • At the start of each meeting, people can report back on what they have done

Board members suggested trying to go back to the one decision mtg, one education and 2 working mtgs (working mtgs could involve a task that we all work on ie flyering)

4. Finding a summer project (45 min)

What are we already doing?

  • People’s Climate Plan -- driving people to government climate consultations

  • Support Aamjiwnaang Toxic Tour

The group is at very low capacity at the moment and has lost most of its active organizers.

  • Only the pipelines and divest OTPP / U of T campaigns seem to be active at all (and only the OTPP campaign elected a campaign lead), and none of the campaigns seems to be especially active.

Let’s pretend to be a 350 local group just starting out: what’s a project on the right scale for us to achieve before the end of August, with about 5-6 people acting as organizers and a somewhat larger group of active volunteers?

Where can we change an outcome with this much time and these resources?

Which decision-makers can we pressure?

Are any important decisions being made?

Better to start a new campaign, or provide support to someone else’s event or effort?


  • Could we usefully support the Chippewa of the Thames lawsuit against Line 9? (may include a fundraiser and/or a visit to Chippewas of the Thames (Tresanne and Katie have been to Chippewa and have connections to Myeengun)

    • Plan a fundraising event? Or do other types of fundraising

    • Myeengun open to supporting a day trip

    • Next townhall: do some fundraising for Chippewas of Thames; do fundraising at the World Social Forum → circulating buckets as event has been very successful in the past

  • Get to know the city government: city council, environmental offices, city climate change initiatives (schedule a meeting with your city counsellor and then debrief to the group - we will provide background material on climate-related subjects of your choice - Peoples’ Climate Plan, Energy East, etc)

    • People commit to meetings with city councillors -- people commit to meetings, schedule (with educational materials on Line 9 etc);

    • We could host a workshop if a small group wants to prepare

    • Schedule a meeting; schedule; debrief to Toronto350.org; follow-up with the counsellor about the subjects of your meeting

    • Tali will meet with Matt Elliott (Metro News) to learn more about what forthcoming environmental issues the city will be dealing with -- find issues that we can support

  • Aamjiwnaang toxic tour buses, and maybe a fundraising event, if they want help fundraising, or encouraging people to attend

    • Rising Tide is organizing buses

  • Buses to the World Social Forum (Aug 9-14) in Montreal

  • Documentary showings

    • Politics Pipelines, and Democracy movie that came out in Quebec recently (good intro to pipeline politics in Quebec)

Go Around:

Tresanne: Toxic Tour Buses

Ellery: Organizing buses to Toxic Tour; municipal issues (need clarity on plan beforehand -- prefer to keep focus on PCP instead of moving onto municipal issues → backgrounder would be PCP related)

Brian: World Social Forum Aug 9th - 14th (1/3rd of attendees = climate activists); Fundraising for Chippewas of the Thames -- able to help out with logistics of buses (will be going to WSF anyway)

Jesse: Buses to PCM was really great -- able to help out for WSF buses & organizing buckets for Chippewas of the Thames fundraiser; Amjiwnaang buses

John Sharkey: East End Against Line 9 organizing buses for Chippewas of the Thames meeting (August 13th) -- John has also had meetings with municipal officials (good resource)

Tyler: Likes the Municipal government plans -- doing an ally spectrum & building a relationship with decision makers; documentary series

Valerie: Committed to attending July townhall for People’s Climate Plant; supporting Chippewas of the Thames

Brian: Chippewas of the Thames; July 22nd -- climate consultation in Eglinton Lawrence

MIlan: Municipal politics -- able to bottomline; supporting Toxic Tour & Chippewas of Thames

Amelia: Not interested in any of the listed ideas

Dan: Chippewas of Thames; Municipal plans

Yvonne People’s Climate Plans; see vision for upcoming campaigns from 350  -- PCP follow up: can connect with Katie Krelove, Ben & Amanda; Documentary

Liad: Documentary series

Jen: Interested in organizing a planning session for September

Fiona: Trying to do research on what the group does -- here to observe & learn; Interested in People’s Climate Plan and other more globally oriented campaigns + documentaries

Atiya: Toxic tour; Chippewas of the Thames (can attend meeting on August 13th)

We need to think about our capacity as some folks want to help organize a retreat and/or strategy session in Sept

*BREAKOUT GROUPS -- Report backs*

Documentaries (Liad): had some ideas and will continue to discuss via email to come up with a strategy moving forward; want to establish something that is long-lasting/that is regular and stable & where people can easily join us

Strategic Retreat (Jen & Yvonne):

Plan a planning session, create a document outlining process, engage board & executive and taking them through it; identify dates; send out a survey to all member list to try and assess the needs/hopes/visions of following

Reach out to Amanda Harvey-Sanchez about UofT divestment organizing

Something to consider: upcoming executive elections in October

Chippewas of the Thames (Brian) -- November 30th Court date with the Supreme Court; August 13th event -- part of a much larger endeavour to support them financially; they need to raise around $250,000 (will talk to them about where they’re are at with this goal); talk about getting big bucks from high profile folks; Brian will take the lead on fundraising at WSF; Dan will be helping with PR and collecting money at climate consultations;  

Municipal Politics (Milan): different wards & different council members; will send email to active members and finding out information about their stances

Toxic Tour Buses (Tresanne): Reached out to Lana from Rising Tide to figure out buses; in the meantime talked about organizing a fundraising event in Toronto; Atiya going to develop message to blast out when Rising Tide responds; Jesse & Ellery organizing buses

Next Steps:

  • Membership update on new initiatives & how people can get involved

5. Improving Toronto350.org’s website (30 min) -Yvonne and Jenn

  • Conversation will happen after the meeting

6. 350 Manifesto (10 min) -Dan


To be discussed at a later meeting

7. (Time permitting) Reimburse Lyn Adamson for Peoples’ Climate Plan Teach-In Expenses (10 min) -Brian

Brian was talking with Lyn Adamson about the Teach-In and it came out that she ended up covering part of the costs for the venue out of her own pocket to the tune of about $150.

  • I know we donated money for the food (about $300), but I would like to present a motion tonight to help reimburse her for this amazing event (where they raised over $2000 for the Chippewa of the Thames.

  • Proposed motion: That Toronto350 provide $150 as reimbursement for Lyn Adamson's personal expense in covering the balance of the cost for the venue for the PCP Teach-In.

To be discussed next week

8. Misc Announcements:

  • leaflet about actual Black Lives Matter demands for distribution

  • Tresanne will follow up with bottomliners

  • Social picnic

9. Task assignment

Being part of this group requires more than just attending meetings. Everyone should pick at least one small task to take responsibility for before next week.

Phone banking for Ben

  • Phoning people on the Etobicoke Lakeshore list of Leadnow and 350.org about coming to the upcoming July 27 climate change town hall

  • b...@toronto350.org

Tabling for Katie

  • 2-4 people to table for Peoples climate plan at Good Food market in Parkdale Wednesday July 20 3pm to 7 pm (can do shifts).

  • This is the day before the Parkdale-High Park climate town hall on July 21 so very important!

  • Katie will train tablers on PCP talking points.

  • Please send any sign ups onto Ka...@Toronto350.org

10. Next meeting

Place and time: 6:30 PM Steelworkers Hall -- Tues July 19th

Chair: Yvonne

Co-chair: Milan

Minutes: Ellery


Jul 25, 2016, 2:38:25 PM7/25/16
to Toronto 350.org

2016-07-19 Toronto350.org Planning Meeting Minutes


Meeting Officers:


Chair: Yvonne

Co-chair: Milan

Minutes: Kalina


Present: Yvonne, Steph (The East), Milan (1h talk on YouTube – can we get the info?), Jesse, Ellery (Pipelines, Democracy & Power), Tyler (Planet Earth), Kalina (The Human Planet), Fiona (Where to Invade Next), Liad (Series of Lectures by Kevin Anderson), Neil (needs to look up name – about phytoplankton and photosynthesis), Amanda, Snowcub


1.    Introductions (5 min) – All + recent climate related documentaries we have seen (above)


2.    Land Recognition (5 min) – Yvonne

I acknowledge the sacred land on which the United Steelworkers Hall and the University of Toronto operate. This land has been a site of human activity for 15,000 years. This land is the territory of the Huron-Wendat and Petun First Nations, the Seneca, and most recently, the Mississaugas of the Credit River. The territory was the subject of the Dish With One Spoon Wampum Belt Covenant, an agreement between the Iroquois Confederacy and Confederacy of the Ojibwe and allied nations to peaceably share and care for the resources around the Great Lakes. Today, the meeting place of Toronto is still the home to many Indigenous people from across Turtle Island and we are grateful to have the opportunity to work on this territory.


3.    Honorarium for Blanket Exercise (5 min) – Milan

Tresanne proposes the blanket exercise, is looking for other peoples’ interest. Up to $300 needed for honorarium.

-       group can afford it

-       need to know if there are other sources contributing to work out budget, Ellery will talk to Tresanne

-       is there a date booked yet? No – needed to determine interest first. August 2nd or 9th are possible dates.


4.    Reimburse Lyn Adamson for Peoples’ Climate Plan Teach-In Expenses (5 min) – Brian

·         Lyn paid $150 out of pocket, can we reimburse her?

·         she got some financial support and now only needs another $35, everyone supports and she will be reimbursed


5.    Summer Film Project (10 min) – Fiona

·         was involved with Toronto350 from 2013-2014 and studied cinema and psychology

·         now doing a master of arts at McMaster

·         spending time on people’s climate movement

·         trying to do a collaboration between self and Toronto350 members to explore ideas of how activist help social change and collaborate globally and locally to administer change

·         wants to work with Toronto350 over next 6-12 months, come to meetings, observe, and interview members of the group

·         would like to film some interviews, events, and activities to put together documentary on Toronto activism

·         ethnographic research: go and work with people you’re interested in to study them and try to explore how academics collaborate with communities to learn

·         ethics approval is still pending, needs written consent from anyone who works with her in any capacity – will distribute and explain forms

·         different ways to participate: interviews, help make film, be in film, want to learn about filmmaking/be part of a crew

·         help further academic research into scholarly collaborations with activists

·         what is the People’s Climate Movement and where are they active? Why aren’t we all working together? People’s Climate Movement may be an idea or a concept more than something in action. Fiona wants to explore this, and the potential for a global climate movement.

·         Timeline: work is due at the end of April 2017. Hoping to start interviews over next few weeks and done by end of summer. In fall, will be compiling footage, doing editing, sound, and B roll. Will also look for film footage from other people. Approx six months.

·         Toronto350 seems to be at the forefront of the climate movement in Toronto, want to see how we fit into the broader global movement

·         film is short documentary (10-20min), not a promotional film but hopefully it can be mutually beneficial, not informational video about climate science, looking at climate activism and what that is, what it means

·         who is interested in being part of the documentary? Sending around a paper to put down contact info.

·         Can we send this to regular members in a broader email?


6.    Reports/Breakout Sessions on Summer Projects: (1 hour)

a.    Documentaries (Liad)

·                    series of documentaries to get information out to public that we are here and stable

·                     collaborating with ClimateFast

·                     want to assemble program and name for the series

·                     about education and outreach

b.    Strategic Retreat (Yvonne)

·                    next week we’ll talk about the process of engaging people prior to the session

·                     handed out sheet to sum up a strategic planning session

·                    Toronto350 should have one – not a lot of clarity on what’s going on within the organization, get a shared understanding of the organization’s goals

·                    what are other organizations focussed on? Can we fill in a gap that they aren’t filling, or is there a project we’re interested in that we could team up on?

·                    needs to be a process leading up to the session in September

·                    next week Yvonne and Jen will share a process and see if it makes sense and if we’re all collaborating properly

·                    looking at scrubbing the email list to get to people who are really active in 350 and want to know what’s going on within the group

·                    concerns: electing a new executive in the fall so they might not want to work on the same things we’re talking about now

·                    people are much more enthusiastic about talking about doing things than they are about committing to doing things and remaining active. Need to make sure that those pitching ideas are those who will acting on them

·                    maybe should be in October and not in September so we have the new executive

·                    doesn’t make sense to have an executive that isn’t involved in the group, likewise there are people that aren’t executives that retain name

·                    may not want a vision statement, but might want to align our group with 350, there is a lot of disconnect at the moment

·                    maybe we should focus on what Toronto can say that other activist groups can’t – focus on the problems within our city and also contribute unique things to the greater 350 group

·                    two different sessions: Toronto350 structure and administration vs. Toronto350 strategy, maybe have structure session before new executive and follow with strategy session

·                    need expectations from the outset, everyone needs to be on the same page leading up to the session so time isn’t wasted and people aren’t taken by surprise

·                    agree to do a thing and deal with all expectations and consequences

·                    campaigns are disconnected from each other

·                    next week let’s talk about engaging people for each meeting


c.    Chippewas of the Thames (Brian)

·                     go to town halls and bring buckets and leaflets to get people aware

·                     people in Montreal are fundraising as well

·                     think of places we can go to that would help raise awareness and funds


d.    Municipal Politics (Milan & Tyler)

·                     preliminary research

·                    maybe talk to TCAN (Lyn), they’ve done a lot of focussed work on Toronto that may help us skip steps

·                     44 wards in Toronto, each one elects one counsellor

·                    responsible for all services provided to the city and decides what services they need, can go in and see which services we could get involved in

·                    counsellors are responsible for representing people in their wards, as well as policy making in the city, can bring stuff forward from people in their ward, responsible for integrity and transparency in the government

·                    might be helpful (for all projects) to articulate objective with project

·                    purpose of this project is to encourage people to use more effective means to communicate with representatives

·                    here’s how you find your ward: http://www1.toronto.ca/wps/portal/contentonly?vgnextoid=2394fe17e5648410VgnVCM10000071d60f89RCRD

·                     federal town halls are separate from the research into municipal politics

·                    anyone interested in developing a relationship with their councillor, please find out your ward (see above link) and email Milan. He and Tyler will do background research on the selected counsellors so we can approach them in an educated and intelligent way.


e.    Toxic Tour Buses (TBD)

·                    happens every year, led by Indigenous activists surrounded by high pollution and environmental racism

·                    people invited to see firsthand the impact that this climate change has on Indigenous communities

·                    Sunday, August 21, buses will leave around 7:30am to Sarnia. Tour will go from approx. 2-4 and will be by bus. Followed by a feast, then a bus ride back.

·                    last year was around 500 people

·                    going to be at least 2 buses from Toronto, so around $25/person

·                    price will be sliding scale from $10-40, nobody will be turned away for lack of funds, even those who can’t go will be encouraged to contribute

·                    possibly have a fundraiser leading up to tour

·                    documentary in first week of August, Vanessa or Lindsay may be able to come and talk about toxic tours at this event

·                    possibly contribute cash for expenses like food, water, etc.

·                    try and get many of the Toronto350 members on the bus to connect

·                    possibly organize film night in August with social forum, just need to confirm date, space, and documentary to show


7.    Upcoming Events (10 min) – All

·                    Federal Climate Consultations are winding down, and so is federal organizing team, but we have big week next week, and big day Thursday with Parkdale-High Park town hall, check out www.peoplesclimate.ca it has all town hall RSVP events, if you can’t go then please share on Facebook/social media. Tabling will be done tomorrow in Parkdale at 22 Katie will be there 3:30-5:30, Amanda will be there 5:30-7:00, if anyone wants to come help out just send Katie an email – Ka...@toronto350.org. Action item:  next week’s town halls Trinity Bellwoods has a Farmer’s Market from 3-7 every Tuesday we could table. People need to be getting involved with getting people out. Possibly do an invite where people can either say yes or no and be done with it – Ellery can do it! But that’s too many emails in a short time, so maybe one email outlining all the town halls would be more helpful.


·                    Call list is inviting people who are coming for Thursday’s town hall to come to the briefing


8.    Phonebanking for Etobicoke Climate Consultation (TBD) – Ben




Next Meeting


Place and Time: Steelworker’s Hall, August 2 @ 6:30pm


Chair: Ellery

Co-Chair: Neil

Minutes: Milan


Next meeting is the first one of the month. Let’s do an overview of goals and prioritize tasks.




Aug 6, 2016, 11:10:22 AM8/6/16
to toron...@googlegroups.com
2016-08-02 Toronto350.org Planning Meeting Agenda
Meeting officers
Chair: Tresanne
Co-chair: Dan
Minutes: Brian
Present: Tresanne, Katie, Brian, Amelia Rose, Fiona, Kalina, Liad, Jenn, Phil, Tali, Milan, Dan, Roger, Rosemary B., Michael
1. Introductions (5 min)
2. Land recognition (5 min)
I acknowledge the sacred land on which the United Steelworkers Hall and the University of Toronto operate. This land has been a site of human activity for 15,000 years. This land is the territory of the Huron-Wendat and Petun First Nations, the Seneca, and most recently, the Mississaugas of the Credit River. The territory was the subject of the Dish With One Spoon Wampum Belt Covenant, an agreement between the Iroquois Confederacy and Confederacy of the Ojibwe and allied nations to peaceably share and care for the resources around the Great Lakes. Today, the meeting place of Toronto is still the home to many Indigenous people from across Turtle Island and we are grateful to have the opportunity to work on this territory.
3. Today’s Agenda + Types of meetings (5 min)
We’ve previously discussed having an overview meeting at the beginning of the month with updates from exec/campaigns and have it be a space to prioritize our focus for the month (Today!!) We’ve also talked about having education/learning nights, new member intro nights, working meetings, socials/potlucks, decision making meetings.
We’ve tried this approach before, and are now trying to reinstate the idea of a specific focus for different meetings during the month.
Discussion of the outline of tonight’s meeting.
4. The KAIROS Blanket Exercise (from last mtg) (5-10min)
The KAIROS Blanket Exercise, an interactive learning experience that teaches the Indigenous rights history we're rarely taught. Blanket Exercise participants take on the roles of Indigenous peoples in Canada. Standing on blankets that represent the land, you'll walk through pre-contact, treaty-making, colonization and resistance. The exercise itself will last just under an hour, but will be most satisfying and complete if you are able to stay for another hour to share your thoughts and feelings with other participants.
[fwiw, kairos (from Greek) = a propitious moment for decision or action.]
Notes from last mtg: Tresanne proposes the blanket exercise, is looking for other people’s interest. Up to $300 needed for honorarium.
- group can afford it
- need to know if there are other sources contributing to work out budget, Ellery will talk to Tresanne
- is there a date booked yet? No – needed to determine interest first. August 2nd or 9th are possible dates.
Looking at August 23. How many people do we need to make it a go.
Katie: tie in with COTT also willing to give a brief presentation about the legal issues around their quest.
Motion: That 350 allocate $300 for this event.
Moved by Brian, seconded by Tali.
In Favour: 11 Opposed: 0 Abstain: 1
5. Updates/Needs/Volunteer Opportunities - from people working on Campaigns (10min)
Katie: Pipelines
Averaging one meetng per month. Fairly quiet recently; no specific actions.
Have been mostly focused on resisting Energy East and supporting Line 9.
EE - NEB approval of Trans-Can application last month (complete?)
Hearings to start in fall - We’ll need lots of help on this
We have a list of intervenors that applied; none of us have been accepted.
We should be sending an email to all who applied on our list to engage them with info and get a commitment to do more. Lots of info so we need to have everyone up to speed.
The question of how to deal with our non-acceptance: NEB added consultation meetings, some close to TO; we could participate with these.
Next meeting when there is more info, perhaps in early Sept. or one in Aug and one in Sept.
Katie also suggests a volunteer audit of 350; needs people to work on this. (volops)
Brian/Amelia Rose: Divest OTPP
A new international initiative, The Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures, “will develop voluntary, consistent climate-related financial risk disclosures for use by companies in providing information to investors, lenders, insurers, and other stakeholders.” [https://www.fsb-tcfd.org]. They are holding meetings in NYC, Paris and London to elicit response from these “stakeholders”.
The Financial Stability Board [http://www.fsb.org], an arm of the G20, established this task force last December partly as a result of the international agreements established through COP21. The task force is chaired by Michael Bloomberg who reports to Mark Carney, chair of the FSB.
A presentation about the frame of reference and the makeup of the task force was held at the Rotman School on the same day Mark Carney was in Toronto to talk to the Board of Trade. His main focus was not Brexit as many expected, but the impact of climate change.
The Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan (along with the UN’s Principles of Responsible Investment and its Portfolio Decarbonization Coalition) is one of many voluntary members.
Divest OTPP intends to arrange a meeting with the VP who oversees risk management for OTPP to discuss how this will affect their approach to divestment. We will report back to 350 and maintain updates.
We also want to contact 350.org in order to see how this can be used to make divestment campaigns more effective.
It is hoped this will inform our efforts during the 2016-17 year.
On another front, Divest OTPP will be working with members of the Elementary Teachers Federation of Ontario to support motions at their Annual Meeting which demand divestment by the Pension Plan.
Jenn noted a TED talk by a design strategist who has worked successfully on divestment.
Milan: Divest UofT
After Gertler said No; exploring alternative paths.
Trying to engage UofT Asset Mgmt looked possible, but they won’t cooperate.
Also looking into freedom of info request to UofT ; this is costly so we need to restrict requests to certain officers, like Gertler and the rest
Governing council meeting on Monday: more info after this.
Divest UofT group makeup uncertain; will need to approach students in Sept.
Same situation with Divest Ryerson.
6. Updates/Needs/Volunteer Opportunities - from people in exec positions (20min) (Pres, Treasurer, Admin, Communications (open role), Volunteer (looking for someone to take on/shadow), Research)
From Ellery https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/140Nihgt8cUpSNoUMPn06GbHjShgmb0yiwcFP1Olo9oQ/edit#gid=0
Dan - Admin: going well; please respect the chair; assists with timing of agenda
Milan - Research: preparing info package on municipal politics and politicians ward by ward., with a view to participation in town halls and face to face contacts by individual
Tali - Comms: position still open; wide range of activities from flyers, instagram, press release, press contact, Twitter. FB. Tali will train. Perhaps better if it’s a shared position.
Tresanne - Pres.
Buffalo - Participated in New Economy Coalition Convergence (?)
NJ - Participated in Responsible Endowments; more in depth info about reinvestment
Tresanne willing to do workshops of varying length, intensity
Fund-raising call-in course: 10 hour-long calls over the last two months
Basic messalge: Don’t be afraid of fund raising
Lots of ways to turn events into FR
Again Tresanne willing to do shorter versions
Requested show of hands to indicate interest (positive).
Applied for grants: no luck yet with 350.ca, but will support us in other ways
e.g. mentoring, but none forthcoming yet
Generally funds are scarce
Patagonia still a possibility
Donor relations: gifts like Hot Docs tix, T-shirts, Lunch with the Prez. have gone over well
Hard for one person to support, touch base with everyone
Discussion of governance: Missed a run-through of having 2 people in each position
Tracking all the tasks is important but difficult for pres as just one person.
Stu not coming back any time soon (April 2017)
Milan - Two people in each position would require a change in the constitiution
Katie - no amendment needed; hopes to find people via the survey of members
(mentioned earlier)
Jenn will help out on audit parameters.
Discussion about contract for Prez. various ways to achieve support.
Dan suggested elected person fill role but with a (volunteer?) assistant
Discussion follows on hierarchical vs. other modes of organizing
Dan favours hierarchical; Tali agrees.
Phil suggests less formality; more open organizations.
Katie: hierarchy not best, but definitely the easiest; supported by Roger who says that other more “horizontal” modes require much more work
Snowcub: we’re all part and all work together, like parts of a wheel.
General discussion about how to achieve a two persons per position situation.
7. Updates/Needs/Volunteer Opportunities - from people working on projects (20min)
Jenn - strategic planning - tag-team with Yvonne on this.
Planning session perhaps best after elections
Change election time to allow for new initiative and energy?
Possible alternative route if exec resigns, by-election is held.
Lyn/Liad - Documentary films
All events will be at Friends House on Lowther
Looking for suggestions for films and speakers
Suggestions include sustainable agriculture, oceans, fresh water.
Shorter films will mean more discussion
Need seed money ($100)
Also exploring outreach projects to support city’s action plan
Will help develop a sense of community: “Climate Conversations” with online involvement.
Meeting: Aug 3, to establish themes etc. Friends’ House 6:30 pm
Website to reflect new developments (Volop)
Dan - Fundraision for COTT,
Bucketing at climate consultations with leaflets going well
(raised about $200 so far)
Need to determine when to meet with COTT (Valerie)
Note: COTTFN Annual Pow-wow August 27-28: http://cottfn.com/powwow/

Tres - Ongenong/Toxic Tour
August 21 (Sun) Buses leave Christie Pitts 8:00 am
Thurs meeting in preparation.
Milan - Municipal campaign
Preparing support materials for meeting your Councillor face to face
From Valerie: COTTFN fundraising - an update
. “I am waiting to hear back from Myeengun re: a date in August for us to meet in London with him and other COTTFN folks about fundraising strategy
. I am also waiting to hear back from him re: which dates he'll be in Montreal for WSF.
I don't know if there are any other Liberal Climate Change Town Halls being organized in the GTA this summer but, if so, it would be great to do COTTFN awareness-raising and fundraising at them.
8. Suggestions/Support (10min)
Rosemary B. to help with Mini
Kalina will speak to her Councillor
Katie asks for show of hands on an Energy East teach-In - general support
Dan will help on Volunteers
Comms position still needs filling - Tali will train, impart all she knows
Motion: That 350 allocate $100 for documentary film series.
Moved by Brian, seconded by Jenn
In favour: 8 Against: 0 Abstain: 2
9. Priorities and Resource Sharing for August (use of lists, people power etc) (25min)
Blanket Exercise Aug 23 6.30-9:00
Katie teach-in - end of August, beginning of Sept
Jenn - Strategic Planning
New event: Picnic / Social night:
Date: August 16, 6:30
Location: Queen’s Park, north of Wellesley
Purpose: social but also enlistment (bring a friend)
pot luck
Snowcub will help organize cooking
Rosemary to help out
Food budget available
More TBD next week
Email blast about this - Dan
Retreat - Sept-Oct. more
Plan of future events to be filled in by Tresanne
10. Next Meeting:
Chair: Dan
Co-chair: Tresanne
Minute taker:


Aug 11, 2016, 9:11:32 AM8/11/16
to Toronto 350.org

2016-08-09 Toronto350.org Planning Meeting Agenda

Meeting officers

Chair: Dan

Co Chair: Tresanne

Minutes: Dan

Ellerie: was at a wedding

Tresanne: was also at a wedding, cousin was here.

Dan: Noam Chomsky said something to the effect that the Republican US senate were the reason COP21 Paris Accord lacked teeth

Nagara: from Dehli, emagazine mosom climate issue, talk to students

Roger: Donald Trump’s energy plan complete rejection climate science

Neil: Greenland icesheet is his main concern, people aren’t thinking ahead, we need to do something.

Phil: some organizations US steelworkers are good, the greenland ice sheet reflects a lot of the sun’s light. Liquid Metal Battery can be made locally with abundant materials by MIT

Yvonne – been working alot

Jenn – looking forword to social form

Rosemary – there is one Climate consulation for all six ridings in Scarborough. As well this meeting includes other topics not just climate policy such as veteran affairs, defese. This will dilute the conversion. Rosemary will write a letter to the editor. The meeting is next Tuesday

CTV Canada 150 event digital activism.

Yvonne and Jenn– On Sept 20th CTV will be presenting Canada in a day. Similar to life in a day documentary. They are asking for submissons from Canadians asking for their hopes, fears, etc for the future. They have made it super simple to upload your video. The idea is to get many environmental groups to flood the site with submissions about climate. It would be great to get groups with large contact lists on board such as the David Suzuki Foundation and Greenpeace. We could Provide instructions etc

Phil – Noam Choamsky – difference between US and Canada is that Canada used to be good, but now we have a lot of mining companies mining in foreign places.

Jenn- Who can we ask for help with this intiative to get the word out?

Tresanne – contacts with greenpeace

Yvonne – we don’t need to do much, just get this idea out and small write up with instructions that groups can cut an paste

Rosemary – perhaps cirulate at world social form

Lyn knows a lot of people on a first name basis

Jenn – who should it come from?

Tresanne could send an email to execs to ensure everyone is ok giving Jenn /Yvonne temporary title of communiatons for Toronto 350 for this initiative

Phil – 350.ca talks about Kinder Morgan and Energy East two problems atlough Kinder Morgan will not move forward

Roger- can ask contacts within the green party

Nagraj- suggests do as 350.org, use examples like sea is receeding, reach out to other groups, in case you get 4 big names it will help

Rosemary – do we have the name of the march? Faith groups

Jenn - Does anyone know Avi Louis

Phillip – if were not willing to change our life styles. What Naomi Klein says is great but we need to change lifestyles as well.

Roger: what happens next with People’s Climate Plan after the consultations are done?

Tresanne: national 350 has plans for that.

Next week picnic

No one wants at the meeting wants to lead this as it’s on the same time as a climate consultation meeting and the feeling is 8pm would be too late of a start time.

Breakouts on Strategy, planning for next weeks PCP.

Nagraj overivew of climate action in India

Nagraj is an climate activist from India who is visitng and shared some perspectives from there.

As India is a vast place the effects of climate change are different depending on the area.

300 milllion Indians do not access to electicity.

Current government Prime Minister Modi is very far right.

People can see climate change is happening, however are struggling to grasp that it is being caused by human activity.

Citizens who are dependant on the forests are fighting their govenment and companies who want to build coal fired power plants. Their main motivation is to protect their livleihood but it overlaps with climate.


Sep 2, 2016, 1:45:48 PM9/2/16
to Toronto 350.org

2016-08-30 Toronto350.org Planning Meeting Minutes

Meeting officers

Chair: Tresanne

Co Chair: Dan

Minutes: Fiona

Present: Tresanne, Jan, Kevin, Valerie, Allen, Kyla, Caleb, Fiona, Amelia Rose, Dan

Late: Rosemary, Roger

1. Land recognition (5 min)

I acknowledge the sacred land on which the United Steelworkers Hall operates. This land has been a site of human activity for 15,000 years. This land is the territory of the Huron-Wendat and Petun First Nations, the Seneca, and most recently, the Mississaugas of the Credit River. The territory was the subject of the Dish With One Spoon Wampum Belt Covenant, an agreement between the Iroquois Confederacy and Confederacy of the Ojibwe and allied nations to peaceably share and care for the resources around the Great Lakes. Today, the meeting place of Toronto is still the home to many Indigenous people from across Turtle Island and we are grateful to have the opportunity to work on this territory.

2. Introductions (10 min) Recent event/action you attended

3. Today’s Agenda + Types of meetings (5 min)

We’ve previously discussed having an overview meeting at the beginning/end of the month with updates from exec/campaigns and have it be a space to prioritize our focus for the month (Today!!). The one last month was really good. We’ve also talked about having education/learning nights, new member intro nights, working meetings, socials/potlucks, decision making meetings. Aug we had overview mtg, breakouts, pcp, blanket exercise, overview for sept.

We’ve tried this approach before, and Tres now thinks it would be good to reinstate the idea of a specific focus for different meetings during the month.

Overview of the outline of tonight’s meeting. Clarification during, suggestions/support at the end.

If you have any suggestions as to kinds of meetings we could have or how to schedule them please email Tresanne, otherwise the core members will discuss this.

4. Updates/Needs/Volunteer Opportunities - from Exec. Running in Oct?? (30min)

Vol coord - vol audit

  • Katie’s not here

Treasurer (cofftn $ to Ellery)

  • Ellery’s not here

Research coord

  • Not here


  • Dan: nothing new to report, role/time commitment are going well


  • Tally’s not here (nobody is officially doing comms atm)

Pres (vol to, patagonia grant, art/creativity, NB glitch, waiting for money (from school, research person), Greenpeace n RT, fundraising, step up leaving, magical book of action)

  • Looking for teams of people for different coordinating events to replace individuals in various roles, including, volunteer coordination, creative, treasurer, communications - going to post on Volunteer Toronto

  • Waiting to hear back from Patagonia re: a grant

  • Looking for people to do more creative/art-making events, banner builds, etc.

  • Difficult to tell which donations have come through in the last few months due to issues with Nation Builder website; looking into it

  • Waiting for money from a school Brian spoke at

  • Waiting for money from a researcher who pledged $250

  • In touch with other organizations such as Greenpeace to discuss collaborations

  • Need a fundraising push: events, grants

  • Step Up Canada campaign is no longer one of our campaigns (they have switched their focus to the TPP and are now called the People’s Climate Movement)

  • The Magical Book of Action will now be used by Tresanne and Dan to record who is working on what and when, and follow up with ppl, see if they need support etc. Will bring to each mtg


  • Absent


  • Divest the OTPP campaign is going nowhere. The pension plan is slowly divesting with no clear goal for date of completion. Recently flyered at their meeting (handed out 300 flyers). Divestment was discussed at their meeting.

  • Main focus in the coming months is outreach to teachers. Petitioning the Ontario government has been ineffective thus far. Also looking to collaborate with other groups.

Divest U of T

  • Absent

Divest Ryerson

  • Absent

5. Events/Projects (updates, needs, lists, ppl, $, art build) (30min)

a. Strategy Session (Jenn, Yvonne)

- Need to set a date for the session, which will focus on goal-setting for the group in the long


  • Jenn will make sure this gets done at next weeks governance mtg

b. Climate Presentations (Lyn, sept 6 mtg?)

(Lyn: if it's possible we have a 30 minute intro climate presentation developed by Jessica Vogt that we would like to pilot/present for feedback - and to recruit those who might be interested in presenting.  Do you think at the meeting on September 6th there might be time for this?  We hope to launch by mid-September.  The outreach effort is designed to build support for the Transform TO report when it comes to Council in Nov-Dec.) 

- Lyn’s not here

- Rosemary: Jessica has made a presentation for people/groups who do not know much about climate change. Trying to build up a movement municipally to ensure the city’s climate plan is passed by city council. Hoping for others to learn the material and start doing presentations

c. Sept 10th Picnic/Social (Rosemary, Lyn) and CTV videos (Yvonne)

Kevin video

- Jenn: CTV is asking all Canadians - in the context of Canada entering into its 150th year – to participate in a “life in a day”-style video montage of people talking about their hopes and fears. We aim to inundate their inbox with videos about climate change. Idea is to use this picnic event to recruit and film people for videos.

- Kevin volunteers to make these videos with people who come to the picnic

- Rosemary will help organize

- Tresanne will talk to Katie about doing a separate new member night in September. Dan will help.

d. Climate Film Festival -

Lyn’s email: we'd like to ask if people can help to flyer during frosh week; we hope to have at least a handout flyer by then (Sept 6 - 10) so if 350 is tabling can this be included?  We also wondered if there might be an opportunity to plug the festival if there are volunteers who are going to classes to talk about 350, divestment etc as has been done previously...so, integrate with 350's outreach.

From Liad’s email: We have all "ingredients" to make a flyer: program, text, logo, website. Tomorrow we will meet at Friends House to finalize it all and send to 350communication to have it as a flyer. Then we will start disseminating the flyer. First screening on September 25th.

- Tres - asked Jean if she’d be interested in sponsoring

other orgs have already said they support this

e. Katie teach in Energy East

- Absent

f. COTTFN fundraising - Nov 30th, buses,

- Valerie, Dan, Brian, other Brian, met to discuss fundraising for COTTFN court case, possibility of meeting with COTTFN in London, schedule a phone call this Friday at 10am (Tres, Valerie, Myeengun) to discuss what they need, what they’re already planning, what we can do to help, and what their plan is if they cannot raise the money as they are nowhere near the amount they need (40K)

- Talk of organizing busses to the hearing to organize solidarity, but the main focus at this time is on fundraising

- Jenn: We can put out a donation box at the picnic which Jenn will bring

- Rosemary: She will ask if we can have a box for collections at the TCFF (toronto climate film festivals)

- Valerie: Can we add labour day parade to the agenda? Added.

g. Municipal Campaign - prep support materials for mtg your councillor

- Rosemary: Talk of getting someone at the municipal level to come talk with us.

6. Priorities and Resource Sharing for Sept (outreach, use of lists, people power, art build etc) (30min)

Amelia Rose:

YIMBY - tabling + workshop (someone or blanket exercise)

Possibility of getting TO350 to table at YIMBY (Yes In My BackYard) on September 24 and do a workshop, e.g. the blanket exercise, Climate 101

  • Rosemary: Jessica could do her presentation

Amelia Rose email: I have seen the blog post by 350 mothership about the The Carbon Underground 200 and see that you might have to register to get the new reports.  This report is about the Top 200 fossil fuel companies by size of reserves.  This is useful for Toronto350 in the divestment campaigns and I believe that UofT350 has used this before.  I also feel moving forward, Divest OTPP would find this information helpful.

I am asking if a single login for this would be easier then a number of divestment campaigners creating logins.  If so, who would create the login and be able to circulate this to the people running the various Toronto350 divestment campaigns?

Amelia Rose will connect with other divestment leads and discuss this.

Tres: Promote/outreach Patagonia, Jean. Tres put Lyn in touch with them as they may sponsor our events, offer door prizes etc.

Tres: Leon has in the past printed flyers for us - Tres will put folks in touch with Leon for flyers

7. Calendar: sept 6 working mtg (presentations, flyer?) sept 10 ctv videos/social, film festival starting? (10min)

  • Volunteers?

  • Need tablers for September 24 (YIMBY); Tresanne will register TO350 for YIMBY ($25 fee); Caleb and Dan and maybe Tresanne can table

  • Tresanne will send out a major email blast including the CTV video project, the TCFF. Will run emails by exec to make sure that it’s ok to blast full list

  • Tresanne will contact Leon about printing flyers

  • Kyla volunteers for TCFF (documentaries) on September 25 as a facilitator. Fiona will also facilitate and help with set up/clean up

  • Email blasts will be sent on Thursday September 1st and September 8th for the CTV video project

  • Email blasts will be sent on September 15 and September 22 for TCFF

  • Valerie: Can we do a meeting about COTTFN court case fundraising? Once Tres and Valerie talk to Myeengun on Fri we will decide if a mtg is needed this coming Tues, purpose will be COTTFN support. Governance mtg will also be happening at this time with more core members

  • Sept 13 we will have breakout groups (may be time for governance mtg folks to work on any ‘homework’ from the mtg)

  • There will be a new members intro night on September 20, run by Dan, Neil. And if needed, breakout groups for projects

  • Strategic Planning Session input night will be on September 27, also done via email so don’t worry if you can’t make it that night. Tres, Jenn and Yvonne heading this

  • Sept 10 - all over Toronto to promote climate perspective of Canada in a day

  • Sept 5 Labour Day parade - flyer for ctv

8. Upcoming events

https://www.eventbrite.com/e/sustainable-development-by-2030-from-your-doorstep-to-the-world-tickets-27283915927 by Science for Peace

- TCAN is meeting on September 10 2-4pm at CSI Queen/Spadina and it’s an important meeting to go to

- Green Doors Open TO weekend of September 9-11; various times/locations across the city

- Bull Frog Power event

- Dan: Should we use the fact these events are all happening on the same day to our advantage and send people (Kevin) to record videos, promote CTV Canada in a Day Climate perspective

- Tresanne passes around a sheet for people to write their name down to volunteer for events on sept 10 to encourage ppl to post videos about climate. AGreement to cancel picnic and have folks go around to diff climate events in Toronto

- Visit TCAN website for more information on many of these events

- Labour Day Parade on September 5th, marches from Queen/University to CNE - people volunteer to go to flyer for CTV videos

- First Toronto Climate Film Festival screening on Sunday, September 25 at 6:30pm at 60 Lowther Ave

9. Next Meeting: Sept 6

- Encouraging people to flyer for the CTV video project

- There will be a governance meeting for core active members

    - Chairs: Tresanne and Yvonne, Jenn

- TBD whether there will be a general planning meeting that day

    - If mtg, chair: Valerie


Sep 16, 2016, 7:25:09 AM9/16/16
to Toronto 350.org

1. Land recognition (5 min - start 6:35pm)  

I acknowledge the sacred land on which the United Steelworkers Hall and the University of Toronto operate. This land has been a site of human activity for 15,000 years. This land is the territory of the Huron-Wendat and Petun First Nations, the Seneca, and most recently, the Mississaugas of the Credit River. The territory was the subject of the Dish With One Spoon Wampum Belt Covenant, an agreement between the Iroquois Confederacy and Confederacy of the Ojibwe and allied nations to peaceably share and care for the resources around the Great Lakes. Today, the meeting place of Toronto is still the home to many Indigenous people from across Turtle Island and we are grateful to have the opportunity to work on this territory.

2. Introductions (10 min - start 6:40pm) Recent event/action you attended

Diane - no Dakota Access pipeline march was this afternoon.

Valarie - COTTFN

Alan - went to two townhalls on liberal climate policy, interested in the strategy

Jessie - thanks for update on the action

Katie - I was at the action toda. “No pipelines, no TIFF”

Kalena -


James -

Jacob - COTTFN

Amelia Rose -








3. Today’s Agenda + Types of meetings (5 min -start 6:50pm)

This meeting will be mostly a working meeting to work on projects or personal climate work we will have 20 min at the end for updates and for events

4. Breakouts (1 hour 10 min start at 6:55pm)

  • Chippewas of the Thames Fundraising

    • Following up on who was going to contact whom

    • $100 a plate dinner

    • Bucketing at Naomi Klein event Sept 19th

    • A contingent at the 15 and fairness march

  • Municipal

    • Writing an email about getting people informed

    • Talked in the group about reaching out to councillors about recycling, building department, most buildings are not up to code environmentally sound. The city is lax on old.

    • The utilities have too much power.

    • TTC - last few years 5 different plans

    • Contact tylerb...@gmail.com

    • Lyn is working on a presentation about how to reach out to your councillor on climate.

  • Pipelines

    • Talked about energy east. People were forced to leave the panel for corruption reasons

    • Talked about Kinder Morgan we can focus on as EnergyEast is on hold. This will have a decision in Dec

    • Union of BC chiefs - the Treaty Alliance

    • Craft an email to supporters asking them to update Jim Carr

    • Also come up with a post card people can email Jim Carr

    • Talked about trying to reach out to Major media to write about pipelines

    • Talked about having a climate contingent in the 15andfairness rally. Connect Climate and labour rallies

    • Artbuild for 15andfairness - Sept 27th

    • Handing out a leaflet at the art build

  • volunteers

6. Upcoming events (10 min start at 8:15pm)

  • Wilderness Committee meeting at Steelworkers tomorrow (Wed, Sept 14, 7:00 pm)

    Action for Bees and Trees includes discussion WC’s approach to stopping Energy East. Eric Reder, Manitoba Campaign Director will lead the discussion.


  • Naomi Klein @ Koerner Hall Sept 19th


7. Next Meeting:



Minute taker:


Sep 23, 2016, 7:21:47 AM9/23/16
to Toronto 350.org


2016 09 20 New volunteer night agenda

Question: what brought you here tonight?

Toronto 350 brief history

We are a local registered non-profit. Our mandate, based on the mandate of the larger 350.org international organization, is

  • to grow the climate movement

  • mitigate climate change through challenging the power of the fossil fuel industry

  • push for ambitious climate leadership on the part of local, provincial and federal government

  • Advocate for a just transition away from an economy based on fossil fuels.  

350 stands for 350 parts per million of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere which is the amount NASA climate scientist Dr. James Hansen deemed to be appropriate (we are currently over 400ppm). Being a non-profit instead of a charity allows us to be political which is important to our work.  A good resource for more about 350.org as an organization, watch the documentaries “Do the Math” and “Disruption”  available online.

Group Activities/Successes

  • 2014 organized buses and accom0dations to New York for the peoples climate march--over 300 Torontonians

  • Organized Climate Debate for federal by-election in Trinity Spadina riding

  • 2015 helped organize the march for jobs, justice, and climate last summer with other groups--Art Builds

  • 2012-present: led a UofT divestment campaign that while didn’t reach its final goal, was copied and used successfully elsewhere

  • Non-Violent Direct Actions-Joe Olivers office, TSX-global day of divestment

  • Election bird-dogging of leaders to get climate/pipelines on the agenda

  • 2015 People’s Climate Intervention: got people to intervene in the Energy East pipeline NEB process

  • Block Parties to Block Energy East--raised awareness--targeted MPs in Toronto Chrystia Freeland and Adam Vaughan

  • Climate Welcome--Ottawa

  • Peoples Climate Plan: Helped organize a teach in with other groups to educate people on how to     convey a unified message for the Federal governments climate consultation.

  • Outreach Events--movies, fundraisers, To Paris with Love, Lysistrata, trainings for volunteers, tabling at community events

  • Building Solidarity with Frontline communities--fundraisers for Grassy Narrow, Unistoten, Toxic Tour, Chippewa of the Thames

Group structure in a nutshell

Board - we have a board on paper, meaning they do not provide the direction for the group, but rather are there to meet legal requirements as a non profit and ensure Toronto350 is operating legally. The board is also used to settle disputes. Board is elected by the members.

Executives - we have executives, which are members who have more permanent supporting roles (e.g. admin coordinator) or are the head of a campaign. They make the day to day decisions for Toronto350 that aren’t formally put to a vote.

Members – people who have attended at least 2 meetings and have completed the survey. Members are allowed to vote.

Supporters – people who simply show up to meetings or volunteer at events and have not fulfilled membership requirements. They do not have voting rights until they become members.

we have major campaigns and smaller projects


  • Pipelines

  • OTPP Divestment


  • COTTFN fund raising   

  • Documentary     series

  • Meet your councillor

You can suggest your own campaign or project


We typically meet every Tuesday although campaigns or projects can meet outside of that time. The first meeting of the month is for updates and planning the rest of the month’s activities.

Our Values

Inclusiveness and Equality – open to everyone, support new ideas and projects that are within our values and mandate.   treat everyone with respect regardless of social status, ethnic background, etc.

Climate Justice--strive to recognize, educate ourselves and address the links between climate change and other types of social and economic injustice issues

Non-Violence – We are a non violent organization. Put simply this means none of our opponents should ever feel like they or their loved ones would ever suffer harm from us.

No property destruction – We do not destroy property (e.g. no spray painting private or public property).

meeting etiquette

  • Be aware of the space and try not to take up more of your share of allotted time /  try not to dominate the conversation


  • Respect the meeting chair and co chair


  • Raise your hand before speaking

  • Try to stay on topic

Volunteer Opportunities


Campaign or project

Art build - help make buttons and banners

Jess’ presentation - Present a presentation to groups in Toronto to Help

Climate film festival:

We need volunteers for: greeters and usher, refreshments, set up, group facilitation (short 30 min at the end of the night, in small groups) and clean up.  Rsvp-ing would help us a lot:

volu...@climatefast.ca - say what you would like to do.


- reach out to any organizations/unions, rich friends etc to encourage them to donate

-help organize a fundraising dinner ($100 dinner) (3 ppl working on this, looking for 3 or 4 more)

- PULLTOGETHER campaign - approach businesses and see if they'll a. design a product that can be sold, with money going to cottfn  b. sell cottfn buttons  c. have a flyer/leaflet about cottfn at their store

- attend a fundraising workshop for cottfn (led by tres) followed by fundraising for cottfn!

. reach out also to faith groups, service clubs, any community group that you think would be supportive

. join us in collecting money at special events and rallies

Organization level

Event planning/Fundraising team

Creative team

Communications team

Volunteer coordination/appreciation team

Treasurer (some experience would be great, but person will be trained by ellery)


Sep 30, 2016, 4:34:54 PM9/30/16
to Toronto 350.org

2016 09 27


Weekly Meeting & Strategy Planning Input Session Notes

September 27, 2016

Land Recognition

Agenda Review: Fight for $15, strategic planning input session, art build

Fight for $15

  • Noted that the event is taking place October 1, Noon, Northwest corner of College & University, Rally taking place at 1:00-2:30 pm

  • 350.org members are invited to a flash mob at 12:30, ideally with a banner to identify yourself

  • Trying to raise the wage so that those outside of the extraction industry make a living wage -- will help with the transition for workers to low carbon jobs

  • 25% are making less than $15 (over represented by racialized and female workers)

  • goal of movement is to raise the minimum standards

  • Need to protect migrant workers (additional info at 15andfairness.org), they may also help with the climate movement

  • Presently the Ontario Ministry of Labour is looking at workplace laws/regulation

  • Art build expectations for today: asking for different constituencies have a visual/audio representation that makes impact (chant, song, banners, etc.)

  • Question: Why climate wasn’t added to materials? Answer: Event on October 1 is about the Changing Workplaces Review and as a result it is focused on the legislative changes that the provincial government is currently considering

  • Question: What’s the situation provincially from a political perspective? Answer: Want at least a $15 minimum wage for ALL workers (getting rid of all exclusions, loopholes, workarounds). Feeling very positive about the Liberal will look at all of the labour law, but have said they may not touch the minimum wage. Recommendations being developed as they go across the province will be incorporated into legislation. NDP is incrementally coming on board (support $15 and other elements) and they are having conversations with the Conservatives.

  • Passing around sign up sheet for bucketing efforts around Line 9 and Chippewas of the Thames (timing conflict).

Strategy Planning Input Session

Question 1: Why did you join Toronto350.org?

  • Input received from Brian Young and Katie Krelove via email was reviewed

  • Kyla: joined 350 recently, just moved to TO a year ago, based on its international reputation (left win and confronting power structures), the idea of the local and municipal discussions (participatory democratic movements, strong social movements, big capital, educating and bring together) – the intersections between climate and environmental movements

  • Neil: watch COP 21 was a failure so wanted to get educated and involved, has a 15-year-old son, sad about the polar bears who have always been a passion

  • Dan: read This Changes Everything, looked up 350 – looked at values and manifesto from the US-based organization and was glad to hear there was a Toronto chapter

  • Phil: important to organize, climate change is a real problem, it’s urgent and hard to reverse, need to act now, need to challenge the system (not individuals who are part of the system), need to not put carbon in the air (more so than worrying about taking it out of the environment)

  • John: East End Against Line 9 is his focus, recent member of 350, Stop Line movement and Energy East there was overlap, same with rallies and the People’s Climate Plan, involvement with Lead Now. 350 is probably one of the most active organizations on the ground in the city. Feels like there’s a serious commitment around movement building, with a lot of people (younger particularly) engaged.

  • Amelia Rose: Joined because he was asked to, thought 350 would be active rather than just having meetings

  • Tresanne: had just graduated university, took a year off to volunteer, saw people tabling (Amelia Rose included) and go involved, saw a screening on the importance of involvement, went to New York, liked the social element as well

  • Rose: just moved to Canada/Toronto, boyfriend started reading and has only recently has become aware of how big a problem it is, realizes business as usual isn’t going to work, she’s scared and wants to help, need to figure out what the right path is, needs to be a bigger level of awareness

  • Alan: been reading about environmental issues for a long time, clear it is the issue, 350 links the issue to social justice, change needs to come from the bottom up

  • Jenn: the 350 brand, its awareness and its ability to attract a lot of people to mobilize, feels morally obliged to do everything I can to make a difference

  • Ellery: her post school environment was very conservative, identified with left issues, frustrated with the conservative narrative, feels she has a moral obligation

  • Yvonne: need to do something about an issue that is so pressing, couldn’t stand on the sidelines

Question 2: If you were given the power to change just one thing, what do you think would have the biggest impact?

  • Input received from Brian Young and Katie Krelove via email was reviewed

  • Jenn: stopping the tar sands would be the one thing

  • Kyla: stopping the tar sands as part of a broader systemic change, change a system based on producing/using fossil fuels

  • Dan: inform the general public and give them a method to act, people have a vague idea but they don’t know how serious it is and what to do about it

  • Phil: would time travel to 30 years ago to stop emissions, communicate the urgency

  • John: rapid transition to alternative sources of energy to get off of fossil fuels

  • Amelia Rose: if people took more action, did more stuff, get the message out, enhance the visibility of the message

  • Tresanne: indigenous rights being respected, keeping fossil fuels in the ground, moving away from capitalism and its focus on growth, extraction, a need to re-vision, spreading indigenous teaching since it’s what people are coming back to (connection with the land), solidarity with other social justice groups

  • Rose: give the leaders of the western world the power of a benign dictatorship that removes them from gas/oil interests so they can make the necessary changes

  • Alan: make Bernie Sanders president of the US, we know what to do in Canada (i.e. Leap Manifesto) is a clear vision, but there is no political will (with exception of Green party), so the vision and will for politicians to do what the people would support

  • Ellery: resonated with Tresanne’s comments on extractivism, if there was a mass understanding of how that has led us to the problems we’re having, if people understood and could change things, that would be powerful, if we got rid of pipelines that would be amazing

  • Snowcub: turn back the clock on people buying into the notion/action of greed, class warfare

  • Yvonne: keep it in the ground (tar sands, pipelines)

Areas of focus going forward around Question 1:

  • Outlet to express dissatisfaction

  • Looking for local, social participatory democracy movement, challenge the system

  • 350 brand, link to social justice

  • Connect with other like-minded people

  • Need to do something about it, place for action, wanted to join something that commitment

  • Want to raise awareness, get others to understand

  • Movement attachment

Three areas/buckets for Question 1:

  1. Attracted by a beacon (i.e. polar bears, 350, need an outlet to express dissatisfaction, want to meet/socialize with like-minded people)

  2. Becoming aware of the gravity of the situation and needing to do something because of the urgency, need to consider indigenous peoples across the board, want to change people’s minds

  3. Challenge the system, need government action intersections


Community/Change/Growing the Movement

  • Final articulation of three areas:

  1. Community/anger/outlet/brand

  2. Education

  3. Taking action and growing the movement

Areas of focus going forward around Question 2:

  • Indigenous wisdom/rights being respected

  • Connecting with nature

  • Political/system change change

  • Education

  • Communicate urgency

  • Awareness and call to action

Three areas/buckets for Question 2:

  • Philosophy/ideology/system change

  • Immediate change through action (i.e. pipelines, tar sands, move to renewables)

  • Indigenous connection, connection to the land

What does Toronto 350 mean/what can it accomplish?

  • Jenn: headquarters of 70% of private sector extraction companies

  • Ellery: need to introduce the intersections – climate and social justice, need to understand the total environment of justice – a more focused response on Toronto would be pipelines, because of Line 9, proximity to Quebec, education around energy solutions

  • Alan: translate the people’s Climate Plan into what we can focus on in Toronto (pipelines are an example of that, could be other concrete demands to focus on)

  • Rose: wind energy/renewables – wind farms, looking toward East Coast

  • Tresanne: pipelines, solidarity (many intersections from different organizations) and intersections

  • Amelia Rose: doesn’t have anything

  • Phil: need a government intervention, whatever power we gave the government they need to act on our interests (stop emissions, tar sands, fracking, pipelines)

  • Valerie: pipelines and solidarity with Chippewas, Line 9 and facilitating intersections

  • Dan: as the largest municipality: take on Transform TO, multicultural city gives us the opportunity to have impact across the world

  • Neil: green buildings

  • Snowcub: doesn’t have anything


Sep 30, 2016, 4:41:33 PM9/30/16
to Toronto 350.org

2016 09 27


Weekly Meeting & Strategy Planning Input Session Notes CONTINUED

September 27, 2016


Oct 8, 2016, 12:36:37 PM10/8/16
to Toronto 350.org

Minutes – Toronto 350

October 4, 2016

Chairperson: Tresanne

Vice-Chairperson: Dan

Minutes: Jenn

  1. Acknowledgement of sacred land we are meeting upon.














Atiya (late)

SnowCub (late)

Chippewas of the Thames Breakout Group Work Plan

  1. Updates on actions:

  • Tresanne was at film festival

  • Dan was at Yimby festival and tabling at Intro night went well. 1 or 2 new people came to intro night. Katie and Dan gave an overview. Yimby was a networking opportunity and overview of non-profits in Toronto – Dan was there as Toronto350.

  • Valerie has been fundraising for COTTF – going well. Raised $800 at recent event and another $450. $3000 raised in past few weeks. More in the works and will share more later tonight.

  • Jenn – been sick

  • Suzanne – from East End Against Line 9 here to help Val with COTT

  • John – “                                                                     “ focus on faith group fundraising

  • Neil – been reading a lot. Scientific laws are being broken – have to upset people’s faith to rectify the situation. Was at the volunteer intro night – low turn out

  • Caleb – was at 15 and fairness rally

  • Phil – went to electoral reform event – went to 15 and fairness rally

  • Paula – New member, helped with COTTF, made a sign for 15 and fairness event “raise wages not seas” – had a positive experience – people were really receptive – concerned about DAPL – mobilization around climate change – war measures

  • Allan – family time – concerned about Trudeau’s new decisions – climate denial

  • Ellery – went to TPP teach-in, it was really good

  • Estela – new member, knows Amanda and Ben, hasn’t been to an action in a while

COTTFN split off to separate area

Topic 1: Book of Action Update

  • Everything crossed off from summer except 1 thing that Tresanne is working on

Topic 2: Overview meeting

  • Tresanne finding it useful – feedback? To develop a plan for the next few months.

  • All happy with it

  • Jenn reminded about need for strategy session – Allan agreed

  • Works well to do on the first meeting of each month

  • Break out sessions require leaders and pre-planning – has to go through Tresanne

  • Do we want to do postering or phone banking on Tuesdays also in lieu of regular weekly meetings? Maybe this requires planning ahead.

Agenda for the day:

  1. Updates from exec and related volunteer opportunities

  2. Project updates

  3. Calendar – planning

  4. Upcoming events

  5. Jenn’s initiative

Updates from Exec:

  • Next week will be the elections for new executive (volunteer coordinator, trustee)

  • Need to email all members to let them know what positions are open / or new positions that can be created

  • Board elections are coming up in December – Tresanne will post on volunteer website

  • Thinking of bringing more creativity into the group – fundraiser with musical acts etc.

  • Nation Builder glitch wasn’t reporting monthly donations – it has not been solved but donations are coming in

  • Still waiting for money from school and research person

  • Fight for 15 – Pam was here last Tuesday. Tresanne is on their committee and she will be doing 1-2 hours per month on calls to help build relationships with other groups

  • Priorities over next two months:

    • Fundraising

    • Starting a Communications team as nobody has officially been in this role since March (twitter, facebook etc.)

    • Tresanne has put out call on volunteer board of Volunteer Toronto

    • Currently don’t have communications coordinator

    • Trying to focus on supporting exec more

    • Been helping with COTTFN etc.

  • Tresanne would like people to stick to email for communications, not text of Facebook Messenger unless it’s critical

  • Phone calls are welcome – but needs to be scheduled

  • Will be going on vacation in December for 4 weeks – checking emails for two weeks off grid for two weeks

  • Film and photography volunteers have volunteered to help Toronto350 with videos and photography – interrupted COTTFN breakout to inform that team. They don’t want to only film events but will help make stories, documentaries etc. for distribution on social media etc. We can come up with ideas they will help us make videos / imagery to promote events etc.

Dan’s update Admin Coordinator

  • Admin coordination last month was busy. 2-8 hours per week. Probably won’t run for the position again – but he would shadow. Its straightforward

Ellery Treasurer

  • $12,000 in the bank (budget to year end $7K) (approx $4000 for Tresanne’s pay for last few months)

  • Donations have been steady

  • We have budget to plan an event

  • Big thing coming up – annual filing due Nov 2 – needs to be finished in October. So we need to vote on the financial statement at an AGM before the end of the month. Can we move up the AGM to Nov 1? Will take off-line and discuss with Tresanne separately. Ellery is not going to run for her role again – candidates need to have accounting experience. Ellery will mentor.

  • Request for more vetting with the candidates. To be done by Ellery and Tresanne

Amelia Rose not present – OTTP divestment

  • Will review amount of money left in the kitty

  • They are not planning a big project

  • Volunteers not needed

  • Making eye-catching video needed. Tresanne will help connect videographer and Amelia Rose. Jenn and Neil offered to volunteer to help with video

Katie – volunteer coordinator – not present

  • Has requested that post cards for pipelines campaign to be filled out during the meeting

  • They will be mailed

  • Katie needs $500 for major proposal that she is working on

  • Ellery and Katie to connect about that

  • Multiple things with pipelines: 24th youth action in Ottawa: climate 101 (secretive) – Atiya interjected that action is public but details are under wraps. Will be civil disobedience to call for rejection of Kinder Morgan pipeline – lining youth up against minister of youth

Other Actions:

Atiya may be planning an action. Anyone interested in civil disobedience talk to Tresanne, Atiya, Jenn after the meeting.

Step Up Canada Campaign

No longer part of 350 – they will be moved off website

Divest Ryerson – hasn’t really been a part of 350

Has been removed from website nobody knows who removed the campaign – Follow up with Ben

Divest UoT – not working on divestment any more

Milan –Research coordinator – not present not running

Vacant for anyone who wants to run

Project Updates:

  • Strategy: Tresanne to send out an email to everyone who has been active letting them know it is coming

  • Canada In-a-Day-Video Call for Submissions – only two videos have been uploaded to our website. That doesn’t mean people didn’t submit to CTV

  • Dan suggested doing a lessons learned from the initiative

  • Jenn to follow up with event folks and videographer who captured 12 videos on the 10th at the U of T Sustainability Event

  • For the new members orientation – Dan asking for feedback. There was a Facebook Event posted – address was wrong. Poor turn out. Only 2 new members came out.

Structure was that Dan and Katie took new members through history and values. Should do these more regularly.

  • Do we have a recruitment drive?

Climate Film Festival:

  • Tresanne went to two they were both good. 80 people showed up. Every other Sunday they will happen.

  • Phil’s feedback: critical after first one: Leonardo DiCaprio film from a content standpoint – off topic response – save for later

  • SnowCub went at first – the set up was okay – will get to specific feedback at the end of the meeting. Speakers were not great, offered sound system


  • Valerie reported on the history. 400K legal fees. Need 200K by November. 3000 raised so far by Toronto350 and Line9 collaboration. Strategy is to go to connected events and ask for donations. Also approaching organizations. Steelworkers and Ryerson Continuing Ed is donating 500. More donations in the pipeline. Check in with COTT regularly.

  • Working on a shareable piece of communications to ask people to share – just waiting for feedback from COTT. Will go out later this week

  • Court case happening end of November – need to keep focusing

  • Working on fundraising dinner November 19th - $100/plate – looking for speakers and possible celebrity chef

  • Working on leads for celebrity endorsements

  • Offering help to get celebrities lined up to assist with media strategy when court case is in session

Municipal – no-one here to update

Women Act for Climate Justice

  • 10 days of global action: Oct 28 – Nov 6: Encouraging women to organize actions

  • Get in touch with Tresanne if interested

  • Organizer - WECAN

  • Organizer - The Women’s Earth and Climate Action

Questions / comments:

Allan: structure of meetings. Do we have to have the formal meetings every week? Can we start with education and updates – current events such as LND, DAPL, Carbon Tax etc. We’re not connecting on these issues as a group. Can we use the meeting time for this rather than just administrative updates? The most important thing is to keep people inspired and active – seconded and thirded

Response from Dan: Maybe not every meeting should be for all members.

Response from Ellery – the strategy session will help decide this.

Ellery: we talked about money from school that owes us money – which one? Small amt, not a grant.  Tresanne to follow up separately.

Do we expect to hear back from grants?

Asked Tresanne to email about grants update

For strategy session – can we talk about communications methods during strategy session. Email not working.

Can we allow time for questions during the meetings?

Maybe exec meetings should be separated / member meetings run differently. Everyone is frustrated – will discuss at strategy sessions

We record minutes for a reason.

A lot of topics are going to be dealt with during the strategy session – lesson learned etc.

Dan will coordinate a lessons learned session for CIAD

Atiya has some updates – didn’t have a way to take notes

Suggested Slack for communications

Priorities and Research and Goal Setting

Neil – when are we going to start shaming people?

We need to get angry and loud. Dial it up.

Jenn volunteered to help Neil in reaching out to videographer team who has volunteered to help make videos – and brainstorm about making videos

Snowcub said we have to talk about making real changes – has ideas about who to target (politicians, corporations etc.)

Those who raise enough noise, get the attention. We have to make more noise.

Caleb: will the calendar go on the minutes? Answer from Dan: YES. And upfront

Phil: Wanted to clarify criticism on the Leo Dicaprio film. Leo is a nice enough guy. Hansen’s blog – suggested a carbon fee. We should talk strategies around this. Difference between carbon fees, carbon Tax and carbon pricing. DAPL – that action has worked because people are doing stuff. If you do nothing you are guaranteed nothing will happen.

Last week we did strategy planning section

Common theme people wanted action and there isn’t actions

LNG is a good opportunity – an idea is a demonstration in front of the Malaysian consulate.

Jenn needs 4-5 people to help organize. Get media attention goal 25 people. Get media attention. If people want to help. We have a very narrow window of opportunity.

Sometime a lot of rage comes after things are approved. Nationalizing the struggle will be key.  It’s a good opportunity to hit all of there consultants.

Neil – why do we need help from Malaysia?  

Jenn – Why don’t the Canadian banks fund this if it’s a good idea?

Phil – mutual funds they split it out over many companies. Socialization of risk.

No decision – out of time – contact Jenn if interested


Standing Rock Banners – get in touch with Tresanne – Saturday the 8th

Tuesday – elections

Intro night for new members?

Patricia Warwick– has offered to do presentation on climate organizing on the 18th – could do that and also do a members night: Need more info. Tresanne to provide and email to members


Valerie – COTT will keep meeting on Tuesdays help from Tresanne

Elections – the only two positions that officially need to be filled are treasurer and president.

It might make sense to not meet formally every Tuesday – meetings should be purposeful not for the sake of meeting

8 volunteers for Petronas action at Malaysian Consolate – Atiya confident we can get 25 people out. Jenn will run break out session next meeting

Immediacy due to media cycle

Also, another action being planned around youth event and Kinder Morgan – Atiya and Katie organizing

Allen didn’t think Petronas action should separate – it should be combined

Jen said its about immediacy – media cycle – get into the discourse with our point of view. Have a constant visible pressure and address not just ourselves, but get picked up by the media. Need to be marching in the streets - constantly

Atiya - ppl will be stoked to come out around Bay Street rally – may motivate them to take escalated action – civil disobedience – a warm up for the November action being planned

SnowCub – these people need to be confronted. We need to confront them with signs and demonstrations etc. We need to get out there.

Volunteers to plan LNG at next breakout:


Atiya (.5= limited capacity)




Ellery (.5)

Tresanne (.5)

Atiya – who is interested in Cabinet Minister sit in before Nov 7th?

  • Jenn

  • Neil

  • Katy

  • Tresanne (.5)

Attending but no capacity to plan: Caleb + Ellery


Oct 10, 2016, 7:08:14 PM10/10/16
to Toronto 350.org

Minutes continued + calendar at the bottom – Toronto 350

October 4, 2016

Chairperson: Tresanne

Vice-Chairperson: Dan

Minutes: Jenn

Tues mtgs 6:30pm to 8:30pm Steelworker’s Hall (25 Cecil Street)

11th Elections and major proposals/Cottfn/civil disobedience actions (3 groups meet at the same time in breakouts)

18th COTTFN/Direct Action planning mtg (2 breakouts)

25th TGM for 15min. The rest of the time will be used to plan actions*

*Possibility for an intro night, or fundraising workshop for COTTFN


Sat Oct 8th 6pm to 9pm Standing Rock Fundraiser

Mon Oct 10th 1pm to 4pm IdleNoMore action

Wed Oct 12 7pm to 9pm From Standing Rock to Line 9: Climate Justice Now - COTTFN fundraising event

Thur Oct 13 6:30 to 9:30pm Tools for Change Social Media Training

Sun Oct 16 7pm to 9pm Toronto Climate Film Festival

Thurs Oct 20 Tools for Change Graphic Design Workshop

Sun Oct 23/24 Ottawa for Climate 101 Action

Sun Oct 30 Toronto Climate Film Festival

Mon Oct 31 Halloween!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fri Oct 28 to Nov 6 Women Act for Climate Justice contact tres...@toronto350.org if you’re interested

Email blasts on Thursdays:

Oct 6 Standing Rock Fundraiser

Oct 13 Climate 101 and LNG Action

OCt 20 COTTFN fundraising email

Oct 27 (no blast planned)


Oct 10, 2016, 7:09:49 PM10/10/16
to Toronto 350.org
10 06 2016 Calendar for Oct


Oct 13, 2016, 6:35:14 AM10/13/16
to Toronto 350.org
1. Land recognition (5 min)
I acknowledge the sacred land on which the United Steelworkers Hall operates. This land has been a site of human activity for 15,000 years. This land is the territory of the Huron-Wendat and Petun First Nations, the Seneca, and most recently, the Mississaugas of the Credit River. The territory was the subject of the Dish With One Spoon Wampum Belt Covenant, an agreement between the Iroquois Confederacy and Confederacy of the Ojibwe and allied nations to peaceably share and care for the resources around the Great Lakes. Today, the meeting place of Toronto is still the home to many Indigenous people from across Turtle Island and we are grateful to have the opportunity to work on this territory.
2. Introductions (10 min) Name something you are grateful for
Valerie - Indigenous leadership around climtae justice
Morgan - 350/Rising tide - grateful for water
Jacob - COTTFN - gratfeul for turnout
John Ridell - bill mckibbbens letter
Brian young - a lot of things
Ellery - water
John - east end cottfn - grateful for turnout
Tyler - new job
Kalina - family
Jenn - living in canada
Katie - that everyones here
Snowcubb - grateful to be alive, after the reserve system, not be in jail w/ racist cops
Alan - 3 grandchildren
Tresanne - job working with you awesome ppl
Dan - netflix
Phil - grateful to be here, that we’re together working on this problem, the work being done and the work we will do
Fiona - grateful for being here, us and all the work we do
Caleb - we can have great time in nature
Rose - it got cold…
Neil Living on canadian shield
Brian Paris agreement
Brandon (late)

Tresanne runs
Snowcubb nominatese Jenn - Jenn doesn’t have time
Brian Y nominates Katie - too busy
14 yes, no opposed, no abstentions

Treasurer -
Jenn - is there a vetting process. Up until now nobody has come forward yet. Brian P may be interested and Ellery and Tres talked to him today. Ellery will be supporting that person. Ellery and Tres would meet ppl
Snowcubb - finishing quickbooks, gonna be in payroll compliance and full time accounting at humber. This would be just a task. Has programsi on his computer.
Ellery: if she’s voted in will run and train someone else who takes it on at the next election - confidence that takes it on. Ellery didn’t have training, wants to help next person.
Have less formal (not a vote today) training periiod

AC - 2- 6 hours a week depends on exec mtg and emails that are exec specific, not ac
Tres wants to have less emails and an monthly exec mtg to discuss things she usually emails about
Caleb runs
13- 0- 0
Congrats Caleb

Was comms media and creative
In description Was comms, media(press releases, building relationships with mmedia), and creative, internal comms (email , ) website, social media
Maybe worth splitting it back into those three
Tres has a group of volunteer toronto recruited people who may working on various things and tres will find

Decision to split it back

Roger - communicattions 13-0-0
There is a media list and press releases.
Tools for change does workshop

Kalinarunning for media coordinator

Kalina run for creative

Comms - maintinging website, internal comms, to supporters (proofreading email blasts) and coordinating them, social media (posting pics, articles, updates).
Roger will work with some vool to recruits

Volunteer coordinator - would be good to get a team - like comms
In order of importance
Lots of nb work
Notified whenn ppl say on nb that they want to volunteer
Intro nights stoppped happening
Getting them involved in the way they want to get involved
Finding out what group leaders/projects need
6 hours /week
Specifically - coming to mtgs. Identify new ppl, talk to them why they came, what their interestes are and their contact info, once a month pub night for new volunteers (good working knowledge of to350? ) would be easy in a team to get on board.
Rose is interested in working with katie, katiewould appreciate someone to have input/ideas suggestions
Vote on vol coord but not the smaller things that fall under that umbrealla (not vote on helpers)
Vote on vol coord
Katie runs for vol coord 13-0-0
Kalina also intereesed
Jenn will help scrub lists

Since we are having a strategy session to streamline campaigns
Step up is gone, divest ry is technically gone, and divest u of t lost

Research coord - is that fall under comms? Some ppl believe yes some say no
Some ppl do research on their own so there is some overlap
Some things can be funnelled through roger/ comms but some campsgn specific
We’re all reading rticles
If campaigns don’t have capacity to do own rsearch - or someone is wondering something
It doesn’t have to be filled
Legal research - would that be useful? If someone had that knowledge
Katie - I think we need to see if we need the position first
Brian - for OTPP we do most of your research on their own. Typically the capaigns do this. We should all know basic facts. Someone should look into that the claim that most of our fossl fuels cannot be burned
Phil - banks - spread out their risk, only the some
Phil is research coordinator 10 -0 -1
Jenn - been in grtoup for 5 months. Does strategic planning, wants to use strategic moments to plan actions
Strategy and outreach - leading strategy sessions, campaign sessions brainstorms, PR media has an appetite for 14--0-1
Jenn running
15- 0- 0

Make video - viral video
Overlaps with some roles
Would be really great to have to350
Doesn’t have to be a role, can still do it without being in a role

Companies in solar etc, sounds more like a campaign
Caleb and Dan will give people emails, add to exec@
3. Today’s Agenda + Types of meetings (5 min)
Today we will be having executive elections plus voting on a major proposal. At the same time we will be having breakouts for COTTFN and direct actions.

4. Elections (45 min)

The President ​shall receive financial compensation​and be responsible for completing or delegating the following tasks, depending on current priorities of the group:
Being a spokesperson for the group at events and with allies
Liaising with the board
Facilitating discussion of group strategy and structure at Exec Meetings and semi­ annual Strategy Sessions.
Facilitating the creation of new campaigns and short ­term initiatives and makes sure that enough people are committed to managing them
Performing necessary duties to keep TO350 in line with nonprofit laws from Corporations Canada.
Connect with the 350.org “mothership”
Conflict Resolution
Fundraising (this can be contracted out once we get enough funds)
Seeking new donors and sponsors, following the Donation Policy.
Maintaining relationships with new, current, and past donors, including delivering gifts to monthly donors
Applying for grants and keeping track of deadlines related to those grants
Coordinating funds for expensive events
Identifying and connecting to other local groups, communities, and organizations
Finding ways to support allies, such as connecting our members to their events
Building relationships with those allies through one­ on­ ones, etc
Giving a frequent report of activities to the membership

The Administrative Coordinator ​shall be responsible for:
Taking minutes at Exec meetings
Taking minutes at Board meetings and reporting important developments to membership by means of a public summary of the meeting.
Managing Google Groups, including the members@ list, permissions, and email accounts
Keeping track of where things are using the Quartermaster Spreadsheet.
Booking space for meetings and events
Send out required notice of meetings to the required people
Maintaining organization of the Google Drive so that Communications people can publish relevant documents for members on the website.

The Communications Coordinator​shall be responsible for managing teams work on the following portfolios:

Role #1 - Internal Communications + Website + Social Media

Internal Communications
● Sending out carefully written and proofread email blasts with events and updates to keep members informed and encourage them to be active
● Communicate with campaign leads to get updates to share with the broader membership (supporters)
● Coordinating blast timing so people don’t get overwhelmed with emails
● Strategizing communications by tracking blast open and click rates to continue to improve contact with members.

Website Maintenance and Design
● Ensuring the Website is kept updated, including event pages connected to blasts
● Backup the website frequently
● Making campaign resources from the Google Drive accessible to volunteers through the website

Social Media
● Posting pictures, memes, articles, and updates on the TO350 Facebook and Twitter.
● Responding to messages on the TO350 Facebook and Twitter
● Bottom­lining the development of messaging and talking points on key issues
● Stay on top of important climate news and ensure climate victories are highlighted

Role #2 - Media
● Expanding the Media Contacts list and building relationships with those people
● Helping event organizers write and send press releases and media advisories
● Posting advisories/releases to NationBuilder and bring printed copies to events
● Making sure that events have a media liaison

Role #3 - Creative
● Design appropriate memes and art when needed
● Coordinate supplies and logistics for art builds, for events big and small
● Work to encourage the arts in all events and projects put on by the group.
● Reach out to artists in Toronto, and work with them to increase creativity in our actions

The Volunteer Coordinator ​shall be responsible for managing the hub consisting of the following portfolios:

NationBuilder Administration
● Organizing the people database in NationBuilder and sorting volunteers into campaigns
● Streamlining the online signup process so volunteers self­sort into campaigns
● Developing Best Practices for NationBuilder and training other people to use it properly

● Hosting events to orient new volunteers who engage with the broader organization
● Directing volunteers to campaigns or hubs
● Responding to people who reach us through the “Contact Us” page on the website

Trainings and Education
● Working with Campaign Leads to coordinate trainings and educational events that would benefit more than one campaign
● Organizing trainings and educational events for the broader group
● Finding external trainings and encourage people to go to them.
● Working with Campaign Leads to develop Streams of Engagement and plans for one­on­ones to help promising volunteers take on more responsibilities.
● Ensuring that Campaigns are filling out Lessons Learned docs and sharing info

Health and Motivation
● Providing resources to volunteers and exec to help avoid burnout
● Organizing social events to improve group cohesiveness
● Working on volunteer appreciation
● Designate people willing to be “Equity Ombuddies” to help advocate for people in the group with sensitive concerns
● Conduct research on effective volunteer management using


5. Major proposal (30 min)
Donations - matching route - we will match up to the first 500$ any more raised is good
We can just use an amt of x.
Should we not have the 10% thing if we are just going to use x
If it’s greater than 500 great and if not that’s fine. We can give to them anyway.
Fiscal year ended in June
Are we telling peopl who donate

6. Decide date for TransformTO climate deputations. (5 min)

9. Upcoming events (10 min)

Planet in focus environmental film fest Oct 18- 23rd

Green Neighbours 20 Inaugural Meeting
Thursday, October 13 at 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM in EDT
Lilian H. Smith Library, 239 College St., Toronto, ON M5T 1R5, Toronto, Ontario

Feeding the Planet: World’s First Rooftop Farm
Sunday, October 16, 2016 -
7:00pm to 9:00pm

Friends House, 60 Lowther Ave. (St. George TTC Bedford exit, 1 block North), Toronto

8. Next Meeting: (2min)
Minute taker:

Message has been deleted


Oct 21, 2016, 6:50:27 PM10/21/16
to toron...@googlegroups.com

Toronto350 Meeting Minutes

October 18, 2016


Tresanne – has had a long day

Valerie – raise funds for COTTFN

Paula – helping with COTTFN as well

Alan – teaches about education for sustauinmble development

Dua – here as a guest

Caleb – new admin coordinator

Jenn – new strategy

Amelia Rose

Roger – new communications coordinator

Michael Cheena – here for the COTTFN meeting

Phillip – does research for 350

Taylor – on the 350 board

Lee – working on Line 9 issues, here working with COTTFN

Kalina – new media and creative coordinator for 350

Rosemary – here for COTTFN fundraising

John – east end against Line 9

Lyn – late

Katie – late

Snowcubb - late

Land Recognition:

-        COTTFN needs volunteers for the dinner on November 19

-        Jenn wants to talk about taking advantage of opportunities

-        if you’re interested in being a part of actions, contact Tresanne

-        waiting for Katie for other items so she can chair

Breakout sessions (Quick Response Action Team):

-        Jenn:  How do we set up a group of 25-30 people that can be quickly arranged for a demonstration at short notice to grab the “media moment”. A recent example would be that of the LPG approval of the new BC Petronas LNG terminal

-        Pre-worked out roles, structure, banners, linkages to media etc. (6 month process to fully get this in place with training, practising, trust etc., but also hold some in the short term to gain momentum and members)

-        Link the issues together, e.g. with Kinder Morgan, Line 9, Energy East, carbon budget, disconnect between LPC policy what is really needed, and “make our own news”

-        Irreversible and abrupt climate change, Canada has many advantages in moving to a renewable economy – could be a world leader.

Breakout Reports:


o   since July we’ve raised $7200, about half from bucketing at events and the other half from trade union locals and student locals

o   part time student union at Ryerson gave $500, Steelworkers $1000, and more

o   discussed faith community outreach, begun with presentations at Christian Fatih Group meetings on climate justice

o   working on letter/email blast asking for money/interest

o   talked about November 19 dinner – we need more volunteers! Help selling tickets on brownpapertickets

o   need prizes for raffle/silent auction – contact Lyn Adamson or Rosemary Frei (lyn.ad...@gmail.com) or (raz...@riseup.net) if interested!

o   request to send out call for volunteers via 350 list

o   Padagonia has leaflets, finding bucket too large, would prefer we table (Oct 29 proposed date from 1-4, anyone interested, contact Valeria)

o   ask businesses to donate to COTTFN legal fund and if not donate items for raffle/silent auction

o   have updated flyers detailing the campaign and how to donate

o   Amelia Rose has information about buses to Ottawa in November

o   Jenn – is there an electronic version of the flyer? Yes.

o   small group looking at media strategies around the court case, Jessica Lyons and Lana Goldberg are working on it

o   next meeting will go into outreach list to which we can send material

o   to get big bucks, need some big name celebrity involvement – ball may be turning with Neil Young, Standing Rock has connections with Leo Decaprio, maybe get people to endorse via video

o   Alan question: what’s the timeline? Half-day hearing on November 30. They’re estimated to need $400,000 for their legal costs, and if they lose they may have to pay Enbridge’s legal costs

o   Jenn: do you have an update from COTTFN about their overall fundraising? They’re sitting at around $60,000

o   Snowcub: nevermind

o   Katie: for the dinner, do we have a location? Yes, Quaker meeting house. Do we have promotional material? Yes, soon, thanks to Kalina.

o   will meet again here next Tuesday

Action Group

o   have philosophy of messaging and responding to events, determined we have a problem with structure

o   need to attract new, dedicated membership

o   Phil: suggesting  debriefs after actions


$500 approval

-        Katie has spent $150 out of pocket for postcards, mailing

-        need money for Kinder Morgan event

-        vote for approval, any questions prior?

-        as long as postcards are addressed to an Ottawa office, the postage is free

-        14-0-1 decided

Next Month’s Meetings

-        Tues, Oct 25 – breakout groups and new volunteer night, as well as overviewing ongoing projects

-        Nov 1 – event called Climate Change and Indigenous Sovereignty, maybe we should just all go there? Part of Ryerson’s social justice week. Possibilities for a membership drive to recruit for 350? Ask for a table? No meeting?

-        Nov 8 – Katie thinking about doing a strategy teach-in (COTTFN meeting)

-        Nov 15 – comedy/stand-up night to fundraise for Toronto350 (COTTFN meeting)

-        Nov 22 – phone calls to encourage ppl to go to Ottawa for the Supreme Court case, set up talking points for people (COTTFN meeting)

-        Nov 29 – overview meeting with updates and planning for December

Events/Volunteer Opportunities

-        Strategy Session is Sunday, November 13

-        November 19 is COTTFN fundraising dinner

-        Nov 23 action for the TTP – contact Tresanne for more info

-        Next film festival dates: need help for Oct 30

o   more info about events are on website tcff.ca

o   spread the word about the events

o   want to make the night fun w/costumes and makeup, etc.

o   costume/clothing exchange?

-        TransformTO is bringing a climate action plan to the Toronto Council

-        Tools for Change’s last fall workshop is Engaging the Judicial System to Create Change Nov 10 6:30-9:30, Toronto350 will pay for $20 ticket

-        Tomorrow at North York Central Library there is a talk about Mississauga’s of the New Credit

-        on Saturday the Socialist candidate for the US is speaking

-        Ecofair of the Barns – 350 may be able to have flyers at the event

Valerie asking if COTTFN can have more time for meeting on Tuesdays.

email Ka...@toronto350.org if you are interested in an awesome action

Next Meeting:

              Chair: Katie

              Co-Chair: Tresanne

              Minutes: Kalina



Oct 29, 2016, 10:41:29 PM10/29/16
to toron...@googlegroups.com

Toronto350 Weekly Meeting-October 25 2016

1. 10 Min:  Intros--Go Around: climate news

Tresanne – President, fundraisers for COTTFN

Dennis – volunteers with social justice group

Brandon – chairman of the board, protestors at Dakota access have moved to a new location

Amelia Rose – runs Divest Ontario Teacher’s Pension Plan campaign, people got arrested in Ottawa yesterday (99)

Trevor – one of the 99 who was arrested yesterday! Been following movements for a while, now getting involved

Phil – research coordinator, 400ppm not going to fall back down

Kalina – Media and Creative Coordinator

Andrew – first time here, concerned about climate change

Rose – third time here, saw that renewable energy has surpassed fossil fuels

with Toronto350, helping with bucketing for COTTFN

Diane – involved with faith sub-groups, climate faith-based workshops

Alan – teaches courses for new teachers, showed film Do the Math last week – a film about the meaning behind the number 350

John – working with 350 on COTTFN fundraiser, met with people from Aamjiwnaang – Vanessa’s upcoming case

Ellery – treasurer of Toronto350, lot of protests happening at labour

Katie – Volunteer Coordinator at Toronto350, Ottawa youth arrests – turning their backs on Trudeau, Oil Change International came out with another report about how pipelines in Canada aren’t needed for economic reasons

Neil – interested in the Dakota access pipeline protests

Rosemary - busy

2. 2 Min:  Land Acknowledgement and meeting expectations

  • Respect the chair of the meeting, he/she is responsible for time management

  • Violent language is not encouraged

  • Step up or step back

3. 5 Min: Agenda approval-add agenda items-how to add agenda items

  • Agenda goes out a few days before the meeting

  • Reply with what you want to add to the agenda if needed

4.. 15 min:  Overview/Updates on what’s going on

  • Strategic Planning Session-- November 13--Tresanne

    • Day-long session deciding what campaigns to do moving forward

    • Possibly from 12-5

    • If you’re interested in helping to plan what we move forward with, keep in touch to get the location

    • Alan: what’s the difference between Toronto350 and 350.org? Tresanne: We’re basically an independent group operating under the 350 name, but we come together twice a year for big events. Katie: Canada 350 is basically six people spread across the country who support each other

    • Do you have new campaigns to propose? How do you plan a campaign?

    • Katie is doing a session on strategic planning on November 8

  • Pipelines Action (breakout tonight)/Other pipelines news--Katie

    • Katie is chair of pipelines campaign

    • Ssshhh

    • Postcards were made after Energy East hearings got delayed because all of the people on the committee recused themselves because of a conflict of interest - if you haven’t filled out the postcard, doo it!

    • Wants to start online meme campaign called Babies Against Pipelines

  • Climate 101-Trevor

    • Went to Ottawa yesterday, 99 of them got arrested

    • Gained a fair amount of media attention

    • Been reading a lot about climate change in general, got word of the event in Ottawa and got involved - yay!

  • Divest OTTP Matching Don

    • Going very slowly, going to take years

    • New management is more willing to go to events and speak so it’s better to pose a question to them

  • Matching Donations Month (for Chippewa of the Thames)--Tresanne/Ellery

    • $7 000 has been raised here in Toronto

    • Bucketing at events including the David Suzuki talk

    • Chippewas of the Thames are protesting Line 9 and taking Enbridge to the Supreme Court, they need to raise $400 000 for legal fees

    • We’ve been working with the elders to raise funds

    • Going to be having a fundraising dinner on November 19

    • Going to be an Indigenous inspired menu

    • Toronto350 is matching donations to the COTTFN GoFundMe campaign (http://www.gofundme.com/chippewas)

    • Encourage people to donate! COTTFN is giving out tax receipts, the money is going directly to them

    • Better for COTTFN to send cheques rather than donate on GoFundMe

    • Timeline is crucial - need the funds ASAP

    • If anyone has contacts within faith-based groups, talk to Diane

  • COTTFN fundraising (breakout tonight)

  • November 30 rally in Ottawa

    • November 30 COTTFN has their court case and there will be a rally, with buses organized by Greenpeace - make sure you have November 29-30 off) buses will be going the night before, protest will be starting at 8am the 30th

    • I missed that

    • Outcome of case is important for every natural resource struggle in Canada

    • Does NEB represent the crown in cases of consultation? Noope.

  • Climate Film Festival--next one this Sunday--need volunteers to table

    • If you’re interested in volunteering, let us know

    • There will be gifts for those with costumes

    • Leading into upcoming city deputation on TransformTO

  • Upcoming Transform T.O deputation--possible teach-in beforehand?  

  • Action Committee?

80 minutes:  Breakouts: COTTFN (Valerie) and Kinder Surprise Action

10 min:  Report from Breakouts

10 min:  Volops and Upcoming events

  • Volunteers needed for next tcff screening

  • Oct 30, 2016: Tales from the Climate Crypt – What Does the Future Hold?The Last Hours of Humanity: Warming the World to Extinction http://www.tcff.ca/about/O

  • Volunteers needed to help plan new people orientation

November 14th-Deputations at City Hall on Transform T.O/with TCFF

Teach in prior? ?


Tools for Change: Engaging the Judicial System to Create Change

Date: Nov 10, 6:30-9:30

Location: University of Toronto


Wed. Oct. 19, 7:30 p.m.

North York Central Library, 5120 Yonge

Talk by cultural awareness consultant Carolyn King.


Saturday Oct 22

Socialist Candidate for the U.S election speaking

Chair: Katie

Minutes: Kalina


Nov 23, 2016, 10:05:48 PM11/23/16
to toron...@googlegroups.com

Toronto 350 Meeting October 22 2016 Minutes

Land Recognition


KM Vigil Debrief

·      Great brief speeches, good big banner, Katie good MC

·      Overall a good not great event

·      We got some media but we don’t know if it made the news

·      150-200 people

·      Should have supported Jenn better Overall

·      Good individual social media action

·      This event was a very good piece of the puzzle building political pressure opposing the pipeline, it fit well with all the things that have been happening all over the country

·      We didn’t have too much time to advertise the vigil so what could we do better in the future on short notice?

·      We should be ready to respond to the decision which might be in a few days

·      Why Queen’s Park? What can we do for more visibility?

·      Why didn’t we talk about line 9 and COTTFN at the rally? Event was supposed to be smaller and for a new organizer to work and learn on.

·      Person bottom lining the event should be at the entire event and make sure things go well the day of

·      We focused too much on social media and media, therefore, the day of the event, things didn’t run so smoothly and there was a lack of preparation for the rally itself

COTTFN Fundraising

Official COTTFN Report:


·      $360,000 (by us, plus groups in London, Waterloo, Guelph)

·      rationale – in September, estimated needed amount was $400,000 and at that time about $40,000 had been raised


a) from all communities, over $100,000 ( i.e. $60,000+ in 2-3 months) and more coming in

b) from our own efforts: total $18,977.00, PLUS we can assume that a good portion of the rest of the $60,000 came from Toronto people who were given flyers/info materials at various tabling and bucketing events


·      special events (movie night, dinner, political theatre) $6,300 (plus ? from Sunday theatre)

·      bucketing at 13 events (plus EEAL9) $5,476.54

·      Business donations – nothing directly but Patagonia supported bucketing by store; collected $?

·      Trade unions -$3,400 from 6 union locals (several more requests in process)

·      Student unions $4,500 from CFS and UofT (this week motions being discussed at UofT and York)

·      Climate Convergence Vancouver, November meeting, raised $100.00 (approaching TO350 for matching donation)


Success factors:

·      Started with low-hanging fruit re: student unions and trade unions (give CUPE example)

·      Volunteers worked in areas where they are most comfortable (e.g. dinner, bucketing/tabling, student group or union donations, faith groups); no “guilting out”

·      Met almost every week to stay on track; used work plan to guide discussions and to track activities (and then transferred results to TO350 Solidarity page, to demonstrate transparency and accountability)


·      Difficulty reaching big names or wealthy donors who could really push this over the top – Myeengun going to Standing Rock in December to get contacts and advice on this

·      Can always use more volunteers e.g. for bucketing, for new ideas

·      Linking up with the media folks; question of capacity on their end because of court case?

·      Making better connections with TO350 capacities e.g. for social media, communications, etc.


·      Continue with initiatives that are underway (e.g. motions with trade unions, follow up on letters to faith community, sale of lapel pins)


·      Post-Supreme Court hearing, think about how to best message our request

·      The political issues underlying the suit (duty to consult) are coming to a head over the next couple of months, and this could help post-November 30 fundraising

·      Explore in areas we haven’t had a chance to do yet, e.g. businesses

·      Possibly a joint meeting with COTT and Kitchener, London (and Guelph) groups; Myneegun to organize; meeting in Kitchener possibly January

·      A social here in January with Myeengun, to celebrate our success, get to know each other a little better, meet Myeengun in less formal setting

Other Info

·      Busses to Ottawa on Tuesday Night to COTTFN fill the hill rally

·      We put fundraising on the website to be transparent

·      COTTFN has raised $100,000 in total

·      Us in TO have Raised about $19,000 alone

·      Funds raised from: Dinner:5500, Bucketing, Patagonia Bucketing, Student unions, Theatre event $2000, Matching many individual donations, much more

·      Tactics: we went to “low hanging fruits”, we had volunteers working in areas they are most happy and comfortable, meetings often

·      Challenges: getting wealthy donors, We haven’t gotten close to $400,000, getting too little volunteers, getting too little media, coordinating generally with TO350.

·      Next steps: feather lapel pins, working and building momentum off KM and other climate issues, more strategizing with COTTFN, a social for all COTTFN volunteers

·      We aren’t doing enough to make our efforts known?

·      We should have live streamed the Dinner maybe?

Questions or Comments

·      Thanks to all for the great work on COTFN Dinner

·      Dinner was amazing and it sold out

·      Concerned with lack of coordination on COTTFN campaign

·      Working with faith groups for Fundraising tabling and outreach has been rather successful

·      80 people came

·      It was good to have silent auction and wild game meal

·      The Theatre fundraiser was good, the room was packed

·      Thanks to Leon for printing so much stuff

·      It is great to have people doing fundraisers from all across Ontario

·      If you’re going to Ottawa, you should try to network with other people, not just your friends


·      There is no money for the Toronto Climate plan in the Toronto budget

·      We want to work on organizing a lobbying plan for 2020 climate plan

·      We can also talk about this at the Strategy Session

Upcoming Events

·      TCFF film on renewables this Sunday at 7pm at Friends house

·      New Volunteer night at the regale beagle Wednesday November 23

·      Agents for Change Climate Solutions Program, link to application here: https://socialinnovation.org/accelerator/2016-agents-of-change-climate-solutions

·      Volunteers needed for TPP Public Tea Party, Facebook event here: https://www.facebook.com/events/336045473424995/

·      Patagonia store tabling: Friday November 25 11 AM- 7 PM

·      Next Tuesdays: 29th meeting cancelled due to COTTFN rally, December 6th is the Toronto 350 AGM, December 13th is our holiday party at Roger’s house, December 20th and 27th are cancelled due to holidays

·      If there is something you wanted to be voted on, you should send it to tres...@toronto350.org

·      Vlog Brothers are running a huge fundraiser called “Project for Awesome” in January, this funnels money into charities. We could raise a lot of money through this.


Dec 9, 2016, 10:10:03 PM12/9/16
to toron...@googlegroups.com

Agenda:  Toronto350 Annual General Meeting

December 6, 2016

To Begin

  • Land Recognition:

  • Intros

    • Angela

    • Lindy

    • Paulavi

    • Jody

    • Valerie

    • Gerry - loves rain, turns into river

    • Hatley - loves rain, it’s relaxing

    • Maya - water is life

    • Fatin - likes rain

    • Paula

    • Estella

    • Roger - likes rain

    • Amelia Rose - Divest OTTP leader, likes rain cause it gives life

    • Brandon - loves rain for all of the reasons

    • Ellery - treasurer - rain feels cleansssing

    • Kalina - rain is refreshing

    • Caleb - administrative coordinator & chair, rain keeps him cool

    • Tresanne - President, likes rain cause it’s wet

  • Brief announcements

    • Disability Policy (Policy is here)

      • If ever chairing, make sure you put it in the agenda

      • Read it!

    • Strategy Session Update

      • Had a session on Sunday

      • Talked about new campaigns for the upcoming months

      • Particularly Energy East and renewables, as well as solidarity

      • Left with three core campaigns

    • COTTFN Update (info about the court case)

      • Are now selling pins for $10, all going to COTTFN

    • Stu - intention to step down in a few months after helping transition. Intention may change depending on how activism is going in europe for him

    • Dec 13 social

      • Woot

      • It’s a potluck at Roger’s (388 Bloor Street E.) (Bloor & Sherbourne)

    • Tres vacation

      • Going to India for a month

      • Leaving December 15, returning January 14

      • Going to talk to exec and board members about vacation

    • Solidarity criteria working group

      • Going to start a group focussed on endorsing other groups and setting the criteria for group solidarity (email ka...@toronto350.org or kal...@toronto350.org if you’re interested in being part of this group)

    • TCFF film reminder

      • Subject: A Safe Climate Future, What is the World’s Carbon Budget?

      • 60 Lowther Ave., Friends House, 7pm

    • Mission statement

Financial Statement from the Treasurer



  • Board will approve statements, after approval it’s brought to membership to be ratified before submitting to Corporations Canada:

  • Year of reporting is from July 1 - June 30

  • Statement of Financial Position (balance sheet, what we have, what’s its value): income generally comes from donations which have been growing

  • Income Statement: deeper look at what’s coming in and what’s going out. Approx $17 000 from donations, approx $10,000 from grant. Program expenses include paying President, facilities, etc. Fundraising expenses include costs of facilitating events. Administrative expenses.

  • Net revenue this year: approx $2,000

  • Statement of Cash Flows: $11,261 in bank in June

  • Docs relating to what exactly Toronto350 does, including what specific campaigns were worked on during the year

  • Statement of Activities:

  • Donation report: big spikes in July and August, dipped going into October, higher during matching periods. Base started high, now it’s dipping - Ellery is worried cause this is important for support. Spending approx $1200/month for paid staff, only making $400-600/month. 50% of income was spent on paying people (president and facilitators). 20% of income spent on actual programming, could be problematic for donors. Possibility for having head coordinators for events that bottom line and get paid for that period of time.

  • Need to focus on fundraising! And donor support.

  • Thinks we can’t keep paying people like we have unless we get grants.

  • If more money gets raised, we can put more money into projects!

  • Fatin: Are there any grant application coming up? Are any active? Tresanne: we applied for TIDES, didn’t get it. They’re cutting back, haven’t looked into new ones recently. Applied for three so far, not sure of status. Patagonia will tell us in February, other one was rejected.

  • Katie: why do we have three different ways for people to give us donations? Argues that other half of pie chart could all be considered programming, thinks it would be valuable to break down the smaller parts of the pie. If we can get people to see specifically where we’re spending money, it could be easier to get donors. They could be interested in donating to a specific thing (ie. art supplies) as opposed to a general org. Thinks paying people for specific projects would be too precarious, doesn’t think we should do it.

  • Amelia Rose: can anyone answer Katie’s first question? Tresanne: PayPal is used for monthly donations, AuthorizeNet for people who are uncomfortable with PayPal (might default here for monthly), Stripe is another. Amelia Rose: we’re paying $15/month for AuthorizeNet, is this necessary? No, he’ll figure out why we have three different services.

Voting on Financial Statement

Ellery: motion to ratify financial situation.

10 -In favour




Major Proposals

  • The Board would like to propose that Ellery be given an honorarium of $600 to thank her for her tireless work as treasurer, including for her help in keeping Toronto350 compliant with NGO reporting obligations.

    • Brandon bringing up the motion, Tresanne seconds it

    • Kalina: what financial situation does this put us in? Ellery: we’re near $9,000, but need to pay Tresanne. Will be money left over.

    • 8 - favour

    • 0 - opposed

    • 1 - abstaining - motion passed!

  • Any others Submitted

    • Ellery raising motion to continue with Shiraz Merchant our current accountant

    • Tresanne seconds it

    • 9 - favour

    • 0 - opposed

    • 0 - abstaining - motion carried!

Changes to Constitution

  • Change quorum to 7

    • More ideal for where the group is at

    • Caleb: makes sense cause it’s a good representation of voting members that come to meetings

    • Fatin: do you renew membership or are you a member for life? Tresanne: wording was not specific last year on renewing, wants to talk group structure. Sees flaws in being allowed to vote on large motions if you’ve only been to two meetings.

    • Tresanne proposes, Caleb seconds

    • 8 - favour

    • 0 - opposed

    • 1 - abstaining

  • Delete survey on website needed to become a voting member

    • Hasn’t been checked in a while

    • Doesn’t feel it’s that effective

    • Amelia Rose: what would be the requirement? Tresanne: for right now, just the two meetings, but we’d have to have a discussion about it.

    • Ellery: do we have to wait until next AGM to add new members requirement? Tresanne: three ways to do it. Call electoral meeting, get approval from board or exec, or at AGM

    • Katie: if we scrap survey, what does that mean for current members who filled out the survey? Tresanne: if we scrap survey and they’ve still attended two meeting then they’re still members

    • Tresanne presents motion

    • 6 - favour

    • 3 - abstaining

    • 0 - opposed - motion carried!

Voting on Campaign Leads

We can make it a secret ballot if anyone wishes. If there’s a tie, we discuss, then re-vote, and if there’s still a tie, the chair (tonight is Caleb) will make the decision.

  • Pipelines Campaign

    • Katie is running

      • 9 - favour

      • 0 - abstaining

      • 0 - opposed - motion carried!

    • Energy East Campaign?

  • OTPP Divestment Campaign

    • Tresanne nominates Amelia Rose

      • 12 - favour

      • 0 - opposed

      • 0 - abstaining

  • Municipal Renewables/energy efficiency

    • Tresanne nominates Kalina, Roger seconds

      • 11 - favour

      • 0 - opposed

      • 1 - abstaining - motion carried!

Board elections

(from last year:

Keara (3 years), Stuart (3 years), Brandon (2 years), Tali (2 years), Jesse (1 year), Taylor (1 year)

3yrs, but also can step down whenever

Running Statements:

Jody: hasn’t been involved with Toronto350 that much in the past year, was living in New York. She was on the OTTP Divestment campaign. Is running so she can make the connection between climate justice and racial justice. Focussed on organizational structure and how important relationships within those organizations are.

Fatin: Started as an international youth advocate. Does a lot of work documenting racial/climate justice. Interested in strategic thinking and the financial health of the organization (ie. fundraising). Telling the story of Toronto350 and how it has made an impact in a way that is engaging and shows the work that goes into everything.

Maya: professional fundraiser by trade. Went to COPP in November, motivated her to get involved. Does a lot of community organizing, interested in climate justice and racial justice and their intersections. Wants to bring fundraising expertise for expanding donor base. Passions are in building strong relationships with Indigenous communities and direct action.

Angela: background in large environmental organizations (e.g. Greenpeace, Council of Canadians). Can bring thought to intersectionality and working with new Canadians. Interested in nonviolent direct action, wants to bring her history with actions to the group. Was impressed with Toronto350, and wants to work with us.

Pallavi: lot of work with nonprofits around newcomers to Canada, encouraging those people to get involved in the climate movement. Done movement building work with Earth Day Canada. Has not worked with Toronto350 before, but has heard a lot. Thinks she can help us grow while also growing her own set of skills.

Tresanne - over past year have had discussions over what exactly our board should do, thinking about where the group stands and what is missing. What could the next board do to help us? Fundraising is key. Would be nice if we had a buddy system (ie. each board member pairs up with an exec to talk about progress, what you need, etc.). Tresanne doesn’t always have time to check in with the Executive Committee. Old board talked about organizing a retreat, thinks it would be nice to have in March or April - hang out and build skills via workshops, etc. Board is employer of President and staff. Bring more of a climate justice focus to the organization. Exec does more day-to-day stuff, the Board is less involved with that. Board important to help develop leadership, maintain the group, and stay within legal confines of an NGO.

How many board members are we electing?

The first Board discussed having people voted in for 1, 2, and 3 years and the year after, people were voted in for three years. This way there are always new people circulating, but we have the experience of former members. Each person today will be voted in for a three year period.

Stu will be stepping down in a couple months (Jan-Marchish)

Tali and Brandon will be staying for another year.

Board has discussed having 3-7 members, by-laws allow 3-11 so Stu stays for now. Tresanne wants to vote for five people, and we can talk again in the new year. If we have too many members, it’s harder to achieve quorum.

Ellery: if we want to fill five positions and we have five candidates, do we still vote?

Tresanne: yes, because one person still may be unqualified or unsuitable. If less people are elected, that’s fine.

Valerie: impressed with everyone’s skills. If we have x vacancies and they get filled, would it be possible to see what role Toronto350 could play in terms of job justice? And add another Board space for that goal?

Brandon: is there value in having another name on the board? Doesn’t see the strategy.

Tresanne opens up Q&A!


1. What is your projected capacity? What can we expect in the next six months?

Angela: going to have a baby so that takes up time, but also leaves a strange

amount of free time. Can accomplish things, but may be on a different time frame.

Won’t be going back to work for 6-8months.

FATIN: finishing contract with LeadNow this year, might be fully employed next


JODY: Currently working full time with Leap Manifesto, but will have time for board stuff.

LINDY: Works full time down the street, she’s good for capacity.

8-10 hours/month, works down the street

2. Are you aware of the demand of a board member?

JODY: Yes, time permits

LINDY: Aware, but keen. Lives directly across the street.

3. What do you think Toronto350’s role should be with Indigenous communities?

Angela: we need to be an ally!

FATIN: Demonstrating and acting on Indigenous solidarity would be a priority.

JODY: Institutional relationships used in a meaningful way, not co-opt Indigenous

rights language into climate change issue

LINDY: No Indigenous people ran for the board, that shows an issue. Solidarity begins with listening and understanding what communities need and want

P: wants to promote empowerment within Indigenous communities

Katie: Do we have a set amount of times each year that the board meets?

Brandon: Quarterly


1.  Fundraising and creating ties between our group and others. Wants an idea from each person of what they see our Board doing in those areas.

Angela: connections with different groups. Networking with those who can aid us

FATIN: has familiarity with some people here, but wants to achieve Toronto350’s


JODY: useful to connect with other groups and movements, want to brainstorm and discuss Toronto350’s vision with board and exec

P: messaging and communicating with communities

2. Sees a potential issue on communication between Board, Exec, and members. How do you see that relationship?

Angela: board needs to fill in the blanks for what’s needed for the organization

LINDY: assess what community and members need

3. Because 350.org is a huge organization, a lot of people coming are new to climate work. How do we bring those people up to speed on what’s going on within the climate justice movement?

FATIN: Should invest in education within the group. Interested in knowing how it’s

already working, and how we can improve.

LINDY: Educating people face to face

QnA (30min)






*All board members provide mailing address to Tresanne


Jan 14, 2017, 1:59:43 AM1/14/17
to Toronto 350.org

Agenda-January 10, 2017-Steelworkers Hall

Present: Katie (Chair and Minutes), Caleb, Kika, Estella, Caleb, Sharon, Nickie V-L, Alan, Roger, Valerie, Phil, Sharon, John Sharkey, Snowcubb (late), Paula (late), Brandon (late).

Land Acknowledgement

15 minutes: 2016 Review:

  • January--People’s Injunction--Action at Carolyn Bennett’s office--Kinder Morgan--NEB reform/UofT Divestment Decision and response

  • February--Hot Stuff Fundraiser, Home Fires Burning

  • March--Leap Manifesto Town Hall with MPP Cheri Dinovo and Avi Lewis

  • April--Board Fundraiser, Debunking Growth: Economics 101 educational workshop, Divest OTPP at OTPP AGM

  • May-September--Lysistrata Climate play fundraiser with Trinity Church, Peoples Climate Plan Teach In--over 100 participants/Meetings--participated in 5 MP meetingsber

  • October-Climate 101

  • September-November--COTTFN fundraising--November 30 rally in Ottawa to support supreme court day

  • November--Sit-in at Carolyn Bennett’s office to ask her to reject Kinder Morgan/Kinder Morgan Vigil

  • December--Strategy Session--New Board of Directors

20 min--COTTFN--Going forward!

Bucketing was very successful,  lots of different groups and events involved--, student unions and trade unions were very generous, special events, pin--have sold over 500 in less than a month, --total 150,000 raised so far (across S. Ontario).

  • Costs-winning will be 400,000-500,000--Chippewa have paid 200,000 to lawyers so far

  • Supreme court has 6 months, thought they would take their time, but might be sooner (end of February)

  • Brainstorm going forward--still a live issue

  • Question about what the pipeline the hearing was about exactly-- had to do with  Enbridge Line 9--which the NEB approved the reversal of to carry tarsands bitumen--there was lots of opposition from communities along the line--but the Chippewas of the Thames challenge seemed the best place to put opposition resources at this time

  • History of organizing in Toronto--many groups have worked for years--did municipal lobbying--city councillors didn’t want to touch it--not their jurisdiction

  • Phil has tried to contact city of Mississauga about safety of Line 9--can’t ge much of an answer

  • What about a tour of Line 9? Or an art exhibit?  Printerz Direct Action seems like an interesting arty contact--apply for funding from federal government?  --Federal funds for arts--have focus on Indigneous issues right now

  • Continue bucketing? Yes.  Anti-trump rallies a possibility

  • Promoting pin sales--small businesses? Coffee shops?  Patagonia?  Lush? Yoga?

  • Myeengun Henry wants to hold joint meetingof  varioius cities fundraising networks (probably in Kitchener).  Valerie will keep us updated.

  • Should the fundraising group continue to work at Toronto 350 meetings?  Yes

  • Question: could settler citizens of Canada do what the Chippewa of the Thames did?  No.

  • Question about tactics. Legal challenges need to be complimented with Direct Action and mass education and demonstration

15 minutes Pipelines/Tarsands update

  • At strategy session decided to refocus on opposing Energy East, while taking guidance for solidarity with continued Kinder Morgan opposition from West Coast

  • NEB has chosen new panel for Energy East hearings--they will need to decide how to proceed--many environmental groups urging to start process over again from beginning-we need to re-engage supporters on this--update them

  • 2 First Nations groups from Treaty 9 are asking court for an injunction to stop Transcanada from doing “integrity digs” on existing pipeline on their territory (which would become Energy East)--looking for solidarity at Ontario Superior Court on January25.  Good chance to build relationships--

  • Ideas for Transcanada Injunction support: --Livestream--Snowcubb

  • Potluck with visitors from Treaty 9?  --marybe at CSI?  Katie will stay in touch with contact, Kika interested--Volop to help plan

  • Line 3 Pipeline--how to support resistance?  Find contacts with people.  Amelia Rose and Katie trying to guage interest amongst various people/orgs to have a cross organization strategy session on pipelines in general.

15 minutes-Municipal engagement campaign update--Kalina the lead--absent due to weather

15 minutes-Transform T.O--City of Toronto Budget submission--still chance to submit a written request to have Transform TO climate plan funded in the 2017 budget.  Email budget committee at b...@toronto.ca or your local councillor.  Upcoming townhalls on budget:

Councillor Budget Town Halls  

From this website:  


January 10 & 17 – Ward 41 Chin Lee – at 7pm at 31 Glen Watford Dr

January 17 – Ward 10 James Pasternak Annual Town Hall from 6:30pm to 8:30pm at Antibes Community Centre, 140 Antibes Drive, gym

January 19 – Ward 27 Kristyn Wong-Tam at 6:30pm at 519 Church Street Community Centre, 519 Church Street, room 106

January 19 – Ward 33 Shelley Carroll from 6-8pm at Fairview Library, 35 Fairview Mall Drive

January 26 – Ward 13 Gord Perk & Ward 14 Sarah Doucette co-hosting budget town hall from 7-9pm at Bishop Marrocco/Thomas Merton School, 1515 Bloor Street West, 3rd floor, staff room

January 28 – Ward 18 Ana Bailao from 11am to 1 pm at Wallace Emerson Community Centre, 1260 Dufferin St

February 9 – Ward 21 Joe Mihevc at 7pm at Theatre Direct, 601 Christie Street

There is also a budget town hall for Wards 19 and 20 at Scadding Court Community Centre on Jan 12th. Councillors Joe Cressy & Mike Layton's City Budget Town Hall

7pm Scadding Court Community Centre 707 Dundas St. W. (Bathurst and Dundas)

Other--Do we want to have a climate justice contingent at the Trump rally on 21st at Queen’s Park?  Need to get in touch with organizers--maybe make a banner?

Upcoming Events-

Wednesday, Jan. 11: Green Economy Perspective--Forum wit Chair of Canada’s Ecofiscal Commission--Registration $20 5-6PM--Centre for Social Innovation

Meeting Room D - Ground Level

192 Spadina Avenue in Toronto

Wed. Jan 11: Innovative Cities & Climate Change, with David Miller, President & CEO of WWF C--7PM-9:30 PM--Swansea Townhall (run by Green 13)


Phil--Carbon Tax in Alberta--Income based--but are cutting corporate taxes on oil companies--hard to figure what will be the real effects on GHG--seems like a strange way to announce oil subsidies.  

Next meeting will be a conflict resolution--communication workshop--mandatory for executive.  We will look into getting another  room for those who want to have a regular meeting as well.

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