2015 Planning Meeting Minutes

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Jan 2, 2015, 12:56:09 PM1/2/15
to toron...@googlegroups.com
Planning Meeting Minutes in 2015.


Jan 7, 2015, 3:06:52 PM1/7/15
to toron...@googlegroups.com

Toronto350.org planning meeting minutes: 2014-01-06

Present: Tresanne, Amelia-Rose, Graham, Stu, Jo, Sam, Ariel, Klim, Milan, Aaron, Tina, Michael, Megan, Cullen, Beata, Lyn, Nadine

Chair: Tresanne

Minutes: Aaron

VolOper (Volunteer  opportunity helper) :  Graham

Introductions and welcome

Welcome to 2015! (Stu)

2015 major year for climate change. Going to require a lot of work, leadership, creativity, bravery.

Divestment decision at U of T this year to change $6B in investments. Divest U of T is getting new recruits.

Battle for Energy East. Won or lost based on us—the movement. Maclean’s magazine called Harper the biggest enemy of the oil sands because he’s undermined trust in regulatory system. He’s done a bad PR job.

But it’s actually us—activists and organizers—not Harper who are defeating the tar sands.

Toronto 350 selected to run the flagship event for Global Divestment Day.

Spring rally in Quebec.

Summer climate rally.

Actions in the fall

Everything culminates at COP 21 in Paris. We’re hoping for a binding climate agreement. We’ll need to mobilize more effectively than ever before.

Campaign updates


15 minutes to strategize about Energy East -- largely postponed, as two of the campaigns leads are not present.

Submitted comments: We will be meeting with Cam this week to discuss where 350 mothership is with the PCI strategy, and which groups in Ontario are working on it that we should be connecting with.   We are working on compiling a list of orgs to reach out to to supply intervenors.   There is also OEB meetings in various municipalities along the line throughout January.  The OEB is also taking written submissions--deadline Feb. 6, we may have a letter writing ‘party’.  Anyone wanting to get involved with Energy East campaign, get in touch with Ben, Katie or Sam.

  • Why is the OEB having an environmental assessment with EE when they didn’t with Line9? We don’t know.

  • Develop applications template to eventually get rejected

  • Develop pledge or letter

  • When Energy Board opens application, we can contact all these people.

Divest U of T


  • 18 new people at January 5 meeting!

  • Planning a retreat for the Divestment campaign end of ~January 31-1.

  • Getting ready to reach out to ad-hoc and governing council.

  • Looking for suggestions for legitimate or big-name speaker to Ad-Hoc Committee:

    • Asking for authorities they can talk to and quiz.

    • People who work in finance or divestment


Step Up, Canada! Presentation refinement & next training session on Sunday. Please contact Kai if you’re interested in being a part of this training session.

Divest All the Things


  • [Nothing new]

Fossil Free Futures


  • [Nothing new] but Tina will have an update by next week

Major proposals

  • Motion passes unanimously to amend constitution to remove chair of finance committee from the Director of Development. Transfer it to position of treasurer.

  • 12 in favour. 1 Abstention.

  • New Treasurer text:

    • The Treasurer shall chair the Finance Committee in support of organizational administration and shall coordinate with its members on the establishment of budgets. In this role, they shall liaise with the board on the financial management of the organization. They are responsible for being the main signatory on cheques, preparation of financial statements, and bank reconciliation. The Treasurer reports to the president.


New Director of Development

  • Amended text:

  • Current definition of position from the constitution: “The Development Director shall have primary responsibility for the acquisition of new financial resources for the group and to maintain supporter relations. The development director shall chair the Development Committee and coordinate with its members to establish and implement strategic development plans to improve the organization's financial standing. The Development Director shall sit on the Finance Committee, and work alongside the treasurer to establish budgets.”

  • Graham offered to take it on temporarily, until the end of the month. The search continues...

Constitutional Amendments

Operations Director

Changing the Operations Director’s roll, as chair of the Campaigns Committee, to be in charge of organizing the twice-yearly strategy sessions. This should be done in collaboration with the president.

  • Amended text:

    • The Operations Director shall have primary responsibility for coordinating events put on by the organization. This includes providing logistics and coordination, room or space booking, setup, and takedown. The Operations Director shall chair the Campaigns Committee and coordinate with its members, ensuring they understand their responsibilities, are communicating and follow through. In this role, they shall be responsible for organizing strategy sessions at least twice-yearly, in collaboration with the president and campaign managers. The Operations Director shall also chair the Innovation Committee in support of organizational administration and shall coordinate with its members on organizational efficiency.  In this role, they shall liaise with the board on structural changes to the organization.

  • Motion passes. 9 in favour. 0 opposed. 1 Abstention.

Outreach position

  • Motion passes unanimously to amend the Outreach Director description as follows (merging of committees):

    • The Outreach Director shall have primary responsibility for the organization's public face. They shall serve as the primary point of unsolicited contact for the group, listed on the website. The Outreach director shall chair the Public Engagement Committee and coordinate with its members to support stakeholder engagement with tabling, petition drives and film screenings.

  • Motion passes unanimously to again amend the outreach director description (first point of contact, rather than public face):  

    • The Outreach Director shall serve as the first point of contact, when people approach Toronto350.org, and shall be listed as the contact person on the group's website. They shall be responsible for responding to initial queries, and passing on others to the most appropriate person within Toronto350.org. The Outreach director shall chair the Public Engagement Committee and coordinate with its members to support stakeholder engagement with tabling, petition drives and film screenings.

Political Operations Director

The Political Operations Director shall have primary responsibility for monitoring and appraising the political landscape for opportunities to amplify campaign goals.  They shall plan and conduct nonviolent and creative action as a way to apply campaign pressure to public figures.  The Political Operations Director shall chair the Special Activities and Actions Committee and coordinate with its members to identify and react rapidly to targets of opportunity to plan, execute and/or oversee nonviolent actions in support of organizational campaigns.

Note:  Basically the change is that the Special Activities Committee and Action Committees have been combined into one committee: the Special Activities and Action Committee!!.  Here is the new write up for that committee:

Special Activities and Actions Committee:

If you have an interest in political activities and/or direct action you should join the Special Activities and Actions Committee. This committee shall work collaboratively to respond with rapid mobilizations to emergent circumstances or targets of opportunity for nonviolent direct action including interruptions, interventions, "bird-dogging", attending events to talk to public figures about campaigns as well as more formal lobbying, letter-writing and political communications.

  • Motion passes to merge committees with 11 in favour and 1 abstention.


Moving structural discussions to the exec, and inviting people to contribute at those meetings (Stu)

  • People didn’t like the idea of the structural decisions about the group being moved completely out of the membership’s reach, although people also agreed that we’d been focussing too much on structure in our planning meetings over the past few months. Having to “apply” to contribute to the discussions based on an agenda that was published only a few hours before a meeting wasn’t enough warning, and built a hierarchical relationship into the group that wasn’t preferable.

  • Instead, it was agreed that the Innovation Committee will continue to exist, and that there is an understanding that it will meet around the same time as the monthly exec meetings, in order to reduce meeting-burden. This basically codifies existing practices.

  • Smaller structural decisions (such as planning meeting structure) are going to be made on a continuous basis, even if the larger structural decisions have hopefully been decided on in the past few months.

  • Larger structural decisions would still be brought to the group in the planning meetings.

  • People also wanted the Innovation Committee opened up to the membership, rather than it just being comprised of the exec and board. Adjusted committee text (removal of being elected as membership requirements):

    • The Innovation Committee is an administrative committee which will work collaboratively with the Operations Director and Board of Directors. It will meet monthly at an appointed time to review organizational efficiency, structure and growth management, making its recommendations in writing to the President.

  • Suggestion was made that the president will chair Innovation Committee that the name be changed to Structure Committee. For further discussion next week.

Volunteer opportunities

  • Collaboration with Kai on the PCM documentary and 350’s involvement

    • Volunteer needed

  • Contact MEC or other places for gift cards

    • Beata volunteered

  • Annual Report/Yearbook

    • Tina Volunteered

  • Can someone record the nationbuilder workshop with video cam?

    • Jo volunteered

  • It would be good to to have someone go through the website and find out things like: 1) out of date pages, 2) pages that need more/better content, 3) pages that don't make sense. And locate any broken pictures and links. Also, add pictures to: http://www.toronto350.org/campaigns

    • Aaron, Klim, Graham volunteer. Stu is coordinating

  • Write blurb about video that has people join us (for email blast and website homepage)

    • Graham volunteered

    • Tina will connect with new volunteers who sign up

  • Email profs about showing video

    • Megan and Cullen

  • One or more volunteers to look through answers to survey and provide a summary for the group

    • Tresanne volunteered

  • To volunteer with the special activities and actions committee please email ka...@toronto350.org or talk to Katie.  Upcoming action:  global day of divestment in February.  Need people to help plan, execute and record (media).

Next meeting

Chair: Sam

Minutes: Graham

VolOper: Ariel

Location: United Steelworkers Hall

Event announcements

-       Do people want to go to this? (Tues night, U of T campus)


We could get a group ticket for people if we get 5+ interested. Do we want to pay for people to go? Yes, $10/person for members. Lyn to send to members, Nadine to send on mailchimp. ($10 per person if we use the group discount, at least 5 people. Otherwise $20). It will be in Toronto but livestreamed and taped so you can see it at home.

-       Meeting with Cam Fenton: 8pm Thurs Jan 8th. Room at OISE for about 20 people has been booked.--we will be in room 11-115 at OISE


-       Nation Builder workshop Jan 17 or 18

-       Winter Wisdom Workshop: 6pm Sat Jan 24th, Ben will look into booking a room.

-       Course on advocacy and governmental relations

      Being taught by Jessica Bell at Ryerson from January 15 to April 15, on Wednesdays from 6:30 to 9:30pm

      “Anyone can take this course as it's through the continuing education

department. If you're a Ryerson student you could try and secure credit

to take the course and have it contribute to your degree or program.

Some students in other schools might also be eligible to take the

course and get an out-of-university course credit; it depends upon your


      “Voluntary and nonprofit organizations need to advocate effectively on behalf of

their constituencies and their organization. The course provides

hands-on, applied training that will enable those working in the third

sector to advocate and lobby effectively on behalf of their specific

constituency, and also as part of broader coalitions (social movements)

for change. Topics include influencing the public policy process,

identifying and accessing government bodies and resources, developing

effective public and government relations strategies.”


Breakout groups

-       Documentary crowd fund launch & editing / incorporation of Toronto350 (Kai - Art Committee) - postponed

-       Discuss what needs to go out via email blast that week (discuss with campaign people regarding what needs to be broadcast) (Comms comm)

-       Create fb events for upcoming things, e.g. WWWW, potluck and pubnight (Sam volunteered). (Communications Committee)

-       Weather Preparedness signs (art committee)

-       Highway Banners (art committee) - postponed

-       Finance committee also met

Katie Krelove

Jan 13, 2015, 10:24:04 PM1/13/15
to toron...@googlegroups.com

Minutes for Weekly Meeting Toronto350.org January 13th 2015 7pm

Present: Sam, Cullen, Aaron, Alison, Joe, Tresanne, Sofia, Stu, Sylvia, Graham, Tina, Keegan, Brad, Brian, Frank, Ryan, Paul, Emmay, Lynne, Ariel, Nadine, Amanda, Ben, Katie

Chair: Sam

Minutes: Graham

  1. Campaign Updates

    1. Pipelines

      1. Meeting soon

      2. NEB has announced dates accepting applications Feb 3rd to March 3rd

      3. Ben explained Peoples Climate Intervention

      4. Team is gearing up to setting up application writing parties and a planning meeting in the near future

    2. Divest U of T

      1. Yesterday a record number of new members at a meeting

      2. Planning for global divestment day

      3. Planning for our retreat out to Hart House Farms

      4. Stu asked if anyone good come to GDA on campus or if that is just for students

      5. Ariel responded with a maybe but we will let everyone know when we know

    3. Step it Up Canada

      1. Background of group and an intro by Emmay

      2. 1st element of campaign is public education  

      3. Trainer’s Training session is being organized shortly so stay tuned if keen on getting involved in presenting and participating

      4. 2nd element is social media element and getting it off the ground in the next few weeks.

      5. Brian is coordinating some sort of major event this year leading up to COP.

      6. - He then elaborated the event plans. Still fairly new in terms of plans but something shortly before the Pan Am games as well as a major event around Paris

      7. - He also talked about the necessity of working with likeminded group to encourage work between groups

      8. - General goal of the group is to involve as many organizations as possible and as many people as possible.

      9. January 31st presentation at TCAN to explain the campain

    4. Divest all the Things

      1. - Ontario Teachers Pension Plan

      2. - April AGM for the Pension Plan where they plan to make a little noise

    5. Fossil Free Futures

      1. volunteer opportunity: Help write & deploy a survey about sustainable investing that we will send out to a variety of people.

      2. -Looking beyond divestment and over towards reinvestment

      3. -Early plan is to create a survey and send it out to different stakeholders to guage where roadblocks and opportunities lie.

      4. - Need help to the put this together if anyone is interested in creating a survey - Nadine and Sophia

  2. Beyond Crisis: general update (Kai)

    1. - Going well and hammering into things now. Filming tonight even.

  3. Development director

    1. - Stu explained the role

    2. - Cullen and Sophia were interested in it

    3. - Will vote at next Tuesdays meeting

  4. Structure committee

    1. - Moving mostly into the executive but for major proposals the group will be presented to one meeting and then the change will be voted on the following week.

  5. Lessons Learned reporting (Stu and Ben)

    1. - Sheets for keeping tabs on the lessons learned from events will be made available. This is a way to learn and improve on our past experiences

  6. Should we run a this changes everything event (Stu)

    1. -They are really popular. Crazy popular.

    2. - Just to keep in mind as they are a great trending idea right now for event promotion

  7. Climate Impact Network Letter to Federal Leaders (Amelia-Rose)

    1. Need more info about this from Amelia-Rose

  8. Treasurer: Plan to distribute campaign budgets. Vote to implement it (Graham)

    1. Graham pitched a plan to distribute the campaign finances

    2. This was met with some concerns

    3. Silvie- Accounting software?

    4. Brian- Bringing in the unspent money and receipts annually

    5. Emmay- Match up paper trail and internal procedures

    6. Joe- This is something that should definitely be passed with the Board

    7. Stu- Thursday Board meeting where he will bring this up

    8. Also decided it would be wise to draft a one page financial policy document on how to deal with spending under $500

    9. Joe, Nadine, Graham, Emmay agree to make a policy document for small finances

  9. Blog (Tina)

    1. Who is going to do the blog? 1 person or many people that contribute?

    2. Alison volunteered to help out

  10. Promo video: release to public eye (Kai)

    1. -Looking for helpers to give advice on the text

    2. -Stu says the target might be more towards the Energy Easy Campaign as opposed to Global Divestment Day of Action because GDDA actions are not needing as many people

  11. Winter Wisdom Wizarding Workshop- Renamed “Winning the Winter Planning Workshop”

    1. OISE 5280 5pm Sat Jan 24th

    2. Potluck or pizza? The following Tues is meant to be potluck.

    3. Pizza it is!

  12. Pubnight Intro session

    1. Can we budget $50/month to pay for nachos and a pitcher or two?

    2. - Discussion for this was positive with no strong objections

    3. - Ben raised that it should still be inclusive of people that don’t drink alcohol

    4. - No objections so we are going to go ahead with this

    5. - First meeting 8-9 at the regal beagle next Wednesday

  13. Find Next chair and minute taker

    1. Chair- Ben

    2. Minute Taker- Stu

    3. VolOp- Graham

  14. Events

  • Lots going on but minute taker fell behind

  • Nobody came after to request the events be included so we let it slide

  1. Committee breakouts

  1. Cullen’s gonna talk about something

    1. - Contact with Quebec group opposing pipeline

    2. - They have a lot of money and we might want to contact them and potentially collaborate

    3. - Katie is interested in writing the letter so Cullen, Katie, Sophia will work on this

  2. Came back together and a breif debrief

    1. Then to the BAR!

On Friday, January 2, 2015 at 12:56:09 PM UTC-5, thugsb wrote:
Planning Meeting Minutes in 2015.


Jan 21, 2015, 11:45:35 AM1/21/15
to toron...@googlegroups.com

Toronto350.org Meeting Minutes Jan 20th, 2015

Present: Lyn, Paul, Carolyn, Ezlyn, Daniel W, Sophia, Sam, Amanda L, Tina, Amelia Rose, Tresanne, Milan, Stu, Katie, Brian, Nadine, Ben, Alison, Aaron, Amanda HS, Matt, Beata, Michael (late), Graham (late)

Chair: Ben

Minutes: Stu

Statement of inclusivity.

Campaign Updates:

  1. Pipelines

    1. Big things are happening. We’ll discuss this more, later in the agenda...

  2. Divestment

    1. Continue to meet on Monday evenings. Connect on FB to get involved.

    2. Progress with faculty association and pressuring governing council.

  3. Divest Teachers

    1. The group is working on the Ontario Teachers Pension Plan.

    2. They are working on outreach to teachers and coming up with outreach materials.

    3. There was a meeting last Friday. Contact Amelia Rose to get involved.

    4. If others have other divest campaigns they want to start, they can tell us.

    5. They are considering an event for the Global Divestment Day of Action.

  4. Fossil Free

    1. There was a meeting.

    2. They’re working on the survey. Please contact Tina if you wish to get involved and volunteer.

  5. Step Up, Canada! (COP21)

    1. Emmay from the People's Climate Movement (the group that organized the PCM in Toronto) is coordinating social media & other forms of outreach, and can be reached directly at emma...@gmail.com for inquiries.

      1. It’s likely that the PCMovement will amalgamate with the Step Up, Canada campaign.

      2. There’s some influential new members.

    2. The campaign is hosting its first training session for folks interested in presenting through the city, Sunday January 25 at 5pm. There will be a limit to the number of attendees, so RSVP is required. For location details and to request to attend the workshop, email Kai at k...@toronto350.org. If this session books up no worries, there will be others.

Other Business:

  1. Procedure for Innovation committee redesign - Ben

    1. Recognizing the text of the Committee:

    2. “The Innovation Committee is an administrative committee which will work collaboratively with the Operations Director and Board of Directors. It will meet monthly at an appointed time to review organizational efficiency, structure and growth management, making its recommendations in writing to the President”

    3. Intending to make meetings engaging and accessible for a new and growing membership by having more personal engagement, planning, and activation at meetings. Recognizing that many meetings of technical structural issues are a poor way to engage and retain a new and growing membership.

    4. Hoping, that by moving these discussions to an innovation committee we can continue having conversations, but not at the same time that we also intend to be when we activate and retain new members.

      1. Moves that chairs move structural issues to the innovation committee and out of planning meetings.

      2. Empowers the Operations Director and President to designate issues suited for the Innovations Committee and out of planning meetings.

      3. Procedure for Innovations Committee: the innovations committee will make minutes available and report to the membership and board.  A short summary of decisions will be read at planning meetings.

      4. Empowers the membership and board to discuss innovation committee decisions after a Majority vote. This will delay implementing an innovations committee decision by sending it back to the innovations committee for reconsideration.  Names this procedure a "take backsies".

      5. The Operations Director will announce Innovations Committee meetings time 1 week in advance, or the innovation committee can sit during a planning committee meeting.

  2. Volop: redesign the org structure Chart.

    1. Organizational chart on the website isn’t very pretty. It’s also outdated.

    2. It’s useful for new members who are trying to figure out how we work.

    3. Brian will volunteer and will contact Tina.

  3. Development Director roles—splitting it into two to share the load. Also, putting someone into the role(s) temporarily, as they can only be filled at a by-election (which must be announced 2 weeks in advance).

    1. It was mentioned that the constitution allows us to create new exec roles at any time.

    2. As the hopefuls don’t have position descriptions or titles prepared, it was decided to postpone the official creation of roles anyway. However, Cullen and Sophia will take on the responsibilities for the role immediately.

    3. The role will be split so that one person focuses on personal relationships, and the other focuses on institutional relationships. Both roles are strategic.

    4. The candidates will prepare position descriptions and titles for next meeting.

  4. Requests for TCAN? They’re meeting on Jan 31st.

    1. Application parties for EE. Kai and Amelia Rose are going.

  5. Small Major Proposal: The board thinks that elected people in Toronto350 should be automatically considered voting members, whether or not they fulfil the other requirements. Can we add this as a provision to the membership requirements.

    1. One of the board members present questioned whether this was actually a proposal that the board had asked for, although two others present thought that it was. It was decided to check in with the board before further advancing this motion.

  6. Gender Ombudsperson—what do we want from them? / discussion

    1. It was mentioned that this person could be a person that people could go to if they felt they had no other avenue to pursue if a problem arose.

    2. Needs more discussion. Moved to Innovation meeting.

  7. Who is responding to fb messages and alerts?

    1. No one admitted to doing so.

    2. Sophia will take this on.

  8. Should we hire someone to make our website pretty, faster? Maybe http://www.campaigngears.com/ ? The volunteer that we’ve recruited has a portfolio site at http://www.jasonlordux.com/ but can only give a few hours each week. Stu and Ben have also said they’re interested in helping out.

    1. Moved to exec meeting

  9. Events from tressanne

    1. Green living show

      1. We can get free tickets, but they want cross promotion (tickets are $15, $10 for students).

      2. Tresanne will ask about getting a booth for free/reduced rate. Daniel also has a connection.

      3. Last year it was “dismal” and mainly had big-box stores and corporate influence. Small community groups used to be there but their presence have diminished.

      4. Alison is willing to make a blog post to promote it. There’s a feeling that the promotion will really happen if we get a free booth.

  10. Beyond Crisis documentary crowd fund launch tentatively set for February 7 - we would appreciate any help once launched in sharing with friends to support the creation of the film.

    1. The communications committee will work out the scheduling for communications, but we’d like to support this.

  11. Climate Impact Network Letter.

    1. We weren’t given the letter before they sent it out. One contact within the group approved it before they saw the letter. Someone approved the letter, but without anyone else seeing it, even though people had asked to see this.

    2. Stu will ensure that our code of “at least 3 exec must OK something before it is endorsed” is added to the Code, which will be up on the website soon.

    3. We should be careful to follow our own rules in future.

  12. There’s an anti-oppression document on the website. It’s still a working document, and comments are still welcome.

Energy East Planning [ 1 hour ]

  1. Summary: EE is the biggest proposed Tar Sands pipeline in Canada that spans from Alberta to the East coast. Part of it is reversal of an old gas pipeline, and part of it still needs to be built.

  2. We’ve adopted a strategy call the People’s Climate Intervention, along with several other groups. So far, we’ve raised awareness about the pipeline and have helped to send comments 70,000+ to the National Energy Board (NEB) saying that they should include Climate in their considerations (which they are specifically excluding). Our hope now is to get a lot of people to apply to the NEB through official means, asking again that they include Climate considerations.

  3. The NEB is opening the window to apply on Feb 3rd, and closes on March 3rd. We don’t know what the form looks like yet, but 350.org is putting together a package to help people fill out the application. We intend to host “application parties” to help people fill out the applications, and will be making it fun. We’ll also serve food. And we’re encouraging people (and other groups) to host their own application parties. It’s a big job, with a very strict timeline. We want as many people as possible to work on this.

  4. Three Break out groups

    1. Application Parties (AP) (Ben)

      1. Outreach - getting people out to parties

      2. Getting other groups to host them too

      3. Alison will write a blog “5 reasons why you should host an application party”

      4. Calendar of when are where they are

      5. Alison and Stu will look into how NB creates events, and empowering people to create their own, as well as making sure there’s a calendar+/map of them.

      6. We’ve had a dozen people sign up to come and about 4 people willing to host, just in the past 20 hours.

      7. Someone asked for more info about what a AP is.

      8. Can we get something in Varsity? Ben will contact them.

      9. Media talking point: they chose the shortest month for input! That’s pretty rude.

      10. Groups we can ask to host parties:

        1. Trinity College Enviro Society will host one.

        2. Stu also heard back from several groups through TCAN.

        3. Kai will ask TCAN groups to host at the delegates meeting at the end of the month.

        4. Alison will ask the Toronto Vegetarian Association.

        5. What about TEA. Amanda HS will try to connect with them.

        6. What about CouncilOC?

        7. ED is hoping to do something and will send people to us.

        8. Stu will ask the Green Party TC EDA. Aaron will reach out to Sean.

        9. Unfortunately the NDP is unlikely to do so. Ben will try to reach out to the riding associations anyway. ON NDP are more likely to. Ben will reach out to them too.

        10. Alison will try to reach out to the Liberals.

        11. Trinity St Pauls. Stu has already contacted them.

        12. Ben will reach out to Muslim Student Assoc.

        13. Stu will contact TSSS.

      11. Let’s brand the 6th as the place for other Hosters to come.

      12. We’ll need laptops--ask people to bring them and ask for people to lend them.

      13. Internet Cafe? Computer lab? We want everyone to fill it out at once.

      14. Google doc that we share for copy-pasted

      15. How to make it fun?

        1. Bring pizza and baked goods

        2. Drinks

        3. Turn it into a game of some sort?

          1. First person to complete a page gets a prize.

          2. Random words - get words that people shout out, and get them to use those words. Read out the funny ones.

      16. The applications are posted online, along with resume or other supporting docs, forever.

        1. We can include lesser resumes.

      17. Get together on the 4th. We need to meet to work out our strategy, as we have the following two nights of parties.

      18. Can we send to the OEB on the 5th and 6th? Why don’t we just encourage people on the 5th and 6th to do ED’s stuff after they’re completed the NEB. Stu will invite Sabrina on the 5th to speak to this.

      19. 5th in Scarborough. 6th, 12th at harvest noon (upstairs of GSU). Ben will make FB events for that. 27th at Friend’s House. We should try to host one on March 1st or 2nd too. And let’s try to get one on Monday 16th too.

      20. 350.org is hoping to have generic text ready be Feb 4th. We’re not sure what kind of info they’ll want.

      21. Stu can do 4th, 5th and 6th. Amanda can do 5th and 6th.

      22. Stu will create signup for volunteers to help at the APs.

    2. Government relations (Katie)

      1. OEB process and supporting the Enviro. Defence campaign (petition and letter writing)

        1. Promoting ED stuff within our networks, especially to politicians.

      2. Making sure politicians at all levels are aware of the process and campaign, and that they weigh in on it.

        1. Brainstormed high-profile people we can get on board, and to fill out applications. Brian is contacting many people to ask them to pledge to fill out the NEB application. Other volunteers welcome (contact Katie).

        2. When possible, call and talk to people directly.

        3. Need to put together talking points (volunteer needed).

        4. Be sure to cc MPPs and Kathleen Wynne when sending letter to OEB. Katie will email link to group, as well as put on website.

        5. Post everyday on social media in Feb someone high-profile filling out their application.

        6. Katie will contact Toronto Council members on Climate Committee to set up meeting.

        7. Another potential contact to find ‘big names’ contact--Citizen’s Climate Lobby.

        8. Make a PCI  flyer to bring to Climate Pricing talk next week, try to talk to Stephen Lewis and other panel members (Katie).

        9. Want to send ED stuff to people to send out further. Maybe not do this with email blast.

        10. LinkedIn groups could be contacted too.

    3. Media (Sam)

      1. We’ll send out media advisory.

      2. Volunteers wanted for writing op-eds—personal stories of why you’re filling out the applications.

      3. Classified ads?

      4. Official media spokesperson.

      5. Talk radio

      6. Talking points - need volunteers

      7. Campus outreach - Varsity and posters.

      8. AP dressed as belugas

      9. Funeral for Canada’s enviro review process

      10. Yes-men style press conference

      11. We need a strong media strategy and narrative developed for when people get rejected

      12. We need to record the process too, so that we can create our own narrative and show our process.

Committee business:

  • Political

  • Fossil Free Future

  • Development

  • Communications

Quick final things:

  1. General request: Please share this image.

  2. Job posting announcements:

    1. Tools for Change coordinator

    2. Student position: The “Kick the Toxics Off Campus” Initiative

    3. Campaign Coordinator, Ontario Climate Change and Clean Economy

  3. Event: Innovation committee meeting on Feb 1st at Stu’s place. Contact Ben.

  4. Event: Step Up Canada training Sunday Jan 25th, 5pm at CSI Annex. Contact Kai.

  5. Recruiting and Retaining the Right Volunteers Tuesday February 3rd at 6pm

  6. Fundraising for Grassroots Organizations Tuesday March 3rd at 6pm

Next Chair: Brian

Next Minutes: Volunteer needed

Next Location: Steelworkers Hall, 6-9pm (potluck from 6-7pm)


Jan 23, 2015, 6:46:21 PM1/23/15
to toron...@googlegroups.com
These are additional minutes from the Energy East Media breakout group, which was facilitated by Sam. The minutes were taken by Amanda:

Sam, Tina, Amanda L., Ezlyn, Caroline, Tresanne, Milan, Mark, Sophia, Daniel, Paul

Application parties
Goal: document with photo, videos, printing out applications, get media to cover, media stunts
- hold media stunt where the pipeline is going through? Dress as belugas when holding application party? Document physical letter delivery or mailing? (Is it free to mail to the NEB/OEB?) Hold a funeral for environmental protection, on main street in Toronto, coffin filled with letters.
- connect with faith groups and hold parties at their buildings; e.g., Trinity St. Paul's. Reach out to affiliated faith-based media. CONTACTS WITH FAITH GROUPS?
- film people at party saying "I am ____ and I oppose EE because ______." Upload directly to YouTube channel. NEED VIDEOGRAPHERS.
- post a photo every day on social media, showing people filling out forms. Idea borrowed from outreach group. AL CAN DO THIS BUT NEEDS PEOPLE TO SEND HER PHOTOS.

Goal: better inform general public.
Strategy: Facebook, Twitter, blogs, etc. Know what the problem is and how it will affect people; e.g., oil spill in Colorado // Energy East spills in waterways. 
- existing Facebook page: use banner image that TIna or Ben made. [AL asked Tina and Ben for their banners.]
- visualize oil crossing the country.
- get people to know about EE...a lot don't.
- call for personal stories; e.g., Yan in North Bay. AL CAN REACH OUT TO YAN. THERE WAS ALSO GREAT SERIES ON RICOCHET: https://ricochet.media/en/84/along-the-pipeline-photo 
- have workplace application parties, with travelling EE PPT roadshow. IS A SLIDESHOW AVAILABLE? FLYERS, ETC? 

Media outreach
- have press release ready for beginning of application period (Feb 3). AMANDA WRITING THIS
- have media spokesperson picked. VOLUNTEER NEEDED
- have six talking points ready SAM WRITING THESE
- write op-eds documenting parties and submit to Huff Post and others VOLUNTEERS NEEDED
- post photos to our group Flickr page and give link in our press release
- hold a press conference, maybe Yes Men style. "Free oil for Canadians!" Submit proposal to YesLab?
- campus outreach. Ben liaising with The Varsity. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED FOR POSTERING AND OTHER CAMPUS OUTREACH
- try to have coverage in different parts of the paper, not just business/finance and environment. Lifestyle? Obits? Classifieds? Spoof lonely hearts column for oil execs? We could have fun with this!
- Zach at NOW is interested in covering EE news. AL WILL FOLLOW UP WITH ZACH
- phoner campaign across the country. NEED PEOPLE WHO CAN DO PHONE/RADIO INTERVIEWS
- reach out to talk/drive radio.
- write a piece for Ricochet.
- teaser tweets coming up to Feb 3 and all through the application process.

Stu Basden

Jan 29, 2015, 10:52:18 AM1/29/15
to toron...@googlegroups.com

Minutes. January 27, 2015

Present: Stu, Farah, Tresanne, Ben, Margery, Tina, Ryan, Milan, Amelia Rose, Megan, Amanda HS, Ed, Amanda Lewis, Sam

Chair: Brian

Climate News

  • UBC faculty voting on divestment!

  • Davos Wsorld Bank person endorses divestment

  • UMaine system board of trustees endorses divestment

  • resistance across northern ontario to Energy East

Campaign Updates

Energy East

  • 4 parties now confirmed! On the 6, 12, 16, 27

Fossil Free UofT

  • MedSoc, Music Undergrads all now endorse

  • Faculty Association now actively organizing faculty for divestment

  • Milan looking into faculty sign  up specific website

Step Up Canada

  • Looking for ways to get the word out

  • New members from their meeting

  • Looking to snowball presentation

  • Will make their own website (encouraged they use nationbuilder)

Divest All the Things

  • Outreach to teachers in prep to their annual general meeting

  • Divestment day action planned high noon

  • Will finalize Friday and send us the event information

Fossil Free Futures

  • Interviewing people to interview about making more sustainable investments

Major Proposals

New Positions Director of Fundraising and Director of Development

  • Stu forwards motions to create director of fundraising. Seconded by Tina.

  • 8 vote in favour.

  • Concerns raised about director of development for liaising with volunteers and funders.

  • Text amended.

Text to be included in the Constitution:

The Director of Fundraising shall manage relationships from organizations and institutions who donate to Toronto 350, as well as reach out to such parties. The director will co-chair the Development Committee with the Director of Development in order to establish an organisational development strategy, as well sit on the Finance Committee in order to collaborate with the Treasurer to establish budgets.

The Director of Development oversees Toronto 350’s outreach strategy in terms of social media communications, crowdfunding and liaising with individual donors. The director will sit on the Outreach Committee as well as co-chair the Development Committee with the Director of Fundraising to establish an organisational development strategy.

  • Moved by Stu. Seconded by Ben.

  • Unanimously approved.

  • Ben moves to put Cullen in fundraising and Sofiya in Development. Stu seconds.

  • 8 in favour.

City council is having budget hearings.

  • Outreach to groups taken on by Megan to find out what/if we should take a position on it.

  • Amelia Rose: parks and environment committee talking about adaptation. Sub-committee formed on climate change.  Meeting in March and they are looking for community group participation.

  • Brian will outreach to councillor.

Pub night

  • Went well! New members! People shaking fists at Stu

  • Budget change request $50/month. They spent $140. But got $260 in donations.

  • Change – budget of $10/new person + person running it gets funding. $200 cap.  

  • Unanimously passed

  • Stu refunded for money he paid on pub night ($90) passed unanimously

  • Someone asked for Help for an action on the 14th.  Declined to help because the 14 is the day of action for missing and murdered indigenous women.

Unfilled VolOps that can take extra people (and who to contact):

  • UofT Faculty Divestment petition site - Graham

  • Interview a Financial Advisor to discuss Fossil Free Investment opportunities etc (Survey questions available) - Tina

VolOps with Volunteers:

  • Report on the Toronto City Budget - Megan will send to members

  • Banner Making on Feb 8th - Brian, Sam, Tresanne, Megan, Margerie, Amanda (L or HS?), Farah, Laura

  • Teachers GDDA rally - Ed, Amanda (?), Farah, Megan, Laura

  • Merge contacts on NB - Amelia Rose

  • T-shirts screenprinting - Laura will bottom-line, the following are interested: Sam, Farah, Margerie, Brian, Ben, Amanda L, Amanda HS, Tina, Tresanne

  • Techsoup - Amanda L?

  • External Calendar - Farah

Energy East Breakout

  • Amanda HS contacted TEA - will contact again.

  • Helen TCES 12 or 26. Amanda HS will contact.

  • Invite ppl gtop early events to see how it's done.  Promise back ups. Will add to 5 steps

  • Must be added to the five points.

  • Allies / other:

  • Faculty.  Ben send to Megan.

  • Stu green party money / interest in running application party.

  • March 1 event. 519.   Ben will contact.  

  • Laura contact tesla motors to sponsor application party.

  • 2 $50 gift certificates.  1 fill out. Second. Application.

  • Patagonia outreach Megan.

  • Laura - promise parties !- decided to wait for form.

  • Fit word into application.

  • Make joke list - cards against pipelines.

Job Postings

Next meeting

Milan will chair the next meeting.

Minutes: Laura

Volopper:  Brian

Climate reporter: Graham

laura Scrivener

Feb 5, 2015, 2:31:28 PM2/5/15
to toron...@googlegroups.com

Toronto350.org planning meeting agenda: 2015-02-03

Present: Milan, Ben, Barbara, Arthur, Laura, Amelia Rose, Sophia, Brian, Nadine,

Kai, Graham, Sam, Katie,

Chair: Milan

Minutes: Laura

Introductions and welcome

Climate news

     Barack Obama has released his budget.

     Iceland has reported the land is rising up to 1.4 inches per year.

     Two articles came out in the globe and mail about divestment both were bad. The Martha Hall Finley & Mark Charest piece was all about the demand supply is not the problem though one of the authors appears to work for an oil-friendly think tank as well. Responses to the Globe and mail pieces are going out from 350. Cam has taken responsibility for that.

     EPA report on keystone pipeline said it would have a substantial and important impact on climate change.

     The application for Energy East is now online, it’s a fairly easy application.

Executive meeting debrief

•   More online actions and questions to know who members are and who is still engaged.

•   Put to Vol-Opp Sheet on the wall to engage more people and not do it during the break up.

•   Within initiatives there will be two categories of participants: leader or learner. The leader guides new people through the process while the learner becomes more experienced.

•   Campaign break-outs is a regular 45 min part of the meeting.

•   New template for agenda will be added to the website to make it more effective but the template may appear a bit more complicated.

•   Key people who aren’t execs will be added to the website. For legitimacy and familiarity.

Hart House Farm divestment retreat debrief

There was not much of a debrief on this as it seemed to be focused on team building. There were workshops on storytelling and indigenous solidarity and justice and how those things intersect.

Campaign updates


     The National Energy Board (NEB) application process for Energy East has opened (Ben)

     “To be a participant in a NEB Hearing Process, you must be directly affected or have relevant information or expertise. You can apply to participate as an Intervenor or by letter of comment.” http://www.neb-one.gc.ca/pplctnflng/mjrpp/nrgyst/index-eng.html#s3

     To participate in this hearing, complete the online Application to Participate (ATP) form. It provides step-by-step instructions and prompts that are easy to follow.

     Objective is not to be accepted. We’re ALL directly affected by climate change and thus by the pipelines.

     The increases greenhouse gases in the atmosphere is comparable to having another province.

     The requirements to be a participant in the NEB hearing process doesn’t consider the socio-economic impact

     The hearing process also doesn’t consider effect on indigenous population

     Burning the oil itself would add another 172 million tonnes of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere.

     5 steps to the consumption of oil and those steps are not being all represented in the current environmental impact assessment, only how many barrels are passing through the pipeline

     The pipeline also enables and encourages other countries to continue to exploit their fossil fuel sources.

The first Energy East Application Party in Toronto

When: this Friday

Where: Harvest Noon, above GSU pub at 16 Bancroft Ave

What to bring: LAPTOPS!

The details are available here: https://www.facebook.com/events/1403869296574802/

Developing Energy East Climate Change talking points (Sam)

A google doc on the topic made by Sam will eventually include citations.

Divest U of T

Debrief on meeting with faculty


     Waiting for final open letter text from Pieter / UTFA. They will help to reach out to professors about this topic.

     We will send the link to 25 or so top people first, so the names at the top of the list are as encouraging as possible. Profs will let us do class talks and get involved themselves. We will have strong allies with the faculty who can send out mass emails to the the faculty and students.

     UBC Vote is upcoming Sam will possibly create media on that. A letter of support at least.

     With a good U of T endorsement take out a full page ad in the campus media to promote 350 involvement.

     Then, UTFA will send it to all their members

     Event at the School of the environment 12th of feb http://www.environment.utoronto.ca/Events.aspx

Divestment campaign School of Environment information session Feb 12

     Advertised by Pavel Pripa from the School of the Environment

     Room ES1042 of the School of Environment building ES 5 Bancroft Ave

     Thursday, February 12 from 4-5pm

Ben agreed to edit the divestment supporters page and the members present felt that it would be best to remove the more radical supporters from the list.  http://www.toronto350.org/divestment_supporters

Sam will be meeting with the president of the U of T alumni association. He will be asking the president to endorse the campaign, allow us to put something in their newsletter, email alumni on behalf of 350.

COP21 - Step Up Canada

Report from Kai on presentation to TCAN

Presented an overview of campaign with focus on public education in relation to the election.

A Workshop with trainings on that subject is being developed with content needing approval.

First overview of the campaign with the People’s Climate Movement and TCAN. A lot of them were interested in pushing it with their membership. Its supposed to be an entry point into the climate discussion as well as giving people tangible things to get involved with.

A sub-committee on Climate change being established by Gord Perks for the city of Toronto. The intention of the committee is for all of the departments of the city to become involved, interested in climate change. March 2nd is their first meeting at 7pm. Flyer: http://cl.ly/image/3v3S081D2V3r

Update on UofT Debates Room panel discussion on climate (cancelled due to bad weather, rescheduling)


     The current presentation has a slide asking for donations

     Do we want this?

     “Donating could be a way for someone to not take action, but then again, some

people aren't able to, and so it could help the group to have them.”

     Policy of raising new fundraising options at planning meetings before implementing them

     NO objections to asking for donations in this presentations.

Divest All the Things

The current divestment focus is the OPP. The Ontario Teachers Pension Plan. Global Divestment Day has been selected for a protest in front of OPP. The Pension Plan currently has 140 Billion in funds. The position of the fund is that they don’t bow to public pressure. It is also PD day for elementary schools in Toronto so it is hoped that a few teachers will participate in this protest.  We are hoping for some kind of a crowd with OAC.

Put the event on the 12th in the same email.

Fossil Free Futures

No update

Promotional video and documentary

General update on Beyond Crisis documentary crowd fund, outreach underway. Launching in March.

Other business

Stepping down as Creative Director (Kai)

     “Sadly, due to time constraints, I simply don't think I'll be able to offer what this role requires anytime soon so am stepping down. I am still happy to be on the Arts Committee and work on occasional projects, but for the foreseeable future both the Step Up, Canada! campaign, documentary and making a living will be taking priority, and that's all that I can manage.”

     By-election? Send out a notice for a by-election in two weeks.

Forward on Equity (Ben)

     Possible Equity Ombudspeople on the board and another within the group generally

     Do we want it to be an exec role or put it in an exec portfolio?

     What to be done if there is racism or discrimination from a member?

     Can this person do outreach and recruitment within underrepresented groups?

     It was suggested that the equity ombudsperson be in the exec. Every time an executive is elected they appoint amongst themselves a new Equity ombudsperson so that it can be the person with the most literacy on the topic.

Major proposals


     Could be over $500 if we order in bulk

     We can get them for $5 or $6 each

     If we order 100, we get free shipping, which would otherwise be $40

     The meeting decided that this Item should be brought to a vote amongst the general membership as it is potentially going to cost more than $500.

Volunteer opportunities


Next meeting

Chair: Katie

Minutes: Sophia

Location: Here

New structure developed at the last exec meeting

     15min intro

     5min news report

     10min campaign votes

     45min campaign breakouts (if the lead wants it) take minutes + lead/learn + volops

     15min major proposals

     15min volops

     15min committee breakouts + voloper

Exec minutes: https://docs.google.com/document/d/14aND9W3aeh--f7n40r3R70SnX72_X0wTT8_tDY67t7M/edit?usp=sharing

Event announcements

Saturday: 11am - 3pm Brief Writing Party

     We will be brainstorming arguments for new substantive sections, working on drafts, and assigning people to be responsible for providing Milan with specific text

     Bring your own laptop

     Pizza will be provided

     Graham is booking a room at Hart House

     Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/556734581095615/

Indigenous Education Week

     Strawberry Ceremony for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women - Sat February 14th


Action Plan for next Thursday

Some people doing more high risk things

9-10 AM February 12th


Sunday a day of making materials for that event

Breakout groups

Energy East Action (no minutes)

GDDA Breakout (no minutes)


Feb 6, 2015, 2:33:09 PM2/6/15
to toron...@googlegroups.com
Volops from Feb 3rd meeting:

Letter to UBC in support of faculty Sam
Letter re UofT faculty vote (?) Graham
School of the Environment (Feb 12) Milan
Endorsements to be entered on site Cullin
Making the website pretty Stu Barbara
Campus coalition Ben
Hart House meeting Sat Feb 7 Graham
Open letter to alumni/ae Katie
City Council CC Ctee March 2 Katie Amelia Rose Kai Vincent Brian
Demonstration on the 12th Katie Brian
Feb 8 prep for the 12th Katie Milan Brian
Rally on the 13th Brian Laura
Feb 13 Prep on the 9th Brian


Feb 14, 2015, 12:47:40 AM2/14/15
to toron...@googlegroups.com

Toronto350.org planning meeting minutes: 2015-02-10

Present: Katie, Tina, Emmay, Tresanne, Graham, Ben, Sam, Amelia-Rose, Stuart, Farrah, Sophia, Brian, Ryan, Rachel, Leila, Amanda, Barbara, Jade, Cam

Chair: Katie

Minutes: Sophia


Introductions and welcome/Climate Reports

-       UBC divestment campaign moving along well

-       Bad article in WSJ about “Why Divestment is Bad”, funded by Independent Petroleum Producers Association. 

-       Rachel and Leila new members from UofT group



    • Winning this Winter
      • Stuart: Focused on campaign strategies but may require another session for overall group strategy… minutes from that meeting are pending.
    • Banner Making
      • Session on Sunday for Divestment Day Action (Feb. 13), about 20 people there.  Brian did a lot (bringing materials, etc)
    • App Party #1
      • Ben: Great turnout, managed to crash NEB website.  Will need volunteers for other application parties. 


Campaign updates


Pipelines-Energy East – Ben and Katie

à First application party on Friday was a great success.

à For next parties:  need door greeter, better job at integrating new people, give time for food, ask people to invite family and friends. 

à 10 more parties scheduled for this month

à Anyone interested in attending and helping out.

à Katie requested volunteer to update 350 website on Line 9: Tresanne volunteered

Divest U of T- Graham and Sam

à Lot of experts have been contacted and are engaged

à Faculty Association very on board

à Sending large email out to Professors, etc.

à Delivering ‘Divestment’ Valentines this week to Faculty and Admin.

Step-Up Canada-Emmay

à  Next training on 14 Feb at Centre for Social Innovation (720 Bathurst St.) with potential start time of 18h.  Good as a refresher and introduction for newcomers, get in touch with Kai or Emmay if interested. 

à Also need more youth involved if anyone has any contacts or works with youth get in contact with Emmay.

à Stepupcanada.ca potential new website url

Divest All the Things-Amelia-Rose

à Banner making session with Amelia-Rose and Brian, made a ‘kick-ass’ banner. 

à Rally on Global Divestment Day at Yonge + Finch (Ontario Teachers Pension Plan HQ) at 13h 

à Looking for ALL TEACHERS to come out.  Falls on a PD day, so teachers can join in along with retired teachers. 

Fossil Free Futures-Tina

àQuestions are set, now looking to find people to interview.  Tina will interview Tim Nash, and share results.  Someone also volunteered to write personal blog-post on divestment, anyone else interested should contact Tina

Major proposals and Announcements


  • Should board members have same membership requirements as regular members for voting?
    • Board wants to be automatically considered voting members of group
    • Requirement is to come to 2 meetings and fill out survey once a year (not always feasible for out-of-town members)
    • Board meets quarterly
    • Graham: They ARE voted in and our voting requirements are rather stringent anyway
    • VOTE on adding caveat to voting requirements that Board is automatically considered (Seconded by Graham) FOR 12 AGAINST 0 ABSTAIN 1 (PASSED)
  • T-shirts: Do we want to order more?
    • Email survey was sent out about T-Shirts (Stylish, Organic, or both) Organic = $5 Fitted = $3-$4 Organic AND Fitted = $10
    • Maybe just be more discretionary on giving out Tshirts and get the Luxury Tshirts?
    • VOTE on budgeting $600 (max) for Tshirts (Seconded by Brian) FOR: 14 AGAINST: 0 ABSTAIN: 2 (PASSED)
    • Need to form a ‘Fashion Committee” (Leila, Rachel, Jade, Ben volunteered) to decide most fashionable, yet ethical and economical, options for Tshirts
  • Creative Director election will take place next meeting (Feb. 17).  No one expressed interest at the meeting
  • Acknowledging the land we share
    • Farah: Land acknowledgements are important for supporting the overall ethics and goals for our group, especially re; indigenous peoples and their role in environmental issues and our solidarity with them
    • “We are treaty people” to acknowledge both parties, but can be a bit contentious considering historical perspective.
    • Important to be general about ‘indigenous people’ as Toronto is a bit disputed
    • Amelia Rose suggested asking Heather from board about advice on developing an acknowledgement that is suitable for all…but she is from Winnipeg
    • Wampum teaching would be good to include as it recognizes sovereignty
    • Farah will add to pre-existing rhyming couplet and pass it along for review
  • Announcement:
    • We have storage space. Ben has access, and can grant it to others. (contact Stu when Ben is away)
    • Located at Trinity St. Paul’s church
    • Use Quartermaster sheet to keep track of what’s going in and out
    • Will work on getting access to others
  • Vote on Budgeting $800 to Energy East Application Parties for food and refreshments will take place at 17 February meeting.


Event and other announcements


Next meeting

Chair: Stuart

Minutes: Jade

VolOper: Tresanne

Climate Reporter:

Location: Same as always

Toronto350 Minutes Feb 10.pdf

Jade Wong

Feb 25, 2015, 5:51:54 PM2/25/15
to toron...@googlegroups.com

Feb 24th Planning Meeting Minutes

Intro and climate report

In Attendance: Kai, Paul, Cynthia, Laura, Aaron, Stu, Jade, Lila, Tresanne, Jason, Ben, Graham, Amanda, Cullen, Milan, Anton

Climate Report:

  • Keystone XL is vetoed!

  • Large tar sands project in Athabasca region on hold

  • Maldives president arrested

Campaign reports

Campaign Breakouts

  • Divest Teachers

    • No new announcements unless Brian has one, Amelia Rose absent

    • Brian: Group of 20 marched up to the site of Line 9. Raise awareness to divest OTPP because of large investments in Exxon.

  • Fossil Free

    • Governing Council elections: have three allies out of four who support divestment.

    • President Gertler and administration is not actually as good as they say they are. We are setting an ultimatum and hoping to meet with President and ad-hoc committee. If not, we will give them really bad publicity.

    • 134 faculty members that have signed on so far.

  • Divest UofT

  • Step Up, Canada!

    • Debrief: Training session

    • Emmay (last week): Concisely dig into it a little more to get a bigger picture. Given 10 minutes to talk about campaign -- overarching strategy in the next 12 months: looks at making climate change an election issue and empowering people to join political strategy. Make clear public statement to expect platforms on climate change. Also targeting Canada’s involvement in COP that reflects Canadians’ public desire. Engage in actions to any party to put pressure. Big tent approach: want to see core commitments made on national level.

    • Kai (last week): presentation, social media, and events are three pillars of Step Up. Need to engage Canadians outside of these bubbles. Presentation: inspiration not intimidation. Basic climate science. Climate platforms of various parties. Trying to get people to get politically engaged. Three trainings went great.

      • To do: currently translating presentation into more concise version. Encourage people to present in pairs, community groups, high schools, universities. if anyone is interested, talk to Kai and Emmay.

      • Next step: film a webinar. Shows this in live action.

      • VolOps:

      • 1) Presenters -- Stu, Laura, Brian

      • 2) Campaign organization and strategy --

      • 3) Social media campaigners -- Allison

      • 4) Events organizers --

    • People who have been trained are now at the point of needing to book venues…

    • Kai: want to do public run through of presentation that isn’t tied into training anybody -- inviting people and going through presentation, getting feedback and film it. Want a location soon -- within the next week. Hope to have one more training session to put things into their own voices. Website soon to be launched.

  1. Pipelines

  • Act on Climate Rally in TO—do we want to do something to put pressure on Wynne to reject Energy East?

    • Stu: April 11 Act on Climate Rally before premiers get together to have meeting: do we want a rally or something to show that there’s a solidarity rally in Toronto? Message we want: cannot support Energy East and have a climate policy. Ben will talk to Cam about Energy East and moving forward after application period ends.

  • Act on Climate Rally in QC—ED and Greenpeace are organizing buses, so we can just help with them doing it.

    • No info yet on who is going to be there, where it’s going to be, etc.

  • App Parties reminder of commitments

    • 25th UofT Greenpeace - Jade

    • 25th Etobicoke Lead Now - Ben

    • 26th St. Hilda’s College - Amanda

    • 27th Us (Quakers) - Brian, Brad?, Marjorie?, Rob?, Alison?, Karim?, Katie—need confirmations

    • 27th Danforth (Disruption screening) - Stu

    • 28th Scarborough - Peeyush, Laura

    • Mar 1st Us (519, we have a catering exemption) - Stu, Jade, Amanda

  1. Introductory verse, revised. We’ll chat about it.

We are all Treaty people on the indigenous land,

of the Anishinaabe and other nations who protect Turtle island

And so that equity is addressed

checking the space you take up must be stressed

but if anything else comes up, let us know,

put our principles to the test!

Let’s begin!

  • Laura: feels it is too much like a nursery rhyme that undermines the message. Brian agrees.

  • Stu: some of the most solemn things are often rhyming -- for example, children’s rhymes are often teaching. Maybe tone in how it’s read is important.

  • Make note in Chairing guidelines.

2. The pipelines campaign is asking for an $80 subsidy to get people to run applications at the UTSU unity ball, people will pay for most of their tickets, but unfortunately it’s expensive so a subsidy is good bc getting people there will let us to get significant allies on board!

  • We have money for that. Will use Energy East/pizza money.

3. Pipelines will want to meet.

4. Pipelines will also ask to plan a next steps meeting.

Major Proposals and other Group Activity

  • Membership survey report (Tresanne, 10mins)

    • December membership survey. Went through 20-25 responses.

    • Why are people involved? Climate change, active group, energy of group.

    • Barriers? Busy with school and work.

    • Suggestions:

      • run a snowflake workshop. Stu has been in touch with Amara in the past which is something we could possibly do. Matching volunteers more effectively with jobs and opportunities.

      • Stu: campaigns always start small. We will have strategy meetings every couple of months to see which campaigns we will take on.

      • Concern about broader group engagement.

      • Cullen: good to keep in mind how much opportunity we’re willing to allocate to members.

      • Kai: for those unable/do not want to make it to planning meetings. Maybe place on website showing volunteer opportunities after meetings.

      • Graham: take volops and paste them in body of email so members can reply if they are interested.

      • Ben: maybe want to solidify roles. Post on Facebook page.

      • Members who do not attend meetings may be unfamiliar with volops even if they are presented to them. Discussion on whether or not phone calls should be made to volunteers as a way of reaching out.

      • Sam: this is important discussion that should made with volunteer coordinator.

      • Milan (30 second update): UofT divestment frustrated with admin. Forming a letter to send to them and has received lots of feedback.

      • Jason: try all avenues to see which one is most successful.

      • Volop: volunteer helper.


  • Finding accommodation for PACS for other groups

  • Act on Climate Rally(s)

  • Next meeting:

    • Chair: Graham

    • Minutes: Laura

    • Voloper: Cullen

    • Location and time: March 3rd, 2015 @ 25 Cecil Street, Steelworker’s Hall, 7-9pm

Event and other Announcements:

  • Teacher's divestment meeting this Friday Feb 27, 4pm at OISE 5th floor.

  • Toronto Climate Change Subcommittee, March 2 from 7 - 10 - very important to attend! If planning on doing a deputation, coordinate with other groups on message by attending event with Lyn SATURDAY FEB 28TH – 1:30 – 4:30 PM – FRIENDS HOUSE, 60 LOWTHER AVE - rsvp to lyn.ad...@gmail.com or just come.

  • Tresanne, Stu, Jade, Kai, Laura, Barbara -- you can come late too!!!

  • If planning on doing deputation (speaking directly to council), you have to request that spot in advance. More info here: http://www.toronto.ca/legdocs/tmmis/have-your-say.htm

Peace and Social Action Committee is hosting an informal opportunity for climate activists to debrief the consultation sessions being held this week on Feb 24 and 25 and think about written input for the consultations.


We will also have a roundtable discussion in advance of the city hall deputations on March 2nd – and share ideas and resources for what the City can do to respond to the climate crisis.


Let’s pack the Council Chambers and send a strong message to our Mayor and City Council that we expect climate action to be a top city priority!

Please help us spread the word:

March 2nd, 2015 at 7:00 PM

Toronto City Hall, Council Chambers

100 Queen Street West

Join the Facebook Event to invite others in your network https://www.facebook.com/events/1535506390048539/?ref_newsfeed_story_type=regular

We will also be presenting the Avaaz.org petition asking Toronto to go 100% clean at the meeting. Nearly 14,000 Torontonians have already signed the petition, which sends a strong message that cleaner sources of renewable energy must be part of Toronto’s climate change mitigation and adaptation strategy. If you feel moved by this message, please sign and circulate:


Lastly, if you would like to submit a written statement or deliver a deputation at the meeting, please contact the City of Toronto to register your name, organization (if applicable), mailing address and phone number. You may email or call: p...@toronto.ca / 416-338-5089. For more information and tips: http://bit.ly/1hzzARh.

We strongly encourage all the amazing groups and individuals that make up Toronto’s environmental movement and its many diverse communities to make their voices heard!

  • Intro Pub Night this Thursday, 8pm at the Regal Beagle

  • Innovation/exec meeting this Sunday, 6-9pm at Stu’s place

  • Strategy Meeting with a lawyer, potentially Tuesday Mar 3rd at 5:30pm? Happening NOW, with Anton.

  • Greenpeace social media training, March 11th at 7pm

  • BXE: Beyond Extreme Energy, May 21-29 -- Interested: Tresanne, Kai, Amanda

  • Job Postings:

  • Request for insight for research project including People’s Climate March (received by Amelia Rose) -- Stu has phone interview lined up

Toronto350.org Team,

I am writing to you on behalf of a research group working with the Canadian Ambassador in Venezuela, Ben Rowswell, to explore the transformation that digital tools are bringing to the practice of diplomacy. Our final report will include roughly a dozen civil society movements and we have identified The People’s Climate March as part of a significant case study to include. Additionally, we are interested in speaking specifically to you not only for your activism, but for your ability to speak about the campaign.

In our efforts to provide comprehensive analysis of how the digital component of the campaign worked out, I
would be grateful for the opportunity to discuss with you this aspect, as well as any other general information and insight you would be willing to provide. Our hope is to provide an accurate depiction of the campaign and to assist others who seek to create change in similar ways.

Please let me know at your earliest convenience if you would be willing to share your insights or if you have
any additional questions that I can answer - Viktoria Lovrics


  • Finance committee: Donations to the front lines (deciding what % to give).

    • Putting some money we receive to unist’ot’en.

  • Communications committee

    • This week: The March 2nd event at city hall and maybe one last blast to get the divestment people to do their App (if they haven’t already) -- fill out applications!

    • Next week? The Beyond Crisis crowdfund

  • Art committee

    • Balloon project -- has been taken care of.

    • T-shirts have been ordered! Look at dates to do a screen-printing day and find a location.

  • Outreach Committee (from Farah): "There is a recently formed Outreach Committee that is open to all to join! The focus of this committee is to bridge relationships across diverse communities in Toronto and the GTA, which people can work in solidarity with each other towards our common climate and justice goals. If you are interested in discussing inclusion and working towards this process, contact Amelia Rose (ameli...@toronto350.org) for information about our next meeting! Our upcoming projects include compiling contacts of community organizations to begin communicating with, as well as encouraging Toronto citizens to attend the Subcommittee meeting on Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation on March 2nd."

Innovation/Exec March 1st Agenda

  • Innovation - Structure? Chair as Pres?

  • Relationship with PCMovement

  • Bullfrog Power

  • NationBuilder email setup

  • Volunteer team and coordination

    • point people

    • one on ones

  • Strategy Session in March…

  • Invitation to Berkeley for 2.

  • Limiting the size of the exec?

  • Increasing diversity

  • Member’s list is now at 140. Do we need to rethink it?


laura Scrivener

Mar 4, 2015, 1:37:49 PM3/4/15
to toron...@googlegroups.com

March 3rd Planning Meeting Agenda Minutes

Chair: Graham

Minutes: Laura

Vol-ops: Brian

Attendance: Stuart, Amelia Rose, Sophia, Chris, Brad, Brian, Milan, Ezra, Tina, Katie 

Intro and Climate Report

Statement of equity:

We are all Treaty people on the indigenous land,

of the Anishinaabe and other nations who protect Turtle island

And so that equity is addressed

checking the space you take up must be stressed

but if anything else comes up, let us know,

put our principles to the test!

Let’s begin!

Climate news:

Oslo Divests

5% of danish employees with a pension plan will be voting on divestment.

University of Pennsylvania students showed up in huge numbers to vote about divestment. More students showed up to vote on this than the mid-term elections. 

Bank of London suggests people divest due to the high volatility of the stocks. 


Campaign Reports

Divest Teachers Pension Plan; Divest All the Things


After the February 13 global divestment day there was a brief hiatus but meetings resumed last Friday to plan our next sortie. Our next protest will be at the Teachers’ Pension Plan’s general meeting which will be April 9th at 11:00 AM. The TPP traditionally only listens to the market but the group hopes to raise awareness about the sinking economic value of Fossil Fuels as well as the ethical problems. 

Commendation to new member Ezra who salvaged a huge bag of energy bars from a health food store dumpster that fed the protesters!

Fossil Free U of T

Graham: They did not have a meeting this week. It has been postponed until this Thursday. Coming out of the board meeting on Friday, someone is meeting with Jeff Rubin (a well-known Canadian economist) to encourage divestment and make inquiries. He is an oil economist and has recently advocated cutbacks in oil production. Graham met with Andrew Greene, an environmental law professor at U of T. He didn’t seem to consider U of T’s divestment campaign to be an urgent issue but its something that he’s interested in. No word from the President’s office in response to the letter that was sent, not even an acknowledgement. Next steps on protesting/petitioning the President’s Office will be discussed.  

Step Up Canada!

Two significant training events being hosted soon. Refer to events section


Stuart: The application period is now over. 1600 people appeared to sign up for the NEB. 2/3-3/4 are likely to be climate intervenor. This Friday from 6-8 there will be a strategy session at OISE. It is likely that the intervention applications are rejected but they may contact us for interventions. We have 15 months until the pipeline recommendations are made. We were told that we were not allowed to speak on this. There is also a possibility of being downgraded to commenters. Likely next steps: interrupting hearings, protesting at MPs offices.

Fossil Free Futures

Tina: We interviewed the sustainability columnist Tim Nash two weeks ago. The audio file of the interview was uploaded. We have several upcoming interviews with financial advisers to determine the financial landscape for divestment. We also will have a consumer survey to find out if people are aware about sustainable investment options and their general attitudes towards divestment.

Campaign Breakouts

- Fossil-Free UofT

How should we thank the people who are graduating?

- Pipelines

NEB: Compare NEB applicants with people in NB and add tags

NEB: Reach out to hosts and ask who should be in the hosts prize draw, and reach out to members list and ask people how many parties they attended (each party gives 1 “ticket” for the draw)

- TPP event


Major Proposals and other Group Activity

Board Meeting Summary (Stu)

The board is still working on the by-laws. Will have another meeting a month from now. Hopefully by the end of the month there will be by-laws.

Exec Meeting Summary (Stu):

The main focus was how to get volunteers to come out to meetings and stick around. We feel there has been good results with pub night.

Getting campaign leads to take out petty cash (Graham): 

Treasurer (Graham) is now hoping to cut back on petty cash request by giving campaign heads a check for $250 and campaign leads will sign a contract saying they will return either the money or receipts. This gives groups more autonomy and is more efficient for Graham.

Tee-shirt (Fashion) Committee: 

Issue:Currency exchange and customs was forgotten, resulting in the t-shirts being $1024 for 80, which is $400 above budget. This means they’re $13 each. 

What to do? Options:

Cancel the order, send them back and lose $130 for the shipping. 

Get them anyway and use them as premium shirts at Green Living Show for members who sign up for monthly donations. People can also bring shirts that they like and want screen-printed. 

Regardless of what we do with these shirts, we intend to go to 2nd hand stores and pick up cheap t-shirts that we’ll use for giving to the volunteers (which will be another $300-500 depending on how many we get). Furthermore members are encouraged to bring plain teeshirts, tank-tops etc. that they would like to have screen-printed to our screen-printing party (date TBH).

Solution: It was decided at the meeting that using shirts that are $400 over-budget would be totally unacceptable. We have decided to return them and lose the shipping fee. People were very enthusiastic about sourcing second-hand shirts as well as bringing in their own shirts to be screen-printed. It was decided that this approach was more representative of 350.org’s values. 

Bill C-51 Protest (Katie):

There was a Bill C-51 protest planning meeting. About 20 people with good connections. Sounds like there will be a rally on March 14th in Dundas Square and a march to CSIS office. There was talk of engaging the arts communities, environmental activists, union people and NDP MPs. 

This is relevant to 350 because the government will use its increased powers to target environmental activists. Thus it is possible that 350 and other environmental organizations would be linked to terrorism or considered “radicalized”. This should be an election issue and its important to keep this in the media. Though the Bill will pass we want to raise people’s concerns. Do we want to endorse the rally? No objections. We will use our communication lists to promote it.  

If anyone wants to be involved in communications, banner making etc shoot Katie an email. 

Volunteer opportunities

Green Living Show—we can share a booth for free with Canadians Association of Physicians for the Environment, but can rent table for under $100. We need volunteers.

Friday, March 27: 12 P.M. – 8 P.M. Laura

Saturday, March 28: 10 A.M. – 8 P.M. Brian

Sunday, March 29: 10 A.M. – 5 P.M.Ezra

Where is our 6’ high professional banner? Amelia Rose

Finding accommodation for Pan-American Climate Summit for other groups. Since groups have found accommodations for us in the past we should look into billeting them. Look into universities, churches and others with space: Katie, Brian, Stuart, 

Act on Climate April 11th march in Quebec. 

Endorsement YES

Volunteers going to Quebec and organizing here: Katie, Brad

Pub Night volunteers End of March: Ezra, Tina

Next meeting:

Chair: Tina

Minutes: Laura

Voloper: Brian

Location and time: Steelworker’s union Hall B

Events and other Announcements

March 7th, Walking For The Freedom To Choose Peace, Saturday, , 1-5pm in the Fireside Room at Trinity-St. Paul's United Church, 427 Bloor St. W, Spadina and Bloor.

This is a talk being given by internationally-renowned peace activist Jesse Blue-Forrest who is in Toronto for a brief period of time. 

There is an immediate call to share Blue's message.  I invite you, and those you work with, to the event in March where Blue will talk about Walking for the Freedom to Choose Peace, in support of the Peacewalk.  He is beginning the walk May 1 to promote the Campaign to Establish a Canadian Department Peace.  This walk is a Peacewalk for the Canadian people and the Earth. 


The goal is to bring an immediate awareness to Canadians about our current situation of losing our self-identity as a peace nation and becoming a country based on a war economy.  We are excited for this current opportunity to reclaim what is true: that we Canadians can become once again a peace-leading nation.  


We feel that his work is aligned with the work of 350.org. Our intention is to garner support for the important work he is doing in the name of Mother Earth and peace.

Sunday, 2-4pm CSI Spadina Location March 8 Step Up Canada- we're having a final training focused on aspiring presenters who've been out to one of our previous events, putting this in their own voice. This is really about empowerment and encouraging us all to book venues and get out there. k...@toronto350.org

Monday, March 9 at 7pm, Friends House - Step Up, Canada! live presentation & webinar!! We're excited to have this booked to finally share this with a live audience, and will be filming to share more broadly. Come one, come all! Big launch.

March 19, 2015, the Equity Studies Student Union will be hosting three members of La Federación to speak about their personal and professional experiences as activists in the Dominican Republic. The night will be themed broadly around the following topics: the impacts of Canadian resource extraction on natural spaces, peoples and politics in the Dominican Republic; sustainable energy, agriculture, and eco-tourism as modes of empowering local communities; and allyship across borders, examining the impacts of volunteering and international partnerships. Pre-register now at: http://uoftessu.ticketleap.com/solidarity/

March 21st,  Ontario Climate Action Network Carbon Pricing strategy workshop, , 12:30-5pm at Friend’s House, 60 Lowther Ave, $10/pwyc. Ontario has announced that they are going to put some type of carbon pricing in the next few months OCAN wants to make sure its a good one. It’s being run by the People’s Climate Lobby.

PeaceWalk activist talking about 


Finance Committee: What should we do do in terms of donations to front-line communities?

Communications committee

This week: How about a “save the dates” for April 11th, July 4-6th and Paris, with web signup form checkboxes?

Upcoming: Beyond Crisis crowdfund

Upcoming: March 21st OCAN event

Art Committee

Create stylish t-shirt design

Screen-print before March 27th

laura Scrivener

Mar 12, 2015, 7:03:47 PM3/12/15
to toron...@googlegroups.com

TO350 | March 10th Planning Meeting Agenda

Chair: Tina

Minutes: Laura

Attendance: Tina, Dave, Laura, Sam, Chris, Stu, Sophia, Brian, Katie, Paul, Brad, Cam, Colin, Tresanne, Lila, Milan, Graham, 


We are all Treaty people on the indigenous land,
of the Anishinaabe and other nations who protect Turtle island

And so that equity is addressed

checking the space you take up must be stressed

but if anything else comes up, let us know,

put our principles to the test!

Let’s begin!

Climate Report

Guardian editorial: editor didn’t do enough for climate change. Guardian will be running a campaign on climate change.

Naomi Klein launched her book in French

Sam will be on the Currant

A study came out indicating that the Syrian revolution was stimulated by climate change. 

Campaign Reports

Divest Teachers: Tomorrow (Wednesday March 11th) there is a meeting with the Elementary Teachers of Toronto. The goal is to ask them to get their members involved when the Pension Plan has their annual meeting. We want as many people as possible to ask about divestment. Secondary School Teachers and Catholic School teachers will also be presented to asking them to ask the Pension Plan to Divest. 

Quebec Rally Act on Climate April 11th. Brian has applied to Queen’s park about protesting in the park. Solidarity March with the Quebec Rally Act on Climate.

Fossil Free UofT

We heard back from the ad-hoc committee. We will be allowed to present to them on April 17th. We will be talking to the chair on Thursday to make sure that anyone can attend. The President’s office also responded to our letter. The letter was from Brian Carney the chair of the ad-hoc committee and it was a request to attend the April 17th meeting. The Ad-hoc committee is meeting March 27th and we need to have the brief ready for them by then. Please contact Milan at mi...@toronto350.org if you are able to edit or review the brief. 

Step Up Canada!

From Kai: The Step Up, Canada! first public presentation went very well with an intimate audience of about 20 folks this evening, at Friends House. We filmed a comprehensive version of the presentation which will be edited, and available for public viewing shortly. The site www.stepupcanada.ca is also live, hosted through NationBuilder. Next steps include booking venues in the broader community, of which we have a lead at a school assembly shortly. We are very excited to get this out there, and exploring next steps - as always, anyone who wishes to support can get in touch! The presentation webinar should provide a useful tool & overview of the presentation, particularly for aspiring presenters.

Pipelines The Energy East group had a strategy session on the weekend. We set out timelines leading up towards the anticipated application rejections and the July climate events. Some upcoming things of note: 

This Sunday (March 15th) there will be a big NDP rally; we’re hoping to get a contingent to go to do some networking. 

Also NEB has added an extra week for people to apply, the new deadline is March 17th. Suggestion: get friends to apply and nominate people to apply after they’ve finished their application. 


Nothing new. 

Anyone want to help table w/ me at Community Bonds Soiree at CSI Annex Thurs?

Bullfrog power has announced that we’re partnered with Toronto 350. A vol-op would be an media/press statement. 

Major Proposals and other Group Activity

Cam to present about the summer, 15mins and 15mins Q+A and 10+ mins for brainstorming. A brief discussion was had about action around the PAN-AM environmental summit. 

Any objections to posting C51 crowdfund link on fb? There were no objections

TSAT Training April 10th-12th: Training for Social Action Trainers : Hosted by Training for Change. They are already full but there is a waiting list. 350 will partially subsidize the training for 2-3 members who wish to attend and will send out an email asking members to apply. Selection will be made by the Finance Committee next week. Tickets are $200 if there are any applicants. We can budget out $200-400 for people who wish to participate. Applications must be submitted before March 20th (to make sure we register early and get in). This is with the understanding that the successful members will contribute their newly learned skills to 350 Toronto. 


Green Living Show tabling (so far we have 1 person each day, but it'd be good to have more help)

Friday, March 27: 12 P.M. – 8 P.M.  (Laura)

Saturday, March 28: 10 A.M. – 8 P.M. (Brian, Lila)

Sunday, March 29: 10 A.M. – 5 P.M. (Ezra)

Campaign web pages:

New structure, need a volunteer for each: Katie , Brian

Do we want to have Divest YorkU and Ryerson pages too, listed in the dropdown? Are there any other campaigns (from other groups) we want to list? Or should we have an “Other Divestment Campaigns” page? We have an “other” page. It was decided that we should not. 

Art-making meeting on Thursday March 12 for Bill c-51 protest

St. Stephen's in the field -  103 Bellvue - near College/Spadina  5:30 on Thursday Tresanne

Tabling on March 19th at a Community Bonds Showcase event (talk to AR)

5.30pm @ CSI Annex. (Tina! AR? Cullen)

OSSTF AMPA (annual meeting) volunteer opportunity for this weekend 8 or so Vols to hand out literature and answer Qs (AR)

Outreach Materials—basic Divestment Flyer (sent by AR) 

Next meeting:

Chair: Katie

Minutes: Laura 


Location and time:

Brief to the U of T faculty: Cullen, Lila, Stu, Laura mi...@toronto350.org 

NDP rally: Lynn & Laura, 

NEB applications: EVERYONE 

Blurb of bullfrog: Cullen

Organizing for the c-51 marshalling: Brian, Stuart, 

Organizing for the c-51 petitioning:  Cullen, Lila, Brad

Events and other Announcements

OCAN Carbon Pricing strategy workshop, March 21st, 12:30-5pm at Friend’s House, 60 Lowther Ave, $10/pwyc

Engaging with TO City Hall training by Stop Line 9 on March 26, from 6pm to 9pm, reg deadline March 22nd. If you’re interested, speak to Stu, as To350 will subsidize the cost. 

Anti-Bill C-51 rally this Saturday (Katie)

Meeting with Esteban (Tresanne's environmental hero)

 Event Thurs March 19th, hoping to meet with us before - to discuss solidarity in Toronto, C51, anything else.

Green Living show

Promo code, Alison is getting someone to do a blog post

Committee Breakouts

Communications committee


C-51 rally on 14th 350 is donating a yet-to-be-determined amount. members are encouraged to donate individually if they feel so inclined. 

OCAN on the 21st

Eliz May on Leader’s Debates: http://cl.ly/text/203t0g0w430j http://www.greenparty.ca/en/stand-up-for-democracy

Community Bonds Showcase on Mar 19th

Political Actions Committee Breakout

NDP rally March 15th (for Political Actions Committee Break-out)

Fashion Committee

Campaign Breakouts

Divest Teachers

April 9th “tabling”

Fossil Free U of T

Act on climate

Rally in Toronto


Inviting CAG

Report from strategy meeting

Step Up, Canada!

Webinar debrief

Pipelines/Energy East

How much effort do we put into the extended NEB window? Just one blast?

April 11 Act on Climate

Quebec Rally (Sam)

Local Solidarity Rally (Brian)


Mar 18, 2015, 12:38:19 PM3/18/15
to toron...@googlegroups.com

Toronto350.org Planning Meeting-March 17th, 2015

Chair:  Katie    Minutes:  Stu Voloper: Lila

Present: Katie, Emmay, Brian, Rosemary, Lila, Sophia, Amanda Hs, Reese, Stu, Lyn, Nadine

Go Around/Climate Report

  • UN Supports Divestment

  • Guardian has launched a Divestment Campaign

  • Hurricane Pam is devastating Venuatu (Fiji area)

  • The ocean is close to its max holding capacity, so we'll be feeling the effects of it a lot more in the next few years--up until now, much of the climate effects has been absorbed by the ocean

    • Note from Vince provided after the meeting, before the minutes were published: If this means what I think it does I must disagree with it on scientific terms. In the very least more clarity is required so that it is clear what is being referred to.

    • If this refers to 98% of warming that has been absorbed by the ocean ... then yes the ocean has absorbed a lot of the heating effects. No science that I have read is suggesting that this 98% figure will be making a shift to a lower percentage. As a nuclear engineer (aka expert in water heat transfer science) I don't see how or why this number would be making any form of significant downward shift.

    • If this refers to the capacity of the ocean to absorb CO2 from the atmosphere it is definitely not near to its holding capacity. When CO2 enters the water it may form Carbonic acid and increase ocean acidity. The increase of 2ppm co2 per year is not crossing any threshold of the ocean to absorb co2 in its massive volume. So this is also incorrect.

    • In general I disagree with the doom-and-gloom of "the worst is yet to come". The research has shown that when people are in a depressed state of mind their capacity to change and adapt are diminished. We really need to stop feeding the doom and gloom and instead talk about what we and our communities can do to forge a better future.

  • Beaching of sea lions in CA due to lack of food

Campaign Reports

  • Divest Teachers: Brian--Report on ETT meeti/OSSTF outreach.

    • Elementary Teachers (ETT) Enviro Committee (11,000 members) had a meeting last week where Kim and Brian were present. She is now the liaison with Toronto350.

    • Secondary school teachers may have passed a motion to request the managers of the fund respond to divestment. Kim Fry is working with the Elementary Teachers to present a motion too.

    • OSSTF also met.

    • There’s a hope that the OTPP managers have seen the writing on the wall for fossil fuels and are already considering it.

    • The goal is to get as many people as possible asking a divestment question before the annual meeting on April 9th. There will be people handing out info and buttons at that meeting.

    • Brain will write an email blast to ask our contacts if they’re teachers, or if they know any, and if so, to ask them to ask the divestment question.

  • Fossil Free UofT

    • We’ll be talking to the ad hoc committee o April 17th and hopefully sending the brief by March 27th. Profs are putting posters on walls. We’re also working on getting frosh kits prepared.

    • We also might be binding some of the briefs to give to the committee. Suggestions about who to dedicate them to are welcome, please send suggestions to Ka...@toronto350.org.

    • Sam is running for student elections for UTSU, and the group is running a fun campaign around that.

    • There was a negative divestment article in Varsity written by someone who is in the UK and seems to have a column. They’ve done it before. The Varsity immediately sent an apology for writing it, and we’ll be responding.

  • Step Up Canada!

    • The last session this past Saturday went really well, with presenters "stepping up" to explore content in their own voices. Also Beyond Crisis crowd fund is about to launch!

    • The big global picture is that the country submissions are due at the end of March for what countries plan to do, in the lead up to COP21 (as they agreed they would do at COP20). It’s likely to be pretty dismal for Canada, or not come at all.

    • We’re running a free coaching session by a pro actor/coach next Monday evening, for anyone interested in presenting (whether you’ve made it to a session or not). Monday 23rd, 6:30-8:30pm at CSI Bathurst.

    • The website, stepupcanada.ca is live, but hasn’t fully launched yet. It’s the beginnings of the social media campaign. It’ll start with people declaring who or what they are stepping up for, and asking them to post an image and post it with #StepUpCA.

    • Things are gearing up for the federal election.

    • People are welcome to get involved in the social media part of the campaign, and details will be given next week.

  • Pipelines

    • NDP rally happened this weekend and several attended. There were ~1500 cheering NDPers. We handed out some fliers. Katie will send the fliers around digitally. People were receptive to the climate messaging, but Mulcair didn’t mention climate, energy or environment at all, which is a big disappointed.

    • We posted on MP pages and NDPers liked things a lot, and received quite a lot of responses. But people don’t connect Energy East to pipelines, even though they think the NDP has a solid climate plan. They also have an idea that people don’t care about climate issues, but this doesn’t seem to be the case, but is rather part of current NDP ideological identity. This is something they need to be pushed on. They’re thinking it’s not a vote-getting, and they are very focused on getting votes.

    • The NDP are at least willing to be engaged, although they think they are already awesome on climate, which they’re unfortunately not. They’ve got a long way to go.

    • Getting labour and the NDP involved in climate issues is critical in our path forward. And it benefits them. Many union bosses have the impression that their membership sees their jobs are reliant upon the tar sands, even though renewables provide more jobs.

    • More info about carbon pricing can be gained at an OCAN workshop this Saturday, 12:30pm at 60 Lowther.

    • Act on Climate solidarity events (to be discussed later, see below)

    • Today is the last day to apply to the NEB

    • Energy East group meeting tomorrow, Katie is going. They’ll be focused on the province. Ralph Thorton community centre, 765 Queen East.

    • UofT NDP panel on climate change tomorrow 4-6pm at Trinity St Pauls.

  • Fossil Free Futures

    • No updates

  • Bill C-51 Rally debrief  

    • Support for the bill collapsed from 80% down to 45%, and a lot of people are strongly opposed, according to a Forum Canada poll.

    • 2500-3000 people attended, and there were good speakers and such. People seemed empowered.

    • Several members were on TV or video and news articles.

    • What about a twitter campaign around #IamATerrorist or #AmIaTerrorist? People didn’t like the “IamATerrorist” was much, as the echos of “I am Spartacus” were not obvious enough. The question is more opening, although the short words make it hard to turn into a hashtag. No action was decided to be taken on this.

    • We may have missed out a little by not flyering, although the organizers didn’t want people doing that. It’s something to be aware of for future rallies. However, a lot of people in the crowd already knew about Toronto350, which is good. This is something that could be delegated to the outreach community in future.

    • Community Town Hall Sat 2-4pm at 519 Church St.

Updates/Minor Items

  • Bullfrog--Toronto350.org info for media/press statement? Stu will followup with Cullen

  • TSAT Training April 10th-12th--we will partially subsidize 2-3 members-did we get any applicants? Only two members applied who wanted a subsidy, and one of those is on the waiting list, one got in. We approved $100 subsidy for each.

  • Graham-Land Defenders Fund - No action.

Major Proposals and other Group Activity

  • Pan Am Climate Conference--Summer planning--Do we need to make this a campaign?  Strategy session? Wait until after April 11th?  -10-15 minute discussion/brainstorming

    • We could have a prominent role bringing the “local” to this week of action.

    • Is this a Pipelines things? Probably not, as it’s not just pipeline-related, and Pipelines seems to be absorbing a lot. This is about mobilizing people from all levels of society.

    • There’s also a chance to get people from the continents to come and focus on this.

    • We need more direction from 350.org.

    • Could committees do it? Maybe, but they don’t really lead things, they wait for people to ask them to do things. This requires leadership.

    • There will be Divestment leaders from across Canada coming here.

    • How about Easter Monday, April 6th? Noon and potluck. At Katie’s place. Stu to check that Cam can make it.

  • April 12th--Quebec City/Toronto plans--Volops?  Bottom-liners?  Budget? 10-15 minute discussion

    • We’ve decided that solidarity actions aren’t the most effective things to do. So instead of going to Queen’s Park, we’re going to run “Block Parties to Block Energy East”. We intend to be outside of 4 MPs offices running block parties on April 12th.

    • We could give passers-by something to sign and put into their mailbox.

    • We could invite them to attend.

    • We’re hoping both music and food.

    • We could put fliers in mail boxes a few days before in the neighbourhood.

    • Instead of asking them to reject EE, we could ask for a climate review. Or something else? This is a realistic ask that they can potentially say yes to. We want to give them the political space to make a good statement, specifically on climate.

    • Maybe for NDP we can ask them what they will do, and for Liberals to ask for any climate review.

    • Dogwood threatened BC NDP in order to get them to turn against pipelines. It worked there. A threatening action could well be effective.

    • Maybe have a different ask for NDP and Liberal.

    • Katie will try to find out where MG stands this week.

    • Who are the bottom liners? Brian, Ben, Lila

    • Who else can help?

    • Are we taking on too much? Could we push it back? Or do we wanna do it on the 12th, since its the Act on Climate weekend.

    • Maybe spread them out, doing two on Sunday afternoon and two Monday evening? We could even stagger them, so people can go to all of them.

    • Could we phonebank and get volunteers?

    • Brian will call Bennett, Ben will call Freeland, Katie will talk to Calloway and Cash. Ben will send a script.

    • Should we be more careful about giving out climate awards? Are we giving them out too easily, for just a climate review?

    • Planning meeting this Sunday afternoon.

    • Ben, Lila, Brian will phoneback. Ben will make script. Get #ActOnClimteTO and #Volunteer-events people.


Green Living Show tabling (so far we have 1 person each day, but it'd be good to have more help)

Step Up will make some fliers.

What are we asking of people? Do we have a petition to sign? Let’s use the EE petition to get signups. Katie will write short petition text, send it to Brian, and Brian will create the petition template. To have it read in parliament has to follow a particular format. We’ll deliver the petitions to the MPs on the 12th.

Diest Teachers flier can be printed.

Brian will ask Tina for a FFF flier. Ben will send the divestment inographci to Brian for printing too.

Outreach Materials—basic Divestment Flyer  

Creative VolOp— does anyone want to design stickers for us by the 24th? There is a promotion for printing them that ends at that time. If you're able to do the designs by that time, get feedback from Exec and let Ed know. (Tina) Stu will send to Lila will help.

Shopping for 2nd Hand T-shirts-- Rosemary will help

Pub Night -- Stu

Next meeting:

Ben will Chair

Brian will take Minutes

Events and other Announcements

  • OCAN Carbon Pricing strategy workshop, March 21st, 12:30-5pm at Friend’s House, 60 Lowther Ave, $10/pwyc

  • Engaging with TO City Hall training by Stop Line 9 on March 26, from 6pm to 9pm, reg deadline March 22nd. If you’re interested, speak to Stu, as To350 will subsidize. Brian, Nadine and Michael are interested.

  • Meeting with Esteban (Solidarity across Borders)  cancelled, sadly

  • Community Organizing Workshorp  This Saturday 10-5 PM -Wilson Hall UofT https://www.facebook.com/events/528425223966156/

  • Doc: Above All Else on Thurs at Bloor Hotdocs

  • Sunday April 19th--Walk the Line--Line 9 Event along hydro corridor


Suggestion for Sticker - I have access to t-shirts and Brian says he can pay for some stickers - The art is my own adapted from a photograph I took with permission. Feel free to use. Sylvia

B. Young

Mar 25, 2015, 3:11:20 PM3/25/15
to toron...@googlegroups.com

Toronto350.org Planning Meeting-March 24th, 2015

Chair:  Tresanne    Minutes:  Brian Voloper: Lila

Present: Stu, Brian, Brad, Paul, Amanda, Robert, David, Sasha, Tresanne, Jade, Lila, Graham, Kai 

Go Around/Climate Report

  • UN Supports Divestment

  • Rusbridger's Guardian Climate Change Campaign keeps scoring points (Mombiot especially)

  • Communities from Texas to Vermont to Costa Rica going without fossil fuels for extended periods

  • Ocean desalination near the upper latitudes has been having an impact on the Gulf Stream which appears to be slowing down

Campaign Reports

    • Divest Teachers: Brian--Report on ETT meeti/OSSTF outreach.

      • Motion to ask the pension fund managers to divest reached the floor of the OSSTF convention, but did not pass. Instead, more general motions about the effects of climate change generally were approved. More work to be done.

      • Divest Teachers is reaching out to as many teachers as possible to raise the question of divestment on the OTPP website and in their RSVPs to the annual meeting on April 9 in order to push the managers to at least address the question.

    • Fossil Free UofT

      • We’ll be talking to the ad hoc committee (11 faculty, 1 Admin, 1 Student), April 17th and hopefully sending the brief by March 27th.

      • Copies of the brief will be properly bound to give to the committee. Stu wondered if interested members could buy additional copies (a price of $30 is the current estimate; it's well over 200 p. not including citations). Editing of the brief by as many eyes as possible will be helpful, but needed in the next day or so.

      • The Divest UofT group passed a statement of values after lengthy and fruitful discussion

        Frosh kits are done and ready for distribution

    • Step Up Canada!

      • Step Up's presentation/training went well on Saturday's CCL event went well. Our portion was videotaped to augment the material for our upcoming webinar.

      • Beyond Crisis, the PCM documentary, is going well and the Indiegogo crowd fund site has just launched: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/beyond-crisis-film

        Please share with your contacts and emphasize the local context for this global struggle. (Stu suggested focusing on relatives as well).

      • The free coaching session with the pro actor/coach on Monday evening went well with emphasis on connecting with your audience via body language, eye contact. A good small group of about 10 with high commitment level attended.

      • The website, stepupcanada.ca is live. .

      • Step Up is holding bi-weekly meetings for presenters and looking to connect with people and orgs that will make use of this program.

      • People are welcome to get involved in the social media part of the campaign. Remember to post with #StepUpCA.

    • Pipelines

      • Block Parties to Block Energy East. Met Sunday with several new members to work out details of our response to Act On Climate, targeting local MPs and ridings: Adam Vaughan (Trinity-Spadina, Lib), Chrystia Freeland (TO Centre, Lib), Matthew Kelway (TO-Danforth, NDP) and perhaps Andrew Cash (Davenport, NDP). Dates April 12, 13, and tbd (Earth Day?)

        Each party will involve information outreach, petition drive, fun/food and music. Three tables to staff: food, art, info. Musicians to be lined up.

        Flyers to be distributed in advance in local area.

    • Fossil Free Futures

      • No updates

      Updates/Minor Items

        • New Members Pub Night, Thursday 26th, 8pm at Regal Beagle 335 Bloor W. 
        • There is provincial council of ???? on the weekend and a nomination meeting on Monday.
        • Art workshop (doodle to go out) for April 11/12 and screen printing t-shirts (location/date TBD)  http://doodle.com/kgwndqbbazkafpw9
        • CANCELLED - Engaging with TO City Hall training by Stop Line 9 on March 26, .
        • Sunday April 19th--Walk the Line - A Line 9 Event along hydro-Line 9 corridor
        • Sunday April 19th, exec/innovation meeting 6-9 w potluck. Stu’s place.
        • A Climate for Change; This Sat, the 28th at U of T Earth Science Bldg. We are hosts. [Bill McKibben via Skype?] https://www.facebook.com/events/283915475151076/

      Major Proposals and other Group Activity

        • Toronto350 - Elections on April 7th.
        • April 12th--Quebec City/Toronto
          • We’ve decided that solidarity actions aren’t the most effective things to do. So instead of going to Queen’s Park, we’re going to run “Block Parties to Block Energy East”. We intend to be outside of 4 MPs offices running block parties on April 12th.

          • Bus(es) to Quebec City: need for at least one bus captain    

            One volunteer, but needs fare. ($95). We will cover this, but no more.

          • Env. Def. asked us to do ticketing page on our site for TO buses, because they are constrained. $95/ticket (we'll need to recover costs, too) Stu suggested using Picatic.com for webpage.

        • Block Parties to Block EE ( see above)

          Donating to Front-line Communities

            • Finance Ctee breakout discussed (Graham). This policy will be based on the part of our ask when people donate. Front-line Communities  would receive a percentage of online donations via the Sustainers’ Club (run by Taylor). Current recipient Unist'ot'en Camp in BC to be calculated based on response to the three levels listed on donation page. Target to be reviewed regularly.
            • Motion: Be it resolved that Toronto350 will donate 5-15% of on-line monthly donations to front-line communities via the Sustainers' Club; the recipient and percentage to be reviewed every 6 months; percentage will be determined with reference to donor preferences in online donor survey.  Moved by Graham Henry, Seconded by Stu Basden.
            • Motion passed unanimously: In favour - 9; opposed - 0; abstained - 0.

        Breakout - focus on questions (hooks) and asks at Green Living Show this weekend. Brian to send email to volunteers.


        • Proofread the brief!!! Stu to put offer to buy on our site. Edit for content and tone. No major edits. Emails with suggestions to Tresanne at her toronto350 address ,please. Amanda, Sasha
        • Go to Quebec City for 11th: everyone who can
        • Make a ticketing page for the trip to help Env. Def.: Jade
        • Show up to Block Parties (April 12 & 13 & tbd; see above plus more info to come)
        • Help distribute flyers for same: Tresanne, Amanda, Jade, Sasha
        • Art for Block Parties & silk-screening for T's. Answer Doodle request. Brad to coordinate
        • Crowdfund Step Up Doc (see above) https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/beyond-crisis-film : Everyone.
        • Green Living Show - people to table and fliers (from campaigns - give to Brian) Jade, Sasha, Amanda et al.
        • Prepare sign-up lists for GLS: Jade
        • Climate impact network on the 28th at U of T [Bill McKibben via Skype?] Tabling from noon to 2 at Earth Science Bldg.https://www.facebook.com/events/283915475151076/ : Graham
        • Divest OMERS liaison – Brian

        Next meeting:

        Chair - Lila

        Minutes - Jade

        Voloper - Sasha

        Location - Jade's place (61 Cecil). It's Pot Luck! Start time at 6:00 pm

        Jade Wong

        Apr 5, 2015, 3:29:46 PM4/5/15
        to toron...@googlegroups.com

        March 31st Planning Meeting Minutes

        Land recognition + Intros + Climate Report (15 mins)

        We are all Treaty people on the indigenous land,

        of the Anishinaabe and other nations who protect Turtle island

        And so that equity is addressed

        checking the space you take up must be stressed

        but if anything else comes up, let us know,

        put our principles to the test!

        Let’s begin!

        In Attendance: Lila, Tresanne, Katie, Milan, Paul, Stu, Tina, Robert, Sasha, Sylvia, Brian, Rosemary, Sophia, Rhys, Jody, Suhail, Ariel, Jade

        Climate News:

        • Anglican Church calls for divestment

        • Syracuse University divests

        • China sells tar sands interests

        • Nations were supposed to register their climate goals for Paris today -- Canada did not, US and Mexico did

        Campaigns (45 minutes or more because Block Parties)

        • Pipelines (We’re doing this 1st because Suhail has to leave)

          • Block Parties to block Energy East

          • April 12th, 13th, and 19th

            • What prep needs to be done for art build this Thursday?

              • Debrief the day to Suhail afterwards

              • Painter’s plastic, red and yellow paint -- Jade

              • black fabric, hula hoops -- Brian

            • Current state of musician invitations

              • Stu will check with Melissa

              • Ariel network bands!

            • Inviting important local people -- Katie

            • More local outreach that would be great--people need to volunteer

              • Ben writing press release, Lila flyering

            • Everyone--make a list of 5 people to invite to the Block Parties by the end of tomorrow.

            • Meeting with Freeland team next Tuesday the 7th @ 1:30pm, Ben wants company -- Katie and Suhail volunteered

        1. Look into groups within those neighbourhoods to come out (Trinity-Spadina, Yonge & Rosedale, Gerrard & Main), look at neighbourhood newspapers

          1. Promote events on local news outlets

          2. Send out email blast -- need someone to write up

        2. Budget: for food, art supplies, etc. -- $300? -- Need a meeting to sort out plans. Monday at 8pm.

          1. Food diorama?

          • Cam’s email about the direction of the premiers/National Energy Strategy (which might include letting pipelines thru)

            • Suggested: Thunderclap, have it go off before the 14th, which is day of premier meeting (consider the 11th), need meme/picture. Petition page? So we can get sign ups. Katie/Brian/Jade work on meme.

          • Layton Resolution for Line9 shut-off valves

            • Motion by Mike Layton to require Line9 have shut off valves put in. The vote was today. Line9 Coalition is meeting next week at City Hall.

          • Enbridge AGM in Toronto, May 4th.

            • Rosemary says it might be fun to attend

            • Line61 is another proposed pipeline by Enbridge

        • Divest Teachers

          • Another point person for Divest OMERS (Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System)?

        • Fossil Free Futures

        • Divest UofT

          • Update on the brief and ad hoc committee

          • Preparing the final brief update, including printing

          • Preparing the presentation to the committee

        Major Proposals and other Group Activity (20 minutes maybe)

        • Katie and Ben’s adventures in California at the big 350 meeting

          • will be preparing presentation on their trip and how to move forward/work with allies

          • building networks between local groups

          • form a Ontario convergence for the end of May, 1-2 people from local 350 groups -- grow groups through July event (Pan Am)

        • Also, Green Living Show debrief

        • Can someone use Queen’s Park at midday on the 11th or should Brian unbook it?

          • Is still available but we don’t need it

        Volops (15 minutes)

        • Art for block parties + screen printing t-shirts: Thursday April 2, 3-8ish, at the Greenpeace Warehouse, 10 Busy St. Come for a few hours if you can!

        • Going to block parties

        • Distributing fliers for block parties

        • More community outreach for block parties

        • Going to Quebec

        • Act on Climate selfies!

        • Help clean up the (new) website

        • Next meeting

          • Chair: Lila

          • Minutes: Jade

          • Voloper: Katie

          • Location and time: Steelworker’s Hall, 25 Cecil Street, 7-9pm

        Event and other Announcements (5 minutes)

        • Beyond Crisis Crowdfund just launched!! HUGE. Film will include TO350 for sure, and any promotion is great. Lots of awesome perks to choose from! Link here: https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/beyond-crisis-film/x/4749531

        • Wednesday April 1 (aka tomorrow) Sport and Sustainability: A Focus on the 2015 Toronto Pan AM Games, (4:30 pm - 7:30 pm, Toronto) (Free ticket available worth $70!, ask Stu for promo code).

        • Tuesday April 7th--there will be elections at the meeting

        • Thursday April 9th--Oil Sands and the City, 6:30-8:30pm.

        • Tuesday April 14th--the meeting will not be normal because we’ll be brainstorming about the PAC Summit in July with Cam.

        • Wednesday April 15th--Solidarity Across Borders rescheduled at 6-8:30, at Multifaith Centre 569 Spadina: https://www.facebook.com/events/435168459992679/

        • Sunday April 19th--Walk the Line--Line 9 Event along hydro corridor

        • Sunday April 19th, exec/innovation meeting

        Committees & Other Breakouts (20 minutes)

        • Communications committee

          • What email(s) should be sent this week?

            • Act on Climate

            • Block Parties

            • email to encourage anyone who knows teachers or retirees to ask a divestment question on the website or at the actual meeting on the 9th (Brian will, of course).

        Jade Wong

        Apr 8, 2015, 4:08:19 PM4/8/15
        to toron...@googlegroups.com

        April 7, 2015 Toronto350 Termly General Meeting Minutes


        Land Recognition:

        We are all Treaty people on the indigenous land,

        of the Anishinaabe and other nations who protect Turtle island

        And so that equity is addressed

        checking the space you take up must be stressed

        but if anything else comes up, let us know,

        put our principles to the test!

        Let’s begin!


        In Attendance: Joanna, Jody, Tresanne, Leon, Rhys, Amanda, Melina, Ariel, Ben, Graham, Robert, Suhail, Brad, Ezra, Jade, Stu, Amanda, Brian, Amelia Rose, Katie, Lila, Milan, Cullen, Sam

        • 23 voting members

        • 24 members

        Brief announcements

        • MIT Announcement from Twitter (Milan)

          • Link to event from Lila

          • Wednesday April 8th — Panel Discussion — The Business of Carbon Pricing in Ontario 6:30, 130 King St West

        • Thursday April 9th--OTPP Meeting, 444 Yonge St. @ College/Yonge - Time? Will be a Volop.

          • Help hand out — Ezra followed request to canvass friends who might be teachers

            • Ezra, Stu

        • Thursday April 9th — Oil Sands and the City, 6:30-8:30pm.

        • Friday April 10th — Pipeline Painting Party AND Artbuild, 6:30, Wychwood Barns @ Christie/St. Clair

          • Brian, Suhail, Karen

        • Sunday April 12th — BLOCK PARTY! @ Adam Vaughan’s, 2-4 (Queen/Spadina)

        • Monday April 13th — BLOCK PARTY! @ Chrystia Freeland’s, 4-6 (Rosedale Station)

        • Tuesday April 14th -- the meeting will not be normal because we’ll be brainstorming about the PAC Summit in July with Cam.

        • Wednesday April 15th — Solidarity Across Borders rescheduled at 6-8:30, at Multifaith Centre 569 Spadina: https://www.facebook.com/events/435168459992679/

        • Thursday April 16th — A Story-based Approach to Climate Outreach — Author Carrie Saxifrage Reads from The Big Swim 7:00, 315 Roncesvalles Ave

        • Sunday April 19th — Walk the Line--Line 9 Event along hydro corridor

        • Sunday April 19th — exec/innovation meeting

        • Sunday May 31st — Walk For Values,  walkforvalues.com

        A few words from Stu

        • Thanks to the group (approaching its third year), and thanks to Stu too!

        Brief update from Milan

        • Books to be printed, need at least 11 for ad-hoc committee, plus extra for President Gertler, Tony Gray, some on hand for future use

        Voter Identification

        • People eligible to vote will receive a symbol of that ability — pipe cleaners

        Financial Statement from the Treasurer

        • Approximately $9,000 in the account

        Election of the President

        • Candidates: Stu


          • MOTION PASSES

        Election of the Treasurer

        • Candidates: Joanna, Suhail

          • Secret ballot

            • Results: tie

            • Votes recast, Joanna 13, Suhail 9, Abstention 1

            • Joanna elected as Treasurer

        Analysis of Executive Positions

        • Hopefully, no creation or elimination will need to happen

        • Renaming them all to sound less corporate (Ben)

          • Example:

            • Rename Director to Organizer or Coordinator

            • President to Director

            • Executive Assistant to Executive Chair

        Motion to change Director to Organizer

        • YES 3 NO 0 ABSTAIN 0


        Motion to change Director to Coordinator

        • YES 18 NO 1 ABSTAIN 0


        Motion to change Executive Assistant to Administrative Coordinator

        • YES 23 NO 0 ABSTAIN 0


        Motion to change President to Executive Director

        • YES 5 NO 0 ABSTAIN 0


        Motion to change President to Executive Coordinator

        • YES 1 NO 0 ABSTAIN 0


        Motion to keep President as is

        • YES 17 NO 0 ABSTAIN 0


        Nomination and Election of Other Executive Positions

        Administrative Coordinator

        • Motion to elect Tresanne

          • YES 22 NO 0 ABSTAIN 1

          • MOTION PASSES

        Operations Coordinator

        • Motion to elect Suhail

          • YES 23 NO 0 ABSTAIN 0

          • MOTION PASSES

        Media Coordinator

        • Motion to elect Amanda (Harvey-Sanchez)

          • YES 23 NO 0 ABSTAIN 0

          • MOTION PASSES

        Development Coordinator

        • Election moved to next meeting due to Sophia’s absence

        Fundraising Coordinator

        • Motion to elect Cullen

          • YES 23 NO 0 ABSTAIN 0

          • MOTION PASSES

        Political Operations Coordinator

        • Secret Ballot

          • Amelia Rose 7, Ariel & Klim 15, Abstain 0

          • Ariel & Klim elected

        Creative Coordinator

        • Motion to elect Jade

          • YES 23 NO 0 ABSTAIN 0

          • MOTION PASSES

        Communications Coordinator

        • Motion to elect Leon

          • YES 23 NO 0 ABSTAIN 0

          • MOTION PASSES

        Outreach Coordinator

        • Motion to elect Ben

          • YES 23 NO 0 ABSTAIN 0

          • MOTION PASSES

        Volunteer Coordinator

        • Motion to elect Katie

          • YES 23 NO 0 ABSTAIN 0

          • MOTION PASSES

        • Major Proposals and also a minor proposal (20 mins)

        • Budget for Ontario350 Convergence (Katie and Ben)

        • Keystone Victory Pub Party (Stu)

          • Chance that Keystone may finally be struck down by Obama

        Selected Volops

        • OTPP Meeting on Thursday — who can be there?

        • Call media for block parties, day before and day of, 8am — Amanda HS

        • Suhail is bringing a sign-up sheet for the Block Parties — contact Suhail if you are interested in helping and have yet to sign up

        • Sam and Lila coordinating flyer distribution for Block Parties

          • Wednesday, Thusday, Friday - 5-8pm

          • Saturday - 12-3pm

          • Email Sam if interested

        • Work on a press release regarding ON’s Cap+Trade plan

          • Suhail

        Next meeting:

        • Chair - Stu

        • Minutes - Jade

        • Volops - Cullen

        Jade Wong

        Apr 15, 2015, 2:09:27 PM4/15/15
        to toron...@googlegroups.com

        April 14th, 2015 -- Planning Meeting Minutes

        Intro and climate report

        We are all Treaty people on the indigenous land,

        of the Anishinaabe and other nations who protect Turtle island

        And so that equity is addressed

        checking the space you take up must be stressed

        but if anything else comes up, let us know,

        put our principles to the test!

        Let’s begin!

        In Attendance: Stu, Tali, Amelia Rose, Paul, Rhys, Joanna, Ben, Chris, Suhail, Emmay, Leon, Steve, Robert, Lila, Joe, Michael, Tresanne, Anna, Jody, Anna, Klim, Katie, Ariel, Brian, Louie, Lyn, Cullen, Sophia, Amanda, Cam, Madeline, Jade

        Major Proposals and other Group Activity

        • Sophia running for Development Coordinator

          • Motion to keep Sophia as Development Coordinator

            • YES 18 NO 0 ABSTAIN 0

              • MOTION PASSES

        • Budget for ON350 retreat

          • Katie: Ontario 350 Retreat

          • Propose $1,000 to $1,700 ($2,200 with food) budget towards May 350 Retreat for Ontario chapters (Toronto, Guelph, Owen Sound, etc)

          • Can vote during next week’s meeting


        • Organize ON 3 spaces (1 for waitlist): Suhail, Kai, Katie, Joanna, and Leon

        • Jeff Rubin book launch (May 19th)

          • Fossil Free Fund: draw people who personally invest to divest

          • Invited us to go to the book launch to be advertised along with it and have one of us speak there on behalf of divestment

          • Corporate sponsorship

            • Coordinator: Brian

            • Speaker: Ben, Tali, Chris

        • StepUp selfie of who you’re stepping up for. Sample tweet or fb share text:

          • .@your_MP Step up and take action on climate change. I am stepping up for _____________. #StepUpCA #ActOnClimate #COP21

          • Find your MP on twitter here.

          • Emmay will pass out sign up sheets

        • Emails to send this week:

          • Email C-51 people for the rally this weekend and connect to climate in some way (Wednesday at the latest) -- Leon

          • Sign up for We > Tar Sands Thunderclap -- Everyone

        • Intro Pub Night

          • For new members on how to get involved towards the end of the month, probably April 30th

            • Volunteers to help organize: Jody, Rhys, Klim, Madeline

        • Digitize volunteer lists from Block Parties -- Jody, Anna, Jade, Rhys, Tali, Ben

        Event and other Announcements

        • 350 Digital Organizer Job

        • Wednesday, April 15th -- Community Forum on Rail Safety (with Toronto MPs), 6:30-8pm at Church of the Messiah, 240 Avenue Road, Toronto, ON M5R 2J4, Canada

        • Sunday, April 19th -- Walk the Line -- Line 9 Event along hydro corridor

        • Sunday, April 19th -- Exec/Innovation meeting

        • Step Up Canada presentations “Climate Change & Canada”:

          • Causes, consequences and Canada's role in the global effort to address this escalating global phenomenon

          • April 20th @ 7-8pm Annette Street Library (145 Annette Street)

          • May 11th @ 6:30-7:30pm Runnymede Library (2178 Bloor St. W)

        • This Changes Everything book club starting next week -- talk to Stu for info

        • Friday, May 1st -- May Day rally

        • Cam’s Session

          • Three day plan in July

          • July 3rd

            • Students targeting gov’t (CYCC, ECO, etc)

            • Escalation

          • July 4th

            • Highlight flagship points alongside pipeline route

            • Dispersed anti-pipeline campaigns across Canada

          • July 5th

            • Pull together the most diverse that focuses on solutions moving past tar sands and fossil fuels

            • Physically show for REAL climate solutions -- clean energy, reduction of fossil fuel use, public transit, building a piece/reinvisioning climate march model that can be replicated

            • Create a story of where we want to go -- build alignment

        • Breakout Groups

          • Recruitment

            • Groups: frontline, art and tech, transportation, Food justice/urban agriculture

            • Trace lineage -- Toronto is a nexus -- good to connect them all back

            • Every neighbourhood is represented

            • How to spread the word through TO350

          • Tactic

            • Pride Parade as an example

            • Direction: central location of convergence, satellite areas

            • Disruption -- large numbers

            • Target Parliament

            • Section for solutions

          • Storytelling

            • Not passive, taking own action

            • Slogan? “Leave the oil in soil”

            • Substories of climate and who’s affected -- economy, educational (and how to educate), ‘cap and trade is not enough’ idea, heroes/villains and story arc, adversity to positive ending

            • Advertise in multiple languages  

            • Tying it in with other events on that weekend

            • Climate Summit connection

        • Next meeting

          • Chair: Ben

          • Minutes: Sophia

          • Voloper: Klim


        Apr 22, 2015, 6:00:48 PM4/22/15
        to toron...@googlegroups.com

        These are the brainstorm sheets we created for our group at the April 14th meeting. The first is from the "Art" breakout, and the other 3 from the "Group Development" breakout. A third breakout also produced a sheet (or more?), but I wasn't able to locate it at the end of the meeting.


        Apr 27, 2015, 11:44:29 PM4/27/15
        to toron...@googlegroups.com
        Hi All,

        So sorry for the delay in sending out these minutes!!!!!  


        Minutes:  Toronto350 Planning Meeting 21 April 2015

         Chair: Suhail

        Minutes: Sophia

        Volops: Klim


        • Land Recognition:

        We are all Treaty people on the indigenous land,

        of the Anishinaabe and other nations who protect Turtle island

        And so that equity is addressed

        checking the space you take up must be stressed

        but if anything else comes up, let us know,

        put our principles to the test!

        Let’s begin!

        • Brief announcements
          • StepUp Canada (Emmay):
            • Human #Tags event at Nathan Phillips Square, Wednesday April 22nd @12pm
            • Submitted joint statement (on Federal government’s failure to submit climate targets to UNFCCC for COP 21) on 22 April with lots of other groups signing on
            • UPDATE:  Joint statement featured on Rabble
          • Line9 direct action in Scarborough took place on 22 April to disrupt important Enbridge meeting.
          • Confront Barrick Gold: Stand With Impacted Communities will take place Tuesday April 28th, 10:30am, Metro Toronto Convention Centre, 255 Front Street West during Barrick Gold AG to convince shareholders to divest
          • NationBuilder workshop 28 April 2015 5-7 pm at 354 Concord Ave (Katie’s place).  Is open to everyone and will cover basics of Nationbuilder as well as other communications tools
          • T-Shirts available for sale, AND some free t-shirts (donation optional) with no logo.
          • Thursday April 30 is new people’s night (email pending)


        • We > Tarsands (3-5 July 2015)
          • In groups we brainstormed allies and contacts at different organisations across the city, province, and country we can reach out to IF YOU HAVE ANY CONTACTS TO ADD PLEASE FORWARD THEM
          • Went into breakout groups to determine the Role of Toronto350 (as distinct from 350.org)
            • Followup Events (post-march)
              • e.g. afterparty, debrief, movie screenings, etc.
              • Have a ‘week of action’ post-march to maintain momentum and to allow for people to come out to as many things as possible; Environmental Fair (of Toronto Enviro groups), movie screening, etc
              • Following Tuesday planning meeting has to be SPECIAL
              • Friday 10 July Opening Ceremony of Pan Am games – need to find messaging/tie-in relevant to Toronto350
              • Important to make new people feel welcome and retain them
              • What about pre-march events (like art builds)
              • Open forum meeting?
            • Canvassing
              • At the march; also canvassing training, info collection
              • Many different events (community environment days)
              • Outreach at key points in march (end, beginning, TTC stations)
              • Outreach materials, like flyers
              • Flyers at community centres
              • Flyers in different languages and targeted towards children
            • Volunteer Recruitment
              • Pub night, recruit new volunteers, training and empowerment
              • Website tweaking to make easier for volunteers (by skills, or what you want to learn, or just tell me what to do)
              • Reconfigure volunteer base into hubs
              • Resources for volunteers (350 messaging, climate briefs, etc) AKA New Volunteer Toolkit
              • More outdoor events in summer (ie; bonfires)
              • Mentorship à connecting those who know with those who want to do
              • Clarify meeting time and place ON WEBSITE
            • Art
              • WHERE is the art going to be made (re; NYC had a huge warehouse for this purpose)
              • Marching bands/noisemakers or (like NYC) with moment of silence before a HUGE NOISE
              • Clay and paper puppets
              • Strong indigenous component necessary
              • Things that can bounce around (earth balls)
              • Parodies of the Olympic Games in 2050 (with global warming)
              • Build Float, Banners, Clothes, etc
        • We are applying for a grant to hire a staff member this summer, to build capacity and assist in “We > Tarsands”
          • Would we prefer to have a single person full-time, or two people part time?
          • What specifically would we want those people to be doing?
          • VOL-OPP to figure this out
        • Working on a divestment kit for other institutions (Milan)
          • VOL-OPP: Interested in helping on this
        • Meme contest based on 2 articles (see also email sent on 22 April)
          • Harper's ‘soft-coup’
          • Koch brothers
          • Prize is $50 MEC gift card and deadline for memes is 5 May at noon:
            • You can submit as many memes as you like:
            • Please include
              • An image (preferably square)
              • Text to be posted with the image, including link(s) of the article(s) and a call-to-action for people to do something (ie; sign-up or something relevant on our website)
              • A tweet (120 characters plus link and image) with same call-for-action signup link.
        • Book Club (Robert)
          • Robert proposed an environmental themed book club to meet once a week. 
          • VOL-OPP to organize with Robert


        Selected Volops

        • The Fossil Free Futures campaign is looking for volunteers and ideas to reinvigorate it (Contact Tina)


        Next meeting: 7- 9 Katie’s house 354 Concord Ave

          • Chair : Ben
          • Minutes: Anna
          • Volops: Tali



        Toronto350 Minutes 21 April.pdf


        May 4, 2015, 11:08:52 PM5/4/15
        to toron...@googlegroups.com

        Toronto350.org planning meeting minutes: 2015-04-28

        Present: Klim, Joseph, Brad, Katie , Milan, Ben, Stu,  Jason, Maria,  Tina,Robert , Bryan, Suhail, Jade, Joanna, , Kai, Madeleine, Leon, Ellory, Tali,Amanda,Reese, Louis, Lynn, Ezra

        Chair: Ben

        Minutes: Anna

        Voloper: Tali

        Intro and climate report

        Introductions, welcome and climate report

        • Statement: We are all Treaty people on the indigenous land, of the Anishinaabe and other nations who protect Turtle island. / And so that equity is addressed/ checking the space you take up must be stressed /but if anything else comes up, let us know, / put our principles to the test! / Let’s begin!

        Campaign updates

        • Climate Fast (climate lobby) update Lyn

          • in Ottawa — delivered a statement to MPs and senators (small video about event)

          • working towards getting signatures of politicians to 3-point pledge to end fossil fuel subsidies (130 MPs have signed, no Trudeau, no Mulcaire)

          • gave them information on HOW to actually reduce our emissions and hit climate targets

          • Conflict resolution organization —> Kathleen Wynne was keynote speaker. We need politicians as our allies — Ontario is  doing some work on it, but will it be enough?

          • Writing your MPs about climate action

        • Pride Table booked!


        • New Environmental Defense campaign we may want to support —> pledge to call Kathleen Wynne’s office on May 14th. “We don’t want Energy East”

        • Government is giving report back from OEB, who did a bunch of consultations and had reports made

        • Campaign strategy meeting within next week or two

        • Energy East Agenda —> June, may find out about applications to intervene for NEB Review

        Step Up Canada

        • making presenter meetings more engaging

        • released some webinars — visual taste of what the presentation can look like

        • really good feedback so far - still trying to book new venues and open to anyone who wants to engage

        Divest U of T

        • Editing constitution and structure for September

        • Upcoming meeting to make press release for We>Tar Sands and send out to communities

        • Convergence of other divestment campaigns before mobilization in July


        • Step Up, Canada! campaign, recent presentations with more to come, and completed webinar.

        Fossil Free Futures

        • no updates

        Treasury Update

        • Jade has access to accounts and money —> if you need anything go talk to her

        Group Decisions

        1. Disccusing the march on the Toronto350.org homepage on website (comms/messaging, http://350.org/july/ has ideas) [Stu]

          • call to action on website —> more interesting than what we’ve got

          • Dino memes??

          • Structure of organizing committee announced — central organizing committe, hubs that center around different sectors and regions of the city

          • People have individually pledged — but very vague. Make the ask more specific, pledge — this is my organization, this is how many people we’re pledging to bring, here’s the creative stuff we’ve made so far

          • Jade, Katie, Suhail, Klim, Anna, Kai

        2. What emails need to go out this week? (Stu)

          • Winning the Future wants to send out to find potential local leaders - not quite ready

          • Follow-up from earth week - link to short video, write your MP

          • Environmental Defense pledge to call Kathleen Wynne

          • Nepal — solidarity message at the bottom of email (without tying to action uncomfortable adding it?) — suggest a good way to donate —> Lynn will research good places to donate to. Good thing about Red Cross — not guaranteed to go to Nepalese disaster if enough aid is going there, good untied funding.

        3. Berkely summary: Ben & Katie 20 min (moved to end)

        4. Scarburough subway opposition: agreement we oppose the Scarburough subway and support alternative transit funding ASAP

          • Will never get built/funded. Want politicians to fund LRT or bus routes for next federal election

          • Will escalate campaign before sept. think we will be interested in this campaign because if Scarborough

          • Careful around messaging —> cannot be a climate group that opposes public transit. Their ask is for 30 LRT stops not 3 subway stops

          • What they want from us: retweet and potentially attend events (we will get clear direction)

          • Should release Toronto 350.org press release stating very clearly why we are supporting their movement

        Major proposals

        Volunteer opportunities

        1. Finding a committee chair for the people-outreach and allies-outreach committees. (Ben and ...)

        2. TCAN delegates—who wants to be one? AGM is Saturday May 9th, 1:30pm at Metro Hall.

          • Klim

          • Suhail

          • …..Open to All

        3. Group Liaisons

          • assign people

          • one on one / relationship building training with Ben next Tuesday at 6pm Friends House

        4. Tabling VolunteersOrganizing Committee - Who should be on it?

        5. Tree Pledge (Katie)

        6. Dinosaur Meme (Katie) —> Klim and Joanna to move this forward

          • Make MEME at ROM with dinosaur bones (“leave it in the  ground”)

          • People  at U of T thought we were anti-archeology. need to make sure that mistake is not made again

          • Something easy for new volunteers to do.

          • Contact ROM — set up tabling (Friday party nights)

            • Joanna has a close friend working at the ROM

        7. Tuesday May 19 6-8pm - Jeff Rubin, the Carbon Bubble, 366 Bay Street.

          • as many tablers/ canvassers as possible. I’ll ask to meet y’all at 5.30 so we can discuss talking points.

          • What should our tabling materials be?

        8. Tabling for Pride Parade - U of T also has a place in

        Committee Breakouts

        Event planning - Suhail

        • pre and post march events to engage all of new volunteers and plug them into things they can come to and learn about the climate movement — become climate activists


        if you wanna help with event - contact Suhail @ opera...@toronto350.org

        • 7 events immediately following days of action probably won’t work

        • try to have lots of events through July

        • Categories of events:

          • press campaign/presentations that will repeat

          • pub nights/fun nights

          • movie screenings

          • art auctions of things we made for march

          • Fundraiser by people who did romancing climate

        • By next meeting —> start appointing leads

        • Event Planing is fun! Can get paired up with someone who knows how to plan events.

        Winning the Future - Stu

        • Action Kit

          • What do we want people to learn?

          • What teaches those skills?

        • Hiring internally for PACS (should this be part of Winning the Future?)

          • What do we want them to do?

          • One or two roles?

          • $20/hr?

          • Volop: write out role description asap, so people can apply and the exec can hire them (as-per the Bylaws)

        • Other volops

          • Write email to invite people

          • Go through NB Geography lists to look for key potential people, and call them

          • Create signup page


        Try to hire 2 people within next couple of days. Hire people by next week.

        Waiting for confirmation? Likely to get it by the time job descirption goes out

        • Coordinator - Allies and Arts

        • Coordinator - Volunteers/Canvassing

        Hiring Committee —> discussion at exec meeting on Sunday

        Volunteer Committee Meeting (Katie)

        • re-structuring ways to engage volunteers, sign them up, align them with actions/volunteering

        • mentoring/training interest? —> everyone from Organize Ontario


        • Process of  gathering info and figuring out how people can be brought into org and put to work

        • This Thursdays new people meeting — test kitchen. Try out new ways of categorizing what people are interested in/what they want to do. Use as jump start to connect people immediately to something they want to do.

        Art committee (Jade)

        1. Grant from Autoshare

        2. Grant from MEC (Melina)

        3. Kika Thorne

        4. Mila Vera


        • Distribute arm bands with logo

        • Buttons

        • Posters and placards (can’t start yet without messaging from 350)

        • Huge letter balloons (We>Tar Sands)

        • Leon has a lot of tools which we can use

        • Writing grants for art $$$$$

        • Tina’s sister Maria is an illustrator - can help us

        • We have money to spend on art!

        Other Committees for 350.org

        —> Street Canvassing Committee (Madeleine and Jodie):

        • to coordinate volunteers for outreach

        • identifying community events

        • materials  to have

        • sign-up sheets —> digitized

        —> Outreach to Allies (Ben)

        • Develop relationships with ally groups

        Toronto 350.org is waiting on 350.org directive on committee planning

        Next meeting





        Events and other announcements

        0. On May Day there will be a rally, followed by a 48 hour vigil at St James Park.

        1. Exec/Innovation meeting this Sunday, May 3rd. 6pm for potluck, meeting at 7pm. Stu’s House.

        2. Mining Actions: WEDNESDAY national day of action against Imperial Metals/the Mount Polley mine at noon at the Toronto stock exchange. info here!
        That night our allies are also having this event with parents, leaders, and spokespeople representing the Ayotzinapa 43 (the students who were disappeared in Mexico a few months ago).
        THURSDAY is our memorial march and demonstration outside of the Goldcorp AGM at 2:30pm. Facebook event here and website here.
        FRIDAY is the annual May Day march! Starting 5pm at Nathan Phillips Square. Facebook event here

        3. Alterna Savings Room @ CSI Spadina 12:00-2pm Thursday April 30th to discuss the Federal Election.

        4. Ontario’s Future – Nuclear or Renewable?
        With Ian Fairlie, UK and Jack Gibbons, ON
        Thur. May 7, 7 p.m.
        Friends House, 60 Lowther (St. George subway, behind OISE)
        We phased out coal. But now Ontario is moving forward with rebuilding 10 nuclear reactors (4 at Darlington and 6 at Bruce), locking us into nuclear for another 4 decades, endangering our Great Lakes and putting us all into deep debt.

        5. We > Tar Sands: Action for Jobs, Justice & the Climate
        Call In Details:
        When: April 30, 10PST/1EST
        Where: Call-in
        Toll Free: +1 (800) 309-2350
        Local Canada call in numbers listed here or you can join by Skype following these steps
        PIN: 752-638
        What: A briefing call about the national We > Tar Sands mobilization and the March for Jobs, Justice & Climate in Toronto.

        6. How to organize a great direct action
        Sunday May 10th, 1pm-6pm
        For more info and to register, visit: http://www.eventbrite.ca/e/how-to-organize-a-great-direct-action-tickets-16603071233
        Other Trainings
        Theatre of the Oppressed
        How to host a workshop
        Speaking to the camera: How to be a great spokesperson
        De-escalation and non-violent communication
        How to build the right infographic
        For all events visit here.

        7. Touch the Earth Lightly
        Start:May 9, 2015
        Venue: Grace Church on the Hill
        Address: 300 Lonsdale Rd., Toronto, ON, Canada, M4V 1X4

        8. Emergency Training Workshop
        Sat. June 6, 9:00 am - 1:00 pm
        Trinity St. Paul's United Church, 427 Bloor St. West

        9. May Day marches:
        http://www.facebook.com/events/1612404388975852/ (c51)

        10. Bikers
        Cycling Enforcement
        Ward 18, 13, 14 (South of Dupont, West of Ossington to Keele)
        Interested in working on Bike lanes on Bloor

        Chair: Amanda HS

        Voloper: Reese

        Minutes: Katie

        Katie Krelove

        May 11, 2015, 11:54:14 AM5/11/15
        to toron...@googlegroups.com

        Toronto350.org planning meeting agenda/minutes: 2015-05-05

        Present: Amanda, Hannah, Lyne, Louis, Leon, Carleigh, Anna, Ezra, Joanna, Amil, Stu, Brad, Milan, Robert, Sophia, Rosemary, Ben, Ellery, Rhys, Jody, Kayla, Cullen, Katie, Madeleine

        Chair: Amanda H-S

        Minutes: Katie


        Introductions, welcome and climate report

        We are all Treaty people on the indigenous land,

        of the Anishinaabe and other nations who protect Turtle island

        And so that equity is addressed

        checking the space you take up must be stressed

        but if anything else comes up, let us know,

        put our principles to the test!

        Let’s begin!

        Purpose: continue to work on July mobilization, learn about Ben and Katie’s trip, decide July budget and distribute volops

        Outcome: accomplish aforementioned goals

        Process: breakout groups, presentation by Ben and Katie, group discussion

        Presentations to Group

        a)Ben and Katie presented on learnings from the 350.org local groups convergence in Berkeley.  Power point and 350.org Theory of Change links are available and will be emailed with these minutes.  

        b) Debrief from Toronto Organizing Committee planning meeting for Jobs, Justice and Climate Action:

        • representatives of different environmental, labour, faith and migrant worker groups will be meeting weekly to plan and organize

        • there is also an ‘out of town’ planning group and eventually organizing ‘hubs will be formed.

        • Committee still workshopping goals/messaging--should have more to report on this by next week

        • Bottom-up approach, planning on doing organizing outreach with many and diverse orgs.

        • VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITY: Still space for another representative from toronto350.org on committee--email s...@toronto350.org if interested.

        Reinvestment Campaign Proposal:

        • Milan put forth proposal for a ‘reinvestment’ campaign at UofT to complement divestment.  

        • Propose putting 30 million (from divestment) into energy efficiency projects on campus--Call it a “Tri-campus refit”

        • Goal:  research and create a proposal of where investment in energy efficiency could be most effective--present to president’s office--meet with Tony Grey—try to get him to propose it/if it comes from the office of the president it will help the divestment campaign, and also help the reinvestment proposal

        • Discussion: Potentially suggest a portion only, so they can still get compound interest in short term

        • Do a study on how much would be saved, suggest a pilot study,

        • University would also get to show-off innovative technology

        • use a case study ie:  energy efficiency office at the tdsb made money for the board every year.  

        • UofT already does this for some buildings—maybe have hit all the low-hanging fruit?  

        • One of the pros would be the large pool of money from divestment, so could do more than in past.  Will need hard numbers behind it.  

        • Tri-campus label good for branding—the University is focused on that, also on engineering

        • There is no money for sustainable engineering—so investing in supporting that could be an option as well.  

        • Hart House has a plan on retrofitting—Cullen can get planning documents to Milan

        • VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITY: email milan to get involved in this project

        Committee Breakout

        • In person/tabling outreach (Madeleine and Jody)

        • Winning the Future (Stu)--starting to phone bank potential leaders in different neighbourhoods—discussed activist skills/tools for ‘toolkit’

        Major proposals and decisions

        • major proposal: $4500 for march budget  

          • $1500 for art, $1500 for events, $1000 for outreach, $500 for training and volunteers; fundraising goal: $2000 in grants and $300 per month from monthly donations

        • major proposal: $1500 for march staffer (either to bump up hours or to hire a second part timer)

        • By-election Announcement and plan for Vice President(s)

          • Stu will be (temporarily) stepping down as President at the next exec elections in Oct. The exec discussed and thought that a good way to move forward would be for us to hold a by-election on June 9th that would elect one or two Vice Presidents who would shadow him and train to become the President(s) to be voted in at the elections in Oct.

          • Stu's intention is to return to Toronto in the spring and will likely run for president again, so we're likely looking for an interim president (although the membership may decide whatever it wants when it comes to be time for elections next spring).

          • Stu will ask the Board for their advice, to see if they thought this was appropriate.

          • If a current exec wanted to become a VP, they would likely vacate their role, meaning that their role would then be voted on.

          • We'll have a part of the meeting on June 26th dedicated to giving the group a chance to think about the qualities they wish to see in the president

        Volunteer opportunities

        • tabling team for book launch (Ben)Katie,

        • Ben invites two people to be a shadow

        • Need people to hold a banner outside Enbridge’s AGM this wednesday at 1pm; Four Seasons Hotel Toronto year, 60 Yorkville Avenue (Suhail, Amanda Lewis)

        • Dino meme messaging (Katie)

        • we need to assign some TCAN delegates, this Saturday (Katie

        • external events curator/PR

        • glossary creator (ie: definitions of short forms/idiosyncratic words used by TO350.org) contact ka...@toronto350.org

        • writer for development goals (deadline: Friday, see Stu)

        • Engagement and Outreach Training next Tuesday before meeting-

        Events and other announcements

        • book launch: Jeff Rubin’s “The Carbon Bubble” Tuesday May 19th 6pm-8pm, 366 Bay Street (south of Richmond); will include book signing, drinks and hors d’oeuvre (Stu)

        • “How to Organize a Great Direct Action” workshop; Sunday May 10th 1pm-6pm, UofT St. George - 252 Bloor, we will pay for people to go, free for UofT and York students! Register here: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/how-to-organize-a-great-direct-action-tickets-16603071233

        • “How to Host a Workshop”; Sunday May 17th 1pm-5pm; UofT St.George, we will pay for people to go, free for UofT and York students! Register here: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/how-to-host-a-workshop-tickets-1654035364

        • Allied Lawyers are in court tomorrow (Wed. May 6th) at 10:30am, 130 Queen W. (just east of University), appealing a recent decision from ON courts to not step in and end indefinite detention; Rally outside at noon, contact Stu (text is best) for more info

        • Artivist skill share webinar, Thursday: https://act.350.org/signup/artivism-web-workshop/

        • engagement and outreach training next Tuesday, 25 Cecil Street, 5:30pm for 5:45pm prompt start

        • UofT divestment update (Milan)

        Next meeting

        Chair: Rhys

        Minutes: Jody

        VolOper: Ellery

        Location: Steelworkers hall

        Jody Chan

        May 14, 2015, 2:44:33 PM5/14/15
        to toron...@googlegroups.com

        Toronto350.org planning meeting minutes: 2015-05-12

        Present: Rosemary, Rhys, Jody, Stu, Louis, Amanda, Sophia, Brad, Milan, Ariel, Hannah, Ben, Ezra, Katie, Leon, Jade, Ana, Klim, Anna, Tali, Madeleine, Chris

        Chair: Rhys

        Minutes: Jody

        Voloper: Ariel

        Introductions, welcome and climate report

        We are all Treaty people on the indigenous land,

        of the Anishinaabe and other nations who protect Turtle island

        And so that equity is addressed

        checking the space you take up must be stressed

        but if anything else comes up, let us know,

        put our principles to the test!

        Let’s begin!

        Purpose: To decide on our major funding proposals and continue planning for the July March

        Outcome: Accomplish these goals

        Process: Breakouts, group discussion

        Climate News

        ·    Obama allowing Shell to drill in the Arctic

        ·    calculations of sea level rise from 90s to 00s were wrong – they are actually accelerating, instead of slowing down. Now confirms predictions of IPCC

        ·    Premier opposing Keystone XL was elected in Alberta (but pro-Energy East)

        ·    NASA releases report confirming human-caused climate change, U.S. Congress removed funding

        ·    University of Edinburgh voted against divestment

        ·    Rosemary Frei from TO350 did an awesome action at the Enbridge AGM!

        Group Decisions

        • ON350 retreat?

        o   June 5-7, likely will be tenting: $5-10 cost, transportation by carpool

        o   workshops, skill-building

        o   some people from Toronto and some from other groups in Ontario

        o   limited spaces – 3 spaces still available, as well as a waiting list

        o   if anyone is interested, contact Katie

        • Organize ON delegation May 30-31 9:30-4:30 @ Ryerson

          • free! 4 or 5 spots available

        • Events committee meeting time

        • 350.org March launch next week

          • on Thursday May 21, Naomi Klein and others are doing a media launch for the March

          • rally 11am-12noon

          • need a banner!

        Major proposals

          • major proposal: $4500 for march budget  

            • $1500 for art, $1500 for events, $1000 for outreach, $500 for training and volunteers; fundraising goal: $2000 in grants and $300 per month from monthly donations

            • motion to vote: Stu, Ariel seconds

            • proposal passed unanimously

          • major proposal: $1500 for march staffer (either to bump up hours in June to full time or to hire a second part timer)

            • motion to push back a week

            • Hiring Committee to draft a human resources policy to present to Exec, Board


          • if you have ideas for grants, contact Sophia, Cullen or Melina

          • Madeleine will approach Steelworkers Union for donation

          • accepting in-kind donations, e.g. Adobe is giving TO350 free software, Quick Books is giving a discount or free software

          • someone will apply to AutoShare, Zip Car for funding/sponsorship

          Committee Breakouts

          • Before, 5 mins for Ben to touch base with point people for allied organizations

            • asks: get involved with We>Tar Sands (we will follow-up after we know the hub structure), talk to their own group and ask them to register on jobsjusticeclimate.ca, plan their own contingent

            • as 350.org Outreach Coordinator, Katie will e-mail all point people the outreach email she is sending

            • Ben will send all point people the specific march-related asks and TO350-related asks

          • 3 organizing committee representatives should connect with 6 committee chairs after Monday meetings and before Tuesday meetings

          • 30 mins

          • In person/tabling outreach & public engagement (Madeleine & Jody)

          • Winning the Future for intro meeting agenda formulation.

          • Art Committee

          Volunteer opportunities

          • Banner making for 350.org March launch

          • Working on workshops with Ben for ON350 convergence

          • Shadowland Theatre Company Outreach Point Person: Ariel

          • Training opportunity: Jack Layton Summer Leadership School (June 12 - 6:30-9:30PM, June 13, 14, 20, 21 - (9:30AM-4:30PM) $10 for students, refundable afterwards, $50/PWYC for others. Register at link http://oliviachow.ca/jack-layton-summer-leadership-school-2015/

          • Tabling volunteers

          • Help run Intro Pub Night – Thursday May 21

          • June 6: 100 in 1 Day Event

          • I want to be trained in NationBuilder

          • May 19: Tablers for Jeff Rubin book launch “The Carbon Bubble” 366 Bay St. 6:00-8:00 (meet at 5:30)

          • TCAN delegates: Katie, Tali, & Klim

          • May 20 Vote Together Etobicoke canvassing (Ben)

          • May 21 Vote Together Willowdale canvassing (Anna & Klim)

          • call Kathleen Wynne and ask her to reject Energy East

            • sign up through Leon’s email!

          • Action Committee with Ariel & Klim

          Events and other announcements

          Next meeting

          Chair: Tali  

          Minutes: Jade

          Voloper: Jody

          Location: Steelworkers Hall, 25 Cecil, downstairs room


          May 26, 2015, 3:15:52 PM5/26/15
          to toron...@googlegroups.com, thu...@gmail.com
          May 26th, 2015

          Present: Ellery, Ben, Amelia Rose, Paul, Hannah, Suhail, Joanna, Cameron, Kaylah, Louis, Karen, Amanda HS, Klim, Rosemary B, Brad, Stu, Adam, Kai, Michael, Madeleine, Anna, Rosemary F, Sylvia G

          Chair: Jody

          Minutes: Suhail

          Voloper: Amanda HS

          Location: 110 Bellevue Avenue, 7-9pm - POTLUCK!

          Introductions, welcome and climate report

          We are all Treaty people on the indigenous land,

          of the Anishinaabe and other nations who protect Turtle island

          And so that equity is addressed

          checking the space you take up must be stressed

          but if anything else comes up, let us know,

          put our principles to the test!

          Let’s begin!

          Purpose: To decide on our major funding proposals and continue planning for the July March

          Outcome: Accomplish these goals

          Process: Breakouts, group discussion

          Climate News

          Group Decisions

          • Organize ON delegation May 30-31 9:30-4:30 @ Ryerson

            • free! 1 spots available; email Ben

          • 2015 Canadian Energy Summit May 26-28

            • May 27 2-3:30 panel

            • Expensive, at CNE

            • Do we wanna cause trouble :-)

            • Talk to Klim

            • Lots of discussion that I’m not putting into Minutes

          • Financial statements and records - Joanna

            • need to appoint a Public Accountant because more than $10,000 in public income

            • Joanna is looking for quotes

            • Also will be future trainings in bookkeeping / software

          • Election of Toronto350 Vice-Presidents

          • Has experience, preferably, as exec but if not has been in the group for awhile

          • Leadership – produce new initiatives and motivate people

          • Management/Conflict Resolution Skills – avoiding interpersonal conflict and managing them when they arise

          • Replies to emails quickly + consistency in tone of emails

          • Someone who has enough time to dedicate to the group

          • Effective public spokesperson

          • Knowledgeable on climate crisis, etc.

          • Advantageous if they have connections to other climate groups

          • Two VPs need to get along

          • Complimentary/different skill set between two VPs

          • Experience running workshops (nice to have)

          • Familiar with constitutional documents, by-laws, etc.

          • Competent on various social media sites and nationbuilder

          • Prepared to chair meetings, innovation committee, etc.

          • Be able to organize people and must be comfortable being a liaison with other committees in toronto350.

          • Understanding of climate justice / solidarity and have anti-oppression training

          Discussion of appropriate voting procedures

          Plurality vs. Majority, types of voting processes discussed

          Exec will discuss and return next week

          Major proposals

            • major proposal: $1500 for march staffer (either to bump up hours in June to full time or to hire a second part timer)

              • Is more support needed by committees? - probably by events, volunteers-recruitment, art

              • Current feeling that we can defer decision on hiring

            • All committees gave introductions / recruiting pitch

            • Winning the Future:

              • Several other 350 hubs across North America have already done this

              • Disperse into smaller groups, w/ central hubs (e.g. Massachusetts, Colorado, Bay Area)

              • Can also be unsuccessful; so important that we do it right

              • Advice from mothership

                • Give tools to people in localities, not create groups

                • Not take responsibility

                • 4 intro nights (led by Tali, Klim, Karen, Rosemary)

                • West, North, East, Far-East

                • Preparing action kit for all groups to use (checklist) for recognition by “mothership”

                  • governance

                  • events

                  • etc

                • Will keep collaborating / offer trainings (first at end of June)

                • Will be volops.

                • North York, May 28th, Scarborough, June 9th, West-side, June 3rd, Durham, TBD 2 weeks from now

            • Divestment

              • Convergence is the day before the march

              • Change proposal from divestment to climate justice convergence

              • Open to high schoolers as well, etc

              • Money is more available

              • But some existing funding has been applied for

              • Some programming may need changing

              • Climate justice is not widely taught anyway

              • How open is the audience???

              • Youth vs. everyone

              • Difficult to do a general-purpose workshop

              • Marketing via Ecoschools framework - June newsletter - talk to Rosemary B. Has dedicated teacher;

            Volunteer opportunities

            • Jack Layton table facilitators - Ben

            • Beaches block party support - Ben

            • June 6: 100 in 1 Day Event - Ariel

            • I want to be trained in NationBuilder

            • Join a committee!

              • Outreach (allies), outreach (on the ground), events, volunteer coordination, art, Winning the Future (action kit creation)

            • Events vol-ops - music wrangling (email Suhail), events research(email Jody)

            • UofT will be sending a student delegation to Paris to observe negotiations for the framework that will set the course of global climate action after Kyoto expires. To apply for a spot on the delegation:

            • organizing a climate justice event with Katie

            • Divestment press release translation - Joanna

            • Canadian Energy Summit - Klim

            Events and other announcements

            • Wednesday, May 27th, 7pm, Koeffler House, MISN Solidarity: Documentary Tambogrande: Mangoes, Murder, Mining

            Next meeting

            Chair: Brad

            Minutes: Jody

            Voloper: Ellery

            Location: Steelworkers Hall (7-9pm) Events will meet at 6:30pm

            May 19th, 2015

            Present: Milan, Brad, Ellery, Jody, Kaylah Amanda HS, Rhys, Paul (new), Anna, Tali, Rosemary B, Suhail, Katie, Ariel, Rosemary F, Lyn, Jade, Amanda Lewis, + 3,

            Group Decisions

            • Stu will be travelling Europe for a few months. As a result, we will need to hold an election for a new President in the next few weeks. What are some things that we would like to see in a 350 President?

            • Has experience, preferably, as exec but if not has been in the group for awhile

            • Leadership – produce new initiatives and motivate people

            • Management/Conflict Resolution Skills – avoiding interpersonal conflict and managing them when they arise

            • Replies to emails quickly + consistency in tone of emails

            • Someone who has enough time to dedicate to the group

            • Effective public spokesperson

            • Knowledgeable on climate crisis, etc.

            • Advantageous if they have connections to other climate groups

            • Two VPs need to get along

            • Complimentary/different skill set between two VPs

            • Experience running workshops (nice to have)

            • Familiar with constitutional documents, by-laws, etc.

            • Competent on various social media sites and nationbuilder

            • Prepared to chair meetings, innovation committee, etc.

            • Be able to organize people and must be comfortable being a liaison with other committees in toronto350.

            • ON350 retreat?

            o   June 5-7, likely will be tenting: $5-10 cost, transportation by carpool

            o   workshops, skill-building

            o   some people from Toronto and some from other groups in Ontario

            o   limited spaces – 3 spaces still available, as well as a waiting list

            o   if anyone is interested, contact Katie at katie@

              • Organize ON delegation May 30-31 9:30-4:30 @ Ryerson

                • free! 4 or 5 spots available

                • Interest: Ariel

              • Events committee meeting time

              • First meeting is on Tuesday, June 2nd; 6-7pm @ Steelworkers Hall

              • Contact Suhail if you have any questions

              • 350.org March launch this week

                  • on Thursday May 21, Naomi Klein and others are doing a media launch for the March

                  • rally 11am-12noon

                  • need a banner! – we have a banner, woohoo!

                Major proposals

                • Major proposal: $1500 for march staffer (either to bump up hours in June to full time or to hire a second part timer)

                • motion to push back a week – agree to push to next week

                • Hiring Committee to draft a human resources policy to present to Exec, Board

                  • Fundraising

                    • if you have ideas for grants, contact Sophia, Cullen or Melina

                    • accepting in-kind donations, e.g. Adobe is giving TO350 free software, Quick Books is giving a discount or free software

                    Committee Breakouts

                      • In person/tabling outreach & public engagement (Madeleine & Jody)

                      • More specific messaging on flyers -> “pledge to march with us on July 5th

                      • Events committee breakout

                      • Have formal events committee; meet at Steelworkers hall from 6-7pm on Tuesday. Potentially bi-weekly

                      • Considering movies, block parties, etc.

                      • People interested in joining committee:

                        • Jody

                        • Ellery

                        • Amelia Rose

                        • Paul

                        • Jade

                        • Amanda Lewis

                      Volunteer opportunities

                      • Tomorrow (May 20), Right2Know is holding its monthly meeting where scientists come together to discuss their concerns about scientists being muzzled. We would like to have someone from 350 attend these meetings as our science liaison. It is at 6:30 at the University of Toronto in the Croft Chapter House. See below a map of the building. Street parking is available.

                      • Anna

                      • Amanda HS

                      • Kaylah

                      • Training opportunity: Jack Layton Summer Leadership School (June 12 - 6:30-9:30PM, June 13, 14, 20, 21 - (9:30AM-4:30PM) $10 for students, refundable afterwards, $50/PWYC for others. Register at link


                      • Tabling volunteers

                      • Help run Intro Pub Night – Thursday May 21

                      • Amanda HS

                      • June 6: 100 in 1 Day Event

                      • Amanda and Jade are working in partnership with a Toronto theatre group (didn’t catch the name, sorry)

                        • Plastic Bag Event: Taking place at Loblaws. If someone uses a  reusable bag, there will be a big celebration

                        • July March Banner: A large banner will be made for the march. We will ask people to put a painted footprint on the banner to show symbolic support for the march.

                      • Contact Jade and Ariel for more details

                      • I want to be trained in NationBuilder

                      • Brad

                      • Milan

                      • Rosemary B

                      • Amanda Lewis

                      • Lyn Adamson

                      • Rosemary F

                      • Ariel

                      • Kaylah

                      • May 20 Vote Together Etobicoke canvassing (Ben)

                      • Email Ben at ben@

                      • May 21 Vote Together Willowdale canvassing (contact Anna & Klim)

                      • May 24 - 11AM to 2PM - Outreach volunteer training at the Bike with Mike spring festival at Christie Pits.

                      • Training specifically or on the ground outreach to get people to sign up for march

                      • 1 hour of training + practice: messaging, storytelling, etc.

                      • Interested

                        • Kaylah

                        • Amanda HS

                        • Jade

                        • Ellery

                      • David Solnit, 350's new Arts Organizer, is going to be doing some work in Toronto for the summer mobilization May 29th to June 4th.  We are hoping to use his skills to complete a project or two in preparation for the march.  

                      • Jody

                      • Ellery

                      • Rosemary B

                      • Suhail

                      • Amanda HS

                      • Jade

                      • UofT will be sending a student delegation to Paris to observe negotiations for the framework that will set the course of global climate action after Kyoto expires. To apply for a spot on the delegation:

                      • http://utern.org/wp/?p=4120 and email it to david.powell [at] utoronto.ca

                      • Just for U of T students

                      • Will be paired with a specific issue; academic focused

                      • Application due May 29th

                      • Contact Kaylah regarding questions about the application

                      • May have to foot some of the bill – organizing committee fundraising

                      • Arts Committee sign-up (contact Jade at jade@)

                      Events and other announcements

                      • May 20: “Jeff Rubin in Conversation with Rudyard Griffiths” at Reference Library (789 Yonge St.) 7:00-8:30. Tickets available for free at link, limited rush seating at 6.


                      • May 29: Jeff Rubin book launch & discussion, “The Carbon Bubble” at Innis Town Hall (2 Sussex Ave.) 5:30-7:00 Free, but registration required at website.


                      Member Event Callout

                      No one is illegal is running an event called pack the committee at 9:30am on May 21st. Details found on their facebook page.

                      Rosemary mentioned that a new video is being made about Line 9. If you want more details or want to get involved, contact Rosemary Frei.

                      Next meeting

                      Chair: Jody

                      Minutes:  Suhail

                      Voloper: Amanda HS

                      Location: 110 Bellevue ave – Potluck! Bring snacks, nothing messy.  

                      Jody Chan

                      Jun 2, 2015, 10:46:06 PM6/2/15
                      to toron...@googlegroups.com

                      Toronto350.org planning meeting agenda: 2015-06-02

                       Present: Brad, Kai, Robert, Sophia, Jade, Amelia Rose, Leon, Jody, Kaylah, Stu, Rhys, Tres, Joanna, Rosemary B, Katie, Abhi, Amanda, Klim, Louis, Ben, Bronwen

                      Chair: Brad

                      Minutes: Jody

                      Voloper: Ellery

                      Location: Greenpeace warehouse


                      Introductions, welcome and climate report


                      We are all Treaty people on the indigenous land,

                      of the Anishinaabe and other nations who protect Turtle island

                      And so that equity is addressed

                      checking the space you take up must be stressed

                      but if anything else comes up, let us know,

                      put our principles to the test!

                      Let’s begin!

                      Purpose: Continue to prepare for Jobs, Justice and the Climate (and beyond)

                      Outcome: Accomplish these goals

                      Process: Breakouts and group discussions


                      Climate News:


                      Group Discussions/Decisions:


                            Stu 5 minutes of inspiration…

                            Vote to forego appointment of a public accountant.

                           can hire a bookkeeper instead to file reports to Corporations Canada – cheaper!

                            unanimous in favour

                            What emails do we want to be sending?

                            There's a bunch of pre-written march ones

                            Also, fundraising is an option.

                            Energy East – call for NEB to ditch TransCanada application

                      inform members about success of delaying for two years

                            Chippewa of the Thames Line 9 hearings – rally on June 16th at 11 am

                            potentially fundraising for them – allyship

                            Youth Climate Justice Convergence

                          Organize Ontario Debrief - Ellery

                        four people from Toronto350 attended – Louis, Rosemary B, Ellery, Ariel

                        snowflake model – new image to be uploaded to website

                         small working group to talk about suggestions for explaining our structure to members?

                         if you have issues/concerns related to the Board or by-laws, pass on concerns to Stu (will create a Google Doc)

                          Highschool campaign conversation (continue from last meeting) - Ben (5 mins)

                         climate change education in the province is missing the social justice component

                         long-term strategy around engaging high school students?

                         vol-op: sign up for a conversation with Ben/Keara about high school education if you’re interested

                         idea: involve high school students in divesting OTPP

                          Arts organizing - David Solnit (5 mins)

                          will be in Toronto helping 350 with arts organizing until Friday morning

                      Voting for VP

                            vote for first VP, then vote for second VP

                            Katie, Ben, Amelia Rose, Tresanne have expressed interest

                            Option 1: points-based system

                            pick up to top 3 candidates (3 pts, 2pts, 1 pt); candidate with highest points wins; majority not needed

                            in the case of a tie, tied people have a redo

                            Option 2: run-off transferable vote system

                            vote for top 3 candidates

                            each favourite counted as 1 vote

                            candidate with majority wins

                            otherwise, candidate with fewest votes is eliminated and vote goes to second favourite, etc.

                            10-7 in favour of points-based system (Option 1)

                            there will be absentee voting



                      Campaign updates



                      Major proposals



                      Volunteer opportunities


                            ·     Outreach with the Unitarian Congregation on the 21st of June details from email:  Is there any way TOronto 350.org could provide a speaker to come and speak to members of the Neighbourhood Unitarian congregation on Sunday June 21, 12:15-1:00 pm about the purpose/importance of the July 5 March (to help us motivate congregation and families to come out)?


                      We are located at 79 Hiawatha Avenue (near Coxwell and Gerrard).

                      MICHAEL POLANYI <michael...@rogers.com>

                      ●      Nation Builder training, there is a doodle up.

                          Outreach to allies - Ben

                          Speakers for youth climate justice convergence


                      Committee Breakouts (30 Mins)


                      ●      Outreach (on the ground)/volunteer  – Jody and Madeleine and Katie

                      ·       subway outreach event (vol op)

                      ·       need people to sign up to do outreach! system will be set up to sign up to do outreach with partners – to come (vol op)

                      ·       postering in the week of June 15th (vol op)

                      ●      Events Committee – Suhail

                      Parties after vs. Do them anyways. Permit $85 

                      - need event plan/idea of size to make decision about if this is worth it. 

                      -decided we need clearer logistics plan/ target audience. 

                      Plan by Kaylah

                      Things ppl could be doing :


                      Sidewalk chalk


                      Banners / painting 

                      350 bristle board -  people write out the climate solutions they envisage 

                      Button maker

                      Boombox for zumba

                      Bring dogs event

                       making a video or taking a picture with a sign event

                      Ellery was not there

                      Suhail,  follow up with movie people.  We don't know what you wanted or what people are doing. 

                      Festival of India -  july 18-19

                      Joanna will research festival of india

                      Will report back. 

                      Joanna says we absolutely should go ahead with marching in the parade and tabling at centre island afterward

                      Pride messaging 

                      Climate change pickup line signs 

                      Mention support for new sex ed curriculum 

                      Planet b. 

                      Connect patriarchy to climate justice 

                      Save the straights 

                      No consent no pipeline

                      Racial justice / settler colonialism to climate change and capitalism and hetero patriarchy 

                      Discussion about anti oppression and  climate justice 

                      Art Committee – Jade

                      ·       puppet dinosaur 12 feet high (vol op) starting this Thursday! @noon? (need to confirm with Cam)

                      ·       screen printing for patches

                      o   Turtle island, sunflower images

                      ·       stickers

                      ·       buttons

                      ·       banner (vol op – Kai)

                      ·       Facebook page for Art Committee (vol op)

                      ·       there will be an opportunity this weekend for art at the convergence


                      Events and other announcements


                      ●      June 5th east end block party

                      ●      June 7th Trinity St Paul’s Blessing of the bikes http://www.trinitystpauls.ca/blessing-of-the-bikes/

                      ●      Ontario 350 Convergence June 5-7 – talk to Katie, spaces are still available!

                         Chippewas of the Thames – Rally on June 16th: Facebook event

                         media workshop the Tuesday before the March (Amanda)


                      Next meeting

                      Chair: Klim

                      Minutes: Jody

                      Voloper: Louis

                      Location: Steelworkers



                      Jody Chan

                      Jun 10, 2015, 12:27:02 AM6/10/15
                      to toron...@googlegroups.com

                      Toronto350.org planning meeting agenda/minutes: 2015-06-09

                      Present: Amanda, Katie, Brian, Rosemary, Melina, Joe, Talia, Ariel, Hannah, Amelia Rose, Leon, Louis, Stu, Cameron, Tresanne, Jody, Rhys, Amil, Paul, Brad, Milan, Joanna, Robert, Madeleine

                      Chair: Amanda Harvey-Sanchez

                      Minutes: Jody

                      Voloper: Louis

                      Introductions, welcome and climate report

                      We are all Treaty people on the indigenous land,

                      of the Anishinaabe and other nations who protect Turtle island

                      And so that equity is addressed

                      checking the space you take up must be stressed

                      but if anything else comes up, let us know,

                      put our principles to the test!

                      Let’s begin!

                      Purpose: elect co-vice presidents, further plans for July March

                      Outcome: accomplish aforementioned goals

                      Process: voting, group discussion and breakout groups

                      By-election (30-40 minutes)

                      • chair presents the four candidates (Katie, Amelia Rose, Tresanne, Ben) and reads their statements of experience (3 minutes each, 12 minutes total)

                      • Q & A with candidates

                        • What is your greatest fear for this role?

                        • In what pairings have you previously worked together?

                        • What would you do differently from Stu? Do you have ideas from new initiatives?

                      • time for candidates to speak

                      • state who is eligible to vote (must have attended at least two meetings and completed member survey)

                      • group discussion about candidates without them being present (15-20 minutes)

                      • outline voting procedure: There will be two rounds of voting for two vice presidents. For each round, each member will pick up to their top-three candidates and assigns them 3 points, 2 points, and 1 point. They can leave spaces blank if they wish. We then collect all the entries and simply add the points up for each candidate. The one with the highest points wins and is elected (a majority is NOT needed). In the case of a tie, the tied people have a re-do without the other contenders where each person simply gets 1 vote and majority wins.

                      • first round: Katie - CONGRATULATIONS!!!!

                      • second round: Tresanne - CONGRATULATIONS!!!!

                      Committee Breakouts (20 minutes)

                      • Outreach (Madeleine and Jody)

                      • Winning the Future (Stu)

                      • Art Committee (Jade)

                      • Events (Tresanne)

                      Group Decisions

                      • fundraising proposal (Stu)

                        • any proposal must be brought up and approved at a meeting

                        • Jean Eng interested in donating from her company, Pure + Simple, but wants a page on website listing the company as sponsor

                        • corporate donations don’t affect our tax bracket

                      Volunteer opportunities

                      • Possible speaker for Energy East panel discussion Wednesday July 22nd (Stu)

                        • Someone from 350.org - e.g. Cam or Aurore may be doing this - Suhail is liasoning with Environmental Defence for organizing this.

                      • Lots of outreach opportunities this week! (Katie / Jody)

                      • Help w/ Events planning! (Jody)

                      • point people for ally outreach to new organisations (Rhys) - contact info will be provided

                      Events and other announcements

                      • This Thursday evening the coalition is going to be having a meeting at the Art Space with folks interested in helping volunteer for the art space, if you are able please come out as we'll be going over the space, the plans and figuring out roles for the March Arts Hub, 4pm

                      • Engagement and communication styles workshops in coming weeks, Tuesdays at 6pm (Stu) - post in U of T group

                      • Toronto350 Innovation (exec) committee meeting this Sunday, 7-9pm, at the Art Space

                      • Legal observer training led by the Movement Defence Committee (this Sunday 1-3pm, OISE 5170) (Jody)

                      • Safe Rail Communities: Public Town Hall with Special Guest and Moderator Naomi Klein (Toronto Central Grosvenor St. YMCA Centre, 7pm) WOW!

                      • U of T Environmental Action taking Harper government to court over age discrimination by passing climate change costs on to younger generations through fossil fuel subsidies (Milan) - talk to Amil

                      • Vol-op/event: next Saturday, canvassing near Spadina subway station (Katie)

                      • Who’s Doing What about Climate Change? Friday, June 19th at North York Civic Centre Council Chambres. 6-9pm. -moderated discussion with groups from North York

                      • https://www.eventbrite.com/e/whos-doing-what-about-climate-change-tickets-17175195472

                      • 350 network briefs (Stu)

                        • monthly update on 350 groups to be sent to members list

                      • update on March organizing committee (Jody)

                        • sign up on volunteer form to help with outreach, day-of clean up/set up, etc.

                      • by-election for fundraising coordinator - Melina

                      • by-election in 2 weeks for volunteer coordinator and administrative coordinator positions

                      Next meeting

                      Chair: Tresanne

                      Minutes: Amanda HS

                      Voloper: Stu

                      Location: Steelworker’s hall

                      Message has been deleted


                      Jun 23, 2015, 2:08:15 PM6/23/15
                      to toron...@googlegroups.com, thu...@gmail.com

                      June 16 Planning Meeting Agenda

                      Chair: Tresanne

                      Minutes: Amanda H-S

                      Voloper: Stu

                      Present: Tresanne, Jody, Amanda H-S, Amanda L., Bronwyn, Leon, Stu, Brad, Amelia Rose, Joanna, Ellory, Milan, Emmay, Amil, Joe, Ben, Rhys, Paul, Robert, Madeleine, Cameron, Keara

                      Intro and climate report

                      We are all Treaty people on the indigenous land,

                      of the Anishinaabe and other nations who protect Turtle island

                      And so that equity is addressed

                      checking the space you take up must be stressed

                      but if anything else comes up, let us know,

                      put our principles to the test!

                      Let’s begin!

                      Purpose: Planning for Jobs, Justice and Climate, with a focus on outreach

                      Outcome: Accomplish aforementioned goals (Have a plan for doing outreach, and lots of volunteers)

                      Process: Group discussion and Breakout groups

                      Exec meeting debrief - Election and Voting Procedures


                      • Chair summarized concerns brought forward by some members: conflict of interest in that Stu, someone in a position of power in the group, endorsed his girlfriend Tresanne in the election for vice-presidents. Furthermore, people who did absentee voting had to confirm their vote by phone to Stu (board was not aware of this conflict of interest when they approved the absentee voting policy)

                      • Chair informed membership that exec discussed possible policy changes at the last innovation meeting including creating a conflict of interest policy: no personal comments allowed in discussion, no slander

                      • Is this policy necessary for all elections or only senior roles? Should we have someone to count ballots that is not an exec member?

                      • Chair explained that exec agreed the previous election violated fair processes but ultimately voted not to have a re-election; chair explained take-backsies policy: members can vote against the exec’s decision and make their own recommendation to be discussed by the exec; the exec would then revote, taking the memberships’ recommendation into account

                      • Member motioned to invoke the take-backsies policy, motion seconded

                      • After some discussion about the process of revoting (it has to go to the exec first) member withdrew the motion; another member motioned instead and then the motion was seconded again

                      • It was mentioned that women are often accused of attaining jobs because of their relationships with men and there was concern that by revoting we may be contributing to that, even if not intentionally

                      • We do not want to punish Tresanne for comments her partner made

                      • Also mentioned that if we revote and Tresanne wins again then we gain confidence in the result and if she does not then we get an unbiased result that the membership wants: either way nobody can question that the winner got the role on their own merit – still difficult because we cannot undo what happened; there is also concern over the implications of Tresanne not winning and how that would affect people’s perceptions of the process

                      • Everyone was negatively impacted by the flawed election in different ways and we need to recognize that

                      • We understand that Stu’s comments were not intended to cause problems and that he recognizes his mistake – some members felt this was enough, given that measures are being taken to improve the process in future elections, others said that intent does not change the fact that the mistake was made and had negative implications and that improving future elections is not enough, we need to fix the current situation: the same way that saying you have a conflict of interest before proceeding to make your comment doesn’t negate that the conflict exists, recognizing that a mistake was made doesn’t make it fine to allow the mistake to pass

                      • 10 voted to revote, 9 voted to not revote: membership votes for a revote, this is their recommendation to the exec

                      Major Proposals and other Group Activity

                      • Step Up (Emmay) (3 min): Step Up Canada proposing a social media action for the march – based on earlier campaign to ask people what they are stepping up for in terms of climate change, this time people will take selfies holding signs with questions related to jobs, justice and the climate using the hashtags #jobsjusticeclimate and #StepUpCA – goal is to create buzz before march and show public engagement

                      • Fossil Free Fellowship - Debrief (Ben): Keara and Ben just finished a fellowship training; workshops the membership was interested in: just transition, coalition building, anti-racism

                      • endorse and encourage membership to go to Trans Pride March (Ben)

                      • youth climate justice convergence updates (Ben): Black Live Matter Toronto, TTC riders, Toronto York Labour Council confirmed; need volunteers day of; UTERN will cover cost of communications speaker, 350.org will cover honorarium for groups speaking

                      • Facilitating Workshops (Stu)

                        • We've had an offer to run a workshop on facilitating and chairing meetings/breakout groups—what do people want support with? Are there some things you want to bring to the group when you chair, but are unsure how to do so? What is putting you off from chairing, or what are some ways that might make facilitating easier and less scary for you?  2mins discussion, then email Stu with ideas.

                        • Went around as a volop for people to sign if they wish to attend a workshop on facilitating

                      • funding proposal (Stu, if time) - not discussed

                      Committee Breakouts

                      • Outreach (Jody)

                        • subway events happening June 20th and 21st, went out as a volop

                        • need people for postering - went out as a volop but we can always have more people :)

                      • Events (day of and the rest of July) (Tresanne and Stu)

                        • film screenings

                        • picnics (*locations)

                        • day of the march at Allen Gardens

                      • Events the Day of the march:

                        • market upcoming events: flyers, clipboards etc.

                        • cotton candy

                        • serving food - food net bombs (Ezra)

                        • speakers?

                        • divestment buttons/orange squares

                        • photo opportunity

                        • banners

                        • sense of finish line point: celebration, rhythm of resistance

                        • pamphlets that outline our campaigns and our mission

                        • art + something interactive: patching a pipeline (Amanda Lewis)

                        • mural of filled out signs - reasons for being there

                        • dance! :)

                      • Events After the march: The following tasks will be worked on this week, with decisions made or reports available at the meeting on June 23rd:

                        • AmandaHS will look into deciding on the date (and confirming the location as Trinity Bellwoods) for the first picnic in July on the 11th or 12th.

                        • Leon will look into deciding on the date for the picnic on the island, either July 18th or 19th.

                        • Paul will do the same for the picnic at Earl Bales park on the 25th or 26th.

                        • Cameron will look into locations for movie screenings on July 8th and 17th. We're looking for a venue that will hold 100-200 people, where the seating can be rearranged to allow for small group discussions in a workshop, and that are available on those dates. Price is also a factor. He'll look into Steelworker's, UofT, Zero Gravity, and other indie cinemas.

                      • On the day of the march, we will want to have fliers available that have the time+date+location or these follow-up events, as well as information on about joining Toronto350 and the other GTA350 groups. This flier should likely also communicate hashtags we're using, and a QR code for people to sign up on our website (Leon can get a QR code). A volop was sent around to find people interested in helping on this.

                      • Brad will work on petition text that volunteers can use on the day of the march.

                      • Bronwyn will bottom-line a "Fill in the Blanks" sign-making activity that can be done before we start marching. She will work with Leon to get them printed.

                      • Although most of the Toronto350 volunteers will be helping with the "Fill in the Blanks" and the petition-drive, we'll also need people organizing the banners (to make sure they arrive, and that there are people to carry them), and we'll want to have designated media spokespeople.

                      • Pride Art/Outreach (Ben)


                      • subway outreach, June 20th & 21st, 1-3pm: meet inside St. George station (Bedford entrance)

                      • postering

                      • day of volunteers: marshals, set-up, clean-up

                      • outreach at events

                      • intro pub night

                      • art build Thursday

                      • Signup for Outreach to Allied Groups (Rhys)

                      • outreach to youth groups to sign up

                      • Next meeting

                        • Chair: Klim

                        • Minutes:

                        • Voloper:

                        • Location and time:

                      Event and other Announcements:


                      Jun 24, 2015, 4:38:57 PM6/24/15
                      to toron...@googlegroups.com

                      June 23 Planning Meeting Agenda

                      Chair: Klim

                      Minutes: Leon


                      Present: Stu, Bronwin, Aaron,Snow Cubb, Emil, Anna, Ben,  Louis, Brad, Rosemary, Patricia (first time), Jody, Tresanne, Amanda, Ariel, Amanda Lewis, Suhail, Katie, Leon, Hanna, Klim, Cameron, Anna, Ellery,

                      Recognition of Indigenous Title

                      We are all Treaty people on the indigenous land,

                      of the Anishinaabe and other nations who protect Turtle island

                      And so that equity is addressed

                      checking the space you take up must be stressed

                      but if anything else comes up, let us know,

                      put our principles to the test!

                      Let’s begin!


                      • Ariel - Block Party in the east-end

                        • Michael is planning block party July 19th.  Not supporting because boycott the liberals but if you want to contact - boycottli...@gmail.com.  We don’t support per-se.

                      • Jody - Subway canvassing

                        • Canvassing went well - it was fun and they received good feedback.  (except when a transit officer made us leave and we had to switch trains.

                        • We are short on flyers - need more printed.

                      • Exec discussion following takebacksies vote for revote

                        • Next week is discussion - first as a group, then only exec without people involved, then as a group followed by discussion on what to do.

                        • Discussion around what was takebacksies.

                      • Who’s Doing What Panel - did anyone go?

                        • Talked about “Who is doing what” by attendee.  Lots of information on what is happening.

                      • Amanda, Leon & Klim - Jack Layton Leadership School

                        • Great experience by all.  

                        • We should try to get a document going describing the training

                      • Regional Groups - how are things going? meetings? people?

                        • Scarborough - Meeting last tuesday - 10-12 people, got e-mails, going to work on art (banners - went well).  Looks good for the future growth.

                        • West end group did flyering.  they will focus on the march until after the march.  8 ppl showed up

                        • North York, 6 people showed up.  3 current members and 3 new. Next meeting July 2nd.  e-mail discussion starting up.

                        • Ben - Youth Climate Justice Convergence - paint builder on Saturday before march at the art space.

                      • speech by visiting tribal activist.  

                        • Talking about Fabrication of a Nation by Clive Ellis?

                        • Working on a petition

                        • Read from the book.

                      Major Proposals and other Group Activity

                      • Stu - Funding proposal

                        • From Pure and Simple - wanting to donate.  We need policy on what type of donations we can accept.  Should be available next week - notify Stu if you want to be part of the discussion.

                      • June 30 by-election

                        • Positions will be opening up - Development Coordinator, Political Operations Coordinator

                          • Sophie and Klim are stepping down.

                          • Anyone interested should e-mail mem...@toronto350.org if possible.

                          • you can announce on the night of the election.

                            • there will be any discussion of candidates 1 week before - optional

                          • Katie - read two the two positions descriptions

                        • Klim made statement why he is stepping down

                        • Made motion to have large discussion on July 14th around organisational goals of his position and to make more concrete guidelines and structure of the position going forward.  More measurable goals.

                        • There is a strategy session coming up.

                          • statements made around confusion and that there should be a good strategy session soon.  Suhail said it should be separate from everything else and plan for several hours.  Suhail made motion to have a facilitator from outside the group.

                          • Klim seconded and said that we need a good discussion around strategy and goals.

                          • Several people agreed we should have a 5 hour meeting on a saturday.  Make it a pot luck or barbecue.

                      • Stu - Facilitating Workshops event

                        • Henry Wy?  was going to have some facilitation workshop.  That was delayed but still will be happening

                      • Paul/Rosemary/Amanda - picnics

                        • July 25 or 26th in Earl Bales

                        • July 11th in Trinity Bellwoods at 12 noon

                        • We need a Google Doc to track this (planning details)

                        • Have to build Web page for events and keep it updated - Leon

                      • Family retreat (in camera)

                      • Step Up - further explanation

                        • Whats the strategy?

                        • Facebook pictures referencing the march site

                      • Cameron - movie screenings July 8 and 17 - followup? what’s happened?

                        • Showing disruption and do the math.

                        • Ryerson and UofT lecture halls could be good.

                        • Talk to Joanna about rooms at Ryerson/UofT?

                      • Klim - proposal for July 7 meeting (strategy discussion/session)

                      • Toronto Social Forum - request for room booking

                        • contact person - Zidane (Suhail)

                      Committee Breakouts - 25 minutes.

                      • Outreach - Jody

                      • Events - Suhail

                      • Day of March - Stu


                      • Glue the Gaybourhood! Meet 6pm at Bloor and Yonge. Divide into poster teams. Someone needs to bottom line--can this be combined with intro pub night?

                        • Postering Church and Wellesley area

                      • Picnic Volup for help on July 11th Picnic.

                      • Pride Tabling.

                      • Movie planning or July 8th and 17th Movie nights

                      • Table during the March? 2-5pm times specifically

                      • March in Pride / Tabling Pride

                      • March marshalls/setup/takedown/green team

                      • Art projects

                      • Jeff Rubin event - read Carbon Bubble

                      • Friday - Bay and Bloor Dinosaur Outreach - Meet at ROM 4pm

                      • Next meeting

                        • Chair: Ariel

                        • Minutes: Jody

                        • Voloper: Ellery

                        • Location and time: POTLUCK @ Madeleine’s place - 152 Rosemount Ave. @ Dufferin and St. Clair W: Media workshop (intended for and open to all 350ers) at 6pm, meeting at 7pm.

                      Event and other Announcements:

                      • Event: RiseUpTO, July 8th, Berczy Park (Front and Church @6:30am)

                      • “How to talk to the media” workshop happening Tuesday June 30th at 6pm, location Madeleines

                      • Art build Thursday June 25th, 4-9pm @ 10 Busy St.

                      • Intro Pub Night and Postering - Thurs June 25, 7-9pm @ Regal Beagle, 335 Bloor St West

                      • Marshalling workshops - June 28 (2pm), July 2 (6pm) + 4 (10am)

                      • Next meeting is a Potluck at Madeleines at 152 Rosemount starting at 6pm with workshop

                      • 10 am Nathan Phillips Square Fair Fair

                      • July 5th. Meeting at Noon at Hart House on the day of the March.  Park area in front of Hart House.  This is to hand out petitions, arrange art projects, lots of stuff.

                      Next meeting: Jody is taking minutes and Ellery is doing Volups Ariel is chairing.

                      Jody Chan

                      Jun 30, 2015, 10:54:48 PM6/30/15
                      to toron...@googlegroups.com

                      June 30 Planning Meeting Agenda

                      Chair: Ariel

                      Minutes: Jody

                      Voloper: Ellery

                      Present: Ellery, Stu, Rhys, Bronwen, Ezra, Amanda HS, Ben, Tresanne, Madeleine, Jody, Ariel, Robert, Suhail, Hannah, Phoebe, Mike, Leon, Cam, Louis, Lyn

                      Recognition of Indigenous Title

                      We are all Treaty people on the indigenous land,

                      of the Anishinaabe and other nations who protect Turtle island

                      And so that equity is addressed

                      checking the space you take up must be stressed

                      but if anything else comes up, let us know,

                      put our principles to the test!

                      Let’s begin!


                      • Pride debrief

                        • Lesson: Willow is the best at outreach

                        • acquired a tent because of the rain on the weekend

                        • Parade was great! Good outreach for the March, good responses to art

                        • tabled 12-8 on Saturday + Sunday

                      • Dino at ROM debrief

                        • handed out flyers

                        • kids were really excited! + wanted their pictures taken

                      • Announcement: We've double our recurring donations to $425/month! Woo! :)

                      • Outreach training (Jody and Stu, 5-10min)

                        • What metaphors do we use when doing outreach? Sometimes our metaphors are disempowering (e.g. pushy salesman), but we can shift to thinking about outreach in a more positive way, as providing something that the other person also wants (e.g. an opportunity to get involved, education, hope, a smile). e.g. You are Gandalf!

                        • Opening line (an open, elicitive question): ‘Why are you marching today, and what brings you out?’

                          • possible responses: ‘Because I care about my kids’ future.’ ‘I care about job security.’ ‘I saw a poster in your neighbourhood./A friend invited me.’

                          • engage them authentically in that conversation!

                          • it’s not only about getting e-mails, but also about connecting with people

                          • ways of deepening the connection: invite them to the post-March events (movie screenings, picnics in the park), invite them to join the group, invite them to donate, invite them to join regional groups

                          • getting contact information is more useful than just handing out the flyer

                      • Explain the Day of the March (Stu, 10-15mins)

                        • meet at noon at Hart House Circle (art stored in Student Union building)

                          • distribute clipboards, sign-up sheets

                          • 5-10 minute outreach training

                          • give out flyers

                          • distribute art

                          • template signs

                        • 12:45 head over to Queen’s Park, northwest corner (Contingent 4 - We Know Who Is Responsible)

                          • get set up

                          • do outreach around the park

                          • 1:45 March! Chant!

                          • 2-3pm set up in Allan Gardens

                          • 4pm

                            • more outreach!

                            • interactive art - bunting

                            • brownie pipeline

                            • juggling, stilts, unicycling, hoops

                            • 6:30 takedown and clean-up

                            • go home and sleep!

                      Major Proposals and other Group Activity

                      • Weekend in July (probably 5 hours on a Saturday) to have discussion about future of the group (esp role of Pol Ops) - postponed until after the March

                      • Cameron - movie screenings July 8 and 17

                      Committee Breakouts - 25 minutes.

                      Louis - Art Committee

                      Jody - Outreach

                      Suhail - Events

                      Paul/Rosemary/Amanda - picnics

                          • July 25 or 26th in Earl Bales

                          • July 11th in Trinity Bellwoods at 12 noon

                        • movie screenings


                        • Picnic Volop for help on July 11th Picnic

                        • Movie planning or July 8th and 17th Movie nights

                        • join the conversation about Climate Pledge for regional groups (5 minute update/discussion) Ben

                          • mimic LeadNow’s strategy to target ridings, pledge that climate would be a deciding factor in their vote

                          • report card showing what parties have pledged to do about climate change

                        • Help with the brownie pipeline table with Karen on the day of the March (1-2 people, Karen)

                        • Bring popcorn for the brownie pipeline table (Karen)

                        • Someone to go to Trinity Bellwoods on Sunday 5th morning at direct people to Queen's Park! (Stu)

                        • 1-2 people to Coordinate giving out the banner and props on July 5th with Jody. (art committee, Jody)

                        • Can someone store the dino afterwards? (Jody) - Brad has a truck! Amanda has a garage!

                        • Next meeting we'll have a big debrief. We'll also run a separate intro part of the night for new members, similar to the intro pub night. Does anyone want to help with this part. Stu is willing to run it, unless others wish to. (Stu)

                        • Lead chants, create chant sheet (Stu)

                        • Get buttons and megaphone from TSP (Stu)

                        • Join Jody at Art Space Thursday (open 12-9 both days, she is there Wed 2-9pm, Thurs 10:30-5)

                        • 3-5pm Youth Art Build (Ben)

                        • Kids area - bunting, face paint (Jody)

                        • Digitizers - sign-ups we get during the March (Jody)

                        • sign up to be a Marshal! We need 50 more! (You get limited edition Marshal swag)

                        Event and other Announcements:

                        • July 5th. Meeting at Noon at Hart House on the day of the March.  Park area in front of Hart House.  This is to hand out petitions, arrange art projects, lots of stuff.

                          Next Meeting

                          Chair: Suhail

                          Minutes: Jody

                          Voloper: Rhys

                          Food coordinator: Suhail

                          Jody Chan

                          Jul 8, 2015, 2:50:48 PM7/8/15
                          to toron...@googlegroups.com

                          July 7th Planning Meeting Agenda

                          Chair: Suhail

                          Minutes: Jody

                          Voloper: Rhys

                          Present: Suhail, Jody, Rhys, Brad, Milan, Stu, Tres, Amelia Rose, Leon, Tali, Hannah, Ezra, Joanna, Amanda, Hannah, Klim, Nate, Katie, Paul, Cam, Rosemary B, Rob, Phoebe, Alan, Snow Cubb, Louis, Lyn, Sylvia

                          Recognition of Indigenous Title

                          We are all Treaty people on the indigenous land,

                          of the Anishinaabe and other nations who protect Turtle island

                          And so that equity is addressed

                          checking the space you take up must be stressed

                          but if anything else comes up, let us know,

                          put our principles to the test!

                          Let’s begin!

                          Updates - 20 minutes

                          1. Go around – what we did best about the weekend

                            1. diversity of the coalition

                            2. number of people who came out, 10000+

                            3. marching through Yonge-Dundas square

                            4. community outreach – signs/posters everywhere

                            5. family-friendly at Allan Gardens – kids doing art, at the brownie pipeline, socially conscious musicians

                            6. chants and drumming, high energy

                            7. lots of signs and art, dinosaur, parachute games!

                            8. people expressing individuality/locality against corporations, foreign entities

                            9. adaptability to changing circumstances on the day of

                            10. different people taking initiative in different areas

                            11. amazing photos!

                          2. Update about Sit-in at Joe Oliver’s Office (Amanda HS)

                            1. more than 25 students occupied the office for over five hours on July 3rd

                            2. yay Ben and Bronwen!

                          3. Statements about Elections and Process (Stu)

                            1. exec created a statement about the concerns voiced over VP election, and process for how to proceed

                            2. includes 5 sections: including gender issues, pre-vote discussion, conflict of interest policy, new election framework for upcoming by-election

                            3. re-vote to take place on July 21st

                            4. statement to be made available to members

                          4. Upcoming Elections (July 21st) - Vice-presidents

                            1. people eligible to vote: members of the group as of 8pm on July 8th  : gone to two meetings, and filled out membership survey

                            2. members will decide on voting process – run-off process in constitution, or single transferable vote method

                          5. Reimbursements Must be submitted by July 31st

                          Volops - 15 minutes

                          1. Interim (short) Strategy Session – next Sunday

                            1. focus on Energy East – need a plan to respond to NEB’s reaction to our applications

                            2. focus on planning longer strategy session in August

                            3. divestment campaign and regional groups also need strategizing

                            4. we can also have breakouts on these things starting from next week, with Energy East scheduling its own campaign meeting

                          2. Picnic on Saturday afternoon at Trinity Bellwoods Park

                            1. Bottom-liner Needed – Joanna and Amanda! Yay!

                            2. Volunteers needed for activities

                            3. Volunteers needed for setup / take down

                            4. PLEASE HELP

                          1. Lack of mainstream media attention - what should we do? (Milan)

                          2. Outreach to Allies (Ben) – report back to Ben how it went, or reach out to organizations if you haven’t yet (the ones you’ve signed up for)

                          3. Update Website homepage (Stu)

                          4. 350 Group leaders Call + Arts Organizing (Tresanne) Registration

                          5. Workshop Coordinating and Planning (Ben)

                          6. Art-space Clean up Thursday, July 9th, 2pm - 8pm

                          7. Name Digitization (post-march) if outstanding – nope!

                          8. Fetch pizza for movie screening on Thursday @ 6pm

                          Upcoming Events - 5 minutes

                          1. March afterparty - Wed evening (Burdock 7:30pm-12am Bloor & Dufferin)

                          2. Upcoming Movie Night (Do the Math) - Thursday 6-8:30pm, Room 1160 Bahen Center, U of T

                          3. Upcoming Workshop on Divestment at Toronto People’s Social Forum - Saturday morning 10:15-11:30am, George Vari Centre, Ryerson University

                          4. Upcoming Picnic at Trinity Bellwoods Park – Saturday, July 11 1pm

                          5. RiseUpTO - Wednesday morning 7-9:30am, Berczy Park (55 Front St.)

                          6. Toronto People’s Social Forum Block Party – Friday July 10 5pm

                          7. Critical Mass bike ride – Friday July 10 6pm, Bloor and Spadina

                          Committee Breakouts - 50 minutes

                          Committees will be meeting to debrief the March for Jobs, Justice and Climate Action, and the wonderful work that we’ve done to organize it. We will do 20 minutes of breakouts, switch groups and 20 more minutes, and then report back.

                          The following breakouts are planned:

                          1. The Actual March + Events at Allan Gardens (Katie)

                            1. logistics + communications

                            2. positives in logistics:

                              1. diversity of groups coming together

                              2. good flow

                              3. direction of media team was good

                              4. potentially conflicting groups were separated

                              5. Toronto350 met before and arrived as a group

                              6. availability of water

                              7. meetup of faith groups

                              8. visually beautiful

                            3. improvements in logistics

                              1. not enough vests for marshals, bandanas not noticeable enough

                              2. timeline was off, especially at the start and for arrival at Allan Gardens – especially food was problematic, particularly AG community that was being displaced

                              3. food things.

                              4. sound system at Queen’s Park

                            4. positives in communications

                              1. strong indigenous presence

                              2. family-friendliness, emphasized by art

                              3. de-escalation of police by presence of kids and parents

                              4. Milan’s photos

                              5. presence in indie media i.e. Vice, Rabble

                              6. social media was good

                            5. improvements in communications

                              1. lack of celebrity speeches

                              2. better explanation of food – acknowledgement of Food Not Bombs

                              3. low indigenous turn-out (people count)

                              4. Jane Fonda

                          2. Volunteer Recruitment / Outreach (Jody)

                            1. before/during/after the March

                            2. draw interest with big and catchy or small and adorable things

                            3. not enough members stepping up to do on the ground outreach

                            4. fewer outreach opportunities, but more focused and purposeful

                            5. creative/fun outreach to engage people

                            6. many TO350 volunteers were otherwise busy at the end of the March helping out with other things

                            7. clearer communication around outreach needs to volunteers for end of March would have helped

                            8. missed opportunity for outreach while waiting at Queen’s Park, passers-by during the March

                            9. more training on outreach for new members

                          3. New people (Tres)

                            1. WELCOME to new folks, your amazing enthusiasm and new ideas!

                            2. new people ideas

                            3. -have a discussion about climate related issues at the beginning of the mtg (similar to climate news, but not necessarily something recent - can be something that is an ongoing climate issue - have someone introduce a topic, educational piece at the beginning of the meeting.

                            4. -have a campaign or put lots of energy toward thinking about making climate an election issue. Use momentum from July 5 march

                          Next Meeting

                          Chair: Amanda        

                          Minutes: Tali

                          Volops: Katie

                          Breakout Groups, please consider the following:

                          1. What were the most successful activities / events / tactics undertaken by your committee?

                          2. What was ineffective? To be avoided in the future?

                          3. Did your committee / activity have enough resources? Enough support from the main group? What could you have used in addition?

                          4. How well did you meet the goals that you had set? Did you accomplish everything you wanted to?

                          5. Is there any outstanding work to “close out” from the march? Assign tasks / plan as needed

                          6. Any other lessons learned that you want recorded for posterity :-P


                          Jul 20, 2015, 10:51:00 PM7/20/15
                          to toron...@googlegroups.com, jodyr...@gmail.com
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