Re: 2015 Planning Meeting Minutes

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Tali Chernin

Jul 17, 2015, 6:17:40 PM7/17/15

Toronto350 Meeting – July 14, 2015

Amanda, Tresanne, Klim, Martin, Joanna, Brad, Rhys, Phebe, Felix, Emil, Milan, Leon, Stu, Katie, Tali, Louis, Aifa, Celia, Manish, Ben, Lita, Suhail, Amelia Rose, Amanda, Lynn, Ellory

Q&A for candidates for VP, Political Operations, Communications

Vice President Candidates

-          Katie

o   Believes that there could be an improvement in communication between exec, membership, and the public – this may lead to structural changes or just ways of communicating

o   Would like to focus on better integrating new volunteers into campaigns

o   Would like to create more allyship with orgs in Toronto

o   Toronto350 gives people opportunities to learn new things

o   Reevaluate all our existing campaigns and determine if they are worth keeping and worth keeping in their current form

o   We should strategize how to use our existing campaigns in the 6 months to a year including the election and Paris

o   Strategy should focus on how to generate more turnout

-          Amelia Rose

o   Give people who don’t normally speak a voice

o   Term limits

o   Giving members a voice about what they want to see the group becoming

-          Tresanne

o   As previously declared, Tresanne chose not to speak during the Q&A period to bring attention to people who feel silenced or uncomfortable speaking up at our meetings. These relate to gender and race dynamics in our society.

-          Ben

o   Better structure – smaller more effective teams

o   Caucuses that focus on inclusion and understanding privilege

o   Toronto350 has a unique culture that is in part built around unique language

o   Focus on integrating the suburban 350 groups

o   Create a report card on candidates in the election


-          Rhys

o   More clout in the upcoming election (since the issues we care about are not getting any air time with mainstream parties)

o   Allyship (coordination with other groups to increase political power)

-          Amanda

o   Loves that Toronto350 is so nimble and able to change

o   Communications are a big challenge for Toronto350

Breakout sessions

-          Strategy group will focus on coming up with a mission and a set of goals, as well as the ways in which the campaigns are going to be supported

-          Outreach group will focus on coming up with a good pitch for street outreach, having clearer instructions on where to go for our events, improve key messaging to get people involved, review how potlucks are done, a Buzzfeed style top 10 reasons to join Toronto350, outings to farmer’s market, a challenge to bring a friend to a meeting once a month

-          New people group reviewed the campaigns and signed up for specific ones, so campaign leaders should plan on having a meeting prior to the big strategy meeting so they know who their volunteers are and the volunteers know what the campaign is about and how to get involved

-          GTA350 group discussed the below:

  • The next step seems to be trying to get the people to meet again, although in the summer it's hard to get people out to meetings.

  • The thought was to do a picnic social for the people in the group to come together and hang out (not an outreach picnic). People could then discuss what they wanted to do, and how to move forward. The following ideas were proposed as possibilities to suggest:

    • For the picnic, there could be an activity, such as a structured discussion. It could be a BBQ or include a firepit. There could also be bubbles, instructions here:

    • Movie screening. Hosting a documentary is one thing, but perhaps they could also host a more fun movie. Maybe include a social game, similar to the ones that the run, although there was concern about doing it as a drinking game.

    • People could get trained to run the Step Up presentation and then host/run some presentations.

    • Several people in each group seemed interested in doing outreach, e.g. tabling at events. I was noted that many events outside of the downtown have lots of people yet no tabling from orgs, so this is a great opportunity. Going to outdoor movie screenings to "work the ground" was suggested. Group activities that would lead up to this could include making an Energy East flyer, and creating a petition that might be good.

    • The idea of doing a banner drop/banner hold over a highway also came up. This could be done several times within a week, and say something like "Harper failed me on climate". Making something anti-Harper, rather than pro-another party seemed to be less problematic.

  • Stu will tag the GTA people appropriately with appropriate WNE tags in NB.

  • We'd also like to send an email blast soon to ask people to signup. Perhaps when the picnic dates are set.

  • Stu will try to arrange a training for "Life of Groups", to be run onJuly 28th at 5pm near the potluck.

  • Tali will start making an Action Kit document, which Stu, RosemaryB, and hopefully others from volops will contribute to. This will include the nitty-gritty of how to organize specific events, as well as some general tips around organizing.

    • This is now in the works and will be available for volunteers to review and edit in about 2 weeks

Voting instructions for next week

-          Membership voted for a ranked ballot system over the system currently in the constitution. This was a unanimous vote.

Next Meeting

Chair – Klim

Minute Taker – Stu

Voloper - Ellory

Tali Chernin

Jul 19, 2015, 6:12:42 PM7/19/15

-          Amanda

o   Loves that Toronto350 is so nimble and able to change

o   Communications are a big challenge for Toronto350

Political Operations

-          Rhys

o   More clout in the upcoming election (since the issues we care about are not getting any air time with mainstream parties)

o   Allyship (coordination with other groups to increase political power)

Jul 20, 2015, 10:41:48 PM7/20/15

Toronto350 Meeting – July 14, 2015

Amanda, Tresanne, Klim, Martin, Joanna, Brad, Rhys, Phebe, Felix, Emil, Milan, Leon, Stu, Katie, Tali, Louis, Aifa, Celia, Manish, Ben, Lita, Suhail, Amelia Rose, Amanda, Lynn, Ellory

Chair: AmandaHS

Minutes: Tali

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