2015 AGM Minutes

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Jan 14, 2016, 10:08:59 AM1/14/16
to Toronto 350.org

2015-12-15 Toronto350.org Annual General Meeting Minutes

Chair: Milan

Minutes: Keara

Present: Milan, Dan, Robin, Tali, Ellory, Jesse, Keara, Amelia Rose, Emmay, Tresanne, NP, Ben, Joe, Amanda, Katie, Brian, Nicole, Lynn, Amil, Joanna, Suhail, Jesse, Lila, Sam, Anna


1. Land recognition

2. Identification of delegate members

3. Election of an interim chair

4. Financial statement from the treasurer (Ellery)

5. Annual Financial Statements

6. Proposed constitutional amendments

a. Constitutional changes (if any)

b. Changes to other policies

i. Making the Administrative Coordinator responsible for finding a chair and minute-taker for Tuesday meetings

ii. Major proposals in American dollars

7. Board election

a. Candidates and proposed terms

b. Relevant policies and procedures

b. (Briefly) Questions for candidates

c. Election of candidates followed by determination of terms

8. Election of pipeline campaign lead

9. Other business

a. Update on donation from Pure and Simple (Tresanne)

b. Minor proposals / decisions

i. Final meetings of 2015

ii. Fundraising email — end of year/holidays

iii. Fundraising idea — 416 Dating Stories event

iv. Fundraising idea — competition for fundraising

c. (Briefly) Response to COP21

d. Developing a system of partner groups (Milan)

e. Policy simplification and consolidation

f. Volunteer opportunities

Note: We have a very ambitious agenda for tonight. I recommend that if the discussion of any particular item interests a lot of people they arrange a separate forum to consider it at greater length.

The chair and delegate chair will make sure all comments are brief and relevant.

If waiting for quorum, informally discuss response to COP21

1. Land recognition

We are all Treaty people on the indigenous land,

of the Anishinaabe and other nations who protect Turtle Island

And so that equity is addressed

checking the space you take up must be stressed

but if anything else comes up, let us know,

put our principles to the test!

Let’s begin.

Explanation of the relevance of the land recognition by a volunteer

  • We all belong to Nations- land acknowledgement is not about equity, it is a part of proper diplomacy between Nations. It is a part of learning to be Canadian to know how to represent your Nation.

2. Identification of delegate members

Potentially ambiguous wording of constitution

Delegate members have (a) filled out the member survey at some point and (b) attended at least two meetings or events in the last year

Motion to ask the executive to clarify this portion of the constitution

-> carried

3. Election of an interim chair

Two volunteers selected to count ballots (candidates can watch if they wish)

4. Financial statement from the treasurer (Ellery)

  • currently just over $15k

  • expenses: $9000 , leaving us with almost $6000 wiggle room,

  • there’s about $400 coming in monthly donations

  • raised $4400 in donations this year

  • huge push in November, Stu and Tresanne worked to bring in new donors

  • campaign leads approach Ellery with any questions

5. Annual Financial Statements

Motion to appoint a Bookkeeper instead of a Public Accountant, as per section 9 of the by-laws

  • Already been done, strike motion.

Motion to appoint Shiraz Merchant as Bookkeeper

  • moved, seconded. - 19 for, 0 opposed, 2 abstentions

6. Proposed constitutional amendments

a. Constitutional changes (if any)

b. Changes to other policies

i. Making the Administrative Coordinator responsible for finding a chair and minute-taker for Tuesday meetings

  • AC checks to make sure there is someone doing this for next meeting.

  • no objections.

ii. Major proposals in American dollars

  • this has lost a few hundred dollars in the past.

7. Board election

  • Milan- motion to recommend the board to clarify the election process?

    • not exact enough of a motion

  • Suhail- motion to allow board to only amend election procedures at an AGM?

    • membership can’t amend bylaws, board is responsible for amending bylaws, according to nonprofit Canadian law.

    • Suhail motions to recommend the board to only amend election procedures at an AGM.

    • Do we want a meeting with the board and the membership to look over bylaws?

    • We should be aware of changes to electoral procedures.

    • An amendment to the bylaw can be confirmed, amended, or rejected by the membership at the next meeting.

  • proposal to give to the board to state which sorts of changes are recommended to be made to electoral procedures.

  • Innovation meeting has been discussing possibly creating standards for gender representation, etc. in the board.

  • possibly solved by the fact that there are more active members running for membership - as opposed to former boards disconnected with membership -

  • discussion to be had with new board - how to balance relationship between membership and board

  • motion to table the discussion - seconded.

    • no votes to continue discussion - tabled

  • Note that there is concern in the membership about this.

  • Do people need to have a majority of votes in order to be voted in?

    • No.

a. Candidates and proposed terms

  • Brandon Fenton (term not specified in statement)

  • Jesse McLaren (1-year term)

  • Keara Lightning (term not specified in statement)

  • Milan Ilnyckyj (3 years)

  • Robin Koczerginski (term not specified in statement)

  • Stuart Basden ("happy to run for a 3 year, 2 year or 1 year term")

  • Tali Chernin (term not specified in statement)

  • Tammy Zhuang (term not specified in statement)

  • Taylor Flook (term not specified in statement)

b. Relevant policies and procedures

From the by-laws:

“25. Terms of Office

a. At the first election of Directors following the approval of this By-law, approximately one-third (1/3) of Directors shall be elected for a three-year term, one-third (1/3) of Directors shall be elected for a two-year term and one-third (1/3) of Directors shall be elected for a one-year term. Thereafter, except where an election is held to fill the unexpired portion of a term, newly elected Directors shall be elected for three-year (3) terms.

b. At the time of election, candidates shall declare for what term they are running. In the event that more candidates are seeking any particular term length than there are spaces available, one-third (1/3) of Directors shall be elected first for three year terms, then one-third (1/3) of Directors shall be elected second for two year terms, and then one-third (1/3) of Directors shall be elected for one year terms.

c. Elections for Directors shall be held within thirteen months of the previous election.

d. No person shall serve as a Director for more than two consecutive terms unless the Members so authorize by special resolution.

e. Executive Officers who have been elected to hold office shall do so until the end of the next meeting, excluding By-elections, in which elections for Executive Officers are held. Elections of Executive Officers shall be held twice yearly, within eight months of the previous election.”

Board policy motion of 2015-11-17 regarding number of directors:

“Seven directors shall be elected to Toronto350.org's second board.”

b. (Briefly) Questions for candidates

c. Election of candidates followed by determination of terms

Voting procedure:

1) Each delegate member gets a ballot to select seven out of the nine candidates

  • Remind chair of the meeting to make separate ranked ballot in case of unbroken tie (ranked from 1-9)

2) The seven candidates who receive the most votes are elected to the board

  • If necessary, use tie breaking system in section 22 of the by-laws

3) Who wants a three year term? If greater than 3, hold an election for up to three. The three with the most votes are elected to three year terms.

4) Who wants a two year term? If greater than 3, hold an election for up to three. The three with the most votes are elected to two year terms.

5) All candidates elected in stage 2 get one year terms unless elected to 3 or 2 year terms.

Candidates who have not indicated which term they are running for shall be assumed to be running for one year terms.

Motion to recommend to the board that the electoral process be improved and clarified

Discussion about the confidence of membership and effect on length of term.

Should someone with a minimum vote get a three year term?

  • again, the board should review the election procedures, more detail to address how the lengths of term work.

8. Election of pipeline campaign lead

  • No candidates

9. Other business

a. Update on donation from Pure and Simple (Tresanne)

  • because of their growth, they have been recommended to not donate and will not be donating.

b. Minor proposals / decisions

i. Final meetings of 2015

Will we meet Dec 22 and 29?

  • NOPE

The Administrative Coordinator should unbook the space if not

  • Running out of time, we skip some of these fundraising ideas.

ii. Fundraising email end of year/holidays

iii. Fundraising idea 416 Dating Stories event

iv. Fundraising idea — competition for fundraising

Sabrina Bowman did this a while ago

Prize for top 2 fundraisers?

Stu said he can help create pages

c. (Briefly) Response to COP21

General feelings in the room?

Is there any way we can use the outcome to advance our campaigns?

  • 350 has an official view, email Tali with any further ideas people have, Tali will circulate possible response draft

d. Developing a system of partner groups (Milan)

Objectives: clarify relationship with UofT350.org, Divest Ryerson, and Step Up, Canada! while improving participation and transparency going forward

e. Policy simplification and consolidation

Are the number of policies or their complexity causing problems? Are there policies we can simplify or do without? Can we replace any with general guidelines? Which policies do we really need?

f. Volunteer opportunities

Are people wanting to attend visioning session? If yes, volop is to help develop visioning session

Do people want an opportunity for bringing up new campaigns?

Create a public schedule of the next 4-8 meetings, including what meeting type each will be

Help with quick response to the divestment recommendation from the ad hoc committee at U of T (expected before December 22nd)

Meeting participation stats — Go through at least six months’ worth of minutes and collect statistics on how many people attended; break down for before and after adoption of new meeting structure, and for meetings of different types.

Vol ops:

  • partner groups

  • cop21 response

2015-12-15 Toronto350.org Annual General Meeting Record of Decision

Motion to ask the executive to clarify this portion of the constitution

  • Milan moves

  • Tali seconds

  • 13 in favour

  • 2 opposed

  • 2 abstentions

  • Motion carries

Motion to appoint Shiraz Merchant as Public Accountant

  • Ellery moves

  • Tresanne seconds

  • 19 in favour

  • 0 opposed

  • 2 abstentions

Motion to accept the results of the vote: Keara (3 years), Stuart (3 years), Brandon (2 years), Tali (2 years), Jesse (1 year), Taylor (1 year)

  • Moved by Lyn

  • Seconded by Bryan

  • 12 in favour

  • 2 opposed

  • 6 abstentions

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