Plone ( is a powerful web Content Management System offering advanced capabilities such as security, workflow, internationalization and much, much more. The Toronto Plone Users Group (TOPUG - is a group of Plone users, integrators and developers who promote and support each other in using Plone effectively.
To further this goal, TOPUG is beginning a new series at our monthly meetings:
Using Plone Step By Step, to show you how to get started with or use Plone more effectively. Each meeting will focus on a particular topic (forms, workflow, dashboards, themes, etc.), with two presentations: an introductory one and a more advanced one, so no one is left out. We'll also have a Q&A period so you can get help from local Plone experts on how to apply the topic to your particular needs.
Whether you're looking at moving to a web CMS, changing your current CMS or already using Plone, this is the series for you!
Our first meeting will start from the beginning with one presentation on installing Plone 4, and another on upgrading to Plone 4 from an earlier version of Plone. Our meeting is Tuesday, January 11th, beginning at 6:00 PM. Details can be found on our web site: won't be posting every meeting to this list, but just wanted to make the TorCamp community aware of our new series. To keep up with our events, you can join our Google Group:!forum/topugThanks,
Hugh Ranalli, Toronto Plone Users Group