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mobile research project seeking interest

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Sam Ladner

Apr 6, 2011, 1:54:35 PM4/6/11
Hi folks,

Some of you may know that I span academic and private-sector research. I'm thrilled to announce that I will be leading a research project on mobile technology as a postdoctoral fellow at Ryerson's Ted Rogers School of Management.

We want to help this amazing city's mobile potential by diving deep into the social use of mobile tech, something private-sector researchers neither have the time nor the budget to do. This is basic research at its best....but we need your help!

- help us publicize the event by forwarding the below to other listservs (the geekier, the better)
- participate yourself as an individual or with your company. Geeks particularly welcome!
- find out more at or @mobileworklife

Help us get the word out!
Sam Ladner


Call for Participation in Research on Work/Life Balance and Mobile Technology

Are you a smartphone user? Do you want to know more about how this device is affecting our lives? We want to talk to you!

Ryerson University is seeking to recruit smartphone users to participate in a social research study on mobile technology. Hosted at the Ted Rogers School of Management, this project asks the simple question: what happens when workplace technologies like the BlackBerry come into the household? The research team is looking to recruit people who have used a smartphone for work and personal use for the last six months, preferably in the Greater Toronto Area.

The research will be publicly available. We will be sharing white papers and conference presentations with the community at large. Those interested in mobile technology will learn more about how individuals use their phones at home, the kinds of content they typically use, and what frustrates them about current software and hardware design.

All participants will remain completely anonymous.

Participants will be visited at home by a researcher, who will conduct an interview and will spend time visiting and observing the participant's home experience with their smartphone. All participation is strictly confidential. Recruitment will begin in April, with field work happening throughout the spring and summer.  Participants from across the country will be considered, but those in Southern Ontario are preferred. The project is being lead by Dr. Sam Ladner, postdoctoral research fellow, and co-principle Investigators Dr. Catherine Middleton and Dr. Ozgur Oturetken.

Learn more at and on Twitter @mobileworklife

Sam Ladner, PhD

Martin Cleaver

Jan 15, 2012, 6:36:27 AM1/15/12
Hi all,

Just a quick note that local tech startup Speechbobble will present at Knowledge Workers Toronto next week. Ryerson incubated, Speechbobble has had success at Rogers Communication.

Come along Wednesday at 6pm. We're at a pub at Yonge & Wellesley.

Best, M.
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