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Want to become the HIGHEST Earning Virtual Assistant?

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Christyleh Pocong

Apr 3, 2011, 10:13:00 PM4/3/11
What you can expect from the Virtual Assistant Seminar:

a. You'll know the requirements so you can be considered a good "candidate" to be a VA (physical, mental, skills, etc)

b. Websites and Skills and Programs you need to study because you'll need them as a VA

c. You'll know exactly what I tell my VAs to do, so you'll know the how easy or complex it is.

d. How to communicate properly with your offsite boss (this is the most critical skill and attitude as a VA).

e. How to negotiate or justify your "rate"  (how much you'll receive or want to receive as VA).

Download The Virtual Assistant Seminar Now!

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Apr 4, 2011, 1:40:50 PM4/4/11
to TorCamp
Happiness has to be installed in each VA as a state of affairs
completely cut off from the process that brought it about and, in
particular, from the real situation. A VA has to be affected with
happiness. It is a tonality given to him. Contradiction: if one does
take care to give a VA happiness, it is because he is a free creature--
but in order to give it to him, one turns him into an object. (J.P.

On Apr 3, 10:14 pm, Christyleh Pocong <>
> *What you can expect from the Virtual Assistant Seminar:*
> a. You'll know the requirements so you can be considered a good "candidate"
> to be a VA (physical, mental, skills, etc)
> b. Websites and Skills and Programs you need to study because you'll need
> them as a VA
> c. You'll know exactly what I tell my VAs to do, so you'll know the how easy
> or complex it is.
> d. How to communicate properly with your offsite boss (this is the most
> critical skill and attitude as a VA).
> e. How to negotiate or justify your "rate"  (how much you'll receive or want
> to receive as VA).
> *Download The Virtual Assistant Seminar Now!* <>
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