RSVP CAD10.00 per person
Please be at the Pub for 6:30 to order drinks & network. We start sharp at 7pm.
About WikiBrands to be published 17 Dec 2010
The Six Benefits of Wiki Brand Advocacy • Measurement and Metrics • Community Management • The B-to-B Wiki Brand • The Personal Wiki Brand • 25 Things to Know in 25 Minutes
The book: Launched from branding guru Don Tapscott's landmark $10 million research project on the intersection of technology and business models, WikiBrands explain what your business needs to do NOW to embrace the power of p-2-p technologies like word-of-mouth, user generated content, social media, microblogging, crowdsourcing, and customer rating systems to engage customers and enlist them in brand building and value-enhancement.
The WikiBrands Publishing Journey"So, if print is dead and technology books face obsolescence before they even reach the shelves, why would we even take on the project?
At Toronto Wiki Tuesday, we'll answer this question as well as discuss:
- Key lessons learned about the writing process
- Finding an agent and writing the proposal
- What to expect in the editing process
- The pros and cons of self-publishing
- Marketing the book
About our Speakers
Mike Dover is the Managing Partner of Socialstruct Advisory Group. As Vice President, Research Operations for New Paradigm (later nGenera Insight), he oversaw the research programs underlying Wikinomics: How Mass Collaboration Changes Everything and Grown Up Digital: How The Net Generation is Changing the World. He also provided review support for more than a dozen other books including Authenticity: What Customers Really Want by Joe Pine and James Gilmore and DIY U Edupunks, Edupreneurs, and the Coming Transformation of Higher Education by Anya Kamenetz.
Sean Moffitt is President, Agent Wildfire Strategy & Communications Inc., a leading social influence, word of mouth and customer engagement firm. He is also an internationally respected and connected web expert and sought-after speaker, lecturing to corporations, associations and universities throughout the world on cultural trends and the reinvention of marketing and business. With one foot in traditional business and another in new digital worlds, he has led the efforts behind established brands Molson, Guinness and Procter & Gamble and now partners with many Fortune 500s and startups as an evangelist for web-enabled customer engagement and collaboration in business.
Socialstruct is a tenant at the Center for Social Innovation.
-- 416-786-6752 (GMT-5)