One of the biggest problems iPad developers face is getting their applications tested on working devices. With an iPhone, that's pretty easy - with millions sold, developers have a ready set of willing test subjects.
However, with Apple delaying its release of the iPad into "sometime in May", Toronto's developers are a bit screwed.
We're willing to put together an iPad / iPhone testing group. You can get your apps tested as long as you test others' apps. What does that mean, concretely?
- We will allocate 75 slots on our Apple developer account for testing group members.
- We'll maintain a code-signing profile that all members can download, and let members post binaries built against that profile.
There will be an emphasis on transparency within the testing group, so the list of members will always be visible to participants.
The obvious concern is going to be about disclosure of sensitive information. All I can promise is that if someone violated the implied trust of this community, they are in for the wedgie of their life the next time they show up at @coffeeandiphone. Otherwise, no guarantees.
It wouldn't be free. We'd collect some nominal fee to cover our costs developing the plumbing for this.
Thoughts? Interest?
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