{Torah & Chassidus} Some Discussion Topics 2

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Rabbi Zwecker

Apr 23, 2010, 6:38:51 AM4/23/10
to Torah & Chassidus Discussion
2.Ahavas Yisroel: Feeling the Pain of Another Jew

The Holy Rav Moshe Leib Sassover once said: I learned true Ahavs
Yisroel – love for my fellow Jew from a drunk villager. This villager
was sitting together with his fellows and when he was drunk with his
heart gladdened by wine he turned to his fellow and said: “Do you love
me or not?” The fellow drunk declared: “Why I love you very much!”
Afterwards the first drunk asked his fellow, “Do you know what I lack
and what pains me?” His drunk friend answered, “How can I know what
pains you and what you lack!?” The drunk responded, “How can you say
you love me, if you don't even understand my pain and what I am

The Baal Shem Tov taught about three loves, love of Hashem, love of
Yisroel that is of fellow Jews and love of the Torah. How do we see
these loves reflected in Chassidus?

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May 3, 2010, 9:33:58 AM5/3/10
to Torah & Chassidus Discussion
In my view Love of Hashem, love of Yisroel that is of fellow Jews and
love of the Torah are one. Every Jew has a G-d ly Soul which is a
spark of the Divine, is at-one with HaShem; it is That which you love,
and therefore it is Love of HaShem. But put your self aside for a
moment; don't worry it will be waiting for you. From the view of the G-
dly Soulyou are at one with this person, including his amimal soul.
Spend an hour in his shoes and you will see the good in him and see
that his animal soul is animated in him as yours is in you; you are no
better or worse, just different, so don't judge. From there you will
have an idea of what he lacks and what pains him. Of course your
ability is vastly less than a Tzaddik, so that shold humble you
helping to not judge. The Torah is One with HaShem.

So all 3 are identical manifgeatations of the same thing: Love of

Eliot Kusnetz

May 3, 2010, 9:54:31 AM5/3/10
to torahchassid...@googlegroups.com
I'd like to share a different perspective that just occured to me reading the post, perhaps reflecting recent difficulty I've encountered in my middos:
We all strive to love, and at times feel deep love of Hashem.  We all strive, and at times feel deep love for the Jewish people.  We all strive, and at times, feel deep love of Torah.  But...there are times that we don't.  For me, I have a lot of trouble going to the mass chol hamoed events because I become so upset at some yidden's behavior.  Where then is my love of Yidden?  There are times I keep reminding myself that everything Hashem does is for my benefit, even if it is a bitter medicine. And after much reflection, and re-reading shaar ha'bitachon, I come to back to simchas ha'chaim and love of Hashem, but until then, where is my love of Hashem. And yes, there are those times when I'm holding in the mochin d'katnus and my mind is a brick that cannot understand or absorb even the simplest Torah. At these times, I have an intellectual understanding, but the regesh, the bren, the fire seems far off....
What is my goal and purpose? The Rebbe Reb Meilich teaches us it is to overcome our nature.  And if that is the case, then chassidus is coming to tell me to overcome that "coldness" in my love for Torah, Yidden, and Hashem.  Chassidus speaks to me in the language of "shake out of your stupor, your ego, your inertia!"  Light the fire! There is work to do! 
"Do what you love and you'll never work a day in your life," goes the saying.  Avodas Hashem that comes from love looks and feels completely different than avoda that comes from obligation. 

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