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[topicmapmail] Pizza ontology in Topic Maps? in CTM?

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marijane white

Dec 9, 2011, 3:29:25 PM12/9/11
to TopicMapMail
Hello Topic Mappers,

So I have this new job where I get to build models, but my employer uses OWL-DL rather than Topic Maps.  I definitely think about modeling in Topic Maps, so I've been scaling the RDF/OWL learning curve, and one of the things I've done to that end is walk through the Manchester Pizza Tutorial for OWL [1],which seems like a good introduction, despite the fact that the pizza ontology itself seems somewhat flawed.

Earlier this week, it occurred to me to try recreating the pizza ontology in Topic Maps, to help cement my understanding of both technologies, and maybe also bring my TM skills up to date by learning CTM, because so far the topic maps I've created by hand have been in XTM 1.0.   I got as far as faithfully recreating the tutorial's hierarchy of pizzas, toppings, and bases, but when I hit the part about modeling hasIngredient relationships between pizzas and their toppings or bases, I was like, "Wait a minute -- isn't a pizza really as association between a crust and some toppings?"  I'm not sure if this is really true. I've been chewing on it for a couple of days now, and I thought I'd come here and ask y'all about it.

So, my questions:
- Has anyone here ever done the pizza tutorial for OWL?
- Has anyone here ever tried implementing the examples in the pizza tutorial as a topic map?  Is this a silly idea?
- Do you think the idea that a pizza is an association between a crust and some toppings seems like an appropriate way to model a pizza?
- If so, how would you express this in CTM?  I'm struggling with how to identify instances of associations, and also it's not clear to me if CTM supports n-ary associations.

For example, how about a pepperoni pizza?
pizza(base: Thin_and_Crispy, topping: Mozzarella, topping: Pepperoni)
Or maybe a margherita pizza?
pizza(base: Thin_And_Crispy, topping: Mozzarella, topping: Tomato, topping: Basil)

Is this allowed?  Is it a bad idea?  Do I need to try a different modeling approach? 
If I wanted to refer to these instances by name elsewhere in the topic map, how do I do that?  Add a reifier? 
How about adding scoped names to the association roles?

I think I know how I would do these things in XTM 1.0 but it's not yet clear if I can or should do them in CTM.  (I have a suspicion some of the modeling habits I developed using XTM 1.0 might be considered poor modeling practice.)

Thanks for any assistance anyone might be able to provide.


[1] -

Graham Moore

Dec 10, 2011, 1:01:54 AM12/10/11
to marijane white, TopicMapMail
Hi Mariiane,

My suggestion would be to try and describe the pizza ontology using
the constructs in TMCL. (
TMCL contains ontology constructs that can be expressed as a topicmap
and the examples in the standard all use CTM. You should find many
things in TMCL that you have seen in OWL.

Lars Marius has a tutorial on TMCL,, and I am only mildly
offended by his main photo! :)


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Graham Moore, Director, Networked Planet Limited
Editor XTM 1.0, ISO13250 (TopicMaps) -2,-3, TMCL
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Lars Marius Garshol

Dec 13, 2011, 9:02:41 AM12/13/11
to TopicMapMail

* Graham Moore
> ... and I am only mildly offended by his main photo! :)

And I only feel mildly sad on seeing the second.

--Lars M.

Patrick Durusau

Dec 13, 2011, 3:39:44 PM12/13/11

On 12/10/2011 01:01 AM, Graham Moore wrote:
> Hi Mariiane,
> My suggestion would be to try and describe the pizza ontology using
> the constructs in TMCL. (
> TMCL contains ontology constructs that can be expressed as a topicmap
> and the examples in the standard all use CTM. You should find many
> things in TMCL that you have seen in OWL.
> Lars Marius has a tutorial on TMCL,
>, and I am only mildly
> offended by his main photo! :)


To Marijane - It took me a minute to notice there was anything unusual
about the photo.

Be forewarned about standards work. ;-)

Hope you are having a great day!


Patrick Durusau
Chair, V1 - US TAG to JTC 1/SC 34
Convener, JTC 1/SC 34/WG 3 (Topic Maps)
Editor, OpenDocument Format TC (OASIS), Project Editor ISO/IEC 26300
Co-Editor, ISO/IEC 13250-1, 13250-5 (Topic Maps)
OASIS Technical Advisory Board (TAB) - member

Another Word For It (blog):
Twitter: patrickDurusau

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