SHACL under 5.2

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Jack Hodges

non lue,
20 sept. 2016, 16:09:0220/09/2016
à TopBraid Suite Users
I have SHACL (SPARQL) constraints that worked 'fine' under TBCME 5.1.3. In these constraints I am using some SPIN functions and Magic Properties. Under 5.2 my SPIN functions (in foo.spin.ttl) and possibly my Magic Properties (in foo.ui.ttlx), are not being found:

WARN [ModalContext] ( - URI <...> has no registered function factory

I do not get these errors when running in the SPARQL tab, only in SHACL constraints.

I have asked about this in the past and was asked to wait until 5.2 was out so now I am asking again.

Holger Knublauch

non lue,
20 sept. 2016, 18:28:1220/09/2016
This scenario seems to work fine for me, see the attached files. I would need a copy of your files or comparable details to reproduce this.

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Jack Hodges

non lue,
21 sept. 2016, 14:53:1921/09/2016
à TopBraid Suite Users
I will check to make sure that my inheritance is correct. I think that what I need is better and more complete documentation of SHACL and SPARQL and SPIN interactions.

Jack Hodges

non lue,
23 sept. 2016, 10:34:5823/09/2016
à TopBraid Suite Users
We got it working and even in Jena. I am not sure what the problem was because I am bucking a deadline but am relieved nonetheless. The new SHACL violations have removed the subject predicate object violation parameters from the SHACL violations display. When I run the validator I am only really getting the focus node and the message. Maybe I can still access the query parameters from the violation.

Jack Hodges

Holger Knublauch

non lue,
25 sept. 2016, 23:39:3925/09/2016
On 24/09/2016 0:34, Jack Hodges wrote:
> We got it working and even in Jena. I am not sure what the problem was
> because I am bucking a deadline but am relieved nonetheless. The new
> SHACL violations have removed the subject predicate object violation
> parameters from the SHACL violations display. When I run the validator
> I am only really getting the focus node and the message. Maybe I can
> still access the query parameters from the violation.

The names of the result variables have changed compared to the SHACL
version that was bundled with 5.1.


for the variable names that you need to use in the SELECT clause of
SPARQL-based constraints, and

for the generally available result vocabulary.


Jack Hodges

non lue,
26 sept. 2016, 10:08:2726/09/2016
à TopBraid Suite Users
Thank you for the links. Very informative.
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