I am looking at making a constructor that has several parameters for the user to input. One of which is a drop down list to select the type of a class. I am trying to get it to only show a specified root class and its subclasses, similar to what normally appears by default as a class tree. However, if I put the sh:class as the root class then it populates instances. If I use rdfs:Class I get classes to select but not narrowed down to the root I want. I tried adding a connection using dash:rootClass ex:Concept but that did not work either. Is there a specific data property to mimic the default type selector that shows up when constructing a new concept?
Example of what I have been trying but not achieving the desired results:
a sh:Parameter ;
a sh:PropertyShape ;
sh:path rdf:type ;
sh:class rdfs:Class ;
sh:description "The type of the new concept" ;
sh:name "type" ;
sh:nodeKind sh:IRI .
a sh:Parameter ;
a sh:PropertyShape ;
sh:path rdf:type ;
sh:class rdfs:Class ;
dash:rootClass ex:Concept ; #even tried with dash:editor dash:SubClassEditor but that throws an error
sh:description "The type of the new concept" ;
sh:name "type" ;
sh:nodeKind sh:IRI .
a sh:Parameter ;
a sh:PropertyShape ;
sh:path rdf:type ;
sh:class ex:Concept ;
sh:description "The type of the new concept" ;
sh:name "type" ;
sh:nodeKind sh:IRI .