TopBraid Browser Extension

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Holger Knublauch

Mar 1, 2021, 7:57:20 PM3/1/21

Dear Users,

with the new TopBraid 7.0 beta we are also making available a TopBraid Browser Extension (for Chrome). See announcement and video at

Those who evaluate EDG 7.0 or the TBC-ME 7.0 beta and run EDG on localhost can simply install the Chrome extension from

and follow the simple instructions from the video on how to get started. The plugin itself has a Help button that explains how to activate semantic highlighting etc. For example, if you have the Geography Taxonomy:

1) add an owl:import (Settings > Includes) to the Augmented Web Browsing Vocabulary

2) in the editor switch to the "Home" resource

3) on that form switch to the Augmented Web browsing perspective and add this value:

There is a lot of flexibility here, e.g. you can activate different highlighting rules for different pages, use different colors etc.

You can also customize what goes into the rich pop-up windows, see

Finally,  you can customize which property will be used to create links between knowledge graphs and web pages - just declare them with sh:datatype xsd:anyURI.

As usual, we welcome any feedback, bug reports or improvement requests.


Mar 11, 2024, 7:06:13 AMMar 11
to TopBraid Suite Users
Still can't get over the fact nobody has picked up this amazing feat of work. Quick question about the configuring of the plugin, is it possible to blacklist certain words or characters? We have linked extensive taxonomies that contain numerical codes which are triggered by the plugin. Also concepts that use non core concepts like 'or' , 'on' , 'by' etcetera I'd like to be able to exclude. Thanks Holger 

Op dinsdag 2 maart 2021 om 01:57:20 UTC+1 schreef Holger Knublauch:

Holger Knublauch

Mar 12, 2024, 9:39:14 AMMar 12
Thanks, Elvin.

I am not aware of black list but it could be added if we decide to develop this further.

Meanwhile the only work-around that I can think of is to copy the values that you want to allow into a "safe" fresh property, e.g. ex:myLabel and then mention this property (only) via augment:labelProperty. This would then bypass rdfs:label, skos:prefLabel and skos:altLabel and ignore those values. You could store these extra triples in a dedicated graph so that you don't need to modify the existing asset collections. I know this is an ugly solution because you need an extra processing step, but may work if you just need this for a proof-of-concept.


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