Formal definition of GraphQL mutations

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Davide Sottara

Jul 17, 2024, 3:49:52 PMJul 17
to TopBraid Suite Users
I have been using the out of the box GraphQL mutations, "createX", "addToX", "updateX" where X is one of my class/shapes.
I have been observing some behaviors that are not immediately evident from the 
documentation here:

For example, "createX(uri)" does not violate any constraint if "uri" already
exists as an individual, but reports a violation if uri is an instance of X.
That is, it does not check that "uri ?p ?o", but rather "uri a _ subClassOf* X".
This would be consistent with the documentation. 

However, updateX(uri) does not seem to check "uri a X" as a precondition.
In fact, if the mutation is able to assert "uri a Y" through a property shape
bound to rdf:type, the mutation succeeds, effectively creating a new
individual with a type that may be unrelated to X.
Besides being a way to implement "duck typing", this operation behaves
more like "upsert" than "update" - very useful!, but not exactly what I would
expect from the name and the docs.

In general, is there a more precise definition of the mutations - for example 
by means of an equivalent SPARQL query ?

Thank you in advance

Holger Knublauch

Jul 18, 2024, 3:30:08 AMJul 18
to 'Luis Enrique Ramos García' via TopBraid Suite Users
Hi Davide,

On 17 Jul 2024, at 9:49 PM, Davide Sottara <> wrote:

I have been using the out of the box GraphQL mutations, "createX", "addToX", "updateX" where X is one of my class/shapes.
I have been observing some behaviors that are not immediately evident from the 
documentation here:

For example, "createX(uri)" does not violate any constraint if "uri" already
exists as an individual, but reports a violation if uri is an instance of X.
That is, it does not check that "uri ?p ?o", but rather "uri a _ subClassOf* X".
This would be consistent with the documentation. 

As some rather geeky insight, I'll copy the source code of the createXY operations below:


private static boolean create(DataFetchingEnvironment environment, ObjectType objectType) {

Map obj = environment.getArgument(INPUT);

String uri = (String) obj.get(Schema.URI_FIELD_NAME);

if(uri != null) {

QueryContext context = environment.getContext();

Model dataModel = ModelFactory.createModelForGraph(context.getDiffGraph());

Resource r = GraphQLUtil.getResource(dataModel, uri);

Resource type = r.getPropertyResourceValue(RDF.type);

if(type != null) {

Report report = context.getDiffReport();

ValidationResult result = report.createValidationResult(null, r.asNode());

result.addMessage("URI " + uri + " already used as instance of " + RDFLabels.get().getCustomizedLabel(type));

result.constraintComponent(NodeFactory.createURI(DASH.NS + "URIAlreadyUsedConstraintComponent"));



return mutate(environment, objectType, false, false);


From that it seems that the "already used" error is reported if the resource already has any type (due to type != null).

I don't see handling of subClassOf that you mention.

However, updateX(uri) does not seem to check "uri a X" as a precondition.
In fact, if the mutation is able to assert "uri a Y" through a property shape
bound to rdf:type, the mutation succeeds, effectively creating a new
individual with a type that may be unrelated to X.
Besides being a way to implement "duck typing", this operation behaves
more like "upsert" than "update" - very useful!, but not exactly what I would
expect from the name and the docs.

Here is what the updateXY operations do:

private static boolean update(DataFetchingEnvironment environment, ObjectType objectType) {

return mutate(environment, objectType, true, false);



private static boolean mutate(DataFetchingEnvironment environment, ObjectType objectType, boolean replace, boolean addTo) {

QueryContext context = environment.getContext();

Model dataModel = ModelFactory.createModelForGraph(context.getDiffGraph());

Map obj = environment.getArgument(INPUT);

addFieldValues(dataModel, obj, objectType, replace, addTo, context);

return true;



private static Resource addFieldValues(Model dataModel, Map obj, ObjectType objectType, boolean replace, boolean addTo, QueryContext context) {

// replace is true when called from an 'update', false for 'create'

String uri = (String) obj.get(Schema.URI_FIELD_NAME);

Resource resource = GraphQLUtil.getResource(dataModel, uri);


// Update rdf:type/dash:shape based on the object type and the GraphQL field "type"

Resource nodeShape = objectType.getNodeShape();

Set<Resource> newTypes = new HashSet<>();

Object types = obj.get(Schema.TYPE_FIELD_NAME);

Property typePredicate = JenaUtil.hasIndirectType(nodeShape, RDFS.Class) ? RDF.type : DASH.shape;

if(types instanceof List) {

// If types have been explicitly passed in, just use those

typePredicate = RDF.type;

for(Object member : ((List)types)) {

String typeURI = (String) ((Map)member).get(Schema.URI_FIELD_NAME);

newTypes.add(GraphQLUtil.getResource(dataModel, typeURI));


for(RDFNode node : newTypes) {

dataModel.add(resource, typePredicate, node);



if(replace) {

for(RDFNode old : JenaUtil.getResourceProperties(resource, typePredicate)) {

if(!newTypes.contains(old)) {

removeIfFromBaseModel(dataModel, resource, typePredicate, old);





else if(!replace && !addTo) {

// For newly created instances, add type triple, unless this is called from an addTo mutation

dataModel.add(resource, typePredicate, nodeShape);



I am afraid I don't see a problem with the current behaviour, and would shy away from making changes to the GraphQL semantics as this would impact users that rely on the current implementation.

Do you have a specific suggestion on how I should update the documentation to better reflect the current situation?

In general, is there a more precise definition of the mutations - for example 
by means of an equivalent SPARQL query ?

See source code above :)


Thank you in advance

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