Question about Symbol Customization in Edge Linked Data Visualization(Point and line )

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Maryam Sajjadian

Jun 12, 2024, 9:25:38 AMJun 12
to TopBraid Suite Users
Hi Holger,

I am a GIS expert and use Edge for Linked Data.
I find EDG little bit difficult to use for map visualization.
I have a short question here, I have points and line objects and I want for example to change their symbol to rectangle or circle for point  and line to dash, is it possible on Edge?
I found this link but not helpful:

I have tried different vocabularies for example for ambulance center and still, I could not realized fully how ?
here my example:
 a geosparql_cookbook_schema:Ambulance ;
 tbgeo:fillColor "green" ;
 tbgeo:fillColor "point" ;
 tbgeo:fillOpacity 0.05 ;
 tbgeo:fillPattern "solid" ;
 tbgeo:symbolSize 20 ;
 rdfs:label "WitteKruis" 

I want to have another symbol instead of default location.
Do you have a suggestion?
Thanks a lot for your help in advance,
Kind regards,

Holger Knublauch

Jun 13, 2024, 2:13:23 AMJun 13
to 'Luis Enrique Ramos García' via TopBraid Suite Users
Hi Maryam,

from the supported properties, have you tried tbgeo:symbolPath?

a sh:PropertyShape ;
sh:path tbgeo:symbolPath ;
sh:datatype xsd:string ;
sh:description "For Points, this may specify the SVG Path to render the marker on a map, e.g. \"M -20 -10 L 20 -10 L 20 10 L -20 10 L -20 -10\" for a rectangle." ;
sh:group tbgeo:MapRenderingPropertyGroup ;
sh:name "symbol path" ;

(The definition of the above is from the file tbgeo.shapes.ttl).

Note it says it's only supported for points, not lines.


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Maryam Sajjadian

Jun 13, 2024, 5:09:54 AMJun 13
to TopBraid Suite Users
Hi  Holger ,

ja, it works now, Thanks!
Kind regards,

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