I was looking into slm. Several websites refer (tutorials and learning material) to www.sparqlmotion.org, which appears to be no longer active.Does anyone know whether I am simply using the wrong link?Thanks
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Change: TBS-4854: Workflow templates now support a new mechanism to implement side effects of workflow transitions.
See the class teamwork:WorkflowStatusScript as the starting point.
We have marked the previous mechanisms teamwork:WorkflowAction/teamwork:stateEntryAction,
teamwork:CommitRules and teamwork:StatusChangeRules as deprecated and plan to remove their support
in a future release. Please migrate your customized workflows to the new architecture and
let TopQuadrant know if you have concerns about this deprecation.
To view this discussion on the web visit https://groups.google.com/d/msgid/topbraid-users/2e0603e0-4112-441f-95b8-d4dc73a0c417n%40googlegroups.com.