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Sho Journet

Feb 23, 2012, 1:55:22 PM2/23/12
to tonecl...@googlegroups.com
Randy, I believe you're the group moderator; I have, not a JCO question but a technical one.

Sometimes I get posts to the group in my e- mail, sometimes not.

That's okay, I can come here and check .
But worse, I wrote a long, heartfelt message to Shifteh from Iran, hit " post " and got a message: "Error in posting reply " ........ AND IT WENT AWAY !!!!

It went right away.

And even worse still, it was the second time...I'd reconstructed said message when my kitten, Baby Nala, walked across my iPhone in mid- type.

Sorry, Shifteh, I'll get back to you.
It's all good.

Maybe it's, um, operator trouble on my end, but I'm wondering....

Do you guys usually post from the message board, ie. " Reply ", or directly from your e- mail?


Sent from my iPhone

Randy Souther

Feb 23, 2012, 7:11:25 PM2/23/12
to tonecl...@googlegroups.com
Hi Shoshanna,

Sorry that has been happening to you. I haven't heard of this problem before.

I post via my email, and my feeling is that most others do so as well.


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Jane Ward

Feb 24, 2012, 5:10:38 PM2/24/12
to tonecl...@googlegroups.com
I post using email. Occasionally I will post directly on the forum. I don't have a smart phone, so I don't know about that.
Jane Ward
Lewistown, Illinois

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