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Tolly plans, pictures and/or drawings

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Glen Ketchum

Nov 5, 2019, 9:12:30 PM11/5/19
to Tollycraft Boating Club Forum
Hi all,
We have a 1973 40' Tolly Tri cabin. We live aboard on Vancouver island and love our little (home) boat. The only trouble is she is getting dated and is needing some upgrades. Specifically the aft cabin with it's two bunks separated by the door to the transom.
I am looking for ideas on how to enlarge the stbd berth and eliminate the port one making more of an owners cabin. On the port side I would like to build some lockers and perhaps incorporate a clothes washing machine. We would block off the windows on the port side to accomplish this. (A couple of considerations are that we have the original Chrysler 440 exhausts and water tanks under each berth.)
Our boat seems to be a less produced model or at least I'm finding it difficult to get drawings, plans, pictures or anything that would help. Do any of you good people have any leads for me?
Glen and Daisy
MV Serrano II


Nov 11, 2019, 2:01:09 AM11/11/19
to Tollycraft Boating Club Forum
I think Tollycraft made a fair number of the 40' tricabin, obviously not as many as the smaller boats like the 26 obviously.   Our 79' has a single double berth on the starbord, it could be made wider, say a queen width (not length).  I've seen them with crosswise queens retrofitted but personally I don't like crosswise berths in a boat since it seems you're always listing a bit one way or the other.

Our boat it was built with a desk/vanity on the port. It makes for a very roomy and nice master.  However I think this could be shortened to add a washer/dryer unit just aft of the hanging locker (assuming it's a combined Euro sized unit).  All of them have the 'tunnel' for the exhaust piping.  

 I'm not sure why  you'd want to get rid of the windows.  In many of the boats we looked at before buying the Tollycraft, one of the problems was the 'dark hole' after cabin with poor natural light.   


Glen Ketchum

Nov 11, 2019, 11:06:05 PM11/11/19
to Tollycraft Boating Club Forum
Thanks for the comments. I was thinking fewer 40's were made because of a lack of listings on sites like yachtworld. (Im sure it's just that my boat is so awesome that they never come up for sale) There are lots of Tollys where I'm at but they are all newer and bigger so they don't have the same walk through aft cabin.
I would love to see pictures or a rough drawing of your aft cabin layout. Mostly just to get a sense of proportion.
As for blocking the windows, well at this point I was thinking of adding a stern window where the berth is to help compensate for potentially losing the port windows. Comments and thoughts on this idea are welcome too!
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