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Chine Slap

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Aug 22, 2019, 10:13:54 AM8/22/19
to Tollycraft Boating Club Forum
OK heres a strange one.   We recently purchased our 1970 40' tricabin to replace the old wooden cruiser that I grew up on.  While we love the Tolly it has one problem I didn't expect and that is the immense amount of noise in the forward cabin (and transmitting through the boat) from waves slapping on the chine rail at anchor when there is wave action.   Our son was unable to sleep up front due to this.   We're used to a heavy wooden boat with round bilges - so no noise at anchor from waves at all.   Has anyone found a solution other than ear plugs?   I've read on the Nordic Tug forum of some filling the chine just where it crosses the waterline - this would eliminate the flat area that catches the waves and causes the slap, but this does change the hull form in that area (~12").   Has anyone found a solution that doesn't entail FG work?

Mark Barrett

Aug 22, 2019, 11:54:15 PM8/22/19
to Tollycraft Boating Club Forum
The noise issue makes sense.  This week, I began doing research on insulating my engine compartment for noise.  Your post reminds me of the noise I hear in the bow area, fiberglass slapping the water when underway.  I am do have access to the hull in various locations in the bow area through compartments and am thinking now of adding sound dampening insulation to this area as well.  Noise is fatiguing for sure, the quieter the better especially when trying to sleep.  
I have found several places on line that sell, sound insulation.  Even our own Fisheries Supply in Seattle sells it. 
I would think it better to insulate with bow area with 1" marine sound insulations to the entire compartment if you can get to it. 
I think that is what I am going to do.  
Good use with it, let us know how it works out.   
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