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48 tolly windows rebuild/new

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Aug 26, 2019, 8:29:31 PM8/26/19
to Tollycraft Boating Club Forum
like to take to anyone that has rebuild windows on a 48' how they did them and how did they come out.who supplies parts.also like to talked to anyone that just went with new,.any info would be helpful.(i'm stuck)I got leaks and I need to get going on this.I'd like some emails on this but would  also like to talk to anyone,.if anybody still talks on a phone.

thanks Bruce Ryan Fort Myers Fl  239-910-2470



Dean Smiley

Aug 27, 2019, 6:37:17 PM8/27/19
to Tollycraft Boating Club Forum
Hi Bruce,

We had our windows sealed rather than replaced. Super happy with the work. Mark Rodriguez from A-1 Glass (360-708-2977) did the work. We paid around $5K for all windows. The frame is sealed to the fiberglass on all windows and port glass, and the inside of the windshield is a hand formed gasket that seals the glass to the frame. We have an 1988 34 Tolly. I realize we are a long way from Florida, but possible Mark could point you to someone down there that does the same. 

Hal Read

Aug 28, 2019, 9:17:10 AM8/28/19
to Tollycraft Boating Club Forum
Bruce. I have 1988, 44CPMY. I did my own. Need a helper but not to difficult. Bounty marine supplied new rubber and felt. Disassembled all parts are had a local power coater sand blast and coat. Reinstalled, lot of time required, little messy caulking but worth it. I didn’t do the 3 front because I want to replace them with the new style when I get home.
Hal 386-314-1055
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