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Rachel Richardson

May 14, 2013, 3:51:39 PM5/14/13
to Beth Frisinger, Bob Krompak, Brian Zelip, Curt & Allie Osmun, Emily Rippe, Independent Advocates, Copsey, Jason, Belt, Jeni A., Kelly McGilvery, Kimberly Adams, Kristin Kiser, Michael Miller, mike szuberla, Nathan Mattimoe, Pam Burson, Sarah Ottney, sj,,, Wayne North
Dear Friend and Supporter of Art Corner Toledo (ACT), 

Art Corner Toledo (ACT) is looking forward to a very busy spring and summer with several murals set to be painted in UpTown and The Old West End.  In an effort to keep  budgets down and  ensure that the majority of money raised for each project ultimately goes to paying local artists' salaries (putting Toledoans to work and boosting the local creative industry), WE NEED PAINT AND MATERIALS!  EXTERIOR LATEX paint donations are now being accepted, collected, and appreciated.  Please contact Rachel Richardson to arrange for drop off at the storage space at 1209 Adams Street.  ACT is grateful for all donations, but PLEASE be mindful of the condition of the paint.  No half inches of hardened paint at the bottom of the can, please! We can also make use of clean brushes, rollers, and drop cloths. And a special need for outdoor murals is primer and sealants.  Thank you, in advance, for helping ACT achieve its mission of promoting Toledo as a city full of artists and activists by creating works of public art depicting how we improve our corner of the world.  

With much gratitude, 

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