Today in Mormon History - Jun 18

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Jun 18, 2024, 12:28:30 PMJun 18
On this day in Mormon History

-- 190 years ago today - Jun 18, 1834 --

Outside of Richmond, Missouri. On the Zion's Camp march, Joseph Smith was in poor health and had no provisions, but he managed to travel 17 miles before eating. (1)

-- 180 years ago today - Jun 18, 1844 --

Joseph Smith says the Holy Ghost is waiting to take a body like Jesus Christ and the Gods before him. (2)

Joseph proclaims martial law in the city of Nauvoo. The Legion and the police force are ordered out, and the 5,000 men of the Nauvoo Legion line up close to the Mansion House. Joseph stands on the top of the frame of the building in full uniform to address them, which he does for an hour and a half. This is his last public oration. He notes that the Saints are innocent of the charges that are being put against them. But he says that as American citizens, it is time to stand up for their rights. He draws his sword and raises it to heaven and says, "I call God and angels to witness that I have unsheathed my sword with a firm and unalterable determination that this people shall have their legal rights, and be protected from mob violence, or my blood shall be spilt upon the ground like water, and my body consigned to the silent tomb. . . . I do not regard my own life. I am ready to be offered a sacrifice for this people; for what can our enemies do? Only kill the body, and theirpower
is then at an end. Stand firm, my friends; never flinch. Do not seek to save our lives, for he that is afraid to die for the truth, will lose eternal life." (3)

-- 180 years ago today - Jun 18, 1844 (Tuesday Afternoon) --

Joseph Smith to the Nauvoo Legion his Last adress in which he called for all philanthropic men from Main to the Rocky Mountains & from the East & the west & from the North & the south to the help of this people also he cursed the Mob.—with thunder & lightning & the sword plague Earthquakes & pestilence & devouring fire. (4)

-- 165 years ago today - Jun 18, 1859 --

"Prest. Young told Br. [Jacob] Hamblin that as soon as a court of Justice could be held, so that men could be heard without the inflence of the military he should advise men accused to come forward and demand trial on the charges preferred against them for the Mountain Meadows massacre." Hamblin (who did not participate in the massacre) refers to this conversation when he testifies at the trial of John D. Lee in 1876. (5)

-- 140 years ago today - Jun 18, 1884 --
[John Nicholson to Lorenzo Snow, June 18, 1884]
.... Applications are, as you are aware, being constantly made for the privilege of having women sealed to their husbands who have heretofore been sealed to other men who were not their husbands. Similar applications are being made in the cases of sealing children to parents who have heretofore been sealed to men who were not their natural fathers. I have been unofficially informed that when such cases are pla[i]n, and when the applications are in harmony with the teachings given at the last April Conference, the rule in the Temple should be to proceed without application to President [Wilford] Woodruff. If this be the decision of the First Presidency, I would be obliged if I could be so informed officially by the placing of a plain "yes" or "no" upon this sheet. [Written in pencil:] yes, W[ilford] Woodruff (6)

-- 135 years ago today - Jun 18, 1889 --
[Wilford Woodruff to Phineas W. Cook, June 18, 1889]
I have received your letter of the 11th inst., in which you speak of another ordinance in addition to the second anointing, which might be given at some future time in an upper room. You have received all the ordinances which we administer. The ordinance to which you refer is one between yourself and your family, and which doubtless was explained to you when you received your second anointing. Your wife who is dead, and who, you say, was a faithful woman, can receive her second anointing. One of your other wives can act for her. Those who died out of the Church, and who have been sealed to you since, need not at the present time receive this ordinance. We do not administer it to those who are in this condition. As to the ordinance connected with the rod, we know nothing of that. You will have to wait for awhile or until we meet Aaron. Of course, your present living wives, if they are worthy and can obtain recommendations from the Bishop, can receive the ordinance of second
anointing, whenever it will be convenient to you and to them. (6)

-- 110 years ago today - Jun 18, 1914; Thursday --

President Lyman reported that on Monday the Twelve heard the case of Bro[ther]. Donald McGregor, who had entered into an unlawful and unauthorized marriage. As he answered every question without hesitation, and as they felt he had been sincerely misled, they did not feel like excommunicating him, but disfellowshipped him; also for the further reason that he had entered into this marriage before any who had done likewise had been dealt with on their standing in the Church. the Twelve also met on Wednesday to further consider the case of [Apostle] M[atthias]. F. Cowley, in view of recent reports about him. After due consideration the Council decided that no further action could be taken in his case. (7)

-- 65 years ago today - Thu Jun 18, 1959 --
[David O. McKay Office Journal]
[At Temple Council meeting] Since Elder Marion G. Romney is leaving soon to tour the European Missions, he inquired regarding the counsel he should give to the Saints in Europe regarding their emigrating to this country so I gave the following instructions to him: There is no command regarding this matter, but we wish the people to build up the branches where they live so that those who never can get away from those countries over there will be built up spiritually, and receive their temple endowments and all blessings they could obtain if they were to come here. . . . The same condition exists in South Africa where an entire generation of men and women had never even seen a member of the Council of the Twelve. I think we should have a temple there some day. It is a long way for these people to go to a temple and the distances are great in that country and under present conditions they are obliged to live and die without having the blessings of the Temple and realize the
significance of them. (8)

1 - BYU Studies Journal, volume 46, no. 4: A Chronology of the Life of Joseph Smith,
2 - Tidd, N. R., "Mormon Chronology, Rev 01 Volume 01"
3 - Conkling, Christopher J., Joseph Smith Chronology
4 - William Clayton Diary -Words of Joseph Smith, 383
5 - The Mormon Hierarchy - Extensions of Power by D. Michael Quinn, [New Mormon History database ( )]
6 - Anderson, Devery; The Development of LDS Temple Worship, 1846-2000: A Documentary History,
7 - First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve minutes
8 - McKay, David O., Office Journal

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