Today in Mormon History - May 25

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May 25, 2024, 12:24:56 PMMay 25
On this day in Mormon History

-- 205 years ago today - May 25, 1819 --

The Weekly Visitor publishes about Cochran and his concepts of Spiritual Wifery (1)

-- 180 years ago today - May 25, 1844 --

Joseph learns that two indictments have been sworn out against him. William Law has charged Joseph with polygamy; Robert D. Foster and Joseph H. Jackson have charged him with false swearing. The high council in Nauvoo begins its counterattack against those attacking the character of Joseph Smith. They publish the sworn testimony of four Nauvoo women who claim that "Chauncey L. Higbee had brought about their ruin by deceit" by seducing them with the supposed approval and authorization of Joseph Smith. "The character of Chauncey L. Higbee is so infamous, and his exertions such as to destroy every principle of righteousness, that forbearance is no longer a virtue." Sidney Rigdon resigns the office of postmaster of Nauvoo and recommends Joseph Smith as his successor. (Apparently Joseph had been pressuring Sidney to resign ever since their disagreement the previous year in which Joseph charged him with corresponding and conspiring with John C. Bennett against Joseph.. He had also
suspected Sidney, as postmaster, of reading—and not delivering—some of Joseph's personal mail.) (2)

While Joseph Smith keeps "out of the way of expected arrests from Carthage" for perjury and polygamy, the Council of Fifty "made arrangements to have" Joseph installed as postmaster for Nauvoo "and have control of the post office."

-- 165 years ago today - May 25, 1859 --

- "Major Carleton, of the first dragoons. In a despatch to the assistant adjutant-general at San Francisco, dated Mountain Meadows, May 25, 1859, he says: 'A Pah Ute chief of the Santa Clara band, named Jackson, who was one of the attacking party, and had a brother slain by the emigrants from their corral by the spring, says that orders came down in a letter from Brigham Young that the emigrants were to be killed; and a chief of the Pah Utes, named Touche, now living on the Virgin River, told me that a letter from Brigham Young to the same effect was brought down to the Virgin River band by a man named Huntingdon.' A copy of the major's despatch will be found in the Hand-book of Mormonism, 67-9. Cradlebaugh says that after the attack had been made, one of the Indians declared that a white man came to their camp with written orders from Brigham to 'go and help to whip the emigrants.' " (3)

-- 135 years ago today - May 25, 1889 --

Wilford Woodruff writes to George Terry (Shoshone chief and Mormon Elder): "We fully expect that the Lamanites . . . will receive many manifestations in the last days . . . It is probable that they will receive the ministrations of perhaps the three Nephites.... But the description which you give to the narration of these Indians who have seen these supernatural things, does not inspire us with much confidence. Great care has to be taken not to allow a wrong spirit to prevail among those people for their tendency, as we understand, is to accept alleged supernatural manifestations with a great deal of credulity." Terry had written Woodruff that "the Lord is working amongst them and has sent heavenly messengers, and that great events are about to take place."

-- 130 years ago today - May 25, 1894 --
[Apostle Heber J. Grant Diary]
I do not know how to be thankful anough for the change that has come to the people in plural marriage, for the better. When I think of how I had to visit [his plural wife] Gusta, when she was in Provo at the time Mary was born and also before that event and that I can now have liberties which I hardly dared hope for, my heart is full and running over with thanks to my Father in Heaven for His goodness to and mine. (4)

First Counselor George Q. Cannon, at the request of President Wilford Woodruff, signs a recommend for a post-manifesto plural marriage for Hattie Merrill, daughter of Apostle Marriner W. Merrill, president of the Logan Temple, and and John W. Barnett. The marriage is solemnized in the Logan Temple on Jul 16.

-- 110 years ago today - May 25, 1914; Monday --

I read the minutes which I kept in a book of the proceedings of the Council of Twelve in 1909 in our examinations of people relative to new cases of Plural marriage and turned the book over to Pres[ident]. Francis M. Lyman. I discontinued keeping minutes of those investigation meetings when Geo[rge].. J. Cannon was called in to take a stenographic record of same. (5)

-- 105 years ago today - May 25, 1919 --

At Salt Lake temple testimony meeting, several reort that during recent weeks they saw Heber J. Grant transfigured into appearance of deceased Joseph F. Smith.

At a Salt Lake temple testimony meeting, several report that during the recent weeks they saw Heber J. Grant transfigured into the appearance of the deceased Joseph F. Smith. (6)

1 - Exploring Mormonism: Polygamy Timeline,
2 - Conkling, Christopher J., Joseph Smith Chronology
3 - "History of Utah," p. 561; Exploring Mormonism: Mountain Meadows Massacre Timeline,
4 - Diary of Heber J. Grant,
5 - George F. Richards, Diary
6 - The Mormon Hierarchy - Extensions of Power by D. Michael Quinn, [New Mormon History database ( )]
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