Today in Mormon History - Jun 25

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Jun 25, 2024, 11:03:32 AMJun 25
On this day in Mormon History

-- 190 years ago today - Jun 25, 1834 --
[Zion's Camp]
Camp splits into small groups and are taken in by brethren living in the area. Joseph writes Col. Thornton, and attorneys Doniphan and Atchison, "to quiet the prejudices and fears of some part of the citizens of this county, we have concluded that our company shall be immediately dispersed, and continue so. till every effort for an adjustment of differences between us and the people of Jackson has been made on our part, that would in any wise be required of us by disinterested men of republican principle." (1)

-- 185 years ago today - Jun 25, 1839 --
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal]
.... Orson Hide was one of the number, & a more humble & penitant man I never saw, & well he might be for in the time of the persecution in Zion or far west, he deserted the Cause, denyed the faith & betrayed his brethren, & assisted Thomas B. Marsh (the president of the Twelve Apostles) in jeperdizing the lives of Joseph & his Council & the whole church in Zion & the blood of the whole of them would have been shed if they had not been spared by the immediate hand of God. Brother Hide for several months past has had a deep scense of his high handed wickedness & the horrors of hell has roll'd oer his soul even to the wasting of his flesh & he has now humbled himself in the dust desiring to return to the Church.

The manner that O. Hide & T. B Marsh Jepopardized the Church was by bearing fals testimony against the presidency & the Church before the authorities of the State of Missouri which was a leading Cause of the Governour's calling out thirty thousand of the Militia against the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints ... (2)

-- 180 years ago today - Jun 25, 1844 --

.... 3:00 P.M. Joseph asks several military officers if they think he looks like a desperate character. They answer that they cannot see into his heart. He replies, "Very true, gentlemen, you cannot see what is in my heart, and you are therefore unable to judge me. . . . I can see what is in your hearts, and will tell you what I see. I can see that you thirst for blood, and nothing but my blood will satisfy you. It is not for crime of any description that I and my brethren are thus continually persecuted. . . . You and the people thirst for blood, I prophesy, in the name of the Lord, that you shall witness scenes of blood and sorrow to your entire satisfaction. Your souls shall be perfectly satiated with blood, and many of you who are now present shall have an opportunity to face the cannon's mouth from sources you think not of. . . . They shall seek for peace, and shall not be able to find it. Gentlemen, you will find what I have told you to be true."...

5:00 P.M. Bail is set at $500 each ($7,500 total). The Saints claim that the judge is trying to set bail at a higher amount than they can afford, but the amount is paid, and the defendants are freed.

8:00 P.M. Constable Bettisworth arrives with a mittimus, a warrant committing Joseph and Hyrum to jail on a charge of treason (a different charge from the one for which they had paid bail). Joseph's lawyers, Reid and Woods, argue that such an order without a preliminary investigation or a possibility of paying bail is illegal. Woods requests that he be given time to appeal the order to Gov. Ford. Bettisworth says he will wait five minutes.

9:00 P.M. Woods returns from Gov. Ford, saying that Ford has told him that an executive cannot interfere in a civil judicial process; therefore he will not intervene. Robert F. Smith, who issued the illegal mittimus, is also a captain of the Carthage Greys ... Captain Dunn and 20 men escort Joseph and Hyrum together with Willard Richards, John Taylor, John P. Greene, StephenMarkham, and four others to jail. (3)

The general of the Carthage militia signs a secret order for a military attack against Nauvoo, with the march of forces to begin at Golden's Point at 2 p.m., Jun 27, 1844. In Carthage, Joseph Smith is charged with "crime of treason against the government and people of the State of Illinois aforesaid."

-- 160 years ago today - Jun 25, 1864 (Afternoon) --
[Brigham Young Sermon]
.... The first cotton we raised in the region we call our '"Dixie'" cost us about $3.65 a pound; we proved that cotton could be raised there. The next season it cost $1.84, and the next season about 70 cents, and that is the way we proved to the people that we could raise cotton. The experiment cost us thousands of dollars, but now we have cotton. They have shipped cotton to California. We sent some to the States to show that we could raise cotton here, and it sold for some 70 cents a pound, not so much as it would have brought if it had arrived a few days earlier. We now have some cotton factories in operation... I now have machinery sufficient to keep thirty-five power looms going, and I wish I had them; but this will not supply the Territory. ... If we go to work and manufacture for ourselves, we can stop the continual drain upon us through purchasing the articles of clothing which we require. It has been said '"Cotton is king.'" (4)

-- 140 years ago today - Jun 25, 1884 --
[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal]
25 I held a Council with Brother Richards in the forenoon. Attended Council in the Afternoon and went to the Theater in the Evening. 24 [Note: text in angled brackets are coded in shorthand]. (2)

1 - Kenney, Scott, Saints Without Halos, "Mormon History 1830-1844,"
2 - Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993,
3 - Conkling, Christopher J., Joseph Smith Chronology
4 - Journal of Discourses, Liverpool, England, 1853-86. 10:332-334; Deseret News. Also Deseret Evening News, Deseret News Weekly, Deseret News Semi- Weekly, and Deseret News Extra, Salt Lake City as quoted in The Complete Discourses of Brigham Young, Ed. Richard S. Van Wagoner, Smith-Pettit Foundation, Salt Lake City (2009),

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