Today in Mormon History - May 21

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May 21, 2024, 12:19:16 PMMay 21
On this day in Mormon History

-- 190 years ago today - May 21, 1834 --

Heber C. Kimball writes: "I would here remark that notwithstanding so many threats were thrown out against us, we did not fear, nor hesitate to proceed on our journey, for God was with us, and angels went before us, and we had no fear of either men or devils. This we knew because they (the angels) were seen."

-- 180 years ago today - May 21, 1844 (Tuesday) --

Apostles Brigham Young, Heber C. Kimball and Lyman Wight, and about a hundred other Elders, left Nauvoo, Ill., on political missions to the East. Apostles Wilford Woodruff and Geo. A. Smith and others had left on the 9th. (1)

-- 180 years ago today - May 21, 1844 --

Lyman Wight: Given "white [seer?] stone" by Joseph Smith Jr. and ordained to be like Moses (between 14-21 May 1844) (2)

-- 170 years ago today - May 21, 1854 --
[Brigham Young Sermon]
.... We shall have to mingle this people [American Indians] until the whole house of Israel is gathered together and even the ten tribes come again to the earth and inhabit the land given to their fathers. We have a considerable pill to swallow but it is so. I am sure there are women present who have spoken in tongues that they would have to go among the Lamanites and instruct them to sew, to knit, to wash and perform all domestic works. ... (3)

-- 140 years ago today - May 21, 1884 --
[Apostle Heber J. Grant Diary]
[At Logan temple] A number of Batisms [sic] then followed for the living and dead, among the number was my mother, she was baptized seven times for her health and hearing. Prests Taylor and Cannon, Apostles Erastus Snow, Moses Thatcher and H.J. Grant confirmed mother. Prest Geo. Q. Cannon being mouth. Bishop David Cannon of Saint George officiated in baptizing. I never felt better in my life than while assisting in my mother's confirmation, and I am free to confess that as near as I can judge the testimony of the spirit it was that her hearing should be restored to her. (4)

[Apostle Wilford Woodruff Journal]
21 I went to the Temple. M[arriner]. W. Merrill was Apointed & ordained & set apart to Preside over the Logan Temple. Presidet Taylor was Mouth. ... The first Baptisms in the Logan Temple was administered By David Cannon. F. D. Richards was the first Baptized for his health and the renewal of his Covenants. He was Confirmed By John Taylor & G Q Cannon. Sister Rachael Grant was Baptized for her hearing seven times. Many Endowmets were given during the day. Quite a Number of the young Brethren had a wife sealed to them among the number M F. Cowley.

Presidet Taylor officiated in sealing a wife to two of his Sons. W Woodruff gave 2d Anointing to Wm B Preston and wives and to L John Nuttall wife & 2 dead. J D T McAllister gave 2d Anointing to C O Card & wife. D H Wells sealed 19 Couple & J Taylor 2 & 9 Sealings for the Dead. (5)

-- 125 years ago today - Sunday, May 21, 1899 --
[Apostle Rudger Clawson Diary]
7 p.m. Priesthood meeting in the tabernacle. Pres. [Christian D.] Fjeldsted ... spoke against mask balls.... (6)

-- 125 years ago today - May 21, 1899 --

Margaret Cullen Geddes, widow of William S. Geddes who died ten years previously gives birth to a baby boy. Margaret is charged by local Mormon authorities in Plain City, Utah, with adultery. During the hearing before the bishopric, Margaret steadfastly refuses to give the name of the child's father, despite threats of excommunication. At this point, David Eccles, the child's secret father, who had taken Margaret as a plural wife the previous year, contacts George F. Gibbs, secretary to the First Presidency of the church. Eccles asks Gibbs to request that President Lorenzo Snow order Mormon leaders in Plain City to withdraw their charges. President Snow sends a letter to the Plain City bishopric telling them to accept Margaret's statements as sufficient, forgiving her with no further requirement. President Snow also advised that Eccles and Margaret move to Mexico. Thereupon, local church authorities dropped the case.

-- 120 years ago today - May 21, 1904 --

DESERET SEMI-WEEKLY NEWS prints an essay against the idea of women in the workplace which claims, "The woman wage earner is under one aspect an object of charity, under another an economic pervert, under another a social menace." The NEWS concludes: "Women themselves are beginning to see a light, in which they may better appreciate their mission on earth."

-- 70 years ago today - May 21, 1954 --
[David O. McKay diary, May 21, 1954] At a meeting of the Salt Lake Temple Presidency with President [David O.] McKay[,] the following matters were discussed: Adoptions: Seal children of divorced couple (children not born under covenant) to the parent having legal custody & to companion of that parent without formality of legal adoption to the parent's companion. It was suggested by President [El Ray] Christiansen that [the] adoption ceremony seems incomplete and unsatisfactory. Matter taken under advisement by President McKay. Marriage: If marriage is to be deferred more than a week after couple goes to temple, the groom should not take the bride through the veil until they come for marriage. Going from Room to Room: Approval given by President McKay for men and women in passing from room to room to go together in double file. (7)

-- 65 years ago today - May 21, 1959 --
[David O. McKay Office Journal]
President McKay did not return to the office--was very shocked to learn that Sister Richards has suffered a mild heart attack--the shock of losing her husband has been too much for her. (8)

Executive committee of Church Board of Education discusses "the growing problem in our society of homosexuality." Spencer W. Kimball reports that David O. McKay has said "that in his view homosexuality was worse than heterosexual immorality; that it is a filthy and unnatural habit."

-- 55 years ago today - May 21, 1969 --

First Presidency letter allows LDS servicemen in Vietnam to dye the regular, one-piece, temple garment to match green color of military-issue underwear.

1 - Jenson, Andrew, Church Chronology
2 - Quinn, D. Michael, The Mormon Hierarchy: Origins of Power, Appendix 6, Biographical Sketches of General Officers of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1830-47,
3 - The Complete Discourses of Brigham Young, Ed. Richard S. Van Wagoner, Smith-Pettit Foundation, Salt Lake City (2009),
4 - Diary of Heber J. Grant,
5 - Wilford Woodruff's Journal: 1833-1898 Typescript, Volumes 1-9, Edited by Scott G. Kenney, Signature Books 1993,
6 - Stan Larson (editor), A Ministry of Meetings: The Apostolic diaries of Rudger Clawson, Signature Books in association with Smith Research Associates, Salt Lake City, 1993,
7 - Anderson, Devery; The Development of LDS Temple Worship, 1846-2000: A Documentary History,
8 - McKay, David O., Office Journal
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May 21, 2024, 12:19:19 PMMay 21
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