Today in Mormon History - May 24

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May 24, 2024, 1:34:26 PMMay 24
On this day in Mormon History

-- 195 years ago today - about May 24, 1829 --
Susquehanna River, Pennsylvania. A short time after Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery received the Aaronic Priesthood, the Melchizedek Priesthood was also conferred upon them by the ancient Apostles Peter, James, and John along the banks of the Susquehanna, (1)

-- 185 years ago today - May 24, 1839 --
[Brigham Young]
--24-- I walked out with five others of the Twelve to the prairie, visited many mounds and the grave of a Lamanite chief. (2)

-- 180 years ago today - May 24, 1844 --
[Alexander Neibaur First Vision account]
.... Br[other] Joseph tolt us the first call he had a Revival Meeting his Mother & Br[other] & Sist[er] got Religion, he wanted to get Religion too wanted to feel & sho shout like the Rest but could feel nothing, opened his Bible f the first Passage that struck him was if any man lack Wisdom let him ask of God who giveth to all men liberallity & upbraidat not [James 1:5] went into the Wood to pray kneelt himself down his tongue was closet cleavet to his roof--could utter not a word, felt easier after a while--saw a fire towards heaven came near & nearer saw a personage in the fire light complexion blue eyes a piece of white cloth drawn over his shoulders his right arm bear after a wile a other person came to the side of the first Mr Smith then asked must I join the Methodist Church--No--they are not my People, sl [they] have gone astray there is none that doeth good no not one, but this is my Beloved son harken ye him, the fire drew nigher Rested upon the tree enveloped him [p. 1]
[page torn] comforted Indeavoured to arise but felt uncomen feeble--got into the house told the Methodist priest, said this was not a age for God to Reveal himself in Vision Revelation has ceased with the New Testament. . . . (3)

Joseph H. Jackson also swears out a writ against Joseph. Rockwell and Johnson reach Carthage to find that a jury has already been called for Joseph's case, and it is too late to change the warrant. (4)

May 24 [1844] called at J[oseph]: Smith 10 oc'l[oc]k foren[oon] [page torn] took Dinner after Dinner met the Sax & fox Indians Dancet their Waar Dany [dance]--24 called at Br[other] J[oseph]. S[mith] met Mr [Edward] Bonnie --Br[other] Joseph tolt us the first call he had a Revival Meeting his Mother & Br[other] & Sist[er] got Religion, he wanted to get Religion too wanted to feel & sho shout like the Rest but could feel nothing, opened his Bible f the first Passage that struck him was if any man lack Wisdom let him ask of God who giveth to all men liberallity & upbraidat not [James 1:5] went into the Wood to pray kneelt himself down his tongue was closet cleavet to his roof--could utter not a word, felt easier after a while--saw a fire towards heaven came near & nearer saw a personage in the fire light complexion blue eyes a piece of white cloth drawn over his shoulders his right arm bear after a wile a other person came to the side of the first Mr Smith then asked
must I join the Methodist Church--No--they are not my People, sl [they] have gone astray there is none that doeth good no not one, but this is my Beloved son harken ye him, the fire drew nigher Rested upon the tree enveloped him [p. 1] [page torn] comforted Indeavoured to arise but felt uncomen feeble--got into the house told the Methodist priest, said this was not a age for God to Reveal himself in Vision Revelation has ceased with the New Testament. . . . (3)

Telegraph introduced by Samuel Morse with first telegraphed message on ―lightening line from Baltimore, Maryland, to Congress in Washington, D. C. saying ―What hath God wrought? The introduction of the telegraph, was the first time in human history messages could travel faster than the fastest form of transportation. (5)

After Joseph Smith recounted his first vision experience to Neibaur, he continued and "told about Mr Wm [William] Law--wisht to be Married to his Wife [Jane] for Eternity[.] Mr Smith said [he] would Inquire of the Lord, Answered ["]no["] because Law was a Adultereous person."

Later, when William was not at home, Joseph reported that Jane invited him in, "she drawing her Arms around him [Joseph, said "]if you wont seal me to my husband Seal myself unto you.["] he Said ["]stand away["] & pushing her Gently aside giving her a denial & going out. when Mr Law came home he Inquired who had been in his Absence. she said no one but Br Joseph, he then demanded what had[pass[ed.] Mrs L[aw] then told Joseph wandet [wanted] her to be Married to him". (6)

-- 160 years ago today - May 24, 1864 --
[Brigham Young Sermon]
President Young said while speaking of the doctrine of the Plurality of wives that there were but few Elders in this Church that would receive the exaltation they were looking for. It would save a good many more women than men. There are but few men that Enter into it that keep the Law. (7)

-- 150 years ago today - May 24, 1874 --
[Brigham Young Sermon]
Brigham Young asked if members in school would live united order, two objected and were removed from school. -- Salt Lake City (7)

-- 145 years ago today - May 24, 1879 --

Apostles Brigham Young, Jr. and George Q. Cannon, as editors of DESERET NEWS, write concerning astrology: "It is quite probable that some planets exert a baneful and others a beneficial power on the earth and its inhabitants."

-- 130 years ago today - May 24, 1894 (Thursday) --
Davis County applied for an injunction to prevent "General" Smith's "Industrial army" from marching through the county. (8)

-- 125 years ago today - May 24, 1899; Wednesday --


-- 120 years ago today - May 24, 1904 (Tuesday) --

The Baptists in convention assembled at Cleveland, Ohio passed a resolution denouncing "Mormonism" and demanding the removal of Senator [apostle] Reed Smoot. (8)

-- 95 years ago today - May 24, 1929 --
[Joseph Fielding Smith]
Received long (38 pages) letter'rather insolent, from O K Meservy of St. Anthony in which he defended his views of 'pre-Adamites' and other foolish notions. (10)

-- 90 years ago today - May 24, 1934 --
[President Heber J. Grant Diary]
After lunch we read the communication from President Rudger Clawson making a recommendation by the Twelve that Elders should be ordained Seventies before they go on missions. We approved of their recommendation. The letter was also signed by Elder J. Golden Kimball. The proposition is that the Elders shall be trained a full year or more before they are called on missions, and made Seventies before they go. (11)

-- 80 years ago today - May 24, 1944 --

During World War II, the Church announces that it will restrict the calling of military-age men as bishops, freeing many for service in the war.

-- 45 years ago today - May 24, 1979-Thursday --
[Leonard Arrington]
Yesterday I had lunch with James, and Ida Smith, the director of the Women's Institute at BYU. ... Ida is obviously very intelligent, capable, and had excellent experience in dealing with people. Although she has presumably been active in the Church she has had the same feeling as many single women-sort of outside of things. She is honest, candid, politically astute, with the right attitudes about things. Her principal frustration now is how to get her findings-the findings of her Institute-to the right people, the General Authorities. There isn't any avenue for getting this to them. So far as objectives of the Church and women, she feels that the main thing is for the Lord to declare-the Church to declare-that women and men are equal-not the same but equal in standing before the Lord. I asked her if she would care to give some examples of symbolic gestures the Church might make to demonstrate that it does in fact accept women as equals. (She had stated that many women feel they're
not treated as equals.) I mentioned a variety of things: 1. Have a woman-say the president of the Relief Society-sit on the stand at General Conference. 2. Have a woman-say Barbara Smith or Elaine Cannon-speak in general conference. 3. Have the Relief Society president sit in on meetings of the [local ward] Bishopric. 4. Permit women to stand in the circle when their baby is being blessed. 5. Have a woman sit on the expenditures committee of the Church. 6. Resurrect the Relief Society Magazine so that women have their own magazine. She said any or all of those would help. The most important thing, she said, was to help the bishops get the message that women and men are equal in the sight of the Lord, and Church. The problem isn't with most General Authorities-the problem is with certain bishops, the message they get. She mentioned certain things, like the women's fireside. Why could they not call it a women's conference? The mothers' and daughters' meeting held in connection with
area conferences. What does that do for the large number of women, both young and old, who are not mothers? They do not feel welcome and they ought to be there. She mentioned that President [Spencer W.] Kimball has brought up in two or three of his last conference addresses the matter of the mother in heaven, but somehow or other this doesn't seem to go any further. In pioneer days women were regarded as separate but equivalent to the priesthood. Women were given charge of women's affairs-the Relief Society, Young Women, and Primary. But now there has to be a General Authority adviser over each, and women don't ever get access to the Twelve

[Apostles] or to the First Presidency. By the time their recommendations go through their priesthood adviser and then to the Twelve, it gets to the First Presidency in greatly diluted and altered form, so that they have no avenue for having direct contact with the people who make the basic decisions. She asked me who in the Quorum of the Twelve were people who would look sympathetically and favorably upon women's problems? I had to think a little while and finally I said Howard Hunter and LeGrand Richards in the Twelve, and Duff [Marion D.] Hanks, Paul Dunn, and Homer Durham in the 70s. She then asked me who in the Twelve would be least sympathetic. I told her I could answer that very easily and quickly with a lot of names, and I started to do so: Elder [Boyd K.] Packer, Elder [Ezra Taft] Benson, Elder [Mark E.] Petersen, Elder [L. Tom] Perry, ... She said Stop, you've proven my point already. So you see why it is difficult for us to do things that would be beneficial to
women? I asked her how she happened to be chosen for the institute position.. She said a few years ago she was in charge of a group in Palo Alto that invited [BYU] President [Dallin H.] Oaks to speak. He wasn't able to and he didn't do this sort of thing, but by some maneuvering they got an invitation for him to speak to BYU alumni in the San Francisco region. She said President Oaks told her in a subsequent letter that he was very impressed with her and would very much like to get her at BYU when the opportunity arose. Another input was from Marilyn Arnold, who had met her in some connection in Palo Alto. Anyway, she was surprised to be offered the position but feels that she is the right person for it, and that the Lord is pleased to have her there. (12)

-- 35 years ago today - May 24, 1989 --

Political terrorists kill Elders Jeffrey B. Ball and Todd R. Wilson in La Paz, Bolivia. They are first LDS missionaries to be killed for political reasons. FBI agent Mike McPheters, formerly LDS missionary in Bolivia, receives Bolivian national medal of honor for his successful investigation of Ball-Wilson murders.

-- 25 years ago today - May 24, 1999 --

Launch of Church-sponsored genealogy Web site (; site receives approximately 8. million hits per day. (5)

1 - BYU Studies Journal, volume 46, no. 4: A Chronology of the Life of Joseph Smith,
2 - Manuscript History of Brigham Young, 1801-1844, ed. Elden Jay Watson (Salt Lake City: Smith Secretarial Service, 1968).
3 - Alexander Neibaur, Journal, 24 May 1844, LDS Church Archives, Salt Lake City, Utah., as cited in Dan Vogel, Early Mormon Documents: Joseph Smith Recital To Alexander Neibaur
4 - Conkling, Christopher J., Joseph Smith Chronology
5 - Sherry Baker: Mormon Media History Timeline: 1827-2007,
6 - Journal of Alexander Neibaur, 24 May 1844, Church Archives, image available at
7 - The Complete Discourses of Brigham Young, Ed. Richard S. Van Wagoner, Smith-Pettit Foundation, Salt Lake City (2009),
8 - Jenson, Andrew, Church Chronology
9 - First Presidency and Quorum of the Twelve minutes
10 - Joseph Fielding Smith Diary, as quoted in Minutes of the Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1910-1951, Privately Published, Salt Lake City, Utah 2010
11 - Diary of Heber J. Grant,
12 - Confessions of a Mormon historian : the diaries of Leonard J. Arrington, 1971-1997, Gary James Bergera, editor, Signature Books, 2018
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May 24, 2024, 1:34:28 PMMay 24
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