Today in Mormon History - Jun 14

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Jun 14, 2024, 8:03:57 PMJun 14
On this day in Mormon History

-- 190 years ago today - Jun 14, 1834 --

(Zion's Camp) Two men are chased by "four suspicious fellows on horseback." Others ride throughout Jackson County yelling, "The Mormons are coming, the Mormons are coming!" and also setting fire to some houses. (1)

-- 180 years ago today - Jun 14, 1844 --

Joseph Smith writes a letter to Illinois governor Thomas Ford explaining the EXPOSITOR incident: "[T]he proprietors were a set of unprincipled, lawless debauchers, counterfeiters, bogus-makers, gamblers, peace-disturbers, . . . the City Council decided that it was necessary for the 'peace, benefit, good order and regulations' of said city, 'and for the protection of prosperity,' and for 'the happiness and prosperity of the citizens of Nauvoo,' that said Expositor should be removed, and declaring said Expositor a nuisance ordered the Mayor [Joseph Smith] to cause them to be removed without delay; which order was committed to the Marshal by due process, and by him executed the same day, by removing the paper, press and fixtures into the streets and burning the same; all which was done without riot, noise, tumult or confusion, . . ."

-- 180 years ago today - Jun 14, 1844. Friday. --
[William Clayton Journal]
A.M. conversing with a number of gentleman in the Bar room concerning the proceedings of our enemies. He [Joseph Smith] prophesied in the name of the Lord that if they did mob us it would be a precedent to come down upon their own heads with fury and vengeance. (2)

-- 150 years ago today - Jun 14, 1874 --
[Brigham Young Sermon]
I will say that I have left my wish in writing concerning the burial of my body when I die. I do not wish anybody to shed a tear for me, not my family nor anyone else. I want my body put in a California cedar coffin to keep my dust in, then carry me carefully to my grave, on my own land without any pomp or parade. I do think that it is a sin for the Latter-day Saints to go to so much expense as some of them are in the burial of their dead.... If the spirits of the dead were in this room they could see the face of the Lord, if he would permit it, but the wicked cannot see as the saints do... You go to a battle field where the ground has been strewn with the dead one hundred years after the battle and you will find it occupied with evil spirits as Heber C. Kimball did when he went to England to preach. All these old settled countries are full of evil spirits. For one third part of the host of heaven in the great rebellion were cast down to the earth and have remained here until this
day and they seek to enter in to the tabernacles of men where ever they can obtain admission and they rule over them and incite them to evil deeds. (3)

Apostle Orson Pratt: "God said, in the year 1832, before we were driven out of Jackson County, in a revelation ... that before that generation should all pass away, a house of the Lord should be built in that county.... This was given forty-two years ago. The generation then living was not only to commence a house of God in Jackson County, Missouri, but was actually to complete the same,... if you believe in these revelations you just as much expect the fulfillment of the revelation as of any one that God has ever given in these latter times,... we Latter-day Saints expect to return to Jackson County and to build a Temple there before the generation that was living forty-two years ago has all passed away. Well, then, the time must be pretty near when we shall begin the work." (See 1832 September 22, D&C 84:1-5,31,32) (4)

-- 75 years ago today - Jun 14, 1949 --
[David O. McKay Diary]
As I had no appointment this evening, decided to cut the lawn. Just as I was finishing this job, a tall young man, with lunch box in hand, came up to me. He held out his hand in some sort of a sign and said 'this is the sign of the Priesthood.' Sensing something wrong with him I immediately told him that I had an appointment and would not have time to talk to him. I think he is one of the 'Son's of Aaron' cult. I learned later that he had also called at Pres. Clark's home two or three times, and said that he had been in the Mental Hospital. This young man's name is Clark. (5)

-- 70 years ago today - Jun 14, 1954 --
[David O McKay Diary]
This morning at 8 o'clock, met with the Temple Committee, consisting of the Presidency, President Joseph Fielding Smith, Elders Harold B. Lee, and Spencer W. Kimball. I asked Howard McKean to present the proposed plan of preparing the present Temple rooms in the Salt Lake Temple to experiment upon the new plan of presenting the ordinances by use of screen and visual aids. It was decided that we can use the Assembly Room in the Temple to set up a stage to make the experiment without making important changes in the present rooms. (6)

-- 65 years ago today - Jun 14, 1959 --

Billy Casper is first LDS golfer to win U.S. Open, which he wins again in 1966. Casper is admitted to World Golf Hall of Fame in 1978 and to PGA Hall of Fame in 1982. In 1973 Johnny Miller is second Mormon golfer to win U.S. Open. Miller is first Mormon inducted into new College Golf Hall of Fame in 1974, and two years later is first Mormon to win British Open. Miller enters PGA Hall of Fame in 1996.

Billy Casper is the first LDS golfer to win the U.S. Open, which he wins again in 1966. Casper is admitted to the World Golf Hall of Fame in 1978 and to the PGA Hall of Fame in 1982. In 1973 Johnny Miller is the second Mormon golfer to win the U.S. Open. Miller is the first Mormon to win the British Open. Miller enters the PGA Hall of Fame in 1996. (7)

-- 50 years ago today - Jun 14, 1974 --

Stake names changed to reflect headquarters city and state or country. (8)

-- 50 years ago today - Jun 14, 1974-Friday --
[Leonard Arrington]
A week ago yesterday the Quorum of Twelve are reported to have discussed the question of royalties to the authors of the volumes of the sesquicentennial history. I made a report on the matter to Elders Hunter and McConkie, and I personally delivered it Tuesday. Presumably they read it before the meeting of the Quorum of Twelve yesterday. It is my understanding that the Quorum of Twelve yesterday, after some discussion of the matter, voted definitely to cancel the royalty provisions of the contract, and Jim Mortimer and myself should meet to agree on a fixed sum to be paid to each author as payment for his labor and as an inducement to surrender his contract for royalties to be paid in the future. Whether Elders McConkie and Hunter used any of the information I supplied in the discussion I do not know. I did hear that some person in the Quorum of Twelve had investigated some precedents on this. They reported at the meeting, for example, that James E. Talmage was not paid one cent of
royalty or money in lieu of royalty on Articles of Faith or Jesus the Christ. It was also reported that B. H. Roberts was not paid royalties or money in lieu of royalties for his six-volume Comprehensive History of the Church. Of course, both of these brothers were apostles37 of the Church and did all the work on Church time. Moreover, these volumes were published by the Church. In the case of Essentials of Church History Joseph Fielding Smith did receive and his heirs continue to do so. The same with Preston Nibley and his works, and the same with all other works including those authored by the First Presidency and other General Authorities. Jim Mortimer and I had a meeting this afternoon and we agreed to recommend that each author be offered a lump sum payment of $25,000 for his work in writing the volume in return for which he would surrender the contract. This payment would be made as follows: one-fourth at the time he completes the manuscript, one-fourth at the time the book
is published, one-fourth after one year of sales, and the final one-fourth after a second year of sales. Jim will write a letter to Elders Monson and McConkie as he had been directed presumably to be signed also by me. If they approve Jim and I agreed that we would write a joint letter with both our signatures to each of the sixteen authors. (9)

-- 40 years ago today - Jun 14, 1984 --

Nelda Karen Cotwell of Layton, Utah, is convicted, in Laredo, Texas, of conspiring to illegally bring Mexican infants into the United States and sell them. Following Cotwell's arrest in early February, several reports appeared in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram linking "a growing number of Mormons" to an "international adoption ring." In response, Don LeFevre, director of the LDS church's press relations, issues a statement warning that "privately arranged placement of any children without a licensed agency's sanction is frequently in violation of local or national law. Church officers or members should not be involved in such arrangements."

The Southern Baptist Convention passed a resolution against ordaining women in the Baptist Church. (10)

-- 35 years ago today - Jun 14, 1989 --

LDS missionaries and those of the Jehovah's Witnesses were expelled from Ghana, a western Africa nation where 6,000 Church members live. The Church had no advance notice of the ban. The LDS missionaries were able to return to Ghana in 1990. (11)

1 - Conkling, Christopher J., Joseph Smith Chronology
2 - George D. Smith, An Intimate Chronicle; The Journals of William Clayton, Signature Books in association with Smith Research Associates, Salt Lake City, 1995,
3 - The Complete Discourses of Brigham Young, Ed. Richard S. Van Wagoner, Smith-Pettit Foundation, Salt Lake City (2009),
4 - Journal of Discourses, vol. 17, p. 111, as quoted in The Last Days and December 1890 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ, y George D. Speer Sr., privately circulated
5 - David O. McKay Diary, as quoted in Minutes of the Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1910-1951, Privately Published, Salt Lake City, Utah 2010
6 - Anderson, Devery; The Development of LDS Temple Worship, 1846-2000: A Documentary History,
7 - The Mormon Hierarchy - Extensions of Power by D. Michael Quinn, [New Mormon History database ( )]
8 - Correlation Timeline, Compiled by Lisle Brown
9 - Confessions of a Mormon historian : the diaries of Leonard J. Arrington, 1971-1997, Gary James Bergera, editor, Signature Books, 2018
10 - Cline, Austin, History of American Religion: Timeline
11 - Church News: Historical Chronology of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints,

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