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Jun 12, 2009, 11:27:39 AM6/12/09
to ToCollege-net

I saw a comment in a previous post that "There was an error in
due to a change in the GWT AbstractSerializationStream class". I'm
assuming it's the same error I'm seeing ("The method
shouldEnforceTypeVersioning() is undefined...). Even though the
author (HH) indicated he'd solved that error, he unfortunately didn't
give any indication as to what he'd done. Has anyone reading this run
into that problem and, if so, can you describe how you got around it?
Right now this appears to be the last obstacle I need to overcome
before the code will compile.



Jun 12, 2009, 2:03:27 PM6/12/09
to ToCollege-net
Hey Ace,
Are you running GWT 1.6? I didn't think this was a problem until 1.6.

Either way, you might just try defining the method that it's looking
for. Let me know if that works. We could conceivably add it back if
that helps people avoid this.



Jun 12, 2009, 4:16:49 PM6/12/09
to ToCollege-net
Hey Ace,

ok, so if you just want to get running you can obviously switch to
1.5. If you want to try and upgrade ToCollege, I'd svn checkout the
GWT source code. Open the Google implementation of this class and see
what this method does. You may very well be able to just copy paste
that method in here. If that works, be sure to fork the the git repo
so others can benefit.



>Yes, I am using GWT 1.6.4. ok, I'm sure I could add it the method
>back in,
>but I'm going to need to find some information about what it's
>supposed to test.
>I assume the code must have been refactored so that there's a method
>some other object I need to call to determine the boolean. Or can I
>it just return a hardcoded true or false?
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