looking for maven archetype to construct the project from the ground

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Jul 3, 2009, 2:53:53 AM7/3/09
to ToCollege-net
Hello everybody,
I like a lot the book: "Pro web 2.0 app dev with gwt".
But what I would like is not only to have the code, but a step by step
way to construct it from the ground.
So Please anybody can make a maven archetype for the tocollege.net
example and make me know where I can download it; how I must use it
and tell to me what modifications I must give to the generated
pom.xml , what supplementary jars must be downloaded and installed
manually and so on... in order to setup the whole project and achieve
the same result ?
A very quickly response will be appreciate because we are in late.
Best regards,
PS: I'm using GWT 1.6 but GWT 1.5.6 will anyway be welcome


Jul 6, 2009, 3:27:14 PM7/6/09
to ToCollege-net
Hey Kwame,
Thanks for posting here instead of the blog.

I think your question is a bit of a tall order. I have experimented
with Maven Archetypes, but they're a pain in the butt to create and
I'm not sure it's worth it. If your looking for a more bare bones
framework, you might check out the AppFuse project. Then you might GWT-
ize it with the help of the ToCollege.net source.

As far as the basic install instructions, where are you? have you
tried, but are getting an error of some type?

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